Big Brother

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Big Brother

Post by 1TheMaster »

DQ wrote
"I'm sure the program is quite an eye-opener for many men watching it. It's as though the television producers have kindly created Exhibit A for a demonstration of Weininger's views."

I don't think the program has that intention at all, although it is a fascinating and repulsive insight into the behavioural interaction of the common joe shmoe.

As a sociolgical experiment, Big Brother offers an extraordinary insight into the day to day actions of how people interact. The petty desires and distractions that consume them. But it can only be seen thus as an outsider from this "norm", the vast majority of viewers will not see this.

I would like to hear more of DQ thoughts on this. Also Dan wrote a while ago how Tv can offer an insight into the common thought of society, no matter how innane the subject.

Kevin Solway
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Re: Big Brother

Post by Kevin Solway »

It seems to me that the current series in Australia is composed of the lowest types of both sexes.

These types are no doubt in the majority in the population at large.

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Dan Rowden
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Re: Big Brother

Post by Dan Rowden »

Yes, they have obviously been hand-picked for their baseness and unbridled sexuality. I think they're the most uncouth bunch I've ever seen on any series of the program. And one has to take into account the artificiality of the environment. That said, it might also be suggested that this artificiality allows for a certain concentration of effect. That is, certain aspects of human behaviour are more concentrated because these people don't have work and family environments to "spread out" of make more diffuse their basic reality. Thus, we get raw human baseness in a very concentrated form. Of course, one has to also take into account the editing process - we only see a small proportion of the overall activity that takes in the Big Brother house and this editing is obviously designed to appeal to morons.

But I agree with David that more than in any previous series the stark contrast between the sexes in being exposed. The blokes are hopelessly crass, as you'd expect, but the girls are just and crass and with that utterly - well, pathetic.

I mean, how could you live with Vesna for as little as half an hour and not want to kill her (or yourself)?

Dan Rowden
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David Quinn
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Re: Big Brother

Post by David Quinn »

I don't think Channel 10's editing process is distorting the true picture too much. I've been following the series quite closely on the website, particularly the <a href="" target="top">diary</a>, and I can assure you that the crassness, emotionalism, and moronic behaviour of the group is pretty consistent throughout the day. Reading the dairy is actually pretty entertaining from a psychological point of view, better than watching it on TV in many ways.

The Master wrote:

Quote:Quote:<hr>DQ: "I'm sure the program is quite an eye-opener for many men watching it. It's as though the television producers have kindly created Exhibit A for a demonstration of Weininger's views."

ITM: I don't think the program has that intention at all, although it is a fascinating and repulsive insight into the behavioural interaction of the common joe shmoe.

As a sociolgical experiment, Big Brother offers an extraordinary insight into the day to day actions of how people interact. The petty desires and distractions that consume them. But it can only be seen thus as an outsider from this "norm", the vast majority of viewers will not see this. <hr> That's true of everything, isn't it. An intelligent thinker will always get far more out of a situation than the average person. But I think that, in this instance, the disgusting nature of woman has been highlighted so clearly on this series of Big Brother that even the dullest of men will have learned something from it. For many of them, the memory will be burned so deeply into their brains that when they do finally read Weininger, Nietzsche or Solway, it will probably be in complete sympathy. Edited by: DavidQuinn000 at: 6/28/05 19:35
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Re: Big Brother

Post by jimhaz »

I haven't watched much of it, far too irritating.
From what I've seen, Glenn the shearer seems OK. If he was tutored by a good philosopher he could learn about reality.

For the realities of the modern world, I prefer comedies like The Office, My Big Fat Obnoxious Boss and so on.
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Dan Rowden
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Re: Big Brother

Post by Dan Rowden »

David wrote:

Quote:Quote:<hr>I don't think Channel 10's editing process is distorting the true picture too much. I've been following the series quite closely on the website, particularly the diary, and I can assure you that the crassness, emotionalism, and moronic behaviour of the group is pretty consistent throughout the day.<hr>

Well, I looked. My God. Words fail me.

Dan Rowden

Re: Big Brother

Post by MKFaizi »

I used to watch professional wrestling but I only watch CNN these days. Very sick and uncouth individuals there.

I don't know "Big Brother" but it sounds like some kind of so called reality show. I have never watched one of those except for a couple of the first episodes of the one with Ozzie Osborne.

Not much different from a soap opera or professional wrestling.

What's the big interest?

I get a very close up look at the reality of humanoids every single day of my life -- more than I could ever want. Lots of drama. Cancer, heart attacks, child molestation, heroin addiction -- the usual crap.

Reality shows do not show much reality. They show hand picked people placed in a hand picked situation. Very contrived.

No such thing as a reality show. People placed in such a contrived situation "act." They seek to win favor -- even if they are "favored" as a bad guy.



Re: Big Brother

Post by MKFaizi »

Checked the web site. Seems to be a lot like "Real World" on MTV several years ago. I think it is still on there but I would not know. Don't get MTV here in Christianity.

Same sort of crap. Kind of like art school.

Anybody catch the BTK killer on CNN? Talk about one bitch who needs to be voted off the island! I don't like the so called death penalty -- too barbaric for my tastes. But I would have loved to have come on him when he was hanging up the little girl in the basement or putting the plastic bag over the father's head.

Just me and my M16.

Say hello to my little friend. I would have sprayed his ass just for fun.

Nothing really dramatic about real reality. It's just real, that's all. Real and sucky.

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Re: Big Brother

Post by jimhaz »

I wouldn't mind seeing a thousand fold increase in serial killings. [with the proviso that the government didn't use it to maintain and increase power - such as what has occurred with most governments in how that are dealing with mostly imaginary terrorism in the west)

Just the sort of thing to bring the mob back to reality.

"On Friday, February 25, 2005, Rader, a city inspector, Cub Scout leader, and Lutheran church council president"

It pleases me that he was a churchie.

Re: Big Brother

Post by MKFaizi »

Serial killers are often good church people. Gary Ridgeway was well known to preach the Bible to his co-workers. One facet of the personalities of many -- most -- serial killers is that they do put on a facade of ordinariness. They keep their killing lives very separate from their regular lives. They don't kill their wives or girlfriends or practice sexual deviance with them.

I find serial killing interesting -- not the killers themselves so much -- they are pretty ordinary people.

Most serial killers pride themselves on their superior intelligence. Most are above average but not superior in any way.

I cannot imagine why you could want to see an increase in serial killing. That makes no sense. I find the psychology and the brain chemistry to be somewhat interesting but I have no wish to see more serial killings. I do not enjoy hearing about people being forced to suffer unnecessarily.

Last night, I actually had this horrific dream that the president of the United States had gone mad. My daughter had to shake me awake because I was screaming.

Then, I woke this morning and remembered that George Bush is still president.

The horror.

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Re: Big Brother

Post by 1TheMaster »

You are clearly a deeply disturbed individual Faizi, you need help for your depression. Drugs don't work? there are other methods for you. You don't need to dump your jaded view on every thread you see, just cause you can.


Re: Big Brother

Post by MKFaizi »


I wrote that I have no desire to see an increase in serial killing while Jimhaz wrote that he would be pleased to see such an increase.

Nevertheless, you charge me with mental illness, hailing my posts here as jaded things that I dump here just because I can.

Further ironic that you have appreciation for Nine Inch Nails.

Have you ever read "Poison for the Heart?" Kierkegaard? Nietzsche?

Many people would charge Kierkegaard for dumping his jaded views just because he could. Same with Nietzsche. Christ was a downer; condemning this thing and that thing. Quite hopeless; definitely beyond the help of drugs.

I am a half decent writer but I do not compare myself with these thinkers who spent their entire lives devoted to life inside the mind.

Yet, I do know an asshole hypocrite when I see one. You are so middle of the road that you stink like a rat.

Can you explain how, exactly, you are not deeply disturbed? How do you justify your normality? What is normal?

What are your thoughts about jealousy and envy and hate? I used to experience these things so I know what exactly is involved. Do you? What invokes you to the desire to condemn philosophical thought; introspection?

Why do you put up pop songs as some sort of shield to protect you from your own insights? Got any; or are you an empty vessel?

Comparing yourself to me -- my empire of dirt; mental disturbance -- how exactly are you superior and what is the exact nature of your superiority and possible enlightened state?

Stated succinctly, exactly what makes me repulsive; bad -- that makes you -- your assumption of normality when compared to my severe mental disturbance -- good?

Any ideas?

What specifically is your contribution here that warrants your condemnation of my contribution? Are you a god?

What would satisfy you? My demise from this forum? Beating me?

What exactly do you want?

What is it that invokes you to condemn thought in general?

Since this forum is concerned with philosophy, can you explain how Nietzsche and Kierkegaard and Jesus were not deeply disturbed? Was the Buddha normal?

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Re: Big Brother

Post by 1TheMaster »

I think your reply says it all.
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Re: Big Brother

Post by WolfsonJakk »

Is it only me that finds it amusing that the QRS watch reality TV shows?

I mean, I admit, I do watch Cartoon Network whenever I do watch TV and it is not football, but at least I KNOW it is a cartoon! ...or is it?

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David Quinn
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Re: Big Brother

Post by David Quinn »

I don't watch any of the other reality TV shows because I think they're too contrived. Big Brother is different because it does accurately reflect the reality of today's mainstream society. The people in the show are living all day, every day in a house for three months, and over that time their real natures shine out. As The Master says, it's like a sociological experiment being played out right before our eyes.

Still, one series will probably be enough for me. I doubt that I'll be watching it next year.

Re: Big Brother

Post by MKFaizi »

I am not surprised that the enlightened one or two watch reality shows.

They don't work. Got to do something, I reckon.

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Re: Big Brother

Post by jimhaz »


Post venting your mind, do you regret the aggressiveness of the posts you make?

I certainly do, as I know agressiveness creates a situation where emotionalism takes over the ideas being presented are made secondary to the competition involved in any communication.


Re: Big Brother

Post by MKFaizi »

I am not aggressive.

I won't write here again, no matter how bored I may be.

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Re: Big Brother

Post by jimhaz »

OK. Good.

Perhaps my goal should be to destroy this forum. It is as worthy a goal as any other.

I can't handle the truth :), so why should we pretend others can?
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Re: Big Brother

Post by 1TheMaster »

Quote:Quote:<hr>Have you ever read "Poison for the Heart?" Kierkegaard? Nietzsche?<hr>

Poison for the heart, yes, Nietzsche, some. This should not be a yard stick for measuring much at all though, you seem to place much value in it.

Quote:Quote:<hr>Many people would charge Kierkegaard for dumping his jaded views just because he could. Same with Nietzsche. Christ was a downer; condemning this thing and that thing. Quite hopeless; definitely beyond the help of drugs.<hr>

The difference is, you are a downer without the light at the end of the tunnel. What you write is relentlessly grim and bleak, there is no upper hand on the situation. It's just negative garbage, all the time.

Quote:Quote:<hr>I am a half decent writer but I do not compare myself with these thinkers who spent their entire lives devoted to life inside the mind.<hr>

I think you are a very good writer, but you are a one-trick-pony, it's interesting and novel for a while, then becomes tedious, and eventually, ridiculous.

Quote:Quote:<hr>Yet, I do know an asshole hypocrite when I see one. You are so middle of the road that you stink like a rat.<hr>

No real comment to this. Seems reactionary and emotional.

Quote:Quote:<hr>What are your thoughts about jealousy and envy and hate? I used to experience these things so I know what exactly is involved. Do you?<hr>

Yes, I do. Most humans, I would guess, are well aware of those tendencies. They are ugly and vile feelings to have. But also very difficult to vanquish.

Quote:Quote:<hr>Comparing yourself to me -- my empire of dirt; mental disturbance -- how exactly are you superior and what is the exact nature of your superiority and possible enlightened state?<hr>

I didn't suggest I was superior. I do think though, my state of mind is superior to that of most. Not unlike yours, except you seem insistent on projecting all negativity and only the darkness. Your words are like a vortex of negativity, they suck me down, at least.

Bozo Skeleton
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Re: Big Brother

Post by Bozo Skeleton »

Quote:Quote:<hr>For the realities of the modern world, I prefer comedies like The Office, My Big Fat Obnoxious Boss and so on. -jimhaz<hr>

The Movie "Office Space" is a good one, like these you've mentioned. Sorta neat expose' of how corporate life sucks the will to live out of us.

For Me, "the realities of the modern world" are best seen on "Cops", "Jerry Springer", "Americas Most Wanted" "The Investigators" "Cold case Files" "Forensic Evidence" "Power, Priviledge, and Justice-Dominick Dunne"....the stories of actual criminals show me how ugly man can really be.

Quote:Quote:<hr>Reality shows do not show much reality. -MKFaizi<hr>

Quote:Quote:<hr> I don't watch any of the other reality TV shows because I think they're too contrived. -DavidQuinn000<hr>

Indeed. Sadly, even "Americas Most Wanted" use special sound effects and negative terminology to manipulate the Viewer into fear and submission. I've found many discrepencies in several of the shows I mentioned, like bad-editing, and flat-out Bullcrap.

All Television is "Contrived".

....And now for a commercial break...

<img src=" ... toon02.gif" style="border:0;"/>
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Re: Big Brother

Post by avidaloca »

I can't watch TV because I tend to get sucked in by it. Their world becomes mine, and I don't like whoever they are. I'd rather get into a Nietzsche or Weininger than a network executive.

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Post by zarathustra »

....millions of mindless morons sitting in houses, eating, copulating, watching tv, watching mindless morons sitting in a house eating, copulating, watching tv..........................

o age gone lax! o stunted followers!
that mask at passion and desire desires
behold me shrivelled and your mock of mocks
and yet I mock you by the mighty fires
that burn me to this ash!!!!!!!


written by lightening for your edification
Foresta Gump

Is Honesty really the best Policy?

Post by Foresta Gump »

I appreciate the honesty I see on this forum. Said in a diplomatic way achieves the best results.

If said with a vengence chances are you'll get vengence back, but with the use of diplomacy - honesty is a good practice. And if retaliation comes from honesty, retaliation is the defensive measures we take upon ourselves, and in turn deny the truths with falsity.
Foresta Gump

zarathustra's ability!

Post by Foresta Gump »

You have talent in the poetry field zarathustra, a message is the most important aspect of a poem.