The Mind & Reality

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Re: The Mind & Reality

Post by Shahrazad »

I like the new Sid much better.
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Re: The Mind & Reality

Post by Tomas »


You sure are triangular in your thinking.

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Re: The Mind & Reality

Post by Shahrazad »

Me? What is triangular thinking?
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Re: The Mind & Reality

Post by Tomas »

Shahrazad wrote:I like the new Sid much better.

What drugs is he on?

Last edited by Tomas on Wed Oct 29, 2008 12:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Mind & Reality

Post by Tomas »

Shahrazad wrote:Me? What is triangular thinking?
Well sure, perhaps you care to elaborate.

Don't run to your death

Re: The Mind & Reality

Post by Renaissance »

Tomas wrote:
Shahrazad wrote:Me? What is triangular thinking?
Well sure, perhaps you care to elaborate.

They say I'm "loony", but never seem to say that guys like this are truly loony. Oh well.... My sanity has nothing to do with your opinion of my sanity.

On Lucid Dreaming and Life

Post by Renaissance »

Part 1

It is my current belief that standard dreams are the way the subconscious mind distracts us while it sorts and fully files away the experiences of the previous day. Continuous lucid dreaming interferes with the sorting process and causes the subconscious mind to have to work harder to do what it was designed to do. It is not a natural thing for people to do lucid dreaming and it requires a lot of extra energy for when you are sleeping you should be resting not engaging in more activity.

Then again I may be incorrect, but I don’t think so. I sense that I am indeed correct. Sleep is a time for rest not a time for engaging in more activity. So, lucid dreaming on occasions is fine. Lucid dreaming on a regular basis can put more strain on the being than it was designed to take.

I remember being shocked when I ‘saw’ a photograph of Robert Monroe, a lucid dreamer who has created an institute devoted to developing lucid dreaming. I could ‘see’ that he looked like he was wasting away. He did not look strong and healthy and it would make sense. His being was not getting the full rest it needed.

I believe in doing meditative ‘waking dreaming’. It is much safer and you have much more guaranteed control, if your mind is disciplined enough. You could call it: Deliberate Focused Guided Day Dreaming. You start it whenever you want and stop it whenever you want. I use it to envision my life getting better and more wonderful all the time. It is the means I use to focus my Intention and connect to my source. I also use it to communicate with plants and the mountain spirits.

Part 2

As I have stated, the mind is like a radio receiver and in order to keep the mind tuned to one particular station takes tremendous discipline of thought. Although I am getting better at it I still have to perform a continuous sifting and refining of all messages I feel I receive from the Spirit in order to separate the proverbial true gold from the untrue ‘fools gold’. It is my belief that people who have predicted things that have not come to pass are people whose minds are not properly disciplined and are people who don’t understand that the Spiritual ‘Radio Station’ of true messages from the Spirit is right next to the Spiritual ‘Radio Station’ of false messages from the Spirit. It took me a hell of a long time to learn this truth: All things come from the Spirit of Nature; which is also the Spirit of Life: which is also Intent; which is also everything we can think of and everything we cannot currently even possibly conceive of. So, the Spirit of Nature is indeed God and you have no choice except to be One with God and equal to everything. The only thing that keeps us from accessing limitless power to do anything is this frustrating amnesia we have imposed on ourselves, through the created ego, in order to experience a sense of limitations, challenge and purpose. Supposedly, there is no other purpose to existence except to keep ourselves occupied with interesting things to do.

Part 3

Contrast is supremely important in order to experience extended appreciation for in the absolute realm where there are no opposites things can get very boring. Something wonderful and beautiful is only so in contrast to something that is not wonderful and ugly. Something exciting and fun is only so in contrast to something that is dull and not-fun.

I’m sharing incredible revelations here and you would think that these revelations would automatically make my life easier, but…they seem to make my relations with average humans and their insanity more frustrating. Strength in the Spirit is the only way to get past this level of feeling as though I am at the often mercy of the human race and their dementedly insane ways of doing things. Being retired young is wonderful, but having the option to isolate myself from humanity does not make it easier to deal with people when I finally have no choice except to do so. Until I become strong enough I guess it will always be something or something else tempting me to complain.

I ‘see’ myself getting strong enough to give the world of man no choice except to bend to my wishes. I ‘see’ myself overcoming the world of humanity through remembering enough of my true nature to bend my personal reality any wonderful way I may ‘see’ fit. I ‘see’ myself having more fun with life than I have ever dreamed possible. Yes, I ‘see’ my destiny and it is indeed a wonderfully fun destiny, but it is only so in contrast to the not so wonderful not so fun experiences I am currently having because of my weaknesses.


Super Genius

Post by Renaissance »

I’m being told that only a Super Genius could ever possibly gain access to the information I have recently shared about the true nature of reality. You would think that in a forum devoted to Genius someone here would recognize this. Oh well…. Your assessment of whether or not I am a Super Genius has no bearing WHATSOEVER on whether or not I truly am a Super Genius.

Have you noticed that old Rudolph is hiding from me? I sure do. As I have stated: I've found that atheist/agnostic skeptics are very cowardly when directly confronted with their brainwashed defective points of view. You atheist/agnostics are part of a RELIGIOUS cult. What makes you a religion is your (((FAITH))) in scientific theories that you yourselves have never personally empirically verified. Those who are brainwashed into believing that the very concept of "the big bang" and "evolution" are not miraculous at all are cult brainwashed fools indeed!

Brainwashed Scientific Clowns

Post by Renaissance »


All reality in the entire universe was once concentrated compressed to a point smaller than the head of a pin and there is nothing whatsoever miraculous about this concept.

All humans evolved from single-celled organisms into what they are today, accidentally, and there is nothing whatsoever miraculous about this concept.

+5 + -6 = -1 and there is such a thing as minus one (trust us) and there is nothing whatsoever miraculous about the concept of there being such a thing as minus one.

And you’d better agree and not question these concepts past a certain point or YOU FAIL!



Post by Renaissance »

Energy Is Electrical and Magnetic
By Jan Engels Smith

An energy field surrounds everything. Energy pulses out from objects, interacting with and absorbing other energies. A person's energy field, commonly called an aura, is generated inside the body and extends outward to surround it. Understanding the electrical and magnetic nature of energy is important to understanding healing.

The energy field you generate is created by your beliefs and thoughts. Like a radio tower, you send out concentric pulses of energy that broaden and weaken as they move farther away. An electromagnetic charge exists immediately around your body. This magnetism impacts all it comes in contact with and, by extension, influences the entire universe. Like a strong magnet, your field of energy draws other energies to it and absorbs the power of them. The energies you attract and the ways they are absorbed are influenced by your belief systems. Your beliefs filter and alter other energies as they enter your power source and, in turn, become part of the energy that emanates from you.

This magnetic power draws to you the situations, people, and events that will reinforce whatever it is you believe. If you believe you are a victim, that people constantly exploit you and that you are unlovable, your electromagnetic field will be charged with those beliefs and will draw to you circumstances that reinforce this. If you believe you are a divine being, that all doors of opportunity are open to you, that you are loved by yourself and others, and that good things always come your way, then your magnetic energy will draw to you positive life conditions, which reinforce your positive energy.

Take a moment to think about what you really believe and notice what you are drawing into your life. What do you believe about yourself, about God, about money, about your job, about your family, about your friends, and about life in general? Review your beliefs to understand which energies you attract. If you impart negative thoughts to your energy field, you will attract events and people that manifest negative beliefs. Negative energy begets negative experience, which reinforces negative beliefs. Conversely, if you radiate positive beliefs and thoughts, you will draw the situations to you that confirm your beliefs and reinforce your positive life experience.

The advantage of positive thoughts is that they are electrically charged at a higher frequency than negative thoughts. They also extend out farther and with greater strength into the universe. They leave you with a feeling of expansiveness, growth, and lightness. Negative thoughts are dense and heavy, whereas positive thoughts are light and high in vibration. Observe people's body posture and you can get a sense of how these frequencies affect them physically. People who are self-confident usually hold themselves tall and upright, as though they could lift right off the ground. Their breathing is full and expands the lungs, chest, and abdomen. People with heavy and dense negative energy look as though they are carrying a heavy backpack at all times. Their shoulders are often rounded, their head tilts down, and their breathing is shallow as if there just is not any room for breath in their lungs. They often feel tightness and stress in the upper back and shoulders. The density of negative energy causes the body to collapse inwardly. Healing is the art and science of managing not only these energy fields, but also their root cause.

It is possible to feel the different nature of energies in another person. Try this experiment: Have the person think intense negative thoughts of self-loathing and poor self-worth. Place your hands above their head and try to feel the energy radiating out. You will have the impression of a collapsing, dense aura. Next, help the same person think strong positive thoughts of their importance and self-worth. You can literally feel the difference in the energy as it expands outward with lightness and happiness. When working with someone in this activity, remember to finish on the positive note.

Energy changes with intention, instantaneously and powerfully. Changing your electromagnetic field of energy is not difficult, nor does it take years of study or practice. It is immediate. You can understand this by simply changing your thoughts and noticing the instant shift in the energy within and around you. Through practice, you can better manage, moment to moment, the energy that surrounds you. Your work in self-discovery, digging deeply into your belief system and scrutinizing your core beliefs, will allow you to permanently intensify the positive energy you radiate and attract. You can project energies that contribute meaningfully to a better universe and a better life for all people.

All objects possess an energy field and radiate and attract energy. Energy can transfer and be shared between objects, creating a bond or magnetism. This energy exchange explains the phenomenon of dowsing rods, which have been used for thousands of years to locate sources of water. They are still used today by power companies, which employ them to locate water mains. This shared transfer and bonding of energy is also what psychics use to find missing objects or people. In the case of a missing person, an article of clothing or jewelry provides an energy source, which connects to the missing person and allows the psychic to determine location. I have done many readings for people by holding a piece of their jewelry and intuitively reading their energy. I have received amazing information about their current condition, past experiences, health, and emotional problems.

Invisible energy is powering your visible experiences and you can control it.

Sincerely, Tony Dosanjh



Post by Renaissance »

The Spirit of Nature or God or Jesus or Krishna or Buddha or my Higher Self or My Highest self or my Guardian Angel or whatever other name you want to attribute to it has just given me an important revelation. Roughly translated it goes something like this:

The average person will tend to say things like, ‘I’ll finally be happy when ___________’. You can put anything in that blank like when you hit the lottery, or when you are no longer fat, or when you cut down on your drinking, or when you finally get more sleep or less sleep, of whatever cheap excuse you may want to put into that blank. Fact of the matter is that, for the properly disciplined mind, just the Intention to be happy and the ruthlessly determined consistently focused effort to maintain a happy attitude is more than enough to accomplish the task.

So the answer to the question of how a determined Buddhist monk protesting a war can set himself on fire and burn to death without showing any signs of discomfort at all is that he was determined to think wonderful thoughts and ruthlessly refused to allow any other thoughts to enter his mind REGARDLESS of what was happening to his body.

And so there it is; the secret to being happy:

Treat yourself and others with the respect they deserve as God equal to yourself, to the best of your ability, and simply choose to see whatever circumstances that may present themselves to you through the ‘filter’ of a happy and satisfied state of mind. No one, or circumstance, has the power to make you miserable unless YOU give it the power. Your happiness in life is YOUR responsibility and no one else’s.

When you have strengthened your mind to the point where you can do this then you will finally begin to know what (((REAL))) strength is all about!


The Mind & Manifesting Reality

Post by Renaissance »

I was using The Secret long before I ever heard about the official book and DVD from an Oprah Winfrey show. For many years before The Secret ever hit the book shelves I’ve been studying about and learning how to apply techniques towards the mastery of the power of my subconscious mind through creative visualization and other techniques like: The Teachings of Abraham. I’ve currently programmed myself towards a borderline obsession and then suddenly the MindMaster program has attracted itself to me and I’m using it now as I write this post. I recently installed it when I moved to this, my new house, and I’m already feeling the positive benefits from the affirmations I have created using theirs as models.

I suddenly feel as though I am being pulled by a Spiritual gravitational force towards the manifestation of certain things that don’t seem anywhere as “big” as they used to. So while you people proverbially ‘sniff’ at The Secret and then go on to things you feel are more interesting I am taking The Secret and pumping it for everything it has to offer determined to become a proverbial ‘black belt’ in mastering the techniques of manifesting through the Law of Attraction. Yes, when they ask, on The Secret DVD, “What do you really want?” I (((KNOW))) that I (((REALLY))) want to be a veritable MASTER of manifesting through the Law of Attraction. I want to be a person who can literally bend my personal reality in my favor and manifest whatever it may be that I set my properly and consistently focused Intent upon.

It’s interesting that even though I KNOW I could manifest them I don’t want any fancy cars or private jets or fancy clothing or jewelry or much more “stuff” than what I already own. What I want I am constrained not to say. It is a ‘secret’ between myself and the Living Universe.

I will say this much: After I bought and studied The Secret I happened to be in a bookstore and passed a particular bookshelf. On it were books by Jack Canfield that were variations of his famous Chicken Soup for the Soul. What was startling was that the ENTIRE BOOKSHELF SECTION was FILLED with copies of many different versions of Chicken Soup for the Soul. I was shocked to see that many different versions. Yes, of all the people interviewed in The Secret I am most impressed by Jack Canfield, even though I openly admit that I don’t own ANY of the books he has produced. I just like the guy and when he says that he lives a multi-million-dollar lifestyle all because of knowing how to apply the Law of Attraction…I BELIEVE HIM! ... r+the+soul

So you out there who ‘sniff’ at these techniques for mastery of the subconscious mind, like a dog who sniffs at something he has no interest in, so be it for you. The techniques will not work for you because a dog just can’t understand the importance of such concepts and neither can you. As for myself…well…I’ve (((NEVER))) felt more powerful in the Spirit of Nature than I do RIGHT NOW. I already feel like a multi-millionaire and I send tremendous thanks to the Living Universe for attracting millions upon millions of dollars to me. Oh, I Intend to do wonderful things alright for there will be much extra with which to do so. Fortunate indeed are those who inspire me. Elvis was so rich that he gave away cars, I’m about to become so rich that I will give away houses!

I’m becoming my own ‘magic genie’ and ‘master’ rolled into One and limitless are my wishes!

Jack Canfield: ... 4&ct=title#


Bedtime Story

Post by Renaissance »

I don't care what anyone else may say, this video of Madonna is the stuff of genius!


Our Little Secret

Post by Renaissance »

You who knew me way back when must certainly KNOW that I am not the person who I used to be. I am now stronger and more powerful in the Spirit than I have ever been in my entire life. I didn’t write like this; with so much certainty and power. I was never this confident and sure of myself or my destiny. My connecting link to Intent is becoming so powerful. Well, things are truly picking up speed in my life. I can feel my wonderful destiny unfolding like a beautiful lotus blossom with infinite petals.

I am watching a classic original series Star Trek episode and I suddenly remembered that when I first saw certain Star Trek episodes I made an inner statement. It was made with such certainty that I am now amazed as I think how it came true even better than I expected. I said that one day I would own equipment and those Star Trek episodes and I would watch them in my home any time I wanted. Mind you, this was many years before the advent of VHS video equipment. The years went by and suddenly, one day, my vision came true! I was shocked as I remembered how certain I originally was as I predicted what was going to happen in my life. Then DVDs came along and now I own the entire series on DVD. The reality has become even better than what I had dreamed.

And so I now make another prediction with even greater certainty. Very soon I will suddenly become so wealthy that I will have enough extra to secretly do wonderful things for those who inspire me and are nice to me. Elvis was so rich that he gave away cars. I will very soon be so rich that I will give away…houses!

I see myself driving along, opening the car window and, when no one is looking, casually tossing hundred-dollar-bills out the window to be taken wherever the wind of the Spirit would have them go. In my mind I see it as clear as day and I see myself doing it on a regular basis. People will wonder where the heck those hundred-dollar-bills are coming from. They will never know in this life, but we will, won’t we? It’s our little secret.

So it is written and so shall it be done!

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Re: The Mind & Reality

Post by tek0 »

The mind is such a mystery to the common folk and who would guess that so soon that could change to the better for ever.

BULL right.....nah...just the sunset
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Re: The Mind & Reality

Post by brokenhead »

Renaissance wrote:I see myself driving along, opening the car window and, when no one is looking, casually tossing hundred-dollar-bills out the window to be taken wherever the wind of the Spirit would have them go.
I haven't read many of your posts so I may be missing, did you say what route you'll be taking...?
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Re: The Mind & Reality

Post by Shahrazad »

Give it up, broken. He's no where close to Philly. Thousands of miles away.
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Re: The Mind & Reality

Post by brokenhead »

Shahrazad wrote:Give it up, broken. He's no where close to Philly. Thousands of miles away.
Hey, if he's tossing out hundies, I don't care where he is, I'll find a way to get there!

Re: The Mind & Reality

Post by Renaissance »

brokenhead wrote:
Shahrazad wrote:Give it up, broken. He's no where close to Philly. Thousands of miles away.
Hey, if he's tossing out hundies, I don't care where he is, I'll find a way to get there!
This guy is more than willing to spend about $1,000.00 to get to where I live so that he can catch a hundred-dollar-bill that flies out of my car window. Someone should put him on their top 10 genius list.
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Re: The Mind & Reality

Post by Shahrazad »

$1000 will not get him to where you are. Remember that he needs a round-trip ticket. Unless you're willing to take him as a boarder in your house.

Sure Thing

Post by Renaissance »

It was a ‘sure thing’. I invested quarters upon quarters upon quarters etcetera and I got back millions upon millions upon millions etcetera. The best investment I have ever made! ... 1MONEY.jpg

This photo I found was the best allegorical way to portray what happened in my life. And it happened so quickly. I was shocked, but not surprised for I was told it was going to happen quickly when it happened. I would go to sleep one night and wake up the next day a multi-multi-multi-etc millionaire. It happened just as I was told it would. When you live and think properly, life is amazing!
Last edited by Renaissance on Fri Oct 31, 2008 11:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Mind & Reality

Post by Trevor Salyzyn »

$500, maybe a few hundred more in quarters. The rest is rectangular-cut paper, fool.

You know what dawg? Borrow me a bill and a quarter, and I could Photoshop that whole thing.
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Re: The Mind & Reality

Post by Alex Jacob »

"What was startling was that the ENTIRE BOOKSHELF SECTION was FILLED with copies of many different versions of Chicken Soup for the Soul. I was shocked to see that many different versions."

Did you see my fave by Beevus & Butthead:

Chicken Soup for the Butt? (*snigger chortle*)
Ni ange, ni bête

Re: The Mind & Reality

Post by Renaissance »

Trevor Salyzyn wrote:$500, maybe a few hundred more in quarters. The rest is rectangular-cut paper, fool.

You know what dawg? Borrow me a bill and a quarter, and I could Photoshop that whole thing.
You're the type of guy who looks at the Mona Lisa and says: 'Just canvas with paint on it, fool.'

You're the type of guy who thinks of The Secret as: 'Just paper with words on them, fool.'

You're the type of guy who sees photos of the Sistine Chapel ceiling and says, 'Just a bunch of people painted on a ceiling, fool.'

Or hears the wise teachings of Dr Wayne Dyer and says, 'Just a guy talking, fool' ... awody3Qz2g
Last edited by Renaissance on Fri Oct 31, 2008 11:44 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: The Mind & Reality

Post by Renaissance »

Renaissance wrote:It was a ‘sure thing’. I invested quarters upon quarters upon quarters etcetera and I got back millions upon millions upon millions etcetera. The best investment I have ever made! ... 1MONEY.jpg

This photo I found was the best allegorical way to portray what happened in my life. And it happened so quickly. I was shocked, but not surprised for I was told it was going to happen quickly when it happened. I would go to sleep one night and wake up the next day a multi-multi-multi-etc millionaire. It happened just as I was told it would. When you live and think properly, life is amazing!