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Why Torture is Used

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 4:34 pm
by mensa-maniac
Why Torture is Used

I tend to think everyone knows why torture is used. I would think or hope the torturers would know to what extent they could torture a human before the human parished. And I think they'd know not to torture the human to death because than they'd be forfeiting answers.

I'm all for torture if it means getting the answers needed to solve crimes. If intelligence doesn't work, than a little terror will. It seems logical to torture persons who refuse to reveal pertinent information. I tend to think that mental torture would work relatively well considering the torturer is logical and intelligent.

Mental torture has a devastating effect on the tortured in such a way that they become more readily to compromise. Take Iran for example when they took over the American Embassy, mental torture was used by playing AC DC on loud speakers for 24 hours a day for months until it drove them crazy enough to release hostages.

That action reveals intelligence.

I could be used in Intelligence for mental torture purposes, I am an expert at mental abuse. I know how to get answers through the use of this procedure. I actually enjoy it at the time I'm performing mental torture for answers, but suffer greatly with shame afterwards for allowing my behavior to hurt someone.

Re: Why Torture is Used

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 12:15 am
by Carl G
The Illuminati are looking for a few bad men like you. You could have a dim future, replete with Swiss bank account and backyard swimming pool.

Re: Why Torture is Used

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 2:34 am
by mensa-maniac
I simply battle their incompetent wit. And I'm a pro at it!

Children are excluded.

It's amazing how many people stick around. If they didn't like it in some crazy way, they'd stay away, but they don't. Perhaps they think I'm the crazy one, in which they'd be right, crazy enough to mentally torture them in complying with me. I expect the fucking truth and I get it!

Re: Why Torture is Used

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 2:40 am
by Steven Coyle

Calcium envelope.

Re: Why Torture is Used

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 2:56 am
by Elizabeth Isabelle
Torture may force compliance (like in the concentration camps), but it is notorious for giving poor intelligence. People are more likely to just say whatever they think will get the torture to stop, even if they have to lie.
mensa-maniac wrote:I would think or hope the torturers would know to what extent they could torture a human before the human parished.
Sometimes it doesn't take much at all to get a person to go to church. Oh, did you mean "perished?"

Re: Why Torture is Used

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 12:52 pm
by mensa-maniac
Ok, thanks for pointing that obvious error in spelling, accuracy is important.

Is there a way to bring a post in view while I comment on it?

Re: Why Torture is Used

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 11:50 pm
by Elizabeth Isabelle
mensa-maniac wrote:Is there a way to bring a post in view while I comment on it?
After you hit "Post Reply" to comment, scroll down below the comment box.

In order to quote part of a recent post, highlight the part you want to quote (from the view below the comment box) and hit "quote" from the upper right hand corner of the box the comment is in, to the right of the author's name.

Re: Why Torture is Used

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 4:52 am
by ali.b
mensa-maniac wrote:I actually enjoy it at the time I'm performing mental torture for answers, but suffer greatly with shame afterwards for allowing my behavior to hurt someone.
Why Torture is Used

I tend to think everyone knows why torture is used. I would think or hope the torturers would know to what extent they could torture a human before the human parished. And I think they'd know not to torture the human to death because than they'd be forfeiting answers.

I'm all for torture if it means getting the answers needed to solve crimes. If intelligence doesn't work, than a little terror will. It seems logical to torture persons who refuse to reveal pertinent information. I tend to think that mental torture would work relatively well considering the torturer is logical and intelligent.

Mental torture has a devastating effect on the tortured in such a way that they become more readily to compromise. Take Iran for example when they took over the American Embassy, mental torture was used by playing AC DC on loud speakers for 24 hours a day for months until it drove them crazy enough to release hostages.

That action reveals intelligence.

I could be used in Intelligence for mental torture purposes, I am an expert at mental abuse. I know how to get answers through the use of this procedure. I actually enjoy it at the time I'm performing mental torture for answers, but suffer greatly with shame afterwards for allowing my behavior to hurt someone.

whether you accept this fact or not ,experience has proved that toturers(pro or not) themselves are the first ones to break in a procedure of torturing because they are the weak and troubled kind of human race and they use torture to prove they could be storng while the tortured actually has his hand cuffed and simply can not react.
all above means "your fucked in the head and preety weak"

Re: Why Torture is Used

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 5:14 am
by Steven Coyle
brown is the newest m&m

Re: Why Torture is Used

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 7:10 am
by mensa-maniac
I don't dispute your fact, I already admitted I'm crazy, but I'm more fucking logical than I am crazy. My craziness is just my allotted behavior.

But, lets get one thing straight, I don't use physical violence, I use my expressive tongue to battle the tortured, which simply means I verbally whip them to submission.

It simply means I outwit the tortured mind. I simply torture them by repeating in several different ways my justification in correcting their wrong, and coercing an answer from them through my means of mental torture which I allow to continue on and on and on until I have a suitable answer! This procedure works for me, because I know how to drive someone over the edge, to the point they willingly provide me with the truth, because they know I'll push them until I get the answer I seek.

If these people felt they were being mentally abused, than logic tells me they are victim to my mental inflictions upon them because they suffer inferiority in comparison to my wit, therefore, I'm taking advantage of an inferior mind. Perhaps, I'm not crazy or weak at all, just the ability to control someone for the purpose to get the truth out-of-them.

Oh, BTW, if I didn't think I could handle any opposition, I wouldn't have posted this thread.

Re: Why Torture is Used

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 8:25 am
by Elizabeth Isabelle
Sounds like what you really want to be is a prosecuting courtroom attorney.

Re: Why Torture is Used

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 1:12 pm
by mensa-maniac
Hmmm, yes, you do have insight Elizabeth. A lawyer is what I should have studied, I feel confident and fool enough to defend my own self in a court of law if need be. But, a prosecuting attorney, nah, I'd leave that one for the cruel-hearted assholes.

I'm educated in the written field, multiple publications, extensive writings, etc. and presently working on my first book. I'm keeping things silent until my book surfaces.

And how do you contribute yourself to your country Ms. Elizabeth? I think your contributing to this forum is beneficial to others, you seem to have a good head on your shoulders.

Re: Why Torture is Used

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 5:19 am
by Tomas
mensa-maniac wrote:Mental torture has a devastating effect on the tortured in such a way that they become more readily to compromise. Take Iran for example when they took over the American Embassy, mental torture was used by playing AC DC on loud speakers for 24 hours a day for months until it drove them crazy enough to release hostages.
That action reveals intelligence.
Perhaps you are (somewhat) referring to Manuel Noriega, when he sought refuge in the Vatican embassy in Panama City, Panana (circa 1989)? AC/DC was hoppin' around then, too. Even old Pope John Paul II couldn't resist the wiles of then-president George H.W. Bush, and a former CIA director, to boot ;-)

I can't quite envision your recollection of events regarding AC/DC being blasted from outside the walls of the American Embassy in Teheran, Iran .. unless the wild-and-crazy students were pro-American and willing to release the students via Highway To Hell and Pope John Paul II being a willing accomplice. Or, just who was was playing the music? The Iranian government, the students or the CIA (and other assorted transnational turncoat agencies) readily accesible to the New World Order. Clearly, Jimmy Carter was a leftist considering that Zbig Brzezinski got him elected, as he has with the current president, Barack Obama. Things are heating up in Honduras, and all of central America, as it was when Jimmy Carter took over, this time, too, the leftists hold sway. This'll keep the School of the Americas, (in Georgia) rounding up more hapless wannabe thugs busy in Central American states. Note the wargames just completed with Panama, old Barack is just as wily as Bush the 1st.

PS - Maybe when Jesus comes back in a cloud (UFO) he can do something about global warming - Al Gore can use all the help he can get pushing Cap-N-Trade through the leftist Senate. The current pope is the last, according to the French vision. In the meantime, we have the peace-dove flying about, crapping on the Holy Roman Catholic Church windowsills ;-(

Re: Why Torture is Used

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 8:24 am
by mensa-maniac
Tomas you are informed of your stuff. Crafty and wise too!

I didn't know much about it as you do, I used it in the story because it fit and I like AC/DC music.

Re: Why Torture is Used

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 8:49 pm
by johny8
Well, torturing is used to criminals and terrorists which is fare from my point of view. But, it should not be used to innocent and weak people who can't defend themselves against such torturing. Security agencies and military use torturing to suspects which is topic of controversy as Human Rights organisation generally opposes such actions.

Re: Why Torture is Used

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 9:41 am
by baulz owt
the high iq likes acdc and this is another one of the great ironies of life