Sperm banks

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Elizabeth Isabelle
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Re: Sperm banks

Post by Elizabeth Isabelle »

Pye wrote:there is no "either of us," as though we occupy the same mind regarding her.
I did not say we occupy the same mind regarding her, but I do believe that she isn't likely to pay any more attention to you than to me.
Pye wrote:That's precisely the kind of private messaging dynamic that repulses me - the smug little agreements between private individuals who wouldn't otherwise publicly say, like so many back-room, glad-handing politicians.
It also appears to me that on this particular issue of private messaging, that your interpretation is rather bizarre. There was no smugness on my part, and a private message does not bind us in some kind of special personal relationship. Frankly, i find it a little creepy that you would make such an inference. You may wish to review your understanding of the concept of discretion.
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Re: Sperm banks

Post by Pye »

Okay, while I review the social dynamics of "discretion" "appropriateness" and the like, you look over your original message to me and see how many "discretely" embedded backhands you have delivered both Sue and Kelly - for that matter all the other discretely embedded backhands you've delivered to Leyla on Islam; Kelly on her 'hopeless' state; Sue on her 'mean' delivery; and Katy on practically everything. I'm not going to help you scratch this itch.

Do some philosophy, some contemplation, Elizabeth. Do some goddamn philosophy and contemplation, will you? Your mouth runneth over . . . .
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Re: Sperm banks

Post by Elizabeth Isabelle »

I thought you said you were not in this for a cat fight? Calling Kelly hopeless is your word - not mine; if anything - I suspect that Sue will only be surprised that I spoke that nicely of her behind her back; and I did not mention Katy or Leyla at all in the pm, so I don't know why you seem to be trying to start something there. Okay, I'm done with this interaction with you, however "straightforward" you claim your intentions are.
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Re: Sperm banks

Post by Tomas »

Elizabeth Isabelle wrote:I thought you said you were not in this for a cat fight? Calling Kelly hopeless is your word - not mine; if anything - I suspect that Sue will only be surprised that I spoke that nicely of her behind her back; and I did not mention Katy or Leyla at all in the pm, so I don't know why you seem to be trying to start something there. Okay, I'm done with this interaction with you, however "straightforward" you claim your intentions are.

Been a while since you girls been laid, huh?

Tomas (the tank)
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Re: Sperm banks

Post by Pye »


- frat-boy sniggers -

Been a while since you girls been laid, huh?

- pye -

yeah, you can't get a decent thought out of a woman until you plug all her holes

- (frat-boy keeps sniggering) -

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Kelly Jones
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Re: Sperm banks

Post by Kelly Jones »


Perhaps you also have noticed a relationship between 1. being seen as someone ready to look after and protect the weaker folk on this board (usually they are female), and 2. how strictly logical one's understanding of Reality is ? Have you any thoughts on it ?

Jamesh wrote: K: It doesn't matter if others have a consensus about what is true and false, or if they don't. What matters is if one is sane and rational oneself. One can hardly decide whether truths are ultimately truths, otherwise.

J: If one is insane or irrational, then "One can decide X truths are ultimately truths" and be wrong.
That's right. Only a sane person truly knows for certain that they are sane.

J: You know what, even your beloved QRS have decided they are sane and rational, based on consensus. It is a consensus based on their little group and the words of past philosophers (100 percent of whom are at least partially wrong in soem regard), rather than some form of automatic ability to know the greatest truth for any circumstance.
Perhaps the trust you've implied I have in the reasoning of others is a picture of your own uncertainty about matters.

J: I've seen enough to know for certain that they are not enlightened in any way that would allow them to state absolute correctness of opinion for any specific detail in the finite world. Essentially, they are just fundies promoting their egos.
That's an absolutist statement about a specific detail, ie. a finite thing, that states that an enlightened person cannot possibly define a finite thing.

So by your own definition, you're not enlightened?

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Re: Sperm banks

Post by Kelly Jones »

Pye wrote:
P: Even amongst them, they cannot decide which features belong to which, but they all float in the same immovable barge: As long as the "feminine" can express the lesser-valued (even "bad"), it's working.

K: It doesn't matter if others have a consensus about what is true and false, or if they don't.

P: "Consensus" is an incidental point at best, incidental in the language I used, and incidental compared to everything else I have challenged in this thread. Nevertheless, you've picked up this rejoinder nearly verbatim from your teachers and found a place to use it properly.
I may have misread. Did you mean "individually" or "as a group activity", when you said "amongst them" ?

If "individually", then you mustn't have included me, Lao Tzu, David, Kevin, and Dan. Each of these have defined "feminine" as womanly (egotistical) in one context, and in another context, as the profound stillness of emptiness (egolessness). Recently, some discussion with James H. in his thread about the definition of Masculinity and Femininity, was on precisely this point.

Kelly: I think perhaps you believe all biological females have exclusively "womanly" character traints (irrational, passive, unconscious, emotional, confused), and all biological males have exclusively "manly" character traits (rational, purposeful, conscious, ruthless, sane). I've never argued it, because it's not the case.

P: Really I wonder if you are reading or understanding any of my posts at all.

Kelly, have you read the Tao? It is, after all, one of the books on your teachers' hit list. Perhaps if you do this, you will not find yourself so inclined to annihilate what you perceive as the "feminine" in both yourself and everyone else (for, rather like the Puritan, you transfer your temptations onto others and then do your condemning there. Perhaps also like the Puritan, you are having no joy in life, so you don't think anyone else should, either.)
See above.

I'm just wondering why you're so upset about the use of "feminine" to describe egotism, given that most biological females don't have the character required to understand, with their whole being, the nature of Ultimate Reality (which is the same as egolessness).

P: I assure you, that this confusion between mas/fem traits and to whom they are or are not attached is not my confusion. Witness yourself how easily you swim back and forth on this subject between despising what you perceive as the feminine, and despising all who belong to the gender itself, including yourself.
Could you give some examples?

P: It's crafty; I'll give them that. Reminds me of Hitler saying of Will to Power that it didn't matter what Nietzsche originally meant; what mattered was how Hitler intended to use it. Both have appropriated texts and bent their meaning to serve and justify their fear.
If you're insinuating that egotism is something to keep a strict watch over, in "fear and trembling", then I agree.

But if you're saying that defining femininity as unwise traits, is in order to feed egotism and not starve it, then I disagree, based on the truth that most biological females show more deeply entrenched unwise traits than most biological males.

(summer school starting; I'll be spotty here at best.)
And this will be one of my last posts for a few weeks, I think.

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Re: Sperm banks

Post by Kelly Jones »


Just remembered that Parham (pseudonym Faust) has been making the same criticism as you have, in the thread on "Nietzsche and Absolute Reality" for a few weeks.

He thinks that all biological males have the masculine qualities necessary for wisdom. So he's quite befuddled about my statements, and the fact I'm biologically female.

Quite rightly, he points out that merely physical aggression cannot help one reason well.

All he need do is start with a more accurate premise. Namely, that the Truth-oriented form of masculinity is a conscious "heightening" of physical aggression into intellectual aggression, meaning, to attack all delusion and falsehood with uncompromising vigor.

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Re: Sperm banks

Post by Pye »

Lots of toothy things tangled up there to attend to, Kelly, ta, but right now I am hoping to catch you before you leave, and with just this one thing:
If "individually", then you mustn't have included me, Lao Tzu, David, Kevin, and Dan. Each of these have defined "feminine" as womanly (egotistical) in one context, and in another context, as the profound stillness of emptiness (egolessness).
You, Dan, Kevin, David, yes we know how each of you have mutually defined the feminine. It's Lao Tzu I'm hunting down. Whilst you're away, I am hoping you can look into Lao Tzu (of which the Tao is all we have) and show me where and how he supports, implies, hints (I'll take anything) the definition of "feminine" that you put forth here. Show me.

Here's to a fruitful sabbatical for you.
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Re: Sperm banks

Post by Pye »

Oh wait, and while you're at it, please show me anywhere, anything, wherein Lao Tzu's business is about the eradication of the feminine, too.
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Re: Sperm banks

Post by Jamesh »

Perhaps you also have noticed a relationship between 1. being seen as someone ready to look after and protect the weaker folk on this board (usually they are female), and 2. how strictly logical one's understanding of Reality is ? Have you any thoughts on it ?
Yes, there is a relationship. Thoughts on it? – well nothing certain springs to my mind. The problem I have is that I think super-rationalisation always looses the plot at some point. For me there is nothing without feeling and super-rationalisation is not strictly logical in relation to all humans. Super-rationalisation might be a logical goal for those with autistic tendencies, but for others such a goal will always cause suffering.

Feminine care about the feelings of others is not ALWAYS a bad thing, as you seem to think it is. To me everything evolves to “moreness” in a (very loose) Two-Steps Forward, One-Step Back fashion, or devolves to “lessness” in a Two-Steps Back, One-Step Forward manner. The third option is the one-step forward, one step back process, where overall an entity as a sum of sub-processes is neither evolving or devolving to any great degree.

For an evolving entity the one-step back is “good femininity”, useful and necessary. One could think of this as the equivalence of our human need to sleep for one third of each day – without this sleep/one-step back process, we would go stir crazy and our overall direction would tip over from an evolving process into the devolution process.

If an entity is devolving on an overall basis however, the two feminine steps back become “bad femininity”, femininity that destroys, not builds, because it ties people down too strongly. We see this in the manner in which our kids are being raised at present – too much over protection for example, they are not learning how to deal with hardship and thus are not developing masculine skills for those times when hardship arises (the weaknesses displayed by individuals in the Katrina saga, for example, or the manner in which workers in society generally are succumbing to unethical business propaganda). Overly strong femininity does make masculinity ineffective – it is fighting a loosing battle by using up all its energy countermanding femininity and never gets a chance to move outside that feminine box.

An entity, forever being something transforming, begins as 2-steps forward/1-step back, then moves to 1-1, and finally devolves into 1-2 – just as we see in the physical life cycle of humans. Many mistakes are made when progressing in the 2-steps forward/1-step back cycle. This is where masculinity is dominant. At a group level an appropriate example of the mistakes of masculinity would be Muslims as a group. In living a society where masculinity is valued twice as much as femininity, they make far more mistakes (“Islam has bloody borders”) than Western society. Western society which while still very much in the same 2-steps forward/1-step back cycle, is closer to moving to the 1-1 scenario, in which masculinity and femininity have been somewhat equalised.

K: It doesn't matter if others have a consensus about what is true and false, or if they don't. What matters is if one is sane and rational oneself. One can hardly decide whether truths are ultimately truths, otherwise.

J: If one is insane or irrational, then "One can decide X truths are ultimately truths" and be wrong.

K:That's right. Only a sane person truly knows for certain that they are sane.
That’s what we have been told by the QRS. It appears to make logical sense, but doesn’t really, well not fully anyway. One can be fully sane in one respect but not in another.

I am having difficulty countermanding this point of yours, but I have some certainty that an over-dependence on purely logical thinking to the extent of removing completely emotional considerations, is not true sanity. I think it distances people too far from humanity which is an organism for whom rationality is subject to subjective emotions. If one becomes too heavily rationally focused, as in “Truth” becomes the only desired emotional attachment, then they lose the ability to effectively use the ideas stemming from this rationality to advance the human race.

I don’t think the terms sanity and insanity can really be applied with a kind of objective certainty by oneself to oneself, but rather they are terms that apply only in respect of the differences in judgements and actions between one person/group to another. It is not that “Only a sane person truly knows for certain that they are sane” as an irrational person often thinks they are sane, but that “Rational people are far more capable of making the most logically accurate assessment of the sanity of themselves or others”.

There is much about the QRS and philosophers like Keirkegaard that is insane, in that some of their ideas springing from their ideals are completely unworkable in relation to their rational applicability to the masses and the development of the human race.
J: You know what, even your beloved QRS have decided they are sane and rational, based on consensus. It is a consensus based on their little group and the words of past philosophers (100 percent of whom are at least partially wrong in some regard), rather than some form of automatic ability to know the greatest truth for any circumstance.

K: Perhaps the trust you've implied I have in the reasoning of others is a picture of your own uncertainty about matters.
Well, you could be right. I do a lot of projecting about others based on my own uncertainties and emotional failings.
J: I've seen enough to know for certain that they are not enlightened in any way that would allow them to state absolute correctness of opinion for any specific detail in the finite world. Essentially, they are just fundies promoting their egos.

K: That's an absolutist statement about a specific detail, ie. a finite thing, that states that an enlightened person cannot possibly define a finite thing.

So by your own definition, you're not enlightened?
You are twisting my words, but anyway yes I’m not enlightened. I can’t be enlightened because I don’t believe it can be a real human condition, notwithstanding that we can maximise the productivity of our decision making about “what is best” by the tempering of self-centred emotions and the acceptance of logically reasoned knowledge (which by the way I would grant that the QRS have done more than most). “Tempering” however does not mean detachment.
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Re: Sperm banks

Post by Carl G »

Jamesh wrote:
I can’t be enlightened because I don’t believe it can be a real human condition
Can't? Because? Since when is belief the arbiter of truth? Since when does perception dictate with certainty?
Good Citizen Carl
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Re: Sperm banks

Post by Jamesh »

Can't? Because? Since when is belief the arbiter of truth? Since when does perception dictate with certainty?
Always. Gaining a new Truth would mean nothing if it were not for the feeling of certainty, which I regard as an emotional feeling. To me pretty well everything is an emotional feeling, even the result of sensory perceptions in the brain. Some words such as conjunctions or articles don't induce emotions, nor do many other symbols that we become accustomed to where there is no need for a reaction.

Habit makes many things appear to not be completely non-emotion inducing, as with use they no longer induce any noticable feeling. For example, I witness my first visual sighting of a leprosy infested person - my reaction to this term is negative, thus emotional, everytime I see this term. By some chance I then obtain a job looking after lepers, and find after a few months I no longer have an emotional reaction to the word, to this categorisation.

lol..perhaps I should be accused of redefining definitions based on "what it means to my emotions" just as I accuse the QRS of redining the definition of masculinity/femininity. The difference though is that I am not doing so by limitation but by an even broader generalisation. In a very real sense the more one defines reality the less removed from understanding it they may become.
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Re: Sperm banks

Post by Laird »

Pye, what a wonderful opportunity you have provided me to explain myself - I'm only sorry that I didn't become aware of this thread earlier.
Pye wrote:Pye writes:(for, rather like the Puritan, you transfer your temptations onto others and then do your condemning there. Perhaps also like the Puritan, you are having no joy in life, so you don't think anyone else should, either.)

Pye later wrote: Before dashing, I organize the context of this parenthetical statement around the Kelly that, especially recently, goes here or there snapping her ruler over the knuckles of people like Leyla or Laird with things like "Don't flirt," "Don't excite [him]," "You only want a girlfriend/have no interest in truth," the implications of "you just want sex," etc. and many other examples of Kelly the Security Guard, trying to address her own weaknesses through others.
Several points: firstly, I noticed that Leyla appeared to support Kelly's comments, by which I take it that our flirting has run its course - if so then I'm disappointed: Leyla has a creative and insightful mind and it's fun to flirt with her. Secondly, I've noticed a puritanical streak in Kelly as well, but I've also noticed (having spent a little bit of time with her in person) a caring, nurturing side, and I get the feeling that she would make a wonderful mother. Kelly, I know that you're taking a break and probably won't be reading this, but please consider realising your maternal nature - Johnny Howard at the very least would be pleased. He'd even give you a little bonus. Thirdly, I don't see that excitement, girlfriends and sex are distinct from truth - isn't the truth that we want to be pleased and that it's good to please one another?
Pye wrote:Frankly, I think that if Laird stated to you that some female companionship would be a good thing to come along with this, then I give him kudos for honesty.
That's not what I stated to Kelly - it was more along the lines of an explanation of opportunities that I've had to engage in intimate relationships with women and confusion as to my motivations in declining those relationships, which I now look back on as precious. But I will try to gain your kudos by stating that although my intention in posting to this board is not purely to attract female attention, being a single, heterosexual guy with a strong attraction to women ("strong" being an understatement - let's just say that it's painful to be around women knowing that I'm not at this point intimate with any of them) I'm open to the possibility that I will form a connection through this board. In fact, given that I value intelligence in women more than any other trait, except perhaps compassion and maturity (and these anyway are related to intelligence), it seems like a pretty good place to meet potential partners, no?
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Re: Sperm banks

Post by Jamesh »

But I will try to gain your kudos by stating that although my intention in posting to this board is not purely to attract female attention, being a single, heterosexual guy with a strong attraction to women ("strong" being an understatement - let's just say that it's painful to be around women knowing that I'm not at this point intimate with any of them) I'm open to the possibility that I will form a connection through this board. In fact, given that I value intelligence in women more than any other trait, except perhaps compassion and maturity (and these anyway are related to intelligence), it seems like a pretty good place to meet potential partners, no?
Kelly is (or was) a lesbian. She may now be asexual. I think Pye is a Lesbian as well, though she may be bisexual - dunno.

You are completely wasting your time on this board, if you think like the above.
Perhaps I should have read more of what you'd written previously before I critised Kelly for getting stuck into you a couple of weeks ago. This is not a forum with an interest in friendship, so you are barking up the wrong tree.
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Re: Sperm banks

Post by Pye »

Jamesh ventures:
I think Pye is a Lesbian as well, though she may be bisexual - dunno.
No, I'm not a lesbian. I did state a long time ago in a small biography that I'd been with a women once about 10 years ago and that it was pleasant. I was extremely inebriated, but it was pleasant. Otherwise, semi-long term relationships with men. A few I have loved very much.

But yes, women who don't flirt, don't cater to men, don't coo, perhaps enjoy celibacy, seem to be about themselves, etc. etc. yes, men don't seem to be able to fathom anything else about women like this except, "she must be a lesbian . . . "

Jamesh, what's with you lately? You seem to me to have reduced your dimensions to those of a cardboard cutout . . . .
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Re: Sperm banks

Post by Laird »

Jamesh wrote:This is not a forum with an interest in friendship, so you are barking up the wrong tree.
I have found friendship and friendliness here though. I understand that the focus of the board is philosophy, and that's what I've been focussing on. I'm just not so much in denial of my humanity that I can ignore the natural tendency to develop at least respect for people that I'm interacting with frequently, if not friendship. Then again I have no expectations other than that I will continue to share in some interesting discussions with interesting people.
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Re: Sperm banks

Post by Pye »

(I'm thinking of Marsha Faizi right about now. I'm thinking of Faizi, and her small bed and man-less life and how "it's all about the freedom, man, the freedom . . . ." )


I mean really. fucking word, Faizi, wherever you are . . . .
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Re: Sperm banks

Post by Laird »

Yeah, desire for freedom is one of the reasons that I've remained single for so long despite my strong desire for intimacy. I feel the steady march towards matrimony like a noose tightening around my neck. I don't even have a double bed anymore ("you've gotta be optimistic" my mate entreats me).

Desire and confusion; fear of inadequacy and inadequacy itself; the archetype of woman as wicked temptress. Do I really want to tie myself to another individual? But then do I really want to hunger without satiation? QRS would have me believe that this hunger can be dissipated... and in my hermitage I can do that, but rejoin the crowds and the seeds of desire once more blossom into a garden of craving.
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Re: Sperm banks

Post by Jamesh »

But yes, women who don't flirt, don't cater to men, don't coo, perhaps enjoy celibacy, seem to be about themselves, etc. etc. yes, men don't seem to be able to fathom anything else about women like this except, "she must be a lesbian . . . "
Actually, the reason I thought so, was something you said about that honey Leah. You made a comment that I thought sounded like a kind of sexual interest*, where in fact it must have just been a teachers platonic interest and respect in the philosophical abilities you perceived in relation to her. * I was uncertain about it at the time, which is the reason I recall it.

While I certainly prefer women to be feminine or girlish, much like “Pretty Woman” my ideal women would also have a stronger masculine mind than average. It is all hypothetical though.
Jamesh, what's with you lately? You seem to me to have reduced your dimensions to those of a cardboard cutout . . .
I’ve more or less lost the ability to be joyously excited about anything, though I still feel pleasant when I do find something novel. At present my main joy is basically watching good Japanese anime. Through being nihilistic, I’ve lost much of the joy that comes from innocence about the nature of the world. I should be deeply depressed, but I’m not, I think philosophy helps in that regard, but it does not alleviate the low-key depression caused by a (rational) feeling of hopelessness.

I have no self-discipline in relation to looking after my body, and at 46 I am physically feeling the consequences of same. It is quite obvious I will die young unless I change and begin exercising and give up smoking and sugar and salt. When it comes to effort, nihilism just makes me say “what the fuck”. I think this, in combination with the truths I have realised over the last 5 years, is having a significant depression effect on my emotions, though even this is not leading me to change my existing habits. I've replaced drinking excessively with smoking dope excessively, and long term dope use clearly makes folks insane. Unfortunately, there is nothing anyone can say that would influence me.

What I really need is a 3-4 month health related boot camp, but they are too expensive.
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Re: Sperm banks

Post by Jamesh »

Desire and confusion; fear of inadequacy and inadequacy itself; the archetype of woman as wicked temptress. Do I really want to tie myself to another individual? But then do I really want to hunger without satiation? QRS would have me believe that this hunger can be dissipated... and in my hermitage I can do that, but rejoin the crowds and the seeds of desire once more blossom into a garden of craving.
I would be lying if I pretended this didn't apply to me as well. I don't know of anything I desire that I don't have a love/hate relationship with. A one-day per week love affair feels like it would be marvelous. I would want the other 6 days for myself.
It is impractical to desire this though, and gradually the desire for a relationship is declining, though I doubt it will ever disappear, as my sexual desire is not decreasing to the same extent (lol, though it probably would soon enough, if I did get into a relationship).
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Re: Sperm banks

Post by Laird »

Jamesh wrote:I would be lying if I pretended this didn't apply to me as well.
I think that the man to whom this doesn't apply is rare (well, perhaps not so much the feelings of inadequacy - I seem to be particularly feminine in that regard). One of my friends refers to it as "the affliction"; another calls it "the curse" - these deap-seated yearnings for desirable women, and, really, which woman isn't desirable when looked at from the right perspective (think: beer goggles)? I will call it "sweet torture". I wonder whether women suffer as we do in this regard.
Jamesh wrote:A one-day per week love affair feels like it would be marvelous. I would want the other 6 days for myself.
What a great idea - separate houses, a bond of intimacy but a degree of independence at the same time. I think that you've just given me a new dream.
Jamesh wrote:It is impractical to desire this though
The more that our individual-freedom-focussed, liberal civilisation progresses, the more fiercely independent women that there seem to be - so I think that it's a dream with some hope of fulfillment.
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Re: Sperm banks

Post by Diebert van Rhijn »

Hi Pye, a little while back on page 1:
Pye wrote: Pye wrote: I am thinking that Nature/love is not misfiring when the biological riot between two people begins.

And Diebert replied: But your biological riot is not that chaotic or random as you seem to suggest and that's exactly my point.

I suggest no such thing and this is exactly my point as well ("is not misfiring").
Nevertheless your suggestion was quite obvious when you used descriptions as 'riot' (often associated with 'wild', 'turbulent' or 'uncontrolled') and mentioning earlier the "intuitive female" and "her role in tossing the dice of variation, however unconsciously performed".

Yes, your ultimate point was that tossing the dice could have a healthy purpose on the longer run as long as our limited intelligence wouldn't mingle with Mother's Know-it-all. But you don't get my larger point: Nature/Love is misfiring and failing all the time. From the advent of the human species to the present day we can see the attempt to bring more consciousness into this situation. Even this attempt is largely misfire and failure but in the end it's just what humans do, always have done and will keep trying. Some would say that mankind always has been 'at odds' with nature and it's what defines them. But on a deeper level this too is Nature, doing its thing. What appears to you perhaps as attempts to 'mingle' with nature's wisdom is just one other expression, one other variation of nature. Yes, that included Nazi attempts to create a fair Jew-free super-race. Just another attempt of Nature trying out things on a different scale with different tools. Moral endorsements are not important to Nature, or at least not more or less than many other factors.
Look, I value wisdom too, but wisdom is not an entity of any kind. It is a human experience - future non-human experiencers/carriers of it notwithstanding.
What do you think wisdom is then? Wisdom starts with knowing what it is beyond the label of another 'human experience'. One has to go deeper than that. Reflection means the I reflecting the I, the mind examining the mind and intelligence exploring the nature of intelligence.

But your argument goes nowhere in the light of genetics. Any possible genetic (or even memetic) basis to wisdom and its complete phenotype - its whole expression - are two different things. This is what the whole science of genetics is all about. The moment one talks about genes, then there's at that level of course nothing that we'd recognize as love, wisdom or finger length.
Diebert: The patrician idea-men were perhaps not patrician enough, not "Ubermench" enough. They still had this strong attachment to the more feminine impulse toward self and species-preservation.

Pye: Imagine these idiots thinking that what they valued the most still needed them around to value it.
Nature appears to love idiots, especially the willing ones.
Only idiots think everything, including valueing, stops when they are not there to do it. It's called egotism.
And only idiots think they're not there, part of it, when and where everything - including valuing - happens.
So then you do not recommend conscious breeding attempts? And it is good faith in good science to root for the permanent survival of a human experience (wisdom), abstracted from the human?
We're already breeding 'semi-conscious' since the dawn of mankind and one could doubt its results. It's perhaps unavoidable that we're getting more conscious of what we're already doing and adapt accordingly.
I know. I think both you and Kevin, and David for that matter have more or less stated that people only matter to you inasmuch as they are the carriers of wisdom.
Only when taking a bird's eye view on these matters and as well properly defining wisdom. One can easily care for people on a more individual level for various other reasons, not necessarily delusional ones either.
That if wisdom could exist without people, all the better (for - what? whom? --- wisdom itself?) I don't have a shovel big enough to dig out all the misguided thing-in-itself metaphysics lurking in there;
The tools you're employing so far in this discussion certainly don't look big enough.
and there's the strong smell of deeply embedded non-reconciliation with the temporal. Yes, it brings pleasure to us, thinking that something of value to us will last into eternity. But the pleasure, the value will disappear along with us.
Pleasure has nothing to do with it. Surely there's this unstoppable drive to overcome the limits of time. To reconcile the temporal; to forgive our sins. Amen.
But, sure. Fun little think project for you.
My participation in this thread was and is mostly about play, speculation and challenge. Touching some deeper issues only here and there. More like experimental.
Probably even titillating for a few of you fork-tongued critics of the "feminine" impulse to exist, persevere. Yes, there's nothing masculine about self-preservation . . . . and nothing feminine about extruding the singular experience of wisdom and breathing wishfully into it eternal life. [/irony].
I never noticed that much of a critic of the "feminine" here, or 'Woman', and even if so: it would be really misguided. The only subject that needs to be criticized harshly is 'man' and rightfully so. When women feel then suddenly left out it would only illustrate it all beautifully.