the internet

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Dan Rowden
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Re: the internet

Post by Dan Rowden »

Your flowery, New Age rhetoric doesn't actually mean anything. There is only one universe by definition. It's what the word means.

Re: the internet

Post by ForbidenRea »

The internet is the placid lake of infernal deaths...
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Diebert van Rhijn
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Re: the internet

Post by Diebert van Rhijn »

cousinbasil wrote: Dan was lumping theoretical physics all together. Or do you maintain that cosmology has has led to as many technological breakthroughs as QM?
It was actually "physics" he lumped together. Indeed Id' say there have been way more important discoveries in cosmology outside the theoretical than QM for the last 50 years or so. Of course this perception might change in hindsight.

Anyway, what's the point of having this discussion? You think you understand the topic. And you don't lack the brains, you even might know the math, you just cannot think or read straight when it comes to the simpler and fundamental things. It's the same pattern with every username you have. Such disruptive element in thinking combined with a high intelligence has to lead to problems demanding medication or self-medication. It's informed speculation. Are you denying it? We could talk about it.
There is much - very much - application of quantum mechanics to basic, every day scientific endeavors. QM is by its very nature theoretical - but if the theory is to be applied, it must first be developed and well-understood.
Nobody is discussing this but you.
Even the predictions and spectacular successes of organic chemistry would not be possible without the overarching and underpinning theoretical framework of QM.
And you wouldn't be writing this post on the computer without the overarching and underpinning theoretical framework of QM. LOL. Yeah, besides the point. Your all-time posting summary.
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Re: the internet

Post by cousinbasil »

cousinbasil: There is much - very much - application of quantum mechanics to basic, every day scientific endeavors. QM is by its very nature theoretical - but if the theory is to be applied, it must first be developed and well-understood.
DVR: Nobody is discussing this but you.
Apparently you are.
And you wouldn't be writing this post on the computer without the overarching and underpinning theoretical framework of QM. LOL. Yeah, besides the point. Your all-time posting summary.
Sorry, but that should be "beside" the point. Hey, no one said ESL is easy. But keep trying! And good luck with it!
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Re: the internet

Post by cousinbasil »

DVR wrote:It's the same pattern with every username you have.
And how many usernames would that be? Since you see a pattern.
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mental vagrant
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Re: the internet

Post by mental vagrant »

Why entertain these maniacs?
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Re: the internet

Post by eyekwah »

DonaldJ wrote:
Dan Rowden wrote:There's only one universe by definition. Parallel dimensions might be a better term for what is intended. There is no evidence for such therefore no reason to open my mind to it.
Because you haven't explored the mind deep enough to experience any universe but a little of this one, "from a flea's posture on a ball of stationary floating space-dust, seems you feel you possess the authority to decree that "all you do not know does not exist until you know it".. If it works for you, then run on it.. but doesn't it make you feel like "you are stuck in the mud"..?

If the spirit's brain is the mind.. what does the spirit see when it gazes upon the many other exciting universes..?

Is the great delusion, that there isn't anymore than what you know..?
Or is it all that you do not know that which others do..?

The thing is.. who are you, and what have you done that deserves any evidence..?
Define yourself, and your rights to god and life, and your need and rights to be spoonfed evidence...

The evidence simply flows in to those who are ready for more that Life has to offer those who have searched behind and beyond what is. with their minds switched on... What's your reasoning for not having found the evidence on your own, yet..?
I can appreciate the value in not bounding yourself to conventions, but logic is an instrument that only works if you use it right. If the definition of universe is that it contains one of everything and not itself, there can by definition be only one. If you want to use another term, by all means do so, but lets call a spade a spade, please.

If you want to try to create a four-sided triangle, be my guest, but it has no place in a logical discussion, however varied or broad-scoped it may be, and no that's not a limit that I place on myself. It isn't anymore a limit than allowing myself the possibility to hammer a nail in a wooden board with my bare fists isn't limiting my ability to perform with only a hammer made available.
Life is wasted on the living.
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divine focus
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Re: the internet

Post by divine focus »

eyekwah wrote:I can appreciate the value in not bounding yourself to conventions, but logic is an instrument that only works if you use it right. If the definition of universe is that it contains one of everything and not itself, there can by definition be only one. If you want to use another term, by all means do so, but lets call a spade a spade, please.
If there's a non-physical dimension, outside of time and space, is that part of the universe? What if there are other physical universes besides this one? We could call them sub-universes, I guess.