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Re: Who should you vote for 2008 U.S. President? (recovered)

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 2:54 am
by keenobserver
There you go, now you've got it, a kind of boycot of the entire election process. While many have in the past protested with inaction non participation and silence, the time has long since come to protest more openly, Americans are not exercising their right to protest the inaction of their legislators. We've been complaining for eons about the way money and power has warped our government and put many dishonest fools there in washington, but nothing comes of our protesting, the house is full of sold-out political fools and they will not budge they will not abandon their undercover employers until such time as we the people force them to do so. It can happen by revolution very quickly or it can take decades and cripple the nation as is currently the case. A part of those old fools is probably hoping someone or something would set them free from their bondage to evil greedy lords and force them to do the right thing. Everyone knows what is going on but the whole system is so dependent on corruption that no one knows if the nation could tolerate major revision, could remain strong in the face of real threats and enemies while it attempts to go straight, or straighter,, and its a good question. Our insistence on individual freedom at any cost and capitalistic right-to-rip-off-the-gullible-and-needy has come with great negative consequence to the nation as a whole and now we are an organism with permanant dependencies that cannot be exculcated without temporarily weakening functionality and leaving us vulnerable at a time of war.

We need to (re)create an atmosphere where the best citizens are attracted not to first science and business but leadership and national interest. World interest. As it is nothing close to the best would want to work with the den of thieves and misfits we have presently in Washington.

Re: Who should you vote for 2008 U.S. President? (recovered)

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 3:16 pm
by Iolaus

You seem to have missed the crux of the problem and that is money, elections that are paid for by those with money, which is not the people. Money talks, and people don't have it so they have no real access. Who spends the most money almost always wins. The corporates pay both sides. the only way to begin to stop the corruption is to have no private donations to candidates. All publicly funded elections. This really should be obvious.

Re: Who should you vote for 2008 U.S. President? (recovered)

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 4:41 am
by integral
I came across this article and I thought I'd post it here for the non-voters on this message board --what is your guys' opinion on it?
--- ---

Non-Voters Finally Have a Good Reason to Return to the Polls (article by Jennifer Reynolds,,
September 5, 2007)

Attention non-voters of all "parties". You folks have been given a bum rap for some time now even though you represent roughly half of the eligible voting population. Don't be ashamed. There is nothing wrong with not voting when you have nothing to vote for. In fact, it is more immoral to vote for a candidate you don't like because you think they are the lesser of two evils. In that case, you are voting for evil. So, to all of you who stay home on election day because you know your vote won't make a bit of difference, you are to be applauded. You send a message, that unless they give you someone to vote for, you will not volunteer to legitimize a fixed system: a system where the rich get richer and the rest of us get the shaft. You have been absolutely correct... up until now.

This election there is finally a candidate worthy of your vote. Ron Paul is a politician for those who absolutely hate politicians. He is running as a Republican, but don't let that fool you. This is not the current day neo-con big government take your money and go kill people with it Republican. Ron Paul is a small government, tiny taxes, bring the troops home today and let's stop this ridiculous nation-building Republican. He wants to strengthen our borders, not the borders of Iraq. He wants to protect your Social Security funds from the greedy hands of Congress who would rather use it to give to their friends so they can buy more votes. Oh, Ron Paul doesn't have many friends in Washington, but he is the people's best friend.

You wonder why you haven't heard of him? The major media are all controlled by big corporations who receive corporate welfare from the government and they don't want the money to stop flowing. Now, you can't really blame them, but you sure don't have to listen to them, be persuaded by them, or let them tell you who has a chance of winning and who does not.

Ron Paul is the best friend the average Joe will ever see running for President. He even wants to end the Income tax. Oh, don't worry, the country can survive without it. The Income Tax is only one of many, many taxes that we all pay. Ron Paul wants you to own your money. He wants you to own your body (he is against the Selective Service and the Draft). He wants you to be able to keep your secrets, and he thinks the government should be the one to open up and let you know what it is up to.

Feeling like your paycheck doesn't go so far anymore? Confused when they keep repeating on the evening news how great the economy is going when you can hardly pay for groceries? That is because of the Inflation Tax. When Congress wants to spend more money, it borrows money and the Federal Reserve simply prints it up for them. (This is a simplification of the process, but that is what happens more or less.) Then all this "new" money floats around, or more likely ends up in the hands of military contractors and all of a sudden the dollars that used to be in your pocket are worth less. More dollars means each one has less value. The less value the dollar has the less it buys and you notice it when you see prices rise. Instead of complaining that the companies are trying to rip you off, the real focus of your frustration should be at the Federal Government that made you money worth so little it now takes three dollars just to buy a gallon of gas. There's a reason counterfeiting is against the law.

Ron Paul would change all of this for you by getting us back on a hard money system, so that Congress cannot spend what it does not have. Of course the economy of the ultra-rich is looking good, so would yours if you borrowed a million dollars a week. But just as any college student soon learns, those bills must be paid back. And guess who is paying back those debts? You got it. Taxpayers. You and me. That is why it now takes two to support a household, two people working to even think of sending kids to college, two people working harder and harder every year and somehow ending up with less.

Yes, you are right. You are being ripped off. But Ron Paul actually wants to stop all of that. He says he doesn't want to be President for all the things he can do to you, he wants to be President for all the freedom and liberty he can give back to you. Starting with your money.

He wants to abolish the Department of Education but don't worry, that doesn't mean he wants to abolish public schools. He just wants the Federal government out of your hair so you can decide locally what your children are taught instead of some bureaucrats in Washington. He voted against the National ID card because he doesn't want American citizens to ever be forced to "produce your papers". He wants to further protect your privacy by keeping the Internet free of regulations. He wants Big Brother off your back, not running your life.

Ron Paul is an excellent reason to come back to the voting booth, if only for the primaries. Please find out what the rules are for the Presidential Primary in your state. They can be tricky about this too, because truth be told, they don't want you to vote. In Arizona, they call the Presidential Primary a "Presidential Preference Election" but still hold primaries for other offices like councilmen, etc. So if you call in and ask about the rules for "the Primary" they tell you things that have nothing to do with picking the next President. Don't let them trick you. Call the county in your area. Tell them you want to vote for Ron Paul who is running as a Republican and you want to vote for him in the primary or whatever they call it. Then register to vote. In a lot of places you must be a registered Republican to vote for Ron Paul in the Primary. Check the rules for your state.

If by some chance Ron Paul does not win the nomination, then go back to your couch and stay there. The rest of the field doesn't have much to offer. The Democrats promised to end this war in the last election. See any soldiers coming home? Well, Ron Paul voted against the war from day one. You can trust that a man will behave in the future the way he behaved in the past.

If Ron Paul doesn't secure the Republican nomination, then I won't blame you for not voting in the general election. You are right. The rest of the choices are dismal. No matter who wins we will get more of the same. This year, vote for someone you believe in. Vote for the one man who has been fighting for your rights for twenty years in Congress. Give that man a voice: your voice. If you would like to read more about Ron Paul you can visit his website at and (look for the Ron Paul file in the lower left corner) and also visit the Ron Paul Library to find articles and speeches on specific topics.

Ron Paul is listed with 8 to 1 odds of becoming the next US President.

Re: Who should you vote for 2008 U.S. President? (recovered)

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 5:48 am
by Iolaus
Just when I decided not to vote anymore you want to ruin it by convincing me to vote for Ron Paul? Yeah, I might do it.

There's a great book out, by the way, called The Fair Tax book, Saying Goodbye to the income tax and the IRS.
Very sensible. apparently a best seller and i thought i'd do my part to spread the word.

Re: Who should you vote for 2008 U.S. President? (recovered)

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 11:55 pm
by sear
"The Fair Tax book" Io
I can't attest to the quality of the book, as I've neither read nor seen it.
But if the idea is to substitute for the income tax a national sales tax, I oppose the plan, & perhaps the book.

First of all, for a national sales tax to be revenue neutral, what would the tax rate have to be? 34%? [please note: this sentence & fragment end with a question mark]

If you were a Republican, planning to spend $1,000,000.oo on a home (not a lot by today's standards) would you be OK with having to also pay $340,000.oo in taxes on it?

Apart from that, such a sales tax scheme is dreadfully regressive. Poor, and even impoverished workers on subsistence wages, that have no savings beyond the bus fare in their pocket, would be taxed on all their $$$.

But the vast bulk of the wealth of multi-$Billionaires would go entirely untaxed. They would only be taxed on the $money they spend; a minuscule fraction of their net worth.

I understand the appeal to some of this -Tax The Poor - scheme.
But I've never been a fan of serfdom.

Re: Who should you vote for 2008 U.S. President? (recovered)

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 10:49 am
by daybrown
That kinda assumes there will actually be an election in 2008. The rich make history, but they dont ever actually read it, so they keep repeating it. Machiavelli would say we're due for economic panic followed by tyranny and/or anarchy depending on where you are.

Even if we do have an election, neither Ron Paul, nor anyone else will be able to turn the juggernaut around, except, possibly, of all people Hillary, and her only because of her & Bill's corrupt connections with the global investment community.

Altho- Damn Yankees have always been damn lucky. The USDA website has the field crop data posted now, which looks great for the USA, and bad for most other big producers. If, for instance, OPEC raised oil prices to the point that it crashed the US economy, then the Arabs would get to find out how they like having diesel for breakfast.

That's the thing; all these politicians, pundits, economists, spin doctors, brokers, & investment bankers are all *urbanites*, and dont have a fuckin clue where their food comes from. Hillary made 100,000$ over nite in the commodities market, not because she knew anything about agriculture, but because she knew who to know.

Agribusiness is marvellously efficient, but with any highly refined system, minor changes in the fundamentals can drive output to zero. Canada's grain crop looked great with the global warming, but then they got to find out what a hot dry summer did. Unlike the States, they didnt have the irrigation pumps sucking off the Ogalalla. And again, because of global warming, hurricanes hit the TX coast, and then drifted north dumping rain on the great plains, so they didnt need to irrigate. Damn Yankees have always been lucky.

But if they dont get a handle on the entitlement funding, it wont matter according to Alan Greenspan and David M. Walker. Greenspan pointed out, that it wont matter how much money you throw at medicare if there are not enuf nurses to deliver it. And there's a shortage already. Never mind when the boomers retire. He seems to understand that educational opportunity and affirmative action is fine, until it comes to *your* medical care. One of my friends is a medical transcriptionist who makes tons of money because she took linguistics, and can understand Hindi-English recordings of doctor's orders. Will the nurse at your bedside? <snurk>

Nobody, in either major party, has this reality on the radar.

Re: Who should you vote for 2008 U.S. President? (recovered)

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 6:11 am
by brad walker
Alexander wrote:We all know politicians can promise stuff. We should have votes on issues rather then people.
mike gravel promotes something like that, the national initiative for democracy.

Re: Who should you vote for 2008 U.S. President? (recovered)

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 8:29 am
by Shahrazad
Non-Voters Finally Have a Good Reason to Return to the Polls (article by Jennifer Reynolds,,
September 5, 2007)
This is absolutely clever propaganda for Ron Paul. I wish I had thought of it.

Re: Who should you vote for 2008 U.S. President? (recovered)

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 7:15 pm
by hsandman
Alexander wrote:Vote for someone whose definition of freedom that doesn't include imprisonment of people who don't agree with them, or notions that something so much as a substance can be criminal. Such things as poverty could be abolished through economic purity. School could be made to encourage the passion to learn we all have somewhere. Enforced teaching of that which is un-stimulating/engaging to a student is detrimental to learning. Given there own time, people eventually figure out what they need to know to get what they want. Give things space and they find a place, confine them and they'll flounder. Since your vote is suppose to be how you make a difference, why not discuss actions and causes that will actually have an effect. NO MATTER WHO YOU VOTE FOR THE SYSTEM WINS! I couldn't care less whose in power, but a care a great deal what they do with it. I want drugs legal, all of them, because prohibition creates the gaps so many fall through. I want every Government action and discussion to be public, if it's private there's something their ashamed of or afraid of. I want wealth evenly distributed fairly. I want community. I want culture. I want collaborative spirituality, not denominated religion. I want the truth about everything, and nothing but. If you want another hand picked candidate with a crew telling him what to do, then let the next president be from a standing party, with tons of corporate support.

The US has been systematically revoking freedoms as long as they could, these revoked freedoms have been forced on other countries too, and more by the day. You could argue you have freedom, but tell me how free you feel after you've been in jail for years with no conviction, or when you get a fine for being on a beach at night. Despite large amounts of exposed cases of fraud in almost every level of Government people cling to some tragic loyalty in a system that has every intent on milking this planet for everything it's worth. Here's were things actually get extremely serious, if things continue in this direction, were either gonna run our of resources, or natural forces will run out of tolerance. If we don't kill our selves, I hope nature kills us before we kill everything. The corrupt economic systems that give power by patence over the structure's that delude us to dependence, and stripe us of the most basic of freedoms. A few very powerful people have decided if they don't conquer the world, someone else is gonna do it, better my wraith then his, trouble is one of them gets away with it and still manages to some how maintain face against all laws of reason and logic. People either won't believe the truth of the matter, or they simply don't realize how fragile these structures are. It's the people it surfers that give it it's power. There's alternative methods for everything, we have thousands of years of culture to build off, so what are we doing here. Wake up people.
Enslavement of human race... in aetrenum. Many will not even notice it.

Re: Who should you vote for 2008 U.S. President? (recovered)

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 3:03 pm
by Iolaus
I can't attest to the quality of the book, as I've neither read nor seen it.
But if the idea is to substitute for the income tax a national sales tax, I oppose the plan, & perhaps the book.

First of all, for a national sales tax to be revenue neutral, what would the tax rate have to be? 34%? [please note: this sentence & fragment end with a question mark]

If you were a Republican, planning to spend $1,000,000.oo on a home (not a lot by today's standards) would you be OK with having to also pay $340,000.oo in taxes on it?

Apart from that, such a sales tax scheme is dreadfully regressive. Poor, and even impoverished workers on subsistence wages, that have no savings beyond the bus fare in their pocket, would be taxed on all their $$$.

But the vast bulk of the wealth of multi-$Billionaires would go entirely untaxed. They would only be taxed on the $money they spend; a minuscule fraction of their net worth.

I understand the appeal to some of this -Tax The Poor - scheme.
But I've never been a fan of serfdom.
For God's sakes man, read the book before spouting nonsense!

the proposed rate is 23%. But you take home your entire paycheck. No other taxes ever.

the poor pay no tax.

There is so much extra built into the price of things due to taxes built into the price structure, that the prices under this system would go down.

If you don't want to be a serf, then be informed rather than believing someone's propaganda.

John Edwards' wife is fat (see photo)

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 10:44 am
by Tomas

John Edwards' wife is fat

Couldn't they have put this cow on Atkins if they knew her husband was going to be running for office? (see photo) ... ds_wi.html


Re: Who should you vote for 2008 U.S. President? (recovered)

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 10:54 am
by Shahrazad

A man is not worthy of being president because his wife is fat? Should we cater to weightists?

Re: Who should you vote for 2008 U.S. President? (recovered)

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 11:02 am
by Tomas

A man is not worthy of being president because his wife is fat?

So, you'd rather have George H.W. Bush and Barbara run again? She is the "water buffalo" of presidential fatties!

Should we cater to weightists?

Goodness, did you see the photo of her?

ps- Note the year.

Tomas (the tank)
VietNam veteran - 1971


Re: Who should you vote for 2008 U.S. President? (recovered)

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 11:04 am
by Unidian
Kucinich was the best choice. Now that he's out, there's still Gravel. He doesn't have a chance, but so what?

Ron Paul doesn't have a chance either, and he is a disaster.

Aside from Gravel and maybe Edwards (less so), I don't really care. I'll just go pull the lever for whichever useless Democrat they actually nominate (Hillary or Obama) simply to keep a Repuke out. The lesser of two evils is still a lesser evil. I won't be excited about it, though - and I won't expect any improvement for those who need it most.

Re: Who should you vote for 2008 U.S. President? (recovered)

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 11:11 am
by Shahrazad
So, you'd rather have George H.W. Bush and Barbara run again?
I asked you a question, damn it. Answer it.
-Shah- Should we cater to weightists?

-tomas- Goodness, did you see the photo of her?

ps- Note the year.
Yes, I saw it. What's your point?


Re: Who should you vote for 2008 U.S. President? (recovered)

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 11:49 am
by Tomas
Shahrazad wrote:Tomas,
So, you'd rather have George H.W. Bush and Barbara run again?
I asked you a question,
damn it. Answer it.

Barbara was/is a water buffalo.

Hillary or George H.W.? I'll take George the 1st

Obama or George the 1st? - Tossup...

John Edwards or George 1st? - Probably George 1st

Ron Paul or George 1st? - Leaning Ron Paul


-Shah- Should we cater to weightists?

What is a weightist?


Yes, I saw it. What's your point?

None, really.

ps- McCain is a creepazoid and a serial adulterer.

Should Obama win the Democratic party nomination, he'd clean all the Republican's clocks but Ron Paul.

Tomas (the tank)
VietNam Veteran - 1971

Re: Who should you vote for 2008 U.S. President? (recovered)

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 12:54 pm
by Shahrazad
I asked you a question, damn it. Answer it.
Right after you answer mine. I asked first.

Why are you so enamored with George HW Bush? The guy stinks. Loves to bomb defenseless small countries, then act indignant when an Arabic leader does the same.
What is a weightist?
One who prejudges against or dislikes people based on weight. Or shoud I say, weight/height ratio.
McCain is a creepazoid and a serial adulterer.
Did you know that he was also born in Panama? Could that be where he got his adulterer tendencies from?


Re: Who should you vote for 2008 U.S. President? (recovered)

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 3:35 pm
by Tomas
A man is not worthy of being president because his wife is fat?

Discounting that Elizabeth (had) active cancer in 2004, perhaps she didn't know for sure what her body was telling her...

Cancer does crazy things to the head as far as the thought processes go...

But no, the first lady much less the man should not be too much overweight.

People (children) are hungry in America ... sets a poor example.

And, the Presidents council on physical fitness should be who (enough Arnie already)?

Being physically fit obviously isn't easy for a woman whose had a few kids, my girlfriend of 40-plus years has had seven count them, but she is within 8-10 pounds of when she was 18. She has maybe 100 white hairs to go with her blonde-shade of light red hair.

Is a man fit to be prez with a somewhat-overweight mate? I dunno. Hillary doesn't look like she could run a 100 yard dash in a minutes time. Laura looks a bit chunky herself.

Tomas The tank)
VietNam veteran - 1971


Re: Who should you vote for 2008 U.S. President? (recovered)

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 3:52 pm
by Shahrazad
Discounting that Elizabeth (had) active cancer in 2004, perhaps she didn't know for sure what her body was telling her...
Is Elizabeth Edward's wife?
But no, the first lady much less the man should not be too much overweight. . . . . . People (children) are hungry in America ... sets a poor example.
Really? I guess we should have models running for Prez. And expect them to spend no less than 3 daily hours at the gym.
And, the Presidents council on physical fitness should be who (enough Arnie already)?
I guess you would vote for Arnie.
Being physically fit obviously isn't easy for a woman whose had a few kids, my girlfriend of 40-plus years has had seven count them, but she is within 8-10 pounds of when she was 18. She has maybe 100 white hairs to go with her blonde-shade of light red hair.
I suppose you included this here to make sure I value you as a person given that you live with a woman who is physically fit. By now you must have noticed that intelligence, sense of humor and personality do not impress me at all.
Is a man fit to be prez with a somewhat-overweight mate? I dunno. Hillary doesn't look like she could run a 100 yard dash in a minutes time. Laura looks a bit chunky herself.
Right. Maybe I was wrong to suggest models for Prez. Athletes would do a much better job.


Re: Who should you vote for 2008 U.S. President? (recovered)

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 4:24 pm
by Tomas
Shahrazad wrote:Tomas,
Discounting that Elizabeth (had) active cancer in 2004, perhaps she didn't know for sure what her body was telling her...
Is Elizabeth Edward's wife?
But no, the first lady much less the man should not be too much overweight. . . . . . People (children) are hungry in America ... sets a poor example.
Really? I guess we should have models running for Prez. And expect them to spend no less than 3 daily hours at the gym.
And, the Presidents council on physical fitness should be who (enough Arnie already)?
I guess you would vote for Arnie.
Being physically fit obviously isn't easy for a woman whose had a few kids, my girlfriend of 40-plus years has had seven count them, but she is within 8-10 pounds of when she was 18. She has maybe 100 white hairs to go with her blonde-shade of light red hair.
I suppose you included this here to make sure I value you as a person given that you live with a woman who is physically fit. By now you must have noticed that intelligence, sense of humor and personality do not impress me at all.
Is a man fit to be prez with a somewhat-overweight mate? I dunno. Hillary doesn't look like she could run a 100 yard dash in a minutes time. Laura looks a bit chunky herself.
Right. Maybe I was wrong to suggest models for Prez. Athletes would do a much better job.

#1. Elizabeth Edwards - I suspected straightaway you hadn't read the short article (much less the viewer comments)

#2. Obviously you don't understand that eating the right foods doesn't equate wit three hours a day at the gym. Eating right and one need never set foot in gym. Where have you been?

#3. Arnold? About the only thing I'd share with him is a bowl of hashish :-)

#4. No, I rearely read your writing as it wanders off on defending Gnat's sense of laziness ... living on the welfare state ... ditto for his girlfriend Philo plus all the other non-employed who troll here. Bunny rabbit seems a bit disinclined at the iq genius of alter ego manifestations (one-liners)

#5. Well, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush jogged and all it did for them was a bum achilles for Clinton and bad knees for Bush.

You need not run a couple miles or sweat it out at a fat farm. Eat right is all one need do.



Re: Who should you vote for 2008 U.S. President? (recovered)

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 4:49 pm
by Shahrazad
You need not run a couple miles or sweat it out at a fat farm. Eat right is all one need do.
If only it were that easy, nobody would weigh more than 100 lbs. Some of us have slow metabolisms.

You yourself admitted that it is not always easy for a woman with children to stay slim.


Re: Who should you vote for 2008 U.S. President? (recovered)

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 5:00 am
by Tomas

Look, I use a WEB-TV system.

You need not run a couple miles or sweat it out at a fat farm. Eat right is all one need do.

If only it were that easy, nobody would weigh more than 100 lbs. Some of us have slow metabolisms.

We rarely eat out. Cook from scratch. Use palm, coconut, olive, hemp oils only. Don't use crisco, canola, sunflower, corn oils...

Don't eat shrimp, crap, pork, lobster (the bottom dwellers) type of "foods".

Rarely eat bread with the exception of Hemp bread or sprouted breads (but only with certain types of grains, cereals).

All vegetables are not equal.

Doesn't sound like a fun diet, but neither is that extra 30 pounds of excess weight!

You yourself admitted that it is not always easy for a woman with children to stay slim.

You better re-read what I wrote.

Clarify: The girlfriend and I are 55 this year.

We had our twins when age-16.

We had a single when age-18.

The second set of twins came at age-21.

The next single popped out at 23.

We thought that was it (a bit of self-control took hold) but we were bless'd (one last time) at age-45. That's right, we have a 9-year-old.

Other than the normal weight gains of her (then) monthly period - and pregnancies - she was/is 8-10 pounds of when she finished "physically growing" as a teen.

Me? - about the same 5 pounds either way of Army weight, 155-165.

We avoid the gym with a passion - but we do have a norweigian-type sauna at our home for relaxation purposes. We ride bicycles, hiking, gardening, slow-pitch softball, nothing too strenuous at our age.


We're not hurting for money. So...

We rarely eat out. Only cook with olive, palm, hemp, coconut oils.

Don't eat shrimp, crab, pork, lobster etc. (the bottom dwellers).

Avoid soy products.

Don't drink commercial milk products.

Don't do diet soda pop, (no artificial sweeteners)

Avoid corn syrups, canola,

All vegetables are not equal.

The occasional dinner wine.

I like a Cuban cigar now and then.

The rare puff on a spliffy.

And so on ... "we" follow our own drummer.

The government food pyramid is not our shepherd.

ps- The future is now - so make it a good one!

Tomas (the tank)
Prince of Jerusalem
16 Degree
Scottish Rite Free Mason


Re: Who should you vote for 2008 U.S. President? (recovered)

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 6:44 am
by snow bunny
Can I get any more information about how fat Thomas' wife is? I'm sure Thomas is really skinny, but his wife is fat, so there you go.

Re: Who should you vote for 2008 U.S. President? (recovered)

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 6:54 am
by Shahrazad

It seems like you are a disciplined eater, but my kids know more about birth control than you do. I am so glad I'm not your wife / gf.

I could never keep the sort of diet you keep, but last weekend I decided to get on Atkins. I have always been afraid to do so, but I finally developed the courage. I intend to keep it until carnivals are over in Panama. Will see what happens.


Re: Who should you vote for 2008 U.S. President? (recovered)

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 7:09 am
by snow bunny
Unidian wrote:Kucinich was the best choice. Now that he's out, there's still Gravel. He doesn't have a chance, but so what?

Ron Paul doesn't have a chance either, and he is a disaster.

Aside from Gravel and maybe Edwards (less so), I don't really care. I'll just go pull the lever for whichever useless Democrat they actually nominate (Hillary or Obama) simply to keep a Repuke out. The lesser of two evils is still a lesser evil. I won't be excited about it, though - and I won't expect any improvement for those who need it most.

I am going on record to endorse Hillary, she will be the nominee this year. America is not ready for a black pres, so just know that the cnn is right, Hillary all the way to the White House '09!!