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Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 1:29 pm
by Aaron Mathis
Yes Trevor, I'm talking to you.

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 1:30 pm
by Shahrazad
When's the last time you shaved your arm pits and legs?

I expect to be banned from this forum any time now with that confession.

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 1:36 pm
by Aaron Mathis
Elizabeth Isabelle wrote:I never claimed to be a man. If I don't shave under my arms, there isn't a deoderant on the planet that could be effective.
That's right, there would be no deoderant on the planet that could stop you from becoming enlightened.

But as it stands your arm pit shaving and your pleasant fragrance are holding you back.
If I don't shave my legs, the hairs get caught in the fabric of my pants and it hurts.
[girly voice] oh it hurts!

[gruf manly voice] COME ON!!!
I don't pluck my abdomen anymore - does that help?
That's a start.

Let me know how you're progressing with this, E.

Perhaps because of my encouragement, you will have finally laid the foundation for your enlightenment.

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 1:42 pm
by Aaron Mathis
Trevor wrote:Aaron, I never got used to the feeling of a beard in winter, when the fur around my nostrils and mouth gets covered in ice.
Girly. Man up. Take some pain why dont you.
Plus my beard grows out red and patchy and curls like pubic hair. I can't stand to look at it.
[girly voice] "oh I cant stand the way it looks! ooooww!"

Trevor! I want you to Grab your balls right now, and take a good look at them. That's right, take a hard look and think.

Those boys are there for a reason.

Now grow that god damn beard. End the ego.
Just in case any women find my stubble attractive, though, I compensate for my own vanity by refusing to use whitener on my teeth (I smoked for 3 years and drink a lot of black tea).
This is samsara talk.

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 1:51 pm
by Elizabeth Isabelle
Hey Aaron/Simon - why don't you man up and post your real personality rather than multiple personas? You even had one of your persona's stating what a great thought your other persona had. Crud - quit changing dresses and present your real self.

I even mentally gave you some credit at first thinking that you realized that the Aaron SN was being regarded as a bufoon due to the first thread you started along with subsequent ventures into your own pit of ignobility and then posted under "Simon" - initially also horribly arrogant as Simon de Complexio - but much improved over Aaron. Yet, "Aaron" keeps coming back to act silly. Silly girl, GF is for philosophy - not games.

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 2:02 pm
by Aaron Mathis
You even had one of your persona's stating what a great thought your other persona had.
I was only being honest.

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 2:03 pm
by Aaron Mathis
Remeber E, Kierkegaard had many personas too.

It's just something that geniuses do.

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 2:04 pm
by Trevor Salyzyn
Do you wear Panties?

I suggest you get yourself settled into a set of men's Hanes jockey briefs....
Who's to say I even bother to wear anything at all below my collar? The picture is very ambiguous on that.
This is samsara talk.
Ah, no, it's actually an inside joke about the real reason for QRS beards. I can't remember who originally made the joke.

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 2:04 pm
by Elizabeth Isabelle
Were any of Kierkgaard's personas silly egomaniacs?

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 2:29 pm
by Aaron Mathis
Oh come on, lighten up.

I'm just playing.

And Trevor, just for the record, my 'do you wear panties' question was originally aimed at Elizabeth, but after I posted it, I found that you had posted probably only seconds before me.

And so I got possesed by a mirth of laughter when I seen the opportunity to redirect the question at you. Seemed funny at the time.

But now I'm feeling bad.

This is no place to be fooling around. Humor needs to be more sophisticated than the stuff I shit out. I realize that.

Time for Mathis to man up.

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 2:32 pm
by Aaron Mathis
Trevor wrote:Who's to say I even bother to wear anything at all below my collar? The picture is very ambiguous on that.
Now that's funny.

Good one Trev!

I know, only your friends call you Trev.

And that's why I called you Trev.

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 2:59 pm
by Shahrazad
Who's to say I even bother to wear anything at all below my collar? The picture is very ambiguous on that.
Not really. You're wearing a green collarless cotton shirt.

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 3:16 pm
by Aaron Mathis
Shahrazad wrote:
Who's to say I even bother to wear anything at all below my collar? The picture is very ambiguous on that.
Not really. You're wearing a green collarless cotton shirt.
Oh blah. Shar, gets some hair under your pits and throw those pink satin panties in the fire.

Trevor thought it would be funny if we imagined him wearing nothing but a collar. He was damn right. I had a good laugh. Especially when I imagined the collar as being studded.

Picture that. Now there's a real enlightened man - no regard for convention, no desire for followers. Just naked with a studded color, hands on hips, with the angry looking face you see in the picture. Classic.

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 3:45 pm
by Shahrazad
Oh blah. Shar, gets some hair under your pits and throw those pink satin panties in the fire.
I don't wear pink panties, or anything pink for that matter.

And my name is Sher or Shah, not Shar.

And I live in the tropics, so cleanliness and hygiene is not optional.

I also pluck my eyebrows and my chin hair. But I don't wear makeup unless I'm going somewhere formal or semi-formal.


Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 3:50 pm
by Shahrazad

Dan takes daily showers and wears clean clothes. Does that mean he's girly?

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 11:18 pm
by Aaron Mathis
Shahrazad wrote:Aaron,

Dan takes daily showers and wears clean clothes. Does that mean he's girly?
He'd be less girly if instead of having showers he wiped himself clean using the rain water gathered in a trough outside is dwelling.

Since October, throughout the winter (I live where it freezes) I've been filling up my sink with just a little bit of water, and with a cloth and a bar of soap, I wipe my self down, give my armpits a scrub, scrub my hair with soap every 3rd day, and to get the soap off, I use a tea mug and dump a few cups over my head and I rinse out my cloth with a little bit of new tap water and proceed to wipe myself a second time.

This is quite heroic when you consider the ammount of water I save. My life I think leaves a pretty small footprint, resource wise, and very big footprint hero wise. I have a shower where I scrub extra good about 1 or twice a week. But I make sure that water isnt too warm.

This summer I may gear up a gutter system with a rain gathering trough. Clean myself outside at the trough!

As for food, well I'm very minimal and austere with my food as well. I don't have a need for cooking. The only meat I'll ever eat is those sardines in a can. They are quite good for you. I eat raw brocoli and carrots. Apples, almonds and raisins. For drinking, just water. I go through about a 2 litres of milk per week that I use on whole grain cereal.

It is a lifestyle like this that gives me the energy to be the genius I am.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 4:02 am
by Trevor Salyzyn
Yeah, well...

I sleep on plastic sheets with my head hoisted up in a brace, with a funnel underneath. All the drool that bubbles from my mouth slides naturally onto a towel beside my bed. If insufficient moisture has dampened the towel by the time I wake up (4 hours of sleep, maximum), I collect the plastic sheets and drip whatever sweat has gathered during the sleep (I sleep in the day in a structure similar to a greenhouse, so that it naturally is quite warm, but only if I sleep during the day, since I don't use a furnace) onto the towel to finish moistening it. Then I rub myself down once, before using a sharp piece of rock to finish the task of clearing away the excess skin.

I drink only water that collects in puddles, and only eat celery leaves grown in my own feces.

I've stopped urinating to conserve water. Sweat is sufficient.

I never thought of collecting rain water in buckets. That sounds like a good idea, except I'll need to think of something more hippie than a bucket. Maybe someone's discarded trashbag? Up 'til now I have just been waiting for it to rain, as God intended.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 6:56 am
by Aaron Mathis
Trevor, come now. Start with the basics. At least grow a beard first. Learn to handle that, then you can start aiming for the more advanced stoic habits.

Pace yourself.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 9:05 am
by David Quinn
"Panties" is such a dreadful word, in my view. It embodies everything that is misogynistic and disrespectful towards women.

Instead of "underwear" or "undergarments" which conjures up the prosaic function of protecting one's outer clothing from emissions by the body, "panties" automatically makes you think of women as rape objects. More disturbingly, it also has connotations associated with children. "Panties" resembles all those cute words you normally offer in conversation with young children - e.g. "din-dins" (for dinner), "sweetie", "walkies" (for taking a walk), etc.

So much of woman's sexuality is designed to awaken paedophile urges in men. Her physiology, with its smaller frame, soft skin, relatively hairlessness, high-pitched voice, etc, has evolved to resemble the physiology of children, and her make-up and cutesy mannerisms are designed to heighten that perception. The word "panties" fits in with all of this very nicely. It reveals that men like to view women as child sexual objects, which is misogynistic to the core. And women are more than happy to go along with it.


Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 11:37 am
by Dan Rowden
Aaron Mathis wrote:
Shahrazad wrote:Aaron,

Dan takes daily showers and wears clean clothes. Does that mean he's girly?
He'd be less girly if instead of having showers he wiped himself clean using the rain water gathered in a trough outside is dwelling.
We're having a drought so there's not so much of that lying around these days. Plus I don't fancy being arrested. I don't think most of us would get away with Diogenes' antics nowadays.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 1:55 pm
by Jamesh
Were any of Kierkgaard's personas silly egomaniacs?
Reading the goose, one would have to say they all were.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 6:53 pm
by Kelly Jones
Aaron Mathis wrote:When's the last time you shaved your arm pits and legs?

The same question goes to all you women: Leyla Shen, Kelly Jones, Pye, Shar, Sue Hindmarsh.....
I haven't cut off any body parts except from my pate and fingernails since.... geez. Since I moved out of my older sister's flat in 1994. The only reason girls are taught to do all that, despite them all saying it's fun, is to look attractive to low-lifes.

The question is, why would anyone want scoundrels, for friends? It looks like a female primate's reaction to an inbreeding situation (find a new dominant male).

There's no problem with "afro bulging out of panties" because pubic hairs fall out faster than head-hairs, apparently. So, don't worry about walking around with a huge forest on your pubic bone.

Dan Rowden wrote:
Aaron Mathis wrote:
Shahrazad wrote:Aaron,

Dan takes daily showers and wears clean clothes. Does that mean he's girly?
He'd be less girly if instead of having showers he wiped himself clean using the rain water gathered in a trough outside is dwelling.
We're having a drought so there's not so much of that lying around these days. Plus I don't fancy being arrested. I don't think most of us would get away with Diogenes' antics nowadays.
I've found a good way to reduce my electricity bill. Turn off the hotwater system. A hot water system is handy if you live in the arctic, but not really necessary anywhere else. Have a fast cold shower after exercising in the middle of the day.

Perspiration is not smelly. It's the bacteria that grows on oily secretions. Diogenes would not have been very smelly, because he would eaten simply.

Poo comes away from the body easier when there's very little sugar and fat in the food, and when the body is well-exercised and supple.


Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 8:08 pm
by Shahrazad
I changed my avatar to a ship going through the Panama Canal.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 8:18 pm
by Dan Rowden
Which, of course, indicates a strong attachment to your nationality - no surprise there! :)

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 8:28 pm
by Shahrazad
Right, and what single thing has shaped the destiny of my people more than the Canal? It has made me into what I am today, for better or for worse.

Also, this pic is less likely to distract people from spiritual thoughts. What someone said about attractive women not being able to be sages kind of bothered me.
