Would it kill David to...

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Would it kill David to...

Post by spiritual_emergency »

acknowledge the redemption of his own feminine?

And the answer (as we all know) is that yes, it would.

Indeedy, indeedy.
Kevin Solway
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Post by Kevin Solway »

What do you mean by "feminine"?

Your question doesn't mean much without an explanation of what you mean.

If by "feminine" you mean "unconsciousness" then you are talking about a redemption of unconsciousness, which doesn't mean a lot to me.
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Post by spiritual_emergency »

I suggest you take it for what it means to you, Kevin.
Kevin Solway
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Post by Kevin Solway »

spiritual_emergency wrote:I suggest you take it for what it means to you, Kevin.
In that case the question is meaningless.
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Post by spiritual_emergency »

It wasn't your question Kevin. Meaningless is fitting.
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Cory Duchesne
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Post by Cory Duchesne »

Spiritual Emergency wrote:
It wasn't your question Kevin. Meaningless is fitting.
So what's the point in starting a thread that is only supposed to be meaningful to the person who starts the thread, and not the actual readers?
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Post by spiritual_emergency »

Oh, I have no doubt that others have passed by this thread and found meaning in it. Nonetheless, the question is David's, not Kevin's.
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Cory Duchesne
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Post by Cory Duchesne »

Spiritual emergency,
SE: Oh, I have no doubt that others have passed by this thread and found meaning in it. Nonetheless, the question is David's, not Kevin's.
Well, as for those others who have passed by this thread and found meaning in it, I can confidently say that I am not one of them.

I cant imagine how anyone could find it meaningful unless they carry a definition of femininty and masculinity that strays far from the consensus.

Like Kevin, I need to know how you define feminine and I think you will find quinn will request the same.

Like Solway and Quinn (in part because of Solway and Quinn), I too define femininity as unconsciousness and irrationality.

But again, this thread wasnt for me, this thread is mating call for Quinn....

I think you'll find he isnt interested in verbally copulating with you.
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David Quinn
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Post by David Quinn »

Yes, I don't know what you mean by "feminine", SE, nor "redemption" for that matter.

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Post by Pye »

I cant imagine how anyone could find it meaningful unless they carry a definition of femininty and masculinity that strays far from the consensus.
"The crowd is untruth"


spiritual emergency strikes me as quite "gettable," here and elsewhere.

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Post by emma »

Corey wrote
I cant imagine how anyone could find it meaningful unless they carry a definition of femininty and masculinity that strays far from the consensus.
Shame to waste a thread. Its not such a bad thing to stray far from the consensus. I believe men and women are mirror images of each other ( think prostate massage for men and clitoral stimulation for women can I say this here?) )and only seeing the whole makes sense. Therefore femininity is just as useful as masculinity in the search for Enlightenment
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Trevor Salyzyn
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Post by Trevor Salyzyn »

Like Solway and Quinn (in part because of Solway and Quinn), I too define femininity as unconsciousness and irrationality.
I picked up a dictionary of symbols, and looked up "woman". As far as symbols go (in literature, religion, and art), the idea that women/feminine are unconscious is almost a cultural consensus. However, there was a definite slant in the entry (who says dictionaries are unbiased?) toward the belief that being swept away by the unconscious, intution, and emotion is not a bad thing.
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Post by spiritual_emergency »

What is the "unconscious" but that of which one is not consciously aware? David associates the unconscious with the feminine and he continually runs from it because of that association he has applied.

This is why, in the end, it will be the feminine who "kills" that which is "David". Not because the feminine is necessarily "superior" but because David has set it up that way.

Nothing like going for one's own jugular.
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David Quinn
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Post by David Quinn »

Pye wrote:
spiritual emergency strikes me as quite "gettable," here and elsewhere.
Does he? Perhaps you can explain his theory that we all automatically become enlightened when we physically die.

I haven't been able to get that one.

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Post by spiritual_emergency »

Were you planning a stopover in purgatory, David?
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Cory Duchesne
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Post by Cory Duchesne »

Hey Pye and Emma,

The whole English language is a consensus, and a great deal of effort has been put into helping humanity get on the same page in terms of the meanings of words. I mean, we’ve got a ways to go yet, but do you see the idea? Humanity becoming undivided and whole?

The etymological root meaning of the word ‘individual’ is: undivided.

Shallow people worship their uniqueness to such an extent that they become oblivious to the actual point: becoming unified.

Would you call me a coward if I thought it was practical for us all to agree on the meaning of words?

Or should we all just have our own individualistic and idiosyncratic definitions of words and then proceed to try communicating and thus get frustrated?

That would be pretty stupid, wouldn’t it?

Besides, did I say there was anything wrong with ‘straying from the consensus’?

No I did not.

I was simply saying: “look, if your going to define a word in a way that is very different from the way the person you are trying to start a conversation with defines the same word, then wouldn’t it make sense to help him understand what you mean before you ask him something crazy like: “when are you going to acknowledge the redemption of your own feminine”?

To ask someone such a question without discussing the meaning of the word feminine, is really quite insane.
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Post by spiritual_emergency »

do you see the idea? Humanity becoming undivided and whole?

I would say to become undivided is a worthy endeavour. We could label those disparate portions of our selves as black and white, light and dark, male and female, but what we can't do is to throw one part away and call ourselves whole. You cannot be whole without all.

To ask someone such a question without discussing the meaning of the word feminine, is really quite insane.

I think David has made his interpretation (and thus "his meaning") of the word feminine to be abundantly clear.
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David Quinn
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Post by David Quinn »

spiritual_emergency wrote:
What is the "unconscious" but that of which one is not consciously aware? David associates the unconscious with the feminine and he continually runs from it because of that association he has applied.
I don't specifically associate unconsciousness with the feminine. For example, I don't necessarily consider the construction of mental blocks, the compartmentalization of the mind, or the suppression of what is unpleasant as "feminine" behaviour. For this kind of unconsciousness can easily be the result of the consious mind acting out of fear.

To my mind, the "feminine" is that particular form of unconsciousness which arises when there isn't enough mental capacity to generate consciousness in the first place - in women, because of a lack of memory, an overly-changeable mentality, and a glut of incoherent thought-processes; in rocks, because of a lack of mind to begin with.

This is why, in the end, it will be the feminine who "kills" that which is "David". Not because the feminine is necessarily "superior" but because David has set it up that way.
You are going to have to wait an eternity for that to happen. The feminine can't kill what does not exist to begin with. There is no "David Quinn", and ultimately no life or death.

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Cory Duchesne
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Post by Cory Duchesne »

I think David has made his interpretation (and thus "his meaning") of the word feminine to be abundantly clear.
Hey SE,

Do you think that the majority of humanity is

a) unconscious

b) irrational

c) both A and B

d) none of the above

And do you agree that to be irrational is to be unconscious?
Elizabeth Isabelle
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Post by Elizabeth Isabelle »

David wrote:
To my mind, the "feminine" is that particular form of unconsciousness which arises when there isn't enough mental capacity to generate consciousness in the first place - in women, because of... an overly-changeable mentality...
In that way, the "masculine" could be equally unconcious, but due rather to singularity of thought leaving him unconcious to anything that is not related to that thought.

similar to what you said in:
the compartmentalization of the mind
Last edited by Elizabeth Isabelle on Sun Sep 10, 2006 9:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Cory Duchesne
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Post by Cory Duchesne »

I don't specifically associate unconsciousness with the feminine. For example, I don't necessarily consider the construction of mental blocks, the compartmentalization of the mind, or the suppression of what is unpleasant as "feminine" behaviour. For this kind of unconsciousness can easily be the result of the consious mind acting out of fear.
Hey, but isn't fear irrational?

Like you said: "there is no david Quinn".

To think otherwise is to be unconscious of the fact that there is no david Quinn. So what is there to be frightened about? And only consciousness can realize there is no self and thus free itself from fear - No?

If I do not have the logic to see there is not self, then I am unconscious and thus frightened and thus begin forming mental blocks and supressing things - irrationally things hurt me,

am I not unconscious, irrational and thus feminine?
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Post by spiritual_emergency »

And do you agree that to be irrational is to be unconscious?

I'm not certain I would use those terms to describe the majority of humanity but I would agree that there is a long way to go. The difference is I have no need to define "the masculine" as the inherently inferior blight upon humanity's soul.
Leyla Shen
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Post by Leyla Shen »


cross section of flower 1b: 1 filament, 2 anther, 3 stigma, 4 style, 5 petal, 6 ovary, 7 sepal, 8 pedicel, 9 stamen, 10 pistil, 11 perianth


Main Entry: pis·til
Pronunciation: 'pis-t&l
Function: noun
Etymology: New Latin pistillum, from Latin, pestle -- more at PESTLE (“Pestle” Etymology: Middle English pestel, from Anglo-French, from Latin pistillum, from pinsere to pound, crush; akin to Greek ptissein to crush, Sanskrit pinasti he pounds)
: a single carpel or group of fused carpels usually differentiated into an ovary, style, and stigma -- see FLOWER illustration

Main Entry: 1fe·male
Pronunciation: 'fE-"mAl
Function: adjective
1 a (1) : of, relating to, or being the sex that bears young or produces eggs (2) : PISTILLATE (having pistils but no stamens) b (1) : composed of members of the female sex <the female population> (2) : characteristic of girls or women <composed for female voices> <a female name>

Main Entry: sta·men
Pronunciation: 'stA-m&n
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural stamens also sta·mi·na /'stA-m&-n&, 'sta-/
Etymology: Latin, warp, thread, from stare to stand -- more at STAND
: a microsporophyll of a seed plant; specifically : the pollen-producing male organ of a flower that consists of an anther and a filament -- see FLOWER illustration

Main Entry: 1fem·i·nine
Pronunciation: 'fe-m&-n&n
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French feminin, from Latin femininus, from femina woman; akin to Old English delu nipple, Latin filius son, felix, fetus, & fecundus fruitful, felare to suck, Greek thElE nipple
1 : FEMALE 1a(1)
2 : characteristic of or appropriate or unique to women <feminine beauty> <a feminine perspective>
3 : of, relating to, or constituting the gender that ordinarily includes most words or grammatical forms referring to females <a feminine noun>
4 a : being an unstressed and usually hypermetric final syllable <a feminine ending> b of rhyme : having an unstressed final syllable c : having the final chord occurring on a weak beat <music in feminine cadences>

Main Entry: wom·an 
Pronunciation: 'wu-m&n, especially Southern 'wO- or 'w&-
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural wom·en /'wi-m&n/
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English wIfman, from wIf woman, wife + man human being, man
1 a : an adult female person b : a woman belonging to a particular category (as by birth, residence, membership, or occupation) -- usually used in combination <councilwoman>
3 : distinctively feminine nature : WOMANLINESS
4 : a woman who is a servant or personal attendant
5 a chiefly dialect : WIFE b : MISTRESS c : GIRLFRIEND 2

Cory Patrick wrote:
I cant imagine how anyone could find it meaningful unless they carry a definition of femininty and masculinity that strays far from the consensus.

You‘re kidding, right? What consensus?
Like Solway and Quinn (in part because of Solway and Quinn), I too define femininity as unconsciousness and irrationality.

Do you even know why?

So, ultimately, it is the possession or non-possession of ovaries that is proof positive of unconsciousness -- not logic, which comprehends the absolute and discriminates relativity. Yeah, right.

[Edited to highlight definitions of particular -- but obviously unusual -- significance]

[Edit 3: inserted image, with thanks.]

PS: Elizabeth, still couldn't figure out how to get the image displayed in the post itself -- url's better than nothing, though. Thank you.

Last edited by Leyla Shen on Sun Sep 10, 2006 10:03 am, edited 3 times in total.
Leyla Shen
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Post by Leyla Shen »

Would somebody mind telling where I have gone wrong with the image, please.

I think a graphic representation of what is being done to/with women is important, here.
Elizabeth Isabelle
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Post by Elizabeth Isabelle »

You're supposed to press Alt and p after hitting IMG the second time.

Very nice. I like dictionary definitions. I think one of the reasons they write dictionaries is to help people communicate better. Getting people to use dictionaries can be a challenge though.