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Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 10:23 am
by creativegal

Re: Truth,Courage,Honesty,Logic,Masulinity,Wisdom,Perfection

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 8:24 pm
by whocares
creativegal wrote:GENIUS
How about self indulgence, escapism from emotional shit one cannot handle?

How about bitter, twisted, people, lending themselves to a "higher" path in the guise of not being able to handle their own shortcomings?

Wrap that up in big clever words and you have summed up the majority of people in this forum. give "creative" and "girl" a bad name.

David and co give a great impression of being "masculine" etc but they are in fact bitter against women.

Hey! David! I saw a man jogging the other day with a mobile phone attached to his ear. Gee, I guess you lost another 'wanna be genius" to the forces of modern society.

Never mind......................

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 9:00 pm
by avidaloca
It is a fallacy to say David is bitter against women. Since I met him in 1995, I've never seen him have bitterness or a shred of anger or paranoia about them. Or any other suchlike emotion. If in fact he was that way disposed towards them he would have lost his cool somewhere by now and that vitriol or dread would have been amply revealed. But the reality is he hasn't, because he is not harbouring any.


Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 10:28 pm
by Leyla Shen
Though I have never met David, I, too, think you are wrong, whocares.

I find David to be both thoughtful (and that's an understatement) and provocative; but certainly not bitter.

That wasn't my first impression of him, however.

Wisdom of the Infinite is a good read. You read it? He's particularly willing to discuss his ideas.

Who Cares - You're a Dumb Fuck!

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 6:04 am
by Foresta-Gump
Who Cares

You sound immature, even the foolish title you've chosen for yourself shows immaturity.

David Quinn certainly doesn't deserve your immature rambling. Your words are not intelligent enough to even insult him.

In my opinion David Quinn is the world's best male writer, and I'm a published author and writer, so my opinion counts to somebody. Davids personality and character shines through his writing ability, but best of all his intellect is that of a Sage.
He's pure and driven, true to his destiny. Sharper than any blade. More honest than honesty itself. A clone to God.

Do you get the picture idiot, and before you dare show your vile tongue to me again you had better be armed pal or you're going down verbally speaking with a lashing you'll never FORGET!

Donna Thompson = creativegal (Foresta Gump) Pen Name

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 9:58 am
by Jamesh
I think it is entirely natural to be angry with this site when you first come across it. I know I was.

It has deteriorated as fair bit - people have lost interest and a new crop of learners hasn't really come along. Too much crap is allowed.

I have no doubt that a bitterness towards women was a strong casual factor in leading David and Co to a life changing interest in philosophy. For the most part, they are past bitterness now though. While they do belittle women at times, that is because women do deserve to be belittled for their lack of interest in reality. They have an aggravating shallowness, due to their stronger belief in the righteousness of emotions compared to men.

Belittle is Little

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 10:47 am
by Foresta-Gump
There's only one way to belittle a man, and every woman knows what that is. Some men are aggravatingly shallow as well. And for any woman to belittle a man in that way, is as bad as a man belittling a woman in that way also. Women have heard it all, from we smell like fish to she's got a hole the size of grand canyon. Its tit for tat, whats good for the goose is also good for the gander! Men are no better than women!
And you're not created equally either!

Donna Thompson (Foresta Gump)Pen Name

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 11:37 am
by MKFaizi
Alas, I don't think any of you understand the true nature of woman. But you may in time.


Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 12:58 pm
by David Quinn
James wrote:
I have no doubt that a bitterness towards women was a strong casual factor in leading David and Co to a life changing interest in philosophy.
This wasn't the case. I quite liked women and never had any real problems with them. The only thing I really felt, at times, was exasperation - e.g. whenever I tried to decipher their incoherent thought-processes, or observed their mental fickleness and lack of morality. I was also sometimes exasperated with my own attachment to women and my desire to be involved in their lives. But that's about the extent of it.

No woman has ever caused me any significant pain and so I've never had any reason to be bitter towards them.


Truth, Courage, Honesty, Logic, Masculinity, Wisdom, Perfect

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 8:01 pm
by whocares

e.g. whenever I tried to decipher their incoherent thought-processes, or observed their mental fickleness and lack of morality.

Yes, David, MAN never displays these qualities, does he? Only WOMAN.

Seems you have an excuse for man's behavior, which invariably comes down to WOMAN.

You may not display bitterness or anger towards women overtly, but you, and others sure do like to infer that women hold men back form becoming enlightened.

Guess what? Who says that men want to become like you, anyway? Who says you have the right to judge how they live their lives? Who says your way is the "right" way? You do!

Donna, defend him all you like, it is probably just another quality he deems to be "erroneous" anyway.


Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 10:38 pm
by Leyla Shen
The very first words in David's essay are a quote from "Knee-che" :)
Someone took a youth to a sage and said: "Look, he is being corrupted by women."

The sage shook his head and smiled. "It is men," said he, "that corrupt women; and all the failings of women should be atoned and improved in men. For it is man who creates for himself the image of woman, and woman forms herself according to this image."

"You are too kindhearted about women," said one of those present; "you do not know them."

The sage replied: "Will is the manner of men; willingness that of women. That is the law of the sexes - truly, a hard law for women. All of humanity is innocent of its existence; but women are doubly innocent. Who could have oil and kindness enough for them?"

"Damn oil! Damn kindness!" Someone else shouted out of the crowd; "women need to be educated better!"

"Men need to be educated better," said the sage and beckoned to the youth to follow him.

The youth, however, did not follow him.

Nietzsche, 1882
What do you think of them, whocares?