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Immortals Live Among Us?

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 1:45 pm
by yahooyoda
What is the philosophical status quo of human immortality?

Resurrected Immortals Live Among Us, Physical Immortality Is Possible

The good news is that more resurrections and ascensions are being made every day, and many Immortals are choosing to stay behind and interact with humanity. They can speak any language and look young or old. They carry out specific projects and deal with trouble spots on the planet. Immortals work alongside the general population, encouraging them and shaping world events. You may have worked with or encountered Immortals and not even known it.

Re: Immortals Live Among Us?

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 1:54 pm
by Dan Rowden
I know it's true - I'm one of them! I'm known as St Bernard. But I don't have human form:

St Bernard

Re: Immortals Live Among Us?

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 1:57 pm
by Katy
Dan Rowden wrote:I know it's true - I'm one of them!
Quick someone cut Dan's head off!

Re: Immortals Live Among Us?

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 5:41 pm
by Elizabeth Isabelle
No, we don't cut the head of St. Bernards, this is what we do with them

Re: Immortals Live Among Us?

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 5:49 pm
by Dan Rowden
I'm not a brandy fan, but that's my kind of dog.

Re: Immortals Live Among Us?

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 6:21 pm
by Katy
Elizabeth Isabelle wrote:No, we don't cut the head of St. Bernards, this is what we do with them
See Dan? I told you it would make less sense...
I was responding to him being immortal - a Highlander joke.

Re: Immortals Live Among Us?

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 6:25 pm
by sue hindmarsh

Re: Immortals Live Among Us?

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 5:34 am
by Katy
Sue Hindmarsh wrote:-

I like The original Saint better than The resurrected Saint.

The second image just leads to an error message.

Re: Immortals Live Among Us?

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 9:54 am
by Dan Rowden
It works if you cut and paste the url into your browser. It's a picture of him.

Re: Immortals Live Among Us?

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 12:49 pm
by yahooyoda

Comte Saint-Germain
The German count was said to have lived for centuries.

"A man who knows everything and who never dies," said Voltaire of the Comte de Saint-Germain.


His contemporaries did not forgive him this weakness. Nor did they forgive him for keeping for an entire century the physical appearance of a man of between forty and fifty years old. Apparently a man cannot be taken seriously if he does not conform strictly to the laws of nature, and he was called a charlatan because he possessed a secret which allowed him to prolong his life beyond known human limits.

Re: Immortals Live Among Us?

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 12:53 pm
by Dan Rowden
Question: you don't actually subscribe to this stuff, do you?

Re: Immortals Live Among Us?

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 1:15 pm
by yahooyoda
Dan Rowden wrote:Question: you don't actually subscribe to this stuff, do you?
Can the sixth sense be described in terms of the other five?

Probably not...

Re: Immortals Live Among Us?

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 1:25 pm
by Dan Rowden
I don't see how a purported sixth sense relates to the material you are posting, therefore, I don't see how that answers my question.

Re: Immortals Live Among Us?

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 1:35 pm
by yahooyoda
Dan Rowden wrote:I don't see how a purported sixth sense relates to the material you are posting, therefore, I don't see how that answers my question.
I am glad you agree...

Re: Immortals Live Among Us?

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 1:42 pm
by Tomas

I'd venture to say... that something is going on behind the scenes, but to put a 'name' to it (much less a website) is a stretch too far for me to go.

In a past life as a political consultant, saw some rather disconcerting things happen. Some dinner parties where the host would take a select few of us to their private chambers where they had collected (probably looted) ancient artifacts that the host implied had/has "special powers".

Another would be the use of peyote back in my younger years in North Dakota (grew up next to Three Affiliated Tribes Indian Reservation) some of the elders took a liking to me and I was allowed to see some of their relics... make it back every few years and always drop by their stomping grounds for a "back to basics" humbling...

As far as some Indian-looking woman asking to sit at the same dining table is cool enough but then to see her at some grocery store with a cart-full of groceries... I'd expect her to invite me to her home (skid row?) for a down_home good meal. Spare no expense!... saith the lord god of british israel.

Tomas (the tank)
Prince of Jerusalem
16 Degree
Scottish Rite Free Mason


Re: Immortals Live Among Us?

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 2:44 pm
by Carl G

Good to see you dropping in again, oh abstractist and opaque one, oh meandering one, oh tangental and oblique one.

Re: Immortals Live Among Us?

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 2:56 pm
by Elizabeth Isabelle
Even with the fascinating possibilities of this thread and its size 150 quotes, I still vote for the sperm bank thread to be the most bizarre thread on the board. Ryan's marauding bands of Christians in hot pursuit of fleeing bands of sages runs a close second. I'm not even sure this would make third.

Re: Immortals Live Among Us?

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 3:19 pm
by yahooyoda ... sense.html

"There is now convincing evidence to challenge the current theory that consciousness can only exist inside the brain - and if you can have consciousness without associated brain function, that is enormously important for our understanding of the mind," he said.

For his latest research, 60 patients at Southampton General Hospital's coronary care unit were interviewed after heart attacks had left them temporarily brain-dead. Seven reported near-death experiences - defined by characteristic features such as a feeling of leaving your body, going through a tunnel and entering an area of "love, bliss and consciousness".

"The significance of this is that after a cardiac arrest you lose consciousness within eight seconds; within 11 seconds the brain's rhythms become flat, and within 18 seconds there is no possibility of the brain creating a model of the world - so the brain is down," said Dr Fenwick.

"Yet whenever we asked people when their near-death experiences occurred, they said it was during unconsciousness. If that's true, their experience was occurring when there was no blood flowing through the brain - and consciousness would appear to exist outside the brain."

It could be argued that their experiences occurred in the few seconds between brain functions being restored and the return of consciousness. But recent research on a patient in the United States, where traces of electrical activity in the brain were closely monitored, suggested this was not the case.

"That study and other evidence points to the mind and brain not being identical, and it seems that the mind may operate in part outside the brain as a sort of field which works in the same way as a TV receiver receives programmes through the airwaves," said Dr Fenwick.


Dr Fenwick said the idea of the mind existing outside the body helped to explain the growing weight of scientific evidence pointing to genuine psychic powers.

For example, US trials showed women trying to become pregnant by in-vitro fertilisation were twice as likely to conceive if they were "prayed for" by a group of people hundreds of miles away who had never met them.
Mind over matter...?

Re: Immortals Live Among Us?

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 3:38 pm
by Jamesh
For his latest research, 60 patients at Southampton General Hospital's coronary care unit were interviewed after heart attacks had left them temporarily brain-dead. Seven reported near-death experiences - defined by characteristic features such as a feeling of leaving your body, going through a tunnel and entering an area of "love, bliss and consciousness".
This is actually interesting. According to some dud doco I saw a few months ago, the heart has some brain cells that allow storage of limited information (like the brain most heart muscle cells stay with us from birth - perhaps they are not replaced because they store information). I'm wondering if these smart heartcells might be a secondary activating tool for the chemicals involved in emotions. It is possible that even a brain dead person can still feel. I can't find anything on the net about this though.

In 1999, Frisén startled the neuroscience community by announcing he had found stem cells in the brain. Stem cells create new cells — in this case, new brain cells. However, Frisén seems to have changed his thinking. "My estimate is that 100% of cortical neurons stay with us from birth," he e-mails.

That's probably true, but doesn't rule out the possibility that the brain also makes new cells. "Two very different types of cells live a lifetime. Hence, your brain has both fully differentiated neurons that live a lifetime, and stem cells that continue to make new brain cells,"

The stem cell splits into two daughter cells (as does an ordinary cell), but instead of creating two ordinary cells, it forms another stem cell and a specialized cell (for example, a heart cell). Now, the crucial difference: The stem cell retains the original DNA strands, and makes a DNA copy
I wonder if this is the method the brain uses to create memories, namely germ cells create new cells for each new and novel cognitive memory, while the cells that stay from birth are for more instinctual activities like running the body, and pre-set reactions to emotions.

Re: Immortals Live Among Us?

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 6:41 pm
by Tomas
Carl G wrote:Tomas,

Good to see you dropping in again, oh abstractist and opaque one, oh meandering one, oh tangental and oblique one.

Remember; things are not travelling along in straight-straight lines anymore, they travel in burrows which interconnect, you might dig into someone elses burrow without realizing it, it may be furnished with the most fantastic things you've ever seen. You might alight on an unfamiliar flower. But we must be sure that we make an escape passage or route onto another plane.

Tomas (the tank)
Prince of Jerusalem
16 Degree
Scottish Rite Free Mason


Re: Immortals Live Among Us?

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 5:32 am
by Tomas
Elizabeth Isabelle wrote:Even with the fascinating possibilities of this thread and its size 150 quotes, I still vote for the sperm bank thread to be the most bizarre thread on the board. Ryan's marauding bands of Christians in hot pursuit of fleeing bands of sages runs a close second. I'm not even sure this would make third.

Yo, thin lizzy,

(author unknown)

"There are two way to slide easily through life: to believe everything or to doubt everything; both ways save us from thinking."


Re: Immortals Live Among Us?

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 10:48 am
by Mirage
Tomas Quote:
I'd venture to say... that something is going on behind the scenes, but to put a 'name' to it (much less a website) is a stretch too far for me to go.
Remember; things are not travelling along in straight-straight lines anymore, they travel in burrows which interconnect, you might dig into someone elses burrow without realizing it, it may be furnished with the most fantastic things you've ever seen. You might alight on an unfamiliar flower. But we must be sure that we make an escape passage or route onto another plane.
Deliberately ambiguous.


Re: Immortals Live Among Us?

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 8:09 pm
by yahooyoda ... mmort.html
The major religious interest in Taoist followers can be said to be the quest for longevity or immortality (ch'ang sheng pu ssu) which always meant physical immortality as the soul or personality was regarded as being an incorporation of several interrelated souls that were dispersed at death. The aim was to return to a primordial wholeness, as part of the original unity of the Tao. It was believed that immortality was achieved by nourishing the "vital principle" and implied that humans might change their body into some substance which was lighter and more lasting.
Quantum immortality is a controversial metaphysical speculation that is derived from the quantum suicide thought experiment. It states that the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics implies that conscious beings are immortal.

Re: Immortals Live Among Us?

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 2:43 pm
by Trevor Salyzyn
Remember; things are not travelling along in straight-straight lines anymore, they travel in burrows which interconnect, you might dig into someone elses burrow without realizing it, it may be furnished with the most fantastic things you've ever seen. You might alight on an unfamiliar flower. But we must be sure that we make an escape passage or route onto another plane.
I'm impressed. You left nothing to chance on that one: it took some genuine work on my part to work through the abstractions and figure out how that was not crazy. Still a little obscure on the "another plane" business. Do you always keep some pot (or peyote) stashed in your cupboard or something? I don't take you for a drinker.

[Edit: on second thought, you could just be talking about kicking off the shoes and typing in this forum.]

Re: Immortals Live Among Us?

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 3:06 pm
by Tomas