hello I am teslacoils2006 180 IQ

Some partial backups of posts from the past (Feb, 2004)


Post by teslacoils2006 »

you like to talk about Goethe and not freemason ....hmmmm

http://www.grandlodgescotland.com/websi ... goethe.htm

interesting how do you separate the freemason from Goethe....?

drowden wrote:teslacoils,

No-one here other than a couple of people cares about the Freemasons, the Illuminati or whether Chadwick works for the Carlyle group. I appreciate your concern for our welfare but it isn't necessary. We're more than capable of thinking for ourselves. Genius Forum has had to deal with any number of ratbags over the years. They come and they go and we remain. The only thing that matters to me is the quality of contribution to this forum. All this crap about who members are and what their motives are for being here is just too tedious for words. Chadwick has no ability to hurt us, even if that was indeed his intention, and that doesn't necerssarily follow from what you've posted.

If you want to discuss something like the Socratic method feel free to post a thread in the main forum. So long as it doesn't descend into peripheral bullshit like this thread did, it will stay there.

And please can you guys heed what I recently said about proper tag use when posting long urls.

Dan Rowden

Post by teslacoils2006 »

nine years into the future you probably stumble on the same free knowledge you receive now and wonder why it took you nine years more to figure it out.

Goethe is freemason if your not aloud to talk about freemason why bring him up in conversation

http://www.grandlodgescotland.com/websi ... goethe.htm
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Dan Rowden
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Post by Dan Rowden »

No-one cares, other than you, that he was Mason. You are obssessed with Freemasonry conspiracy. Your entire Internet identity seems to be about this "issue". That's fine. I mean, knock yourself out over it, but don't bring it here. We don't do Freemason Conspiracy at Genius Forum. There is a multitude of other places that do.

Dan Rowden
Chadwick Stone
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Post by Chadwick Stone »

drowden wrote:Chadwick wrote:
Chad:I will not try to define enlightenment because I'm sure that it means different things to different people.

Dan: How does that stop you from defining it? If you can talk about it you must have some idea what it means to you..

Chad: Enlightenment to me is the gift of being able to gain insight and use that insight to solve problems.
But doesn't the notion of "intelligence" cover that?
Yes, however the English language is replete with redundancy.
And insight into what?
Into life in general. When a person solves a problem they gain insight; and arguably, even when a person fails to solve a problem they also gain insight; at least from the perspective that they learned that a certain approach fails.
What genre of "problems" are you referring to?
I'm speaking generally.
I know I'm being picky but what you said seems too nebulous to me.
Well, speaking generally carries with it a certain degree of vagueness. Feel free to narrow the discussion by citing a particular genre or possibly even a specific example. I introduce the concept of performing addition later in the post as a specific exmple.
Chad: However, I feel qualified to assert that a key element of enlightenment is to remain teachable.

Dan:[...] "teachable" with respect to what? The mundane features of life or what is ultimately true of Reality?

Chad: Teachable as in willing and able to learn.
Ok, but learn about what? Everday practical matters or things of a more ultimate nature? If you mean the former then sure, I agree.
Yes, everyday practical matters were precisely what I had in mind.
But with respect to the latter the enlightened person has nothing more to learn.
It appears that our ideas of what constitutes "enlightened" differ. Using your apparent view, that an enlightened person has nothing more to learn, I assert that there are no such persons. I believe enlightenment to be a journey, not a destination.
That's part of what enlightenment is - knowledge of what is ultimately true.
I agree with that because knowing anything that is true is part and parcel of being enlightened, but I also believe that enlightenment is incremental meaning that two arbitary individuals can be at different levels of enlightenment.
I am unsure what you mean by "or that which is true of reality in an absolute sense."

By that I mean the matters about which philosophy is formally concerned. Matters pertaining to Ultimate Reality. Once these are understood, because they are principles rather than contingent facts, there is nothing more to learn. Once you understand things such as the relativity of all finite things, that all things are caused, that Reality is infinite, that God doesn't exist etc, there's noting more to learn about such matters. One simply functions on the basis of the consequences of such knowledge.
I've never formally studied philosophy but it sounds like you are promoting conceptual understanding e.g. If a person knows how to perform addition, then that person can successfully complete any addition problem.
Chad: and if one is truly enlightened then they will recognize their own flaws and inevitable mistakes and failures, prepare for them as best they can and learn from them when their preemptive preparations fail.

Dan: What kind of flaws are you refering to?

Chad: Some examples include compulsions to deceive, steal, even murder.
Well, ok, those are pretty serious flaws!
Of course, those are extreme examples. A flaw is any quality that causes someone to make a mistake. Carelessness is a good example; if a person knows how to perform addition but makes a mistake in their calculations because, for example, they are pressed for time, then it can be attributed to carelessness. The goal in this case would be for the individual in question to own the mistake and perform calculations more carefully in the future.
Such compulsions would likely be viewed as character flaws in an organized society, but granted, it is based on contemporary societal norms. I must concede that the reverse would be true within a "gang" culture where sociopathical activity is espoused as a badge of worthiness for membership.

Well, yes, but character traits that are demanded of one's own group are never demanded against one's perceived enemies. You can deceive and steal from and even kill them, because, well, they are bad and probably deserve it. Probably Iraqi.
Thats all part of the culture of war. Dehumanization of the enemy is a psychological tactic that helps a soldier to reconcile any conflict he has with killing the enemy.
But what about more subtle forms of character fla such as egotism, willful ignorance. Don't you think those are entirely widespread and essentially give rise to all other flaws?
Those are excellent examples of character flaws. I don't know if they are the root of all other flaws but they are definitely undesirable traits. Character flaws are, IMO, a higher challenge than that which is posed by more practical aspects. A good illustration is a careless person making mistakes in addition. Carelessness causes the mistakes, the mistakes can be corrected, but until one's tendency to be careless (the underlying cause) is corrected, the mistakes in addition will likely continue.
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Dan Rowden
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Post by Dan Rowden »

I had written:
drowden wrote:No-one cares, other than you, that he was Mason. You are obssessed with Freemasonry conspiracy. Your entire Internet identity seems to be about this "issue". That's fine. I mean, knock yourself out over it, but don't bring it here. We don't do Freemason Conspiracy at Genius Forum. There is a multitude of other places that do.

Dan Rowden
Just to clarify what I've said on this matter: Dean, I am not prohibiting you from posting about Freemsonry per se. I am simply discouraging it. It's a bit hard for me to prohibit any discussion topic in this forum given its label (for which I am not responsible). If you wish to post links to relevant material about the Masons etc, you are free to do that. But I'm not interersted in seeing multiple threads regarding the matter. If you can contain such material to a thread of its own I'll let it be.

The reason I have no interest in such matters is pretty simple: they don't really matter. Does Freemasonry have a secret underbelly with hidden agendas and a tendency towards cronyism and nepotism in political and commercial life? Yes, it probably does. So what? There's a multitude of such organisations for which the same can be said, from the neo-cons behind the current US administration, to Lions and Rotary, to Opus Dei, to any political party you care to mention, to any church on the planet. None of them, however, have any bearing on the matter of my personal philosophical development, which is my primary interest.

Hidden agendas exist everywhere, but in the end they are less scary than the everday ignorance and delusion of one's fellows.

Dan Rowden

Post by suergaz »


you like to talk about Goethe and not freemason ....hmmmm

interesting how do you separate the freemason from Goethe....?
Are you addressing me? I know more about Goethe than I do about freemasonry, and I am not a freemason. Is there something I should know about freemasonry that you can tell me?
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Post by Dan Rowden »

You asked him that to spite me, didn't you? ;)
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Post by DHodges »

drowden wrote:Hidden agendas exist everywhere, but in the end they are less scary than the everday ignorance and delusion of one's fellows.
Very well said!

Post by teslacoils2006 »

So what? There's a multitude of such organisations for which the same can be said, from the neo-cons behind the current US administration, to Lions and Rotary, to Opus Dei, to any political party you care to mention, to any church on the planet. None of them, however, have any bearing on the matter of my personal philosophical development, which is my primary interest.

George Bush senior is a member of the council of foreign relations despite the name neo con they are freemason. The freemason own Haliburton and british petroleum. The council of foreign relations is a council to protect the fact American money is owned by foreignors. Bush junior is a puppet president and so was the president who took the power of money out of the government. Chadwick and friends insure the puppets stay by stopping any talk of dissention. '

The freemason as you know them have ruled for 6000 years. Why do you think we like pyramids this pays homage to their power they once had in egypt. The reason alternate fuels have never been discussed is people like Chadwick search the net, actually a computer goes through all conversations and 90% of those words are freemason or fuel or economy. The freemason plan to cause oil prices to rise. Creating a needed depression. This depression breaks everyone and since one arm of the freemason own the money they can help fellow members keep power. I am concerned because we will never get so many people aware of the freemason as we have now.

Post by teslacoils2006 »

Hells angels, triads,yaccuzza,lahermandad are all gangs that feed the public drugs if you look at the big picture the drugs are a sedative to put the public asleep. Take a good look at number 6 and there is more information on the link....

The plan Amschel laid out consisted of several steps, including:

1) Law is force in disguise. Right lies in force ("Might makes Right") The right to rule lies in force.

2) Political freedom is an idea, not a fact. In order to usurp political power, all that is necessary is to preach 'liberalism,' and the electorates will give up more and more power to the conspirators.

3) Money is all powerful. Governments are insignificant compared to money. Since governments control the money, that control must be removed from governments, and put in the hands of the conspirators.

4) Any and all means to achieve the goal of world domination by the conspirators is justified.

5) The size, scope, and power of the conspirators' resources must remain hidden.

6) Alcohol, drugs, and moral corruption shall be used to weaken the will of the people.

7) Wars should be instigated and orchestrated so that both sides would be in their debt (in other words, the conspirators would gain profit and power, no matter who "won" the wars!).

8) Propaganda and control of information should be used to influence opinion.

9) Pre-planned and artificially manipulated financial panics and depression should be used to tame the people, and weaken governments, so as to ultimately form a one-world government, with the conspirators as the rulers.

Amschel had 5 sons, 4 of whom he sent to the major cities of four different major powers of Europe, to establish or gain control over the major central bank of each country. Solomon went to Vienna, Austria; Nathan to London, England; Carl to Naples, Italy; James to Paris, France; while Meyer (and Amschel) stayed in Frankfurt, Germany. In addition to these major countries of Germany, Austria, England, Italy and France, the Rothschilds did extensive banking for the governments of Belgium, Spain, Brazil, and many other countries. This was all part of Amschel's plan to gain control over vast wealth and power.

want to read more go back to the link above this article...

Re: hello I am teslacoils2006 180 IQ

Post by teslacoils2006 »

I totally aggree Dan

this thread is totally messed up so I will post freemason stuff here.....

World Domination Chess Game
Peices and description of players
POPE is the King
SaTANIST CULTS are the PAwns
The Pope rules the Catholic CHurch and the world although it is a bit of a struggle to stay alive.
The Assassin Guilds plan to destroy immediate threats to the babylon rule that goes back 6000 years
Jesuits infiltrate churches and youth and slowly reteach Catholic doctrine bringing in one church for the whole world
Freemason provide a base of operations and communications and have excellent ability to cut off enemy communications
KNights templar and the knights of Malta provide national security and up to date battle tactics and training
satanist cults are poorly trained disinformation agents heavily backed by masons or by any peice in the game
Learning strategies of babylon
Sumeria and the secret of MA"AT
MY personal story
Dean Roger Ray
teslacoils2006 wrote:The more one is conscious of the true nature of Reality, the more one is a genius. By this definition, people like Jesus, the Buddha, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Weininger, and Socrates were geniuses to greater or lesser degree.

I pullled this off your introduction and wondered if anyone would like to discuss socrates...
Chadwick Stone
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Post by Chadwick Stone »

teslacoils2006 wrote:Chadwick and friends insure the puppets stay by stopping any talk of dissention.
And I have been quite successful. You won't even find "dissention" in the dictionary ;)

Post by teslacoils2006 »

If I had took the job under Robert L Thompsett I would of been in law enforcement for the new world order.
That means I could of been your boss. I chose the side that cares about the people. I am still your boss, your just not ready yet for proper guidance. MI6 killed lady dianne and for that they will not survive. Either way see you in the battlefield....

Chadwick Stone wrote:
teslacoils2006 wrote:Chadwick and friends insure the puppets stay by stopping any talk of dissention.
And I have been quite successful. You won't even find "dissention" in the dictionary ;)

Post by teslacoils2006 »

awakenings in the freemason community can not be good for you Chadwick

how do you discipline a brother

Chadwick Stone
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Post by Chadwick Stone »

teslacoils2006 wrote:
Chadwick Stone wrote:
teslacoils2006 wrote:Chadwick and friends insure the puppets stay by stopping any talk of dissention.
And I have been quite successful. You won't even find "dissention" in the dictionary ;)
If I had took the job under Robert L Thompsett I would of been in law enforcement for the new world order.
That means I could of been your boss. I chose the side that cares about the people. I am still your boss, your just not ready yet for proper guidance. MI6 killed lady dianne and for that they will not survive. Either way see you in the battlefield....
Your command of the English language is so poor as to render moot any managerial aspirations you may have. I shudder to imagine you acting in any sort of supervisory capacity, although it would be entertaining to see you in a team meeting, ranting about the how the Illuminati is using electronic countermeasures to disturb your sleep... once.
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Dan Rowden
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Post by Dan Rowden »

teslacoils2006 wrote:
drowden wrote:So what? There's a multitude of such organisations for which the same can be said, from the neo-cons behind the current US administration, to Lions and Rotary, to Opus Dei, to any political party you care to mention, to any church on the planet. None of them, however, have any bearing on the matter of my personal philosophical development, which is my primary interest.

See that, Dean? That's called using quote tags so as to give proper attribution and coherence to one's posts. Please slow down that 180IQ brain a tad and think about using them. Also, please use the appropriate url tags to avoid long urls that take a link off screen. It's just simple courtesy.
Dean wrote: George Bush senior is a member of the council of foreign relations despite the name neo con they are freemason.
Neo-con (neo-conservative) refers to people beyond just the purported Mason conspiracists.
The freemason own Haliburton and british petroleum.
No shit? I guess someone has to own them. Since it ain't going to be me I'm not sure why I would care. It's bound to be some wealthy manipulative arsehole who does....
The council of foreign relations is a council to protect the fact American money is owned by foreignors. Bush junior is a puppet president and so was the president who took the power of money out of the government.
Um, sorry, what? I must have dozed off.....
Chadwick and friends insure the puppets stay by stopping any talk of dissention.
And yet, here you are, talking......and talking......and talking......and........
The freemason as you know them have ruled for 6000 years.
Wow. Stupidity has ruled for even longer let me tell you......
Why do you think we like pyramids this pays homage to their power they once had in egypt.
I guess they got around a lot too, which would account for the Mayans, Aztecs etc......
The reason alternate fuels have never been discussed is people like Chadwick search the net, actually a computer goes through all conversations and 90% of those words are freemason or fuel or economy.
Yeah? Man, that's really weird. Obviously they are not very good at what they do since Genius Forum has been around for years and it's never happened here. Maybe it's subliminal. Yeah, that'd be it.
The freemason plan to cause oil prices to rise. Creating a needed depression. This depression breaks everyone and since one arm of the freemason own the money they can help fellow members keep power.
Well, if you take out the Freemason part of that it makes a good deal of sense. The fuel market is certainly artifically manipulated to suit those that control it. But then, of what part of the global free market is that not also true?

Dan Rowden
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Dan Rowden
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Post by Dan Rowden »

Chadwick Stone wrote:
teslacoils2006 wrote:Chadwick and friends insure the puppets stay by stopping any talk of dissention.
And I have been quite successful. You won't even find "dissention" in the dictionary ;)
That would be because the word is "dissension". Oh, sorry, you were making a funny, weren't you......? God I'm slow sometimes.

Dan Rowden


Post by teslacoils2006 »

Dan I will admit even with my 180 I .Q I am not sure wether you are the matrix or neo. I use imagery to describe dificult subject. Do you value Chadwick for insight on your enemy or are you Chadwick. The reason for my inability to figure out wether you are Chadwick or one of his friends is the inability for you to learn. People with Chadwick's agendas can not learn the truth. What does it mean when you quickly erased that link. How would that link effect the group. You assume you know my goals but without true enlightenment all you know is my puppet strings. The link exposed the matrix agenda why would you delete it. I will post thelink on my site. Maybe you ha different meaning of enlightenment and I have misunderstood your agenda. There still is possibility you are clueless but erasing that link is interesting. You erased a conversation between two freemason talking about the reason for stalking wether on the net or off


So to be very clear I do not make assumptions and do not need to label you my reasoning is way beyond my abilty to make sure my spelling is perfect. Which brings me to the next question. If you were trained in schools that represent the collective or matrix and they taught you Intelligences requires perfect spelling imagine life without the stories of huckleberry fin or even einstein. Chadwick Stone made a big deal about then word dissens(t)ion and you made sure it was understood. This is a very coordinated effort .....hmmmm
Chadwick Stone
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Post by Chadwick Stone »

Does the phrase "sense of humor" have any meaning to you all, Mister 180 IQ?

carlyle group military

Post by teslacoils2006 »

carlyle group military

These words make sense because they explain each other.

At another level this site can be explained

http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/~ ... .aqhK.html


webmaster@crrel.usace.army.mil Said Rabbi Gutow. Seems worth embracing as part of my religion. changed my wife forever, Changed my wife forever. The Wall isolated West Berlin (the portion of the city controlled by West Germany and the Allies ksolway@theabsolute.net Of the Cold War was the Berlin Wall.

Post by teslacoils2006 »

http://web.archive.org/web/200102181002 ... olute.net/

did you know powerful computers archive the net the link above is public access to this site in 2001

Post by teslacoils2006 »


teslacoils2006 wrote:http://web.archive.org/web/200102181002 ... olute.net/

did you know powerful computers archive the net the link above is public access to this site in 2001

Post by teslacoils2006 »

R. Steven Coyle wrote:tesla,

What are your thoughts on Go?

A puzzling, often paradoxical statement or story, used in Zen Buddhism as an aid to meditation and a means of gaining spiritual awakening.
Lincoln Wilkinson
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Post by Lincoln Wilkinson »

teslacoils2006 wrote:http://web.archive.org/web/200102181002 ... olute.net/

did you know powerful computers archive the net the link above is public access to this site in 2001
There are any number of archival spiders on the Internet. Google is one of the largest, when you submit a search on Google, the actual Internet is not searched in real-time, this would bring it to a halt, instead, an archive of the Internet is searched and the appropriate links returned. Yahoo and other search engines work the same way, there is nothing nefarious about this process.
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Dan Rowden
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Re: Dan

Post by Dan Rowden »

teslacoils2006 wrote:Dan I will admit even with my 180 I .Q I am not sure wether you are the matrix or neo. I use imagery to describe dificult subject. Do you value Chadwick for insight on your enemy or are you Chadwick. The reason for my inability to figure out wether you are Chadwick or one of his friends is the inability for you to learn. People with Chadwick's agendas can not learn the truth.
Even if that it so it only puts him in the same category as you. I am beginning to think your claim to a 180 IQ is a lie. I sincerely think you need help, Dean. You have a form of obssessive compulsive disorder. I am not Chadwick and I don't have a clue who he actually is and I don't give a toss, ok? You can see who I am here: Dan Rowden
What does it mean when you quickly erased that link.
It doesn't mean anything because I didn't. Sadly, despite your 180 IQ you haven't figured out how to use the the url tags properly so as not to use really long ones that go off-page. I simply replaced your link with a shorter one as I said I was going to do in the recent announcement I posted that you apparently didn't bother to read. I also reminded you in one of my replies to you, which you also didn't apparently bother to read.
How would that link effect the group.
Oh, I don't know, nausea perhaps? I'm not a doctor.
You assume you know my goals but without true enlightenment all you know is my puppet strings.
Huh? Are you calling yourself a puppet?
The link exposed the matrix agenda why would you delete it. I will post thelink on my site.
I haven't delete any links of your, Dean. Are you sure you even posted it? I don't delete links.

So to be very clear[......]
Blah blah blah

Dan Rowden