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Re: 911

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 4:23 am
by DFBatosee
well...think of this....titanium incenerates at about 3000 degrees....jet plane oil can only burn at about that being the case why did nobody find any propeller did they put out 10,000 gallons of jet fuel in just a few mintues...that plane was heading over was full...2 firetrucks couldnt have even begun to put that out in 20 minutes....there would have been a huge was a 747....

Re: 911

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 12:56 pm
by daybrown
DFBatosee wrote:well...think of this....titanium incenerates at about 3000 degrees....jet plane oil can only burn at about that being the case why did nobody find any propeller did they put out 10,000 gallons of jet fuel in just a few mintues...that plane was heading over was full...2 firetrucks couldnt have even begun to put that out in 20 minutes....there would have been a huge was a 747....
You are either preaching to the converted, or shouting at the deaf. I have repeatedly suggested that we need a congressional hearing to go into these reports, but have yet to see any indication that will happen. But what you can do that will be of some use, is to think about what it is you think, and why you think that way.

The converted include large numbers of those who changed their mind thinking about reports such as yours. And since they changed their minds once, you may be able to add to their thinking in some constructive way. But then, there are those like Bush, who have conviction. Which seems to be based on faith, since the logical support is so lacking. St. Paul said that reason was not sufficient to reach truth, that one needed to rely on faith. From what else he had to say, I can see how his position would appeal to those millons whose powers of reason are too limited. There is no way to use reason to enlighten them.

More to the point of what did happen on 9/11/2001, is what will happen as a result. We can see that it united the nation, but we also see that when a lie is used to do this, the group think needed to support it limits creativity and stifles innovation. After all, it is the deviant thinkers who first began posting about the logical inconsistencies- such as you cite. The planners of the false flag event were not even able to foresee the failure of the Iraq war to deliver more oil to their supporters. And they are certainly not able now to see which way the nation is headed- the dissolution of the Untied States of Denial.

Not getting the oil, meant not getting the money. And not getting the money has driven the value of the dollar down, middle class incomes down, and foreclosure and bankruptcy up. Already there are cities that are suing the financial sector for damages to their tax base from all the foreclosures. I dunno if that will work or not, but in the meantime, while this works its way thru the courts, city tax revenues are falling. At the same time when urban social safety nets are already straining.

Dr. Freud noted how convinced neurotics were of their delusions. He also saw that it took a severe shock to wake them up to reality. Rational discourse was met with remarkably inventive excuses for why neurotics think as they do. But then, when awakened, they wake up angry.

Epictetus commented on this 2000 years ago, saying that when a man convinced him that he was wrong, Epictetus was grateful to no longer be thinking wrongly. But when he performed the same service for another, the man always went away angry. And that anger is damn fucking dangerous.

It was the economic stresses felt by the masses in Germany, Italy, and Russia that produced Hitler, Mussolini, and Lenin. And like today's Americans, their grasp of history was so weak they did not know what they were in for. A lot of them today dont even know who Lenin and Mussolini were, and were it not for the neoNazis, they would not know who Hitler was either.

But lies like 911, have interest; they compound over time. To start with, they have powerful interests behind them, which themselves are deluded by group think, who also have little or no knowledge of history; much less Machiavelli. After 9/11/2001 we were given Saddam's WMD lies. And that led to the Patriot act, and the functional dismemberment of the Bill of Rights which has always held this nation together.

Another tactic of the power elite promoters of deception is divide and conquer the electorate into ever more sectarian and ethnic factions. Had they read Machiavelli, they'd understand how this leads to the partition of republics such as is proposed for Iraq, and demonstrated in what had been Yugoslavia. So now, the candidates can promise one audience something in English, but go to another venue, and promise Latinos something else in spanish.

More languages result in more lies. They speak in visual emotional appeals to the fundies, but speak behind closed doors to lobbyists and financial backers. The ultimate upshot of 911 is that nobody actually speaks for the nation any more.

So, if you have the attention span to read this far, it is time to consider who speaks for you, and who you can speak to that will listen to what you have to say. The place to find that is in a homogeneous community of people like yourself, who understand where you are coming from. The Jews have Israel; the Amish have their farm country. The Latinos have a wide variety of governments to choose from.

Where do the followers of Plato and Aristotle, those who tried to rely on logic go?

Re: 911

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 6:36 pm
by hsandman
I'm not saying that government officials are evil, or that they even necessarily meant wrong by doing this, if indeed our government did this horrific act.

I'm rather sure that whoever did this and for whatever reasons thought they were doing it for the right reasons - but they were wrong.

We need to find out who the real confused people are.

Your premise is faulty. There is a way other than active aggression. Being proactive is being assertive, not being aggressive. There is a difference.

<!:^)> <(^:!>


But what if, what if in fact, we are moving toward a stage where large-scale wars will no longer be desirable by anyone, but to get there we have to plow through a region, defeat pockets of resistance, link a whole region (Eurasia) into the world economy in such a way that it becomes dependant on existant distribution systems to survive and prosper?

-Herman Goering at the Nuremberg trials-

Of course the people don't want war. But after all, it's the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it's always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it's a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger."


Just as the US, after WW2, made decisions, took action, and did not hesitate before the task given us by God, the Author of Freedom, so too now it stands as a possibility that they may be successful in what they are attempting.

Me? I stay close to my hookah and wait for instructions from the earth-goddesses of yore...

Now its "more than" - 3,000?

ps- The avatar shows where your thought-process is. ... 277222.jpg <3

lol ^.^

When I consider how it looks how posters think, if that's the right word, I must consider the possibility that most, if not all, of the postings are by Turing machines.

< beep beep deep deep indeed aren’t we all? Hey, have you heard about this professor of psychiatry, who went to a mental clinic as part of experiment, which involved him and his 10 students to pretend that they hear the sound: "beep, beep" in the head, but otherwise act normal? They all got declared insane, and he was released 3 months latter. True -> Urban Legend :^) (^: >

Homo habilis
H. habilis lived from about 2.4 to 1.4 million years ago (mya). H. habilis, the first species of the genus Homo, evolved in South and East Africa in the late Pliocene or early Pleistocene, 2.5–2 mya, when it diverged from the Australopithecines. H. habilis had smaller molars and larger brains than the Australopithecines, and made tools from stone and perhaps animal bones. One of the first known hominids, it was nicknamed 'handy man' by its discoverer, Louis Leakey. Some scientists have proposed moving this species out of Homo and into Australopithecus.

homo habilis on youtube. :-) ... re=related

Re: 911

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 7:51 pm
by hsandman
well...think of this....titanium incenerates at about 3000 degrees....jet plane oil can only burn at about that being the case why did nobody find any propeller did they put out 10,000 gallons of jet fuel in just a few mintues...that plane was heading over was full...2 firetrucks couldnt have even begun to put that out in 20 minutes....there would have been a huge was a 747....

lolerscaters!(sp?) huge! huge! I tellz 'ya dagnabbit! :-S

935 false statements after September 11

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 1:51 pm
by Tomas

George Bush and White House issued 935 false statements after September 11

Someone finally counted them up,23599,23 ... 02,00.html


Re: 911

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 2:02 pm
by Dan Rowden
This is unsurprising. I think we all know the best way to get a lie believed is to repeat it often.

Re: 911

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 3:23 pm
by Unidian

Re: 911

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 4:02 pm
by Dan Rowden
Actually, Mossad involvement of some description wouldn't surprise me in the slightest. In fact, I'm all but prepared to publicly state I believe it.

Re: 911

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 4:08 pm
by Unidian
Pretty sure you just did.

Interesting, anyway. Who knows? 9/11 is pretty much a swirling mass of unresolved issues and questions for me at this point. I'm not sure clarity is even attainable anymore.

Re: 911

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 4:11 pm
by Dan Rowden
Let's be clear about it: clarity isn't available. Hope I cleared that up.

Re: 911

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 4:17 pm
by Unidian
Clearly you did.

Re: 911

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 2:05 am
by DFBatosee
well at this point in time we are about 7 years past this, yet we have gained almost nothing, we have no way anymore to prove or disprove the government because of this time gap, therefore as you have said previously, there is no clarity available, as much as i hate to admit and as hard as it is to do so, you almost have to just believe the government and let it go, i really cant say much more because doing so would contradict myself even further than i have already.

Re: 911

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 9:35 am
by hsandman
DFBatosee wrote:well at this point in time we are about 7 years past this, yet we have gained almost nothing, we have no way anymore to prove or disprove the government because of this time gap, therefore as you have said previously, there is no clarity available, as much as i hate to admit and as hard as it is to do so, you almost have to just believe the government and let it go, i really cant say much more because doing so would contradict myself even further than i have already.
AHAHAHAHAHAHA! Go rain man! Don't forget to breathe. :-S

Re: 911

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 11:02 am
by brokenhead
DFBatosee wrote:i really cant say much more because doing so would contradict myself even further than i have already.
"The well-bred contradict other people. The wise contradict themselves." (Oscar Wilde)
You are still using the lower case "i" for the first person singular voice. Dude, you are misspelling a one-letter word.

Re: 911

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 11:05 am
by Tomas
brokenhead wrote:
DFBatosee wrote:i really cant say much more because doing so would contradict myself even further than i have already.
"The well-bred contradict other people. The wise contradict themselves." (Oscar Wilde)
You are still using the lower case "i" for the first person singular voice. Dude, you are misspelling a one-letter word.
I do it a lot of times, you know?

Besides you, who the hell cares?



Re: 911

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 11:14 am
by brokenhead
I do it a lot of times, you know?

Besides you, who the hell cares?
I don't give a shit who else cares. I'm telling him this for his own good. He's like 21 and if he ever wants other people to take him seriously, he has to take himself seriously. He does it because he's lazy. I don't know what your excuse is. But hey, Tomas, you're not 21, you're a big boy.

Re: 911

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 12:27 pm
by Tomas
brokenhead wrote:
I do it a lot of times, you know?

Besides you, who the hell cares?

I don't give a shit who else cares.

Hey now! Watch your language there, sonny boy ... there are underage children reading this ... using the "s" word is setting a bad example.

I'm telling him this for his own good.

If I've told you once, I've told you a hundred times (yawn)


I'm telling you this for the last time... (yawn)

He's like 21

Then he's old enough to drink?

and if he ever wants other people to take him seriously,

He's pulling on your chain...

he has to take himself seriously.

Well, duh.

He does it because he's lazy.

The youth are running wild in the streets!

I don't know what your excuse is.

This from a dude who doesn't even know how to edit a subject line :-/

But hey, Tomas, you're not 21, you're a big boy.

Lookin' for a warm shower date?



Re: 911

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 12:46 pm
by brokenhead
He does it because he's lazy.

The youth are running wild in the streets!
Gotta start with the little stuff, Tomas.
But hey, Tomas, you're not 21, you're a big boy.

Lookin' for a warm shower date?
Why, so you can show me why you call yourself "the tank"?
He's like 21

Then he's old enough to drink?
The head-master is 51 and he can't drink so he spends his time spoiling other people's fun.

Re: 911

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 3:32 am
by Carl G
carl wrote wrote:
you know, I do read the New York Times?

Besides, do you really care about Helen Keller?

-tomas tanked-
I don't give a shit about Helen.

Hey now! Watch your French ... Sonny Bonehead and his undercover kids may using this to wrap fish ... they may think you are using the "H" word to mean H-bomb.

-tomas tanked-
I'm telling him (piss) for his own God.

I've told you, Uncle, about that dunderhead NY Times (poop)


I'm telling you this, Pastor about the Times... (poop)

-tomas tanked-
He pretends he's 21

So, his ass is still pink.

-tomas tanked-
and if he ever wants Pete Moss to take him seriously,

Pete Moss is a chain smoker, though good for the flower bed...

-tomas tanked-
pete is a serial killer, code name The Fertilizer.

Well, duh (drools).

-tomas tanked-
He calls himself 'natural organic' because he's lazy.

The salmon are running wild in the streams!

-tomas tanked-
I don't know what you are, excuse me.

I'm the dude they call Non Sequitor :-/

-tomas tanked-
But hey, Carl, you're not 21, you're a big bovine.

Lookin' for a moo-vie and dinner?



Re: 911

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 9:30 am
by daybrown
There is a way to resolve 911 and get to the bottom of it, but as Hsandman inferred, we are dealing with Turing machines or some other such system in which only certain ways of thinking are possible.

But as an academic exercise, consider the new lie detection technologies. FMRI brain scans of the occipital lobes reveal when certain images are recognized whether the subject wishes to say anything or not. EEG reveals the more intense mental activity going on in the prefrontal lobes during the calculation needed to create a lie. Dr. Paul Ekman's discovery of autonomic primate facial responses to situations, which exist for 200 ms before the prefrontal lobes kick in to paint a calculated expression can be revealed with high speed video.

All we need is an official congressional hearing, or some such similar legal proceeding where these techniques can be brought to bear during testimony. Course, we are not going to get that from a Democratic congress and the lawyers who run it.

As I've said several times, 911 is going to keep simmering on the back burner until such time as an economic crisis creates the need for scapegoats. After all, 911 does have some very powerful economic factors behind why it happened.

I saw a banker tell a senate hearing that no more high rise towers will be built because insurers cant cover the risk of Islamic terrorism. Not only in the USA; Islam has been trying to spread in SE Asia, and attacking the rich targets of the global secular economy hoping to disrupt it, create anarchy, and therefore be able to rise out of the rubble to build a new order based on Islam.

Islamic oil money has been used to fund the indoctrination needed for suicide bombers. Moving US troops intothe mideast provided more convenient targets, the risk to high rise towers declined, and insurers were able to cover the risk, and so we see a new set of these white elephants devoted to steep pyramidal power structures are again under construction.

But 911 was needed to create the falseflag event needed to employ military force.

Re: 911

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 10:46 am
by hsandman
Daybrown wrote:There is a way to resolve 911 and get to the bottom of it, but as Hsandman inferred, we are dealing with Turing machines or some other such system in which only certain ways of thinking are possible.
It is truly amazing piece of reasoning. What a farce. :-/ This is the way I read it:

DFBatosee wrote:

well at this point in time....

we (ie:I) are about 7 years past this

yet we(I) have gained almost nothing,

we(I) have no way anymore to prove or disprove

the government

because of this time gap,

there is no clarity available,

i hate to admit it,

and as hard as it is to do so,

you (I) have to just believe

the government

and let it go,

i really cant say much more

doing so would contradict myself

... even further than i have already.

(lol @ Carls)
I'm the dude they call Non Sequitor :-/

Re: 911

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 3:22 pm
by daybrown
Another psychological factor that tends to open up 911 is group think. Specifically, the group think that was going on among the personnel in government and the miitary on 9/11/01; they were told what to think by the powers that be, and for the sake of their own careers, went along.

But now, the boomers who were well up in the power structures at the time are retiring. And, they are therefore no longer subject to group think nor do they have any risk to their careers. So, as a result, we are now seeing some postings by them recounting what they thot they knew, but dared not say.

These people will be around for another 10-20 years; there's plenty of time for them to compare notes in order to piece together what was going on. and, in the meantime, if there is economic crisis, that will discredit the powers that be, and remove any risk to anyone reporting what they know.

Note, I am not rehashing the particulars, but writing of the psychology of those in place at the time, and the changes they are now going thru as they retire, which is irrefutable.

Re: 911

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 12:59 am
by Carl G
daybrown wrote:But now, the boomers who were well up in the power structures at the time are retiring. And, they are therefore no longer subject to group think
Yes they are. Once programmed always programmed, unless one goes through considerable re-education, a commodity hard to find and sought by very few. You speak as though people are free thinkers, when for the most part they are not.
nor do they have any risk to their careers.
If they were in high clearance positions, their vow of silence continues to the grave or until the matter is officially declassified.
So, as a result, we are now seeing some postings by them recounting what they thot they knew, but dared not say.
There have always been whistle-blowers to the shenanigans behind the curtain. None that I am aware of who were directly involved with 9/11. Care to post a link or two?
These people will be around for another 10-20 years; there's plenty of time for them to compare notes in order to piece together what was going on.
People, in general, do not "compare notes" on corporate/ government mishandlings and dirty tricks in which they were involved. There are, however, a dedicated corps of investigative journalists who have been comparing notes since Sept. 11, 2001. Their articles are all over the 'net.
and, in the meantime, if there is economic crisis, that will discredit the powers that be, and remove any risk to anyone reporting what they know.
False, the powers that be simply put up another spokesperson (aka President) or system (Democracy, Socialism) and the game goes on. Risk is never removed regarding speaking a deep truth.
Note, I am not rehashing the particulars, but writing of the psychology of those in place at the time, and the changes they are now going thru as they retire, which is irrefutable.
You are wishful thinking. Your scenario is a pipe dream.

Re: 911

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 7:49 pm
by hsandman
Dan Rowden wrote:Actually, Mossad involvement of some description wouldn't surprise me in the slightest. In fact, I'm all but prepared to publicly state I believe it.
Bobby Fischer Bobby Fischer (IQ:187 Source) (Former World Champion in Chess) - Jewish Chessmaster. Hours after the September 11, 2001, attacks Fischer was interviewed live by Pablo Mercado on the Baguio City station of the Bombo Radyo network, shortly after midnight September 12, 2001 Philippines local time (or shortly after noon on September 11, 2001, New York time).

Logical Genius and a Jew. He had something to say about 911 and what he thought of Israel and Jewish zionist controled America. I am certain he could put 2+2 together no problems.
This guy had great insight just hours after 911.

The Strange Life of Bobby Fischer

Listen how this ABC News report cuts out the part where Bobby Fischer talks about the Jews and holacaust being a scam etc. and only leaves what he had to say about America.

Jeramy Schap.. Journalistic whore.

Re: 911

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 9:49 pm
by hsandman
Carl wrote:There have always been whistle-blowers to the shenanigans behind the curtain. None that I am aware of who were directly involved with 9/11. Care to post a link or two?
I am still hoping that Daybrowns pipe dream will somehow realize. The atmosphere and time of this has to be just right, It would be a suicide to come forward now, too much at stake for too many. You don't mess with organised crime syndicates that operate under government intelligence protection. I am sure all of them are under constant survailance anyway.

But.. I have to agree with Carl there... I have not found any whistle blowers going on record that were involved directly with blowing up the towers on 911. There is tons and tons of circumstantial evidence, ( I can tell you which company did the demolitions and exactly how they pulled it off, to a minute)but there are no first hand witnesses. What there is, is enough evidence to start a new/proper investigation in to exact causes of war on terrorism catalist = 911 , but which would maybe only be started if a witness came farwards. "Chicken and the Egg" paradox :-(

Rockefeller Reveals 9/11 FRAUD to Aaron Russo America: Freedom to Fascism Filmmaker Aaron

Russo has exposed first-hand knowledge of the elite global agenda during a video interview and live on Alex Jones' nationally-syndicated radio show.

Nick Rockefeller told Russo about the plan to microchip the population, warned him about 'an event that would allow us to invade Afghanistan and Iraq' some eleven months before 9/11 and foretold the fact that the 'War on Terror' would be a hoax wherein soldiers would be looking in caves for non-existant enemies

After you watch this, please check out the full 69-minute interview. Here's the link: ... 0426590918

Gary Hart exposes the NEW WORLD ORDER plan of Sr. & W. Bush

NWO - Gary Hart a member of the (CFR) Council On Foreign Relations on September 12, 2001 on C-SPAM warning of the chance that George W. Bush will use this disaster to "carry out...a New World Order"