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Obama is a 'liar' on abortion

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 7:40 am
by Tomas

Obama is a 'liar' on abortion (see photo)

If you want to know Barack Obama's real views on abortion, you should meet registered nurse Jill Stanek ... -is-a-liar


Re: Barack Obama, next president of the U.S.?

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 11:35 am
by Iolaus
-Click URL for complete article-

The link doesn't work.

A Story About a Man Applying for a Job

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 12:57 pm
by Tomas

A Story About a Man Applying for a Job

He tells you that the board is considering a candidate for a high-level executive position. He advises you to complete a thorough background investigation and have it to him within 10 days.

Preliminary findings begin landing in your fax machine on the third day:


Re: Barack Obama, next president of the U.S.?

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 12:52 am
by Alex Jacob
Obama has the child vote.

A Cincinatti polling agency has completed a pole among 5-12 year-olds and determined that 7 out of 10 in this age category prefer Brack Obama and would vote for him if they were of age...

*snip* ... -Kids and Obama

Making Excuses for Obama: The mythology of good intentions

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 4:30 am
by Tomas

Making Excuses for Obama: The mythology of good intentions

by Justin Raimondo

Every time I write about Barack Obama I get a lot of letters, and the most typical goes something like this:


Majority of Allegheny Prostitutes are on the Democratic Side

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 4:36 am
by Tomas

Majority of Allegheny (County) Prostitutes are on the Democratic Side


They're convicted streetwalkers, escorts and brothel babes collared in 2000 and from 2003-2006, uncovered by the Trib.

-Click URL for complete article- ... rss&feed=1


Re: Making Excuses for Obama: The mythology of good intentions

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 4:42 am
by brad walker
Tomas wrote:Making Excuses for Obama: The mythology of good intentions

by Justin Raimondo

Every time I write about Barack Obama I get a lot of letters, and the most typical goes something like this:
Alex, what do you think about that article?

Ego and Mouth

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 5:07 am
by Tomas

Ego and Mouth

by Thomas Sowell

The signs of Barack Obama's self-centered immaturity are painfully obvious.

-Click URL for complete article- ... mouth.html


Barack Obama will be impeached by Hillary

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 5:17 am
by Tomas

Barack Obama will be impeached by Hillary


The question is obvious in the way the Clinton's have spoken that they have the damning evidence on Obama already, but how long do you think it will be before some PUMA supporter doesn't ferret out what is going on in Kenya and Hawaii?

When push comes to shove it will be Hillary Clinton impeaching Barack Obama and all her other betrayers. What a fitting circle from Watergate 1972.

-Click URL for complete article- ... ed-by.html


Re: Barack Obama, next president of the U.S.?

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 5:35 am
by Alex Jacob
I read it rather quickly but I think I capture the gist. I would suppose that a new president, entering the establishment of Washington corridors of power, recognizes that he will work within a complex political and economic system. You could call that 'the established technology' of the United States, and as anyone recognizes you cannot simply, from one day to the next, replace one vast, complex established technology on the basis of 'hopes' and fantasies and popular idealism. It seems that Obama will work together with the existent power-structure and that if he differs it will be cosmetic difference.

Any other path would amount to political suicide. One might be able to modify certain policies, or choose long-term policies that will be better in the long run for the Republic, but one lonesome president is incapable of affecting the way that power functions, on what it is based, where and how it is flexed, etc.

From my angle of view I think that Obama represents an opportunity for the disenfranchised and the semi-disenfranchised to begin to have some level of participation in the American system. That is really how I see it. Black people, people of color generally, as a result of having a Black (or bi-racial) president, will be made to feel---to be given the initial illusion, if you will, the appearance---that they have the right to participate in the system, that it is theirs, that there is 'ownership interest'. This is primarily the reason why I voted for Obama, because of the promise of inclusiveness, which is central to American rhetoric. There is a kind of historical inevitability at work here, a seed planted long ago that simply had to come to fruition. Somehow, it is in the order of things that this happen. But this ain't the Sixties, indeed it is nothing like the Sixties. Defining why and how it is essentially so different from the Sixties will make all the difference in the world for understanding what 'Obama' represents, as I see things.

But there are many people who have become involved in the political apparatus (a new surge in the Democratic political structure, the machine) who will demand enfranchisement, will demand that 'their voices be heard', and that the power structure, somehow, render itself subject to their will. Too much of that, of course, becomes the 'crisis of democracy' that Noam Chomsky mocks in his writing: the idea (the fact) that when real democracy appears that the leadership freaks out, calls it a 'crisis of democracy' and does everything in its power to reconvert active, politicized people to their given and accepted role of passive, impotent spectators. An Obama presidency, combined with an active (if not 'militant') constituency, could open the door to a pretty dramatic shift on the political landscape, but only if it remains politicized and active, as well as independent.

One of the most important lessons for all of us---we who have virtually no 'ownership interest' in the structure of this system---is to arrive at an understanding of what political and economic power is, how it has been achieved, how it enforces itself in the world, and how so many other political and economic blocks are allied with it. You don't just change any of that shit overnight, if at all. On an international political level, of bitter, ceaseless and more often than not violent struggle for a piece of the cake, only a complete political idiot could imagine that things could magically appear different. Nevertheless Obama does represent a 'new generation' coming into the political system, and he does represent so many of these groovy, gay, idealistic, touchy-feely types that we have running all around all over the place. To my way of seeing things, they don't know fuck-all about the true nature of the world, nor how power really functions, nor what is required to maintain it (much less to extend it). It will be a peculiar state of affairs, the next few years.

I don't conceal my contempt for a whole class of idealistic youngsters, but sometimes I wonder just why it is that I don't feel I am instinctively on their side? What is the basis of my contempt? Is it because I 'see clearly'? or because I am reacting against a purer, more 'beautiful' possible vision of the world? The truth is a have a sort of contempt for the 'democratic body', especially of the US. It is a body of immense appetite and it is that 'appetite' that is really part of the problem. I would have much more respect and even faith in a more disciplined 'middle class', that stood strong in (real) values and not pseudo-values only masking egocentricity and a sort of false-view of reality.

If America (by that I mean the Democratic 'America') wants to leave the world-stage and no longer participate in this rough-and-tumble, violent, ballsy world of seeking, getting and holding power, then I guess it could happen, somehow. But all that vacuum will be filled, instantaneously, by other potencies, and of course the game will go on.

I think that if 'people' (the mass of people, the populace) actually understood on what power has been constructed, and how it is held, they would have some very sobering realizations. And if they did they would perhaps see how intricate all things are, and how it is very, very hard to extend 'values' through political power and political machinations. Ethical decisions are made by individuals, but nations made decisions on a whole other level.

I personally look forward to whole other aspects of dialogue in the next segment of time, and by that I mean more complete information that's put on the table, a widening of the conversation.

NFL Hall of Famer Lyynn Swann Endorses McCain

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 12:03 pm
by Tomas

NFL Hall of Famer Lynn Swann Endorses McCain

National Black Republican Association


Obama born in Kenya: Rev. Kweli Shuhubia's sworn Affidavit

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 12:11 pm
by Tomas

Obama born in Kenya: Rev. Kweli Shuhubia's sworn affidavit

Ms. Obama can fluently speak Swahili in her native dialect, but cannot read or write.


Re: Barack Obama, next president of the U.S.?

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 10:47 pm
by Alex Jacob
NY Times article on radically changed political environment, and radically new means of communicating with electorate.

November 4, 2008
After Epic Campaign, Voters Go to Polls

The 2008 race for the White House that comes to an end on Tuesday fundamentally upended the way presidential campaigns are fought in this country, a legacy that has almost been lost with all the attention being paid to the battle between Senators John McCain and Barack Obama.

It has rewritten the rules on how to reach voters, raise money, organize supporters, manage the news media, track and mold public opinion, and wage — and withstand — political attacks, including many carried by blogs that did not exist four years ago. It has challenged the consensus view of the American electoral battleground, suggesting that Democrats can at a minimum be competitive in states and regions that had long been Republican strongholds.

The size and makeup of the electorate could be changed because of efforts by Democrats to register and turn out new black, Hispanic and young voters. This shift may have long-lasting ramifications for what the parties do to build enduring coalitions, especially if intensive and technologically-driven voter turnout programs succeed in getting more people to the polls. Mr. McCain’s advisers expect a record-shattering turnout of 130 million people, many being brought into the political process for the first time.

“I think we’ll be analyzing this election for years as a seminal, transformative race,” said Mark McKinnon, a senior adviser to President Bush’s campaigns in 2000 and 2004. “The year campaigns leveraged the Internet in ways never imagined. The year we went to warp speed. The year the paradigm got turned upside down and truly became bottom up instead of top down.”

To a considerable extent, Republicans and Democrats say, this is a result of the way that the Obama campaign sought to understand and harness the Internet (and other forms of so-called new media) to organize supporters and to reach voters who no longer rely primarily on information from newspapers and television. The platforms included YouTube, which did not exist in 2004, and the cellphone text messages that the campaign was sending out to supporters on Monday to remind them to vote.

“We did some very innovative things on the data side, and we did some Internet,” said Sara Taylor, who was the White House political director during Mr. Bush’s re-election campaign. “But only 40 percent of the country had broadband back then. You now have people who don’t have home telephones anymore. And Obama has done a tremendous job of waging a campaign through the new media challenge.

“I don’t know about you, but I see an Obama Internet ad every day. And I have for six months.”

Even more crucial to the way this campaign has transformed politics has been Mr. Obama’s success at using the Internet to build a huge network of contributors that permitted him to raise enough money — after declining to participate in the public financing system — to expand the map and compete in traditionally Republican states.

No matter who wins the election, Republicans and Democrats say, Mr. Obama’s efforts in places like Indiana, North Carolina and Virginia — organizing and advertising to voters who previously had little exposure to Democratic ideas and candidates — will force future candidates to think differently.

“The great impact that this election will have for the future is that it killed public financing for all time,” said Mr. McCain’s chief campaign strategist, Steve Schmidt. “That means the next Republican presidential campaign, hopefully a re-election for John McCain, will need to be a billion-dollar affair to challenge what the Democrats have accomplished with the use of the Internet and viral marketing to communicate and raise money.”

“It was a profound leap forward technologically,” Mr. Schmidt added. “Republicans will have to figure out how to compete with this in order to become competitive again at a national level and in House and Senate races.”

This transformation did not happen this year alone. In 2000, Mr. Bush’s campaign, lead by Karl Rove and Ken Mehlman, pioneered the use of microtargeting to find and appeal to potential new supporters. In 2004, the presidential campaign of Howard Dean was widely credited with being the first to see the potential power of the Internet to raise money and sign up volunteers, a platform that Mr. Obama tremendously expanded.

“They were Apollo 11, and we were the Wright Brothers,” said Joe Trippi, the manager of Mr. Dean’s campaign.

Terry Nelson, who was the political director of the Bush campaign in 2004, said that the evolution was challenging campaign operatives who worked for every presidential campaign, and would continue in 2012 and beyond.

“We are in the midst of a fundamental transformation of how campaigns are run,” Mr. Nelson said. “And it’s not over yet.”

The changes go beyond what Mr. Obama did and reflect a cultural shift in voters, producing an audience that is at once better informed, more skeptical and, from reading blogs, sometimes trafficking in rumors or suspect information. As a result, this new electorate tends to be more questioning of what it is told by campaigns and often uses the Web to do its own fact-checking.

“You do focus groups and people say, ‘I saw that ad and I went to this Web site to check it,’ ” said David Plouffe, the Obama campaign manager. “They are policing the campaigns.”

Mr. Schmidt said the speed and diversity of the news cycle had broken down the traditional way that voters received information and had given campaigns opportunities, and challenges, in trying to manage the news.

“The news cycle is hyperaccelerated and driven by new players on the landscape, like Politico and Huffington Post, which cause competition for organizations like The A.P. where there is a high premium on being first,” he said. “This hyperaccelerates a cable-news cycle driven to conflict and drama and trivia.”

Among the biggest changes this year is the intense new interest in politics, reflected in jumps in voters registration, early voting and attendance at Mr. Obama’s rallies. To no small extent, that is a reflection on the unusual interest stirred by his campaign. Thus, it is hardly clear that a future candidate who appropriated all the innovations that Mr. Obama and his campaign tried would necessarily have the same success as Mr. Obama.

“Without the candidate who excites people,” Mr. Plouffe said, “you can have the greatest strategy and machinery and it won’t matter.”

Mr. Trippi, who worked for one of Mr. Obama’s rivals in the Democratic primary, former Senator John Edwards, said: “It has all come together for one guy, Barack Obama. But now that it’s happened, it’s a permanent change.”

Re: Barack Obama, next dead president of the U.S.?

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 11:43 pm
by mansman
I just have 1 question after watching the news about election, not sure how to ask this i do my best! Ok.....

Why is all the people acting as if the candidates especially those running for president have........aaaah, have.....some kind of..... force field around there body which bullets and knifes cannot enter through....penetrate? Well, does anyone know answer to this simple question?

In case not clear, maybe just my imagination but watching news i see for instance, The Saviour (haha) BObama everywhere exposed to hundreds and thousands of strange (to him) people.

I mean, how many times have seen in our world a situation like this and in crowd just one maniac shooting and often killing an improtant and loved person?
Ok, I answer too- TOO MANY TIMES! Also in movies, I remember movie with man of India Gandhi, friends and lovers all around then bang bang bang Gandhi shoot dead before anyone can be aware.

I see all these people and i wonder WHY not occurr to them when shaking BPbama hand that hater of Obama may be right next ready to put him to sleep, resulting in great great sorrow many people and loss to world.

Another question: How can Obama take such risk? Even with special protection vest one 22 or violent knock on head and dead or dying he is. Does not seem highly irresponsible for him to expose himself???

Does not Obama know with all these comparisons people say with assasinated Kennedy's that situation is pretty ripe for him too to be eliminated much too soon? Cannot be possible Im only person in world who concern for this, is it? Only person that notice how millions of very happy blacks smiling but no one mention concern for there Saviours safely?

Sure maybe some people get searched for weapons indoors and small gathering, but isnt McCain and Obama a sitting ducks in those large large gatherings?????????

Maybe this issue not raised by newsmen because not wish to put idea in crazy mans mind.
Still, from where Im looking there is no way these politicians can be always as protected as they MUST be! Should be.

Yeah, someone tell me "well what you expect, cannot be fool proof, they try to protect but if someone want to kill him how can you stop always?" OMG!

So I tried my best to make people aware at huge risk I see to someone who is becoming very dear to many dishearted people. In there joy they act like their hero is protected by some invisible force field surrounding him!

Dont you know that millions of religious crazy opponents will want his dead and that a small part of this Republics will maybe even TRY eventually to MAKE him dead? They have 4 years maybe to get him!

This to me is sickening.
Especial that no one explain how he is safe, McCain too, all of them should be much more careful.

Oh well, I guess people like a tragedy too much to do anything about it.
And so many hate blacks, seem to me just a matter of time before America and world is in morning.

Re: Obama born in Kenya: Rev. Kweli Shuhubia's sworn Affidavit

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 11:46 pm
by mansman
Tomas wrote:.

Obama born in Kenya: Rev. Kweli Shuhubia's sworn affidavit

Ms. Obama can fluently speak Swahili in her native dialect, but cannot read or write.

Did not see "Born in Kenya" article here.

Re: Barack Obama, next president of the U.S.?

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 4:05 am
by Alex Jacob
This is a place to begin, mansman:

United States Secret Service

SS Website

More Info

Obama and Ahmadinejad

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 9:22 am
by Tomas

Obama and Ahmadinejad (Is Obama the Shiite's "promised warrior"?)


According to the tradition, Iman Ali Ibn Abi-Talib (the prophet's cousin and son-in-law) prophesied that at the End of Times and just before the return of the Mahdi, the Ultimate Saviour, a "tall black man will assume the reins of government in the West." Commanding "the strongest army on earth," the new ruler of the West will carry "a clear sign" from the third iman, whose name was Hussein Ibn Ali. The tradition concludes: "Shiites should have no doubt that he is with us."

In a curious concidence Obama's first and second names-Barack Hussein--mean "the blessing of Hussein" in Arabic and Persian. His family name, Obama, written in the Persian alphabet, read O Ba Ma, which means "he is with us," the magic formula in Majlisi's tradition.

-Click URL for complete article-


Re: Barack Obama, next president of the U.S.?

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 10:08 am
by Alex Jacob
"So, anyway, Obama's first two names mean "Blessing, the Good." If we are lucky enough to get him for president, we can only hope that his names are prophetic for us."

The meaning of Barack Hussein Obama

McCain-Palin 310 Obama-Biden 228

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 11:34 am
by Tomas

McCain-Palin 310 Obama-Biden 228

By Paul N. Marston ... Itemid=119


Re: Barack Obama, next president of the U.S.?

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 12:42 pm
by Alex Jacob

Re: Barack Obama, next president of the U.S.?

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 2:10 pm
by Dan Rowden
Der be a black mon in da white house.

Re: Barack Obama, next president of the U.S.?

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 3:00 pm
by Blair
It's a dark day in history.

Re: Barack Obama, next president of the U.S.?

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 5:15 pm
by Dan Rowden

Re: Barack Obama, next president of the U.S.?

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 10:00 pm
by mansman
Auh, look how happy are the black people, democrats, that there man won. Is because Obama is democrat too, right?
You know WHY, because now they feel good to have a better president who will save economy!
What you say........yes or no?
NO? Then what is the true reason they so happy they all crying like babies???
What? You say its because they are brown skin like him? Humm, but why is this so important that makes it most important then everything else?

All these black people would not trade elected president for ANYTHING IN WORLD, it seems.
Someone should offer something as test, see if they trade Obama for it. haha
So why oh why is this skin-match so so important to these emotional dark people?
Why is so so important that there great great grandparents were born on same continent as Obama father, who he never knew? Doest make sense.

Do you care if Bush or Clinton his grandparents come from same place yours do? Would you stand in line 7 hours, wet raining, to vote for him?
I never think if my presidents skin or ancestors match me, small thing, would be nice but much more important to me is, shit-- that the guy is great president!

But wtf is it with these dark skined Americans that this thing most important for a president leader?
Anyone know?

Oh, wait, maybe they think they get special treatment, that it? but, is this legal???
Dont think so. And Obama seem too honest to have favorite people.
Oh well..........I give u.........what?...........OHHHHH! I understand now, thank you (someone just told me WHY is true).

You want to know?

I was told because,... these people have crippling inferiority complex
(whatever that is).

Who can explain what means?
thank you

Re: Barack Obama, next president of the U.S.?

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 10:29 pm
by Alex Jacob
November 5, 2008
The Promise
For Many Abroad, an Ideal Renewed

GAZA — From far away, this is how it looks: