15 Sick Logos You Won't Believe

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9-11 The big clue everyone missed

Post by Tomas »

If a crime were committed and immediately afterwards "experts" appeared on the scene claiming knowledge that no one could possibly have about it what would you think?

Firemen and engineers didn't understand the collapse, but this bozo on the street did?

Video here >> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BVFZu97fWbU
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Re: Did 3000 people really did on 9-11?

Post by Diebert van Rhijn »

Tomas wrote:Did 3000 people really die on 9-11?
Maybe the victims are fake >> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PoZEuj1VPv0
Never heard of this theory before, with those supposedly fake photographs. One never ceases to be amazed even 11 years later.

And yet, one simple alternative thought would challenge the main example. If the family of the Wainio girl had deliberately cleaned up her photo since it was going to be used officially, the missing background clutter would be easily explained. People did have Photoshop in 2001 you know and used it for stuff like this - unlike the researcher perhaps. But the research stops there. Nobody finds out the history of the photo or has contacted anyone around the family to find out.

That said, it's not that unlikely that some people on the plane had protected identities and some picture and biographies might have been made up to cover tracks. The complexity of life works against anomaly researchers in cases like this. This case might also be a demonstration of the principle: "adding single instances of weirdness together does not necessarily increase the total weirdness of any connected event" (Diebert's Law of Weird Things).
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Re: Did 3000 people really die on 9-11?

Post by Tomas »

Did 3000 people really die on 9-11?
Maybe the victims are fake >> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PoZEuj1VPv0

Never heard of this theory before, with those supposedly fake photographs. One never ceases to be amazed even 11 years later.

I'd come across another website that has posted closeups of the "poster wall" where (supposedly) people would come downtown and place their 'missing one' on "the wall". Oddly, the posters are (were) placed there in alphabetical order complete with the same type of scotch tape. Some dude named Dr. Louis Nevaer, had gone down there a week or so after (and just before some serious rainfall event) had taken some 5,000+ posters down and he is schlepping them in some sort of 'virtual wall' tour.

It strange that whoever (or whatever spook agency was hired) to placed these posters all over that area, they didn't come back to get them unless it was the dude(s) who placed them there.

And yet, one simple alternative thought would challenge the main example. If the family of the Wainio girl had deliberately cleaned up her photo since it was going to be used officially, the missing background clutter would be easily explained. People did have Photoshop in 2001 you know and used it for stuff like this - unlike the researcher perhaps. But the research stops there. Nobody finds out the history of the photo or has contacted anyone around the family to find out.

All those posters were up in two days. Prolly placed there in the overnight hours maybe with the block cordoned off for a couple hours?

I remember watching the aftermath, maybe to a week after the event and hearing the mainstream news talkers (like Peter Jennings) going on how the "families" wanted to have 'private' funerals. Good cover story to keep inquisitive minds at bay and keep the masses asleep.

That said, it's not that unlikely that some people on the plane had protected identities and some picture and biographies might have been made up to cover tracks. The complexity of life works against anomaly researchers in cases like this. This case might also be a demonstration of the principle: "adding single instances of weirdness together does not necessarily increase the total weirdness of any connected event" (Diebert's Law of Weird Things).

Another interesting thing about the "families" was there were no "family members" at the final destinations (airports) to pick the passengers up. A few airline employees had brought this up a year or so after (or maybe during) the 9-11 Commission hearings. It was somewhat like the Kennedy Commission set up by LBJ, do a public make-up job and bury the facts because.......?

I'll look for that article.
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Missing! The 9/11 Missing Posters & 'Missing' Imposters...

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Missing! The 9/11 Missing Posters & 'Missing' Imposters...


The perpetrators of the 9/11 con job have this Hollywoodian way to make things look spontaneous and real, even when they break all the rules of logic. This works because TV exists and we are trained to focus on the story and be gallant on the details.

Here is a good point made by the above site:
Looking at this image the blogger was struck that the fliers are alphabetical. See we have 'P' and 'R' names in this photo. This is quite a f-up by the perps. They forgot to unalphabeticize the stack of images they needed to post all over town.

Photos, story, 6 pages of reader comments here >> http://cluesforum.info/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=758
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Re: Did 3000 people really die on 9-11?

Post by Diebert van Rhijn »

Tomas wrote:All those posters were up in two days. Prolly placed there in the overnight hours maybe with the block cordoned off for a couple hours?
Ah, that's interesting. That would mean there was not much time to select a good photo and it explains why some seem of such a terrible quality as noted in that video. And then later after the whole world knows these people through these improvised photo's, many families decided to creatively re-use them in later publications since that first photo became so "iconic"?

Thanks for solving that mystery Tomas! :-)
there were no "family members" at the final destinations (airports) to pick the passengers up.
One might imagine the airport has tight procedures to close the gates and inform the family after such a situation pretty quickly. I hope they do as to prevent disruptive and traumatic scenes and chaos after each plane crash.
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Re: Did 3000 people really die on 9-11?

Post by Tomas »

Diebert van Rhijn wrote:
Tomas wrote:All those posters were up in two days. Prolly placed there in the overnight hours maybe with the block cordoned off for a couple hours?
Ah, that's interesting. That would mean there was not much time to select a good photo and it explains why some seem of such a terrible quality as noted in that video. And then later after the whole world knows these people through these improvised photo's, many families decided to creatively re-use them in later publications since that first photo became so "iconic"?

Thanks for solving that mystery Tomas! :-)
Who provided the step ladders? Of all the walls available, why this spot.

NBC video footage has not a single family member actually seen taping one of these posters upon the wall. Lotsa video footage, not a one being placed on the wall. Why would that be?

Dr. Nevaer (with his admitted CIA background) who "preserved" all these posters "conveniently" removed the scotch tape from the posters. Of course (rather conveniently) he didn't bother keeping the tape - these family members who posted these posters cannot be identified by their fingerprints.

Next time, Dr. Kissinger needs to be the Commission head, then we'll get to the bottom of this sordid affair. Thomas Keane was a weenie.
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Post by Tomas »

This is the third and final video showing Flight 175 did not hit the tower, here we can clearly see a missile, look closely, you can even see the missile vapor heat trail.
Video >> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1VuCpI5Jtb4
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Post by Diebert van Rhijn »

To me the puzzling thing is why even bother calling it "clearly visible" when assuming there's even something in that video one could at least establish the easy to verify fact that it is very hard to detect the missile for the human eye.

The collapse of the towers (1:1->0:0) perhaps represents the collapse of general consciousness and perception in the 21st century men? How poetic! At least let it be strength which brought them down, "military", "missiles", "background men in power"? Anything but a gang of religiously seduced and misguided folks with box-cutters, seems to be the formula. Make it worth us while! Give us a new tower to lean on. Worth stems from value. Value stems form meaning. Meaning stems from power (to assign): these towers of power.
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NYPD brands OWS couple as professional agitators

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NYPD brands Occupy Wall Street couple as professional agitators and plaster their photos on flyers

Christina Gonzales and Matthew Swaye say they've been singled out for posting YouTube videos of police conducting stop-and-frisks

Couple says police advisory looks more like a wanted poster

Full story with photos >> http://www.nydailynews.com/nypd-brands- ... -1.1106746
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TSA agents call man "fucking deafie," steal his candy

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TSA agents laugh at deaf man, call him "fucking deafie," steal his candy (see photo)

TSA agents at the Louisville, Kentucky airport laughed at a deaf man, calling him "fucking deafie," and then stole his candy - another perfect example of why this loathesome federal agency needs to be abolished immediately.

What mental age does a person have to be to find abusing deaf people humorous?
It's getting to the point where TSA workers make the "droogs" hired as police officers in Stanley Kubrick's A Clockwork Orange look like upstanding law enforcement professionals.

How long will minimum wage morons with criminal records, psychiatric problems and anti-social tendencies be allowed to wield such powers and enjoy the abuse and humiliation they dish out on a daily basis?

Full story and photo >> http://www.prisonplanet.com/tsa-agents- ... candy.html
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Occupy L.A.'s chalk protests prompt free-speech debates

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The melee that occurred in downtowm L.A. over a chalk protest by Occupy L.A. and homeless-rights activists has raised questions over freedom of speech. Protester does push-ups as police stand by (see photo gallery)
Story and photos > http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/lanow/2 ... ebate.html
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Dozens of genetically modified babies already born

Post by Tomas »

How will they alter human species?

The children are reaching their teens.

"...DNA from three adults - two women and one man."

Human germline now altered... What happens next?

Full story >> http://articles.mercola.com/sites/artic ... -born.aspx
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Spooky: NSA's Surveillance Algorithms

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How NSA's Surveillance Algorithms See Into Your Life

Full story >> http://techpp.com/2012/07/24/nsa-survei ... -your-life
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Did Zapruder film "the Zapruder film"?

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by Jim Fetzer (with Mike Pincher)

At first consideration, the question sounds very odd on its face.

Algorithmic Proofs of Fakery

How we know its fake >> http://www.veteranstoday.com/2012/08/08 ... ruder-film
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Prophecy of Atlas Shrugged

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by Michael Walsh

Oh noes! The MSM discovers that a Catholic Congressman has an affinity for the economic philosophy of one of the 20th century's best-known atheists.

So naturally they're now shrieking with joy at discovering "hypocrisy" - on the Left, the most dreaded sin, although one to be found exclusively on the Right - since Ryan is a Catholic and Rand was an atheist and...

What happens when the looting runs dry?

Let's let that reliable font of Leftist received wisdom, the New York Times, have a go:

Full story and video >> http://pjmedia.com/michaelwalsh/2012/08 ... epage=true
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Re: Paul Ryan, Ayn Rand and the Prophecy of Atlas Shrugged

Post by Cahoot »

You're right, Thomas. As an ideal in conflict with human afflictions, it is a prophecy.

I don't recall when an incumbent president has run such a campaign.

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The horror..

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The victims were part of a larger group that had gathered late Sunday in Helmand province's Musa Qala district for a celebration involving music and dancing, said district government chief Netamatullah Khan. He said the Taliban slaughtered them to show their disapproval of the event.
All of the bodies were decapitated but it was not clear if they had been shot first.
Full story >> http://news.yahoo.com/17-afghans-behead ... 55181.html
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Occupy Unmasked

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Watch the trailer of Occupy Unmasked below >> http://frontpagemag.com/2012/ben-shapir ... y-unmasked
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Scientists Warn on CSIRO GM Wheat Threat

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Australia has been selected to lead the push for the acceptance of GM wheat and CSIRO is currently conducting field trials of GM wheat in WA, NSW, and the ACT. CSIRO says human feeding trials are planned. It is feared these may already be underway.
Full story / video >> http://safefoodfoundation.org/?p=946
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15 Sick Logos You Won't Believe

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15 Sick Logos You Won't Believe

With explanations >> http://www.zengardner.com/15-sick-logos ... nt-believe
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Re: 15 Sick Logos You Won't Believe

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I'm forced to believe; I saw them.
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Re: 15 Sick Logos You Won't Believe

Post by Unidian »

Just discovered: Sex sells. Next update? Film at 11?
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Re: 15 Sick Logos You Won't Believe

Post by Cahoot »
