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Re: How Ron Paul's campaign will be sabotaged

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 2:29 am
by daybrown
Carl, the media hacks say that its too early to tell, but they are, after all, in the business of making it look like a race to keep up the ratings.

I remember, with some surprise, how the media distorted what Goldwater had to say, which you would only find in context if you went to the back pages of the newspapers. I remember being at the Vietnam war demonstration, and then seeing how that event was misrepresented on TV. I have come to realize as well that we have been lied to about 911, and understand the machiavellian logic behind it.

But now, of all the candidates, its the Clintons who have gone global, established the contacts with global media and finance, and they are the ones the global power elite wants to take over from Bush. The American media will go along with the global management which owns it. Even Murdock's FOX will only give lip service to the GOP, well aware its ratings will be much better if it stands in opposition to everything that Hillary tries to do. And ratings mean money. They will make more if the GOP candidate *looses*.

Re: How Ron Paul's campaign will be sabotaged

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 2:40 am
by Carl G
Interesting, so it'll be the Nation's first woman President, by a mile.

And Anti-Christ? The occult word on the street for some time has been that the Anti-Christ will ascend to the American Presidency in 2008. True or not, interesting times.

Re: How Ron Paul's campaign will be sabotaged

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 2:57 am
by daybrown
Among our interesting times is the instability of the global market which could have a run on the dollar, crash the US economy, and produce the dissolution of the Untied States of Denial, not all that different from what happened to the USSR. In which case, if Hillary does move into the Oval office, she'll be like Karzai, the mayor of Kabul.

That risk has something to do with all the starter castles going up in my neck of Ozark woods, and all the McMansions Diamond mentions going up in the Bitterroot valley of MT. Even transnationals are spreading out into rural areas far away from the risk of civil disorder in urban areas.

A few months ago, the Little Rock financial papers listed dozens of states where real estate prices had fallen, some that were stable, and two states with significant price gains still going on: Alaska & Arkansas. The local real estate ads I saw this morning suggest the trend is still going on.

Re: How Ron Paul's campaign will be sabotaged

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 3:03 am
by Carl G
The blue bloods have always had country homes, but you may be right. Arizona, a boomtown State for years now, has definitely fallen on hard times, though the high end market is still good.

Re: How Ron Paul's campaign will be sabotaged

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 7:49 am
by daybrown
If the rich bastards are seriously worried about a catostrophic collapse of the economy, and have read Jared Diamond's "Collapse", then the Ozarks is *way* ahead of Arizona.

To begin with, the irrigation system is likely to be sabotaged. You can grow food in Ozark gardens without irrigation. Diamond says those areas which have a low population recover quicker. Flagstaff mite do well, but the desert south would be a disaster zone. And the forest fires had in the mountain west this summer... but in the Ozarks, farmers and the forest service routinely have "controlled burns" to eliminate the brush, and besides the hardwood canopy is not as flammable as conifers. You dont see firestorms; the leaf litter and deadfalls are burned off, the tree trunks are charred, but it only benefits the trees by wiping out so many insects and their eggs in the duff.

Diamond points out how timber can be used for building materials and firewood. That's a problem for desert regions. Hardly anyone knows it, but Arkansas has *oil*. The Fayetteville shale formation is now being drilled; there are wells within 20 miles of me, and some of my neighbors have sold their 'mineral rights'. We see the tanker trucks in the southern Ozarks, on some roads, every day. They've also buried pipelines for propane/methane. Like most in the boonies, I cook with propane, but have the equipment to convert gas engines to burn propane. The rich bastards would still be able to put a propane tank in the trunk of the Mercedes to drive to town. (Dunno what would be there, however)

Unlike Arizona, the Arkansas Ozarks are 99% White; Diamond says that areas which have minorities tend to have demagogues emerge to scapegoat them- obviously a problem in AZ. Areas which are homogeneous tend to pull together to solve problems rather than blame others.

Alaska has a much lower population, but likewise has a much more scattered set of resources. Getting thru the winters without chainsaw gas would be a challenge. The forest fire hazard looks like its getting worse with so many trees killed by bugs. But in all of this, as I think Diamond would agree, YMMV enormously from even county to county. The rich bastards may face armed gangs of rednecks that would be less of a risk in Alaska or Montana. BOTOH, the central location in the Ozarks makes it easier for them to maintain control over their investments if the global economy keeps on going.

While I have a satellite dish for high speed bandwidth, most small towns now have ADSL and there are long distance wireless data links, and the phone companies have been putting up cell phone towers. All the usual modern infrastructure- hospitals, law enforcement, schools, ATMs, investment opportunities... are all more convenient in the Ozarks than in Alaska. There are enuf large reservoir lakes with hydro power and the nuke at Russeleville to keep the electric and phone grids working.

Those same lakes offer lotsa waterfront property, with plenty of room to park the yacht at much lower prices without the danger of hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis, or mud slides. This is partly why NW Arkansas is booming. A high tech strip city has emerged along I-540 from Fayetteville to the MO line. Maybe there's a reason Wall Mart's global headquarters is there. But they are also drawing engineers and programmers from both coasts and Asia, with new startups and investments rapidly being built.

One of my friends does hotline network support for HP from Fayetteville. No high rises, but no slums either. She bought a 3br house there last spring for 100,000$. Her net cash income is less than it would be in Silicon valley, but her disposable income after paying the mortgage is higher. Another transnational is setting up a national hotline support facility at Conway, 350 Americans (with sweet southern drawls) is replacing jobs in Bangalore. You can live in Conway, pop 12,000, about as cheap as in Bangalore.

So- for the rich bastards, its win/win. They get to enjoy the good life like they always have, but if there is a serious problem, they have their best chance here to survive crisis. One of them I know, is trying to sell her house in Tucon, but is going ahead and building a new one 30 miles from me with the roof covered in solar panels. I find that gross overkill, but she's got so much money it dont matter.

Maybe all the choppers are in Iraq. All I know is that they've not been flying over here looking for pot patches, and that harvest will prolly drop uncountable millions into the local Ozark economy. Hillbillies, understandably, have always grown a medicinal poppy, but now there seems to be a new hybrid, adapted to the conditions here, that will cut into imports from SE Asia and Afghanistan. That's going to be a real challenge in the 'war on drugs'. I've seen the plants, they are much shorter season than pot, and not nearly as obvious from the air. The Hillbilly variety grows wild.

Ron Paul's notion of a smaller federal government may be forced on them if they dont clean up their act.

Re: How Ron Paul's campaign will be sabotaged

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 1:21 am
by Unidian
Ron Paul is the new savior of the Social Darwinist constituency. "Smaller government" is code for "no taxes and no rules," and in terms of social policy, a "libertarian" is a Republican who wants to smoke pot and/or take advantage of permissive social (often sexual) moral standards. Economically speaking, libertarianism is anarchism for the power tie crowd.

What libertarianism and all other flavors of anarchism fail to realize is that their hoped-for state of "no rulers" does not exist in Nature. It is a Utopian concept which would require the creation of a "New Man" more fantastic than anything Marx ever dreamed of. The absence of government does not result in perfect, unrestricted freedom. On the contrary, it simply removes all impediments to the most oppressive tyranny possible - the tyranny of the strong. Libertarians envision a Utopian social and economic paradise of pure freedom, but what they would actually get is the polar opposite - a world of complete enslavement to a few monopolistic mega-corporations empowered by the absence of any regulation. Earth would become a "company town" and the oppression meted out at the hands of an unrestricted and unethical private sector steeped in Ayn Rand's perverse dictum that "selfishness is a virtue" would make Orwell's 1984 look attractive.

How anyone who claims to have actually thought about the issue in any depth fails to realize this is beyond me.

Ron Paul Scales Back, Shifts Focus to Congressional Race

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 3:16 am
by Tomas

Ron Paul Scales Back, Shifts Focus to Congressional Race

He said no matter what, "The neocons, the warmongers, the socialists, the advocates of inflation will be hearing much from you and me."

(see reader comment by Herbi Rihirata) ... ional-race


Re: How Ron Paul's campaign will be sabotaged

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 4:49 am
by daybrown
Unidian wrote:Ron Paul is the new savior of the Social Darwinist constituency. "Smaller government" is code for "no taxes and no rules," and in terms of social policy, a "libertarian" is a Republican who wants to smoke pot and/or take advantage of permissive social (often sexual) moral standards. Economically speaking, libertarianism is anarchism for the power tie crowd.

What libertarianism and all other flavors of anarchism fail to realize is that their hoped-for state of "no rulers" does not exist in Nature. It is a Utopian concept which would require the creation of a "New Man" more fantastic than anything Marx ever dreamed of. The absence of government does not result in perfect, unrestricted freedom. On the contrary, it simply removes all impediments to the most oppressive tyranny possible - the tyranny of the strong. Libertarians envision a Utopian social and economic paradise of pure freedom, but what they would actually get is the polar opposite - a world of complete enslavement to a few monopolistic mega-corporations empowered by the absence of any regulation. Earth would become a "company town" and the oppression meted out at the hands of an unrestricted and unethical private sector steeped in Ayn Rand's perverse dictum that "selfishness is a virtue" would make Orwell's 1984 look attractive.

How anyone who claims to have actually thought about the issue in any depth fails to realize this is beyond me.
Well, you know Aristotle:"Most men are such slaves to passion they'd be better off in the hands of more rational masters." the only question is, who the rational masters are. Agreed that the Pauline Libertarians dont make the cut.

I can see that more case management is needed, but to start with, it should stop breeding more of the client classes, which the Libertarians never have the balls to discuss. Libertarians are smarter, but unfortunately, not more rational.

I'd like to see a Chimera Party, made up of the rational positions of various partisan positions. I think we could sort out just what those are in plain ascii in forums like this, then after we have worked out what needs to be done, then find the leadership to do it. Rather than follow a charismatic leader using one of the established forms of partisan group think.

Re: How Ron Paul's campaign will be sabotaged

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 8:06 am
by Shahrazad
Agreed that the Pauline Libertarians dont make the cut.
Paul's position on foreign affairs, war and U.S. imperialism in general is completely rational.

Re: How Ron Paul's campaign will be sabotaged

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 8:37 am
by Tomas
Shahrazad wrote:daybrown,
Agreed that the Pauline Libertarians dont make the cut.
Paul's position on foreign affairs, war and U.S. imperialism in general is completely rational.
Well, Shah, it's a case of who's had military training (Paul a former flight surgeon) and understands the corporate power structure from both sides of the coin (other side being the lobbyists) and he in private practice plus his governmental service.

An interesting way is that Ron Paul is to the Right of everyone else. Running as a "libertarian" in today's atmosphere is completely different from 20-some years ago. Morning in america to new world order (reagan-bush-1 transition).

Obama vs Paul would have been the dream matchup, now it's Obama vs McCain.

Paul would have handily defeated Obama.

Democrats have a way of killing black leaders whereas Republicans promote black leaders and do not kill them off as they amass power.

McCain is a nutcase, plus a serial-adulterer.

Lest we forget it's the 20-year jinx on presidents being plugged. Perhaps, Cheney can get in before January 20th 2009. All he needs is a few minutes before high-noon on that fateful day, to seize power for martial law.

The whole bunch was/is pro-war, only Paul didn't want the United Nations involved... otherwise he didn't have "any" objections to US troops anywhere.

Obama is the far left-wing fascist

Paul is the far right-wing fascist

ps- I'll take the right-wing fascist any day of the millennium...

Tomas (the tank)
VietNam veteran - 1971


Re: How Ron Paul's campaign will be sabotaged

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 9:56 am
by Shahrazad
The whole bunch was/is pro-war, only Paul didn't want the United Nations involved... otherwise he didn't have "any" objections to US troops anywhere.
Tomas, you are so full of shit. Paul would bring all troops home -- not only the ones waging war in Iraq. As he said, even one troop is too many.


Re: How Ron Paul's campaign will be sabotaged

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 10:17 am
by Tomas
Shahrazad wrote:
The whole bunch was/is pro-war, only Paul didn't want the United Nations involved... otherwise he didn't have "any" objections to US troops anywhere.
Tomas, you are so full of shit. Paul would bring all troops home -- not only the ones waging war in Iraq. As he said, even one troop is too many.


Then tell me, why did he vote to send troops to Afghanistan?



Re: How Ron Paul's campaign will be sabotaged

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 11:33 am
by Shahrazad
I would say that Afghanistan was done in self-defense. Killing in self-defense has never been a crime. I'd do it.

Re: How Ron Paul's campaign will be sabotaged

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 12:18 pm
by Tomas
Shahrazad wrote:I would say that Afghanistan was done in self-defense. Killing in self-defense has never been a crime. I'd do it.
Not your opinion.

Once again. Why did Ron Paul vote to send troops to Afghanistan?

Tomas (the tank)
VietNam veteran - 1971


Re: How Ron Paul's campaign will be sabotaged

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 12:33 pm
by Shahrazad
Not your opinion. Once again. Why did Ron Paul vote to send troops to Afghanistan?
If you don't want my opinion, you should ask the good doctor himself. He has a website.

Re: How Ron Paul's campaign will be sabotaged

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 1:55 pm
by Tomas
Shahrazad wrote:
Not your opinion. Once again. Why did Ron Paul vote to send troops to Afghanistan?
If you don't want my opinion, you should ask the good doctor himself. He has a website.

I've met Ron Paul on a few occasions (in a past earlier political life) as a campaign election consultant. We were paid to win by all means necessary.

Obviously you do not understand political-warfare intrigue.

ps- He voted for the Afghanistan action because the United Nations was not involved. And, he is not calling for troop withdrawl from that conflict zone.

Nothing personal - You have your strengths i have mine.

Good bye.


Ron Paul: Who Owns You? (Narrated By George Carlin)

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 2:53 pm
by Tomas

Ron Paul: Who Owns You? (Narrated By George Carlin)

An interesting video. Pretty much sums it up...


Re: How Ron Paul's campaign will be sabotaged

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 4:01 pm
by daybrown
Ron Paul's idea of going back to the gold standard is nuts. It made sense back when the US was a global exporter of gold and silver. But now, the major producers are regions like Russia, South Africa, and South America. Putin would just love to be able to manipulate the supply of gold at the expense of the USA.

A *rational* basis of US currency would be something the US produces and exports to the global economy like grain.

The Libertarian idea of reducing the size of government without also reducing the power of the transnationals is also nuts. Paul'd just create a power vacuum.

Lastly, whoever gets elected has to work with congress. and for that, to displace the Democrats, we'd need a new Chimera party, which would be free of the logical inconsistencies of the GOP. There is a center for forming a Chimera party that could draw logical elements of policy from both the Right & Left. Call it whatever you want, but you need a new name free of the downside attibutes of those already in use.

Ron Paul mutton chops

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 10:23 pm
by Tomas

I recall what this cabal of hacks (both parties running dogs) said that the main objective was to keep Paul out of the race at all costs. He would be the only one who could defeat the party bearers ... whatever party.


Re: How Ron Paul's campaign will be sabotaged

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 1:02 am
by DHodges
His book was at #1 on Amazon at one point, and it's still at #98.

But did he ever have the support of more than a very vocal minority of 10% or so?

7 strange coincidences regarding Obama

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 11:19 am
by Tomas

-Carl G-
And Anti-Christ? The occult word on the street for some time has been that the Anti-Christ
will ascend to the American Presidency in 2008. True or not, interesting times.

This short clip catalogs 7 VERY STRANGE coincidences regarding Obama.


Re: 7 strange coincidences regarding Obama

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 1:52 pm
by divine focus
Tomas wrote:This short clip catalogs 7 VERY STRANGE coincidences regarding Obama.
Which 'allegiance' is he breaking?