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Things or People you Hate!

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 8:51 am
by GodsDaughter1
Things or People you Hate!

Do you Hate anyone or anything, what is it?

What stirs you, festering inside like a rotted corpse, building its vile to torment you?

I hate busy-body, tongue-wagging, trouble-making gossipy bitches, who are so utterly fucking boring, spewing their low-mentality clueless thought upon the intelligent. These silly people shouldn't have productive roles in public relations, they hurt production, through their incapability to handle intelligence. Only those who prove worthy in public relations through intensive screening should be allowed to work with the public, the difficult mediocre-minded can work cleaning the stinky toilets which would suit their stinky attitudes.

Re: Things or People you Fucking Hate!

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 8:56 am
by Tomas
Time to take your meds, Donna.

Re: Things or People you Fucking Hate!

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 11:15 pm
by cousinbasil
I hate the asshole that ignores the fact that there are no cars behind you and instead of waiting for you to go by, cuts out in front of you, making you slam on your brakes, all of that just to make the next turn a hundred feet later.

Re: Things or People you Fucking Hate!

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 7:53 am
by GodsDaughter1
cousinbasil wrote:I hate the asshole that ignores the fact that there are no cars behind you and instead of waiting for you to go by, cuts out in front of you, making you slam on your brakes, all of that just to make the next turn a hundred feet later.
GodsDaughter says: Many people have the same beef about others as you. And many people curse at other people while driving, displaying a middle finger at them, honk their horns, holler profanities out the window, what it boils down to is enragement on the roads, a vent for anger, which contributes to everyone being victims to anger.

Re: Things or People you Fucking Hate!

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 2:34 pm
by alphaeg

Re: Things or People you Fucking Hate!

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 1:46 pm
by GodsDaughter1
alphaeg wrote:Jews
GodsDaughter says: Do you know why the jews are such a percecuted people?

Re: Things or People you Hate!

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 12:39 pm
by GodsDaughter1
Things or People you Hate!

I don't Hate people, just the crap they think and do. I loath their lower than mediocrity mentalities which is gossipy no good-doers, that haven't anything better to do with their poor pathetic existence than to pull others down with them, they concentrate on making others miserable.

Each one who violated me deserves my wrath which doesn't include hurting them back, but, educating them to the point they question themselves, question their motives.

"God gives wisdom and understanding. Evil men understand not judgement: But, they that seek the LORD understand all things."

"Better is the poor that walketh in his uprightness, than he that is perverse in his ways, though he be rich" Proverbs 28: 5-6

Throughout life its always been women who've created problems for me, never men. Fat overweight women jeolous of me because I was tiny and slender and pretty to look at, they loathed me because they felt threatened by me because of their own insecurities. I was fired from two jobs because of jealous women who lied. I have sufficient reasons for not liking women, they are trouble-making conjuring up tale-makers, who are not happy unless they are stirring shit.