Its a wonderful day in the neighbourhood

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Re: Its a wonderful day in the neighbourhood

Post by Tomas »

Shahrazad wrote:Move right away. Do not pass go and do not collect 200 dollars.
At the very least, leave the apartment clean so you'll get the $200 deposit back :-)
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Re: Its a wonderful day in the neighbourhood

Post by Animus »

I actually live south of the 49th parallel. Which means I'm basically inside the United States. The city I live in is still technically Canada but its surrounded by US soil.

43° 0′ 0″ N, 81° 15′ 0″ W

That means, all my neighbours (other cities) are armed to the tits with guns, but I'm not.

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Re: Its a wonderful day in the neighbourhood

Post by Shahrazad »

You're almost on the same longitude as me, but on a very different latitude.
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Re: Its a wonderful day in the neighbourhood

Post by Animus »

Where you at?
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Re: Its a wonderful day in the neighbourhood

Post by Shahrazad »

9 00 N, 80 00 W
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Re: Its a wonderful day in the neighbourhood

Post by Iolaus »

Well now, I guess I had forgotten to check back on this thread.

Mr C-
I am not too sure what about my writing struck you as 'fake', but I am sure you will deliver a robust and sound evidence to us forthwith.
You're a fake feminist, i.e., you don't care about women, you care about men, and that they should not have any responsibility, unless they happen to want it. Under the guise of liberation, which is anti-woman, not pro-woman.
Either way, I noticed you avoided answering my question. Should I phrase it in simpler language for you?
That's not fair. I asked you what the question was. I think it is this:
Do you consider the same rules when thinking of a womans choice to have an abortion or give the child up for adoption?
But the question doesn't really compute. Tomas was saying there are consequences when accidents happen, and those accidents don't just happen to the woman, or shouldn't. But the two situations are not comparable, because the two genders are not the same.
Does the woman have the right to abdicate her responsibilities by placing the child for adoption? (in my country the answer is yes). Does the man have that right?
The answer is yes, she does. So you are mad that if she keeps her baby, he has to help pay for it. It's not a great situation. But the default should be that a woman generally keeps her own baby. Adoption is an extreme. The fair thing, I guess, would be for a woman who gives up a baby for adoption to nonetheless give child support to the couple who adopt. But the problem here is that a tenth grader doesn't support herself, let alone pay child support. And adoption is different. The child is no longer yours.
I think your calling me 'fake' is an ad hominem attack designed to distract from my main point.
Yes, it's ad hominem, not designed to distract though.
By the way, have you read the feminist book called 'Cunt'? Do you think the author was also 'fake'?
No, but I looked it up on Amazon. Looks like she wants to rehabilitate the word. But why? Language moves on. As to whether she's a fake, I don't know.
I know some of why some women act offended by the's the same reason a woman in a burka would act offended seeing a woman in a bikini.
Bullshit. It's completely different.
I simply reject it. It's not that I don't understand.
You reject that most women take an insulting word as an insult because you have decided to help the author of Cunt rehabilitate the word to mean something different than it means?
Why do you think it's fair for a woman to wriggle out from her responsibilities but not a man?
A baby, you see, comes out of a woman's body and into her hands, or onto her stomach. If she can't raise it, luckily, many childless people will take it. It's not common at all, however, and your harping on adoption really does little to address the fact that sometimes people get pregnant, and it isn't planned or ideal, and most women do NOT give up their children for adoption. So unless you envision a man having the power to force a woman to give up her child, their just isn't a corollary here. When you have an adoption, the child gets an entire set of parents, stable, financially sound and all that.

I, for one, would never give up a child for adoption. My conscience wouldn't allow it. I briefly considered, when I was a broke single mother of three, getting paid 5000 dollars for my eggs, which I consider quite superior, mind you.
But after a moment's reflection, I couldn't do it. I could never abandon a child of mine in the world.
I think it's because you don't think women are as strong as men, and I think that is an outdated and misogynistic stance.
Of course women aren't as strong as men, you moron! Are you blind? Pretending that women are men, now that is cruel and misogynistic.
I hope your daughters get support even if they disagree with you.
A lot of so-called feminists have put extreme suppressive pressure on those who would like to arm actual young women with knowledge because it goes against their fake feminist agenda. If aborting a first pregnancy increases the risk of breast cancer, that is something they might like to take into consideration.
So with condoms failing some of the time (even when used correctly), what do you suggest for the thousands of pregnancies every year that happen to responsible fuckers?
You know what they say: if you can't do the time, don't do the crime.

I've been using condoms for about 25 or more years, and have never had one fail. Wait, I think maybe once it slipped off. But I'm not saying they don't fail, I'm saying that there are a lot of STDs and pregnancies, and condoms should always be used unless the situation is very secure. A small price to pay for sexual freedom.
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Re: Its a wonderful day in the neighbourhood

Post by Iolaus »

A person would have to pretty delusional to be offended by a mere word. Are we back in kindergarten? And of course, for a spiritual person to be offended by anything means he still has a lot of work to do.
Well, I didn't say I was upset; I was explaining why women find it offensive. People do respond to the meaning of words. It's called language, and communication.

See, Prince tells it like it is:
Women don't like the word cunt because it reminds them of the reeking, disease-ridden hole it actually is.
But Prince, it is also the universal portal into this world from the mysterious Other. Don't be so insulting toward the hole you yourself crawled out of.

How is your mom, by the way?

Indeed: I don't like being imprisoned. I highly value avoiding massive undesirable responsibilities and loss of freedom for decades of my life. If you wanna pooh-pooh that go ahead, but all it does is make me think that you have very poor values and a lack of self-determination and drive.
I admit, the possibility ought to send chills up your spine. But I don't know what that has to do with my self-determination or drive. it's possible we've gone too far with the child support thing. But I don't know that it should be the way it was, either.
That majorly sucks, but why do you have to turn it into a male vs female thing? STDs and unwanted impregnation are still nasty things for men. Is it a competition to see who experiences the most suffering?
No, it was something that you said which seemed like a real disconnect between the experience men have had and women have had. That's all. Mr. C thinks an unwanted pregnancy is the woman's problem, not the man's.
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Re: Its a wonderful day in the neighbourhood

Post by Jason »

Wrong thread Iolaus. Here's the right one.
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Re: Its a wonderful day in the neighbourhood

Post by Animus »

Well, I might be dead soon anyway, so maybe I'll put off moving...

I'm not so great at taking care of myself and recently some seemingly minor problems have turned seemingly epic. Not sure how long I will last but I think I've lost a lot of blood the past few days. I'm feeling pretty weak which is actually quite usual but lately I've had a few incidences where I've gone from a fully-awake state to an almost unconscious state inside of a few seconds.

Judging by the symptoms and my limited knowledge its probably Anemia, but could be Chrohn's disease, colon cancer, ulcers, H. Pylori, or some other gastrointestinal malfunction. At any rate, if it doesn't kill me I'm sure I'll die from some other negligence on my part.

You know, sometimes people will say "That guys just fuckin' lazy!". In my experience its not a trivial thing, being lazy is as much a symptom as it is a cause, and as a cause it can have devastating consequences.