Responding to potential Societal Collapse

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Re: Responding to potential Societal Collapse

Post by Ryan Rudolph »

Victor wrote:
Oh? Got any evidence for it?
There are quite a few speculations. Some people believe that organizations such as the Rockerfellers, and more recently the Bill Gates foundation have experimented with eugenics activities in the developing world.

Here is another foundation that Bill Gates is supposely involved, and it specializes in population control - it is called planned parenthood, here is the website -

Some believe that these organizations could be using a sterilzation hormone/compound such as this to give children in third world countries, as they are given treatment for disease prevention.

However, to be honest, I'm not certain whether these claims are true.
Last edited by Ryan Rudolph on Sun Oct 28, 2007 6:44 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Responding to potential Societal Collapse

Post by Philosophaster »

Ryan Rudolph wrote:Here is another foundation set up by Bill Gates that specializes in population control - it is called planned parenthood, here is the website -
LOL at dude who thinks Planned Parenthood was set up by BILL GATES.

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Re: Responding to potential Societal Collapse

Post by Ryan Rudolph »

Philosophaster wrote:
LOL at dude who thinks Planned Parenthood was set up by BILL GATES.
set up was the wrong wording, but many sources believe that he pours alot of money into some of these organizations, and that he has a lot of power of influence as a result.
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Re: Responding to potential Societal Collapse

Post by Philosophaster »

By the way, any chemical treatment (especially with the gonadotropin inhibiting method specified in the "patent" link) would derange a kid's normal physical and mental development, which rely on a certain range of sex hormone levels. There isn't a way to just "chemically induce infertility" in a child without fucking up other things in the process.

So I'm willing to bet that the organizations in question aren't doing it.
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Re: Responding to potential Societal Collapse

Post by Ryan Rudolph »

Philosophaster wrote:
So I'm willing to bet that the organizations in question aren't doing it.
Yeah, I was skeptical myself actually, it seemed too good to be true, the only reason I entertained the idea is that some of the secularists of the last century who had power were eugenics sympathizers, so I thought some of these claims might have merit.
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Re: Responding to potential Societal Collapse

Post by vicdan »

Ryan Rudolph wrote:There are quite a few speculations.
Which is another way of saying that you have no evidence.

You haven't even shown that it's possible to induce infertility thusly, much less that it's actually happening.
Some people believe that organizations such as the Rockerfellers, and more recently the Bill Gates foundation have experimented with eugenics activities in the developing world.
Yeah, well, some people believe in the power of atlantean pyramid crystals, and in Virgin Mary showing her face to them in a bowl of pasta.
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Re: Responding to potential Societal Collapse

Post by Rhett »

Ryan Rudolph wrote:So I agree with you in many ways, however, I disagree with your methods. Namely that violence is the only answer. There are much more humane ways to lower population levels without inflicting suffering on people.
I just want to hone in on the idea of using violence to solve population and deficiency problems. This can theoretically be done painlessly, but how would you convince everyone remaining that it won't creep upwards? You couldn't. You could make a song and dance that it will only happen once within a specific project, but the very case underpinning that, if seen as valid, would probably be seen as valid again and again.

So, for a small gain, everyone left would suddenly become nervous. Even those at the top would be nervous about those at the bottom declaring war on them to prevent another round from occuring.
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Re: Responding to potential Societal Collapse

Post by Cory Duchesne »

Here's an interesting site: Survival & Self Reliance
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Re: Responding to potential Societal Collapse

Post by Faust »

there is an elite depopulation agenda:

when I have time after school work I'll get back to this forum and kick Vic's ass a bit more :)
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Re: Responding to potential Societal Collapse

Post by Tomas »

Faust13 - when I have time after school work I'll get back to this forum and kick Vic's ass a bit more :)

Will the pinworms be cheering you on...?

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Re: Responding to potential Societal Collapse

Post by brad walker »

vicdan wrote:Emitting extra CO2, if anything, will actually benefit plant life, by both providing plants with extra carbon extractable from the atmosphere, and by shifting the plant growth regions northward.
What about ocean acidification?
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Re: Responding to potential Societal Collapse

Post by brad walker »

Philosophaster wrote:I wonder how long it will be before fusion power becomes viable.
A Joker wrote:Fusion, the nuclear process that lights up the sun, is the energy source of the future and always will be.
Victor, where did you see that ITER has a positive EROEI?

edit: I see on wikipedia that ITER's expected to produce excess heat.
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Re: Responding to potential Societal Collapse

Post by daybrown »

FRONTLINE's 'YAQUI VALLEY' study showed that veggies exposed to agribusiness chemicals respond with increased phytoestrogen in their tissues. While they tied this to the autism rate, I note, that if what you want is a generation with lots of fairies, that is what you'd try.

I think its related to why so many young women are fag hags. The fairies are at least saner than the other symptoms like autism, ADD, ADHD, and ICD. Unfortunately, the undeveloping world has not been able to afford the chemicals. Course, this has reduced agricultural production, so they'll prolly control their populations the old fashioned way with famine.

Some of the women I know are in healthcare, and are therefore switching away from junkfood, fastfood, & soda, and twards a more wholesome diet. But it looks like most mothers are too stupid, neurotic, or lazy to pick up on it. After all, they were raised on the same junk.

Mass media would be able to modify the way kids are raised, but they make too much money off the advertising of junk to consider a rational response. The net effect is an irrational population. Which is why those of us who are paying attention are concerned about societal collapse. You may grow up to be rational despite dietary deficit and contamination, and if so, you are lucky.

But unless you are also lucky in where you choose to live, if there is a severe economic crisis from all this insanity, it wont matter that much how smart and rational you are. The only vote you have left is with your feet- or a U-Haul, to wherever the local population is more rational, and less susceptible to the simple solutions demagogues offer in times of crisis.

We already see economic stress result in demagoguery, terrorism, and revolution in less modern cultures. People unwilling, or unable, to listen to reason resort to violence. Are people in modern cultures fundamentally different?
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Re: Responding to potential Societal Collapse

Post by brad walker »

The Money/Credit Cycle wrote:Obviously, governments desire to prevent "resets", because they are terribly disruptive to the economy. They destroy those who have chosen to employ leverage in their financial lives, both corporate and personal, almost without exception. They contract GDP severely as the monetary velocity slows precipitously, and cause huge ramps in unemployment. In extreme cases they can lead to civil unrest or even radical changes in the form of government in a nation (e.g. the rise of Adolph Hitler), especially if the government mismanages the reset process or attempts to bail people out through "direct" monetary inflation.

By the way, before you believe that the government will simply "print money", should that be attempted (or some resemblance of it - e.g. government issues Ts, The Fed buys them and injects the money) the response in the market will be an instantaneous shutdown of private (and outside-US) buyers of debt, as the demand for yields will go parabolic to a degree that the government will be effectively priced out. Since the government needs debt market access to be able to continue to operate, this idea is a non-starter and the government knows it.

The sad reality is that each attempt to prevent a "reset" through meddling in the markets simply makes the ultimate event worse, as the amount of credit that must default to restore equilibrium ratchets higher with each new intervention.

We avoided the "Reset" in 2001/2003, but in doing so we insured that an even bigger one would occur.

Are we now in the beginning of the next "big" reset after the 1930s?

It is not possible to know until we are in the depths of it whether the snowball will gain enough momentum so that it smashes attempts at intervention. Once you can identify with certainty that a "reset" is underway it is too late to position yourself for it.

The risks of this event are now higher than they have been at any time in the previous 50 years.

To believe that we will avoid this event, you have to figure out where the next set of assets will come from that can be pledged for another cycle of credit reflation.

Without that new, unencumbered set of assets, the process of the monetary reset is assured.
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Re: Bill Gates Issues Call For Kinder Capitalism

Post by Tomas »

Tomas wrote:.

Bill Gates Issues Call For Kinder Capitalism

Famously Competitive, Billionaire Now Urges Business to Aid the Poor

Mr. Gates's Davos speech offers some insight into his goals as he prepares to retire in June from full-time work at Microsoft -- where he will remain chairman -- and focus on his philanthropy, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Mr. Gates said, flipping through a copy of Adam Smith's 1759 book, "The Theory of Moral Sentiments." It argues that humans gain pleasure from taking an interest in the "fortunes of others." Mr. Gates will quote from that book in his speech today. (see graphs, image, photo) ... zQ0Wj.html

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Re: Responding to potential Societal Collapse

Post by brad walker »

Two Billionaries Describe Our Outlook wrote:According to the Federal Reserve Board website, U.S. non-borrowed bank reserves have gone from $37B to $199M (nope, that's not a typo) in the last month. We have been discussing this with Sitka Pacific Capital's Mike 'Mish' Shedlock for the last two weeks. He concludes: "Banks in aggregate have now burnt through all of their capital and are forced to borrow reserves from the Fed in order to keep lending." Simply put, the U.S. banking system has no reserves. In addition, the FDIC has recently begun modernizing large-bank insurance rules.
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Re: Responding to potential Societal Collapse

Post by daybrown »

The history is obscure. Armies have always been led with the idea of seizing whatever was wanted. In most places, most times it worked. In Europe, the farmers switched from grain to turnips. When the looters came into the area, they buried the tubers they could not carry and fled into the forest. You cant do that with grain unless you have a sealed container, like a modern 55 gallon drum.

But whole armies were starved out. Its why the Poles and Russians love borscht, and why Napoleon's army starved. He didnt get it. The aggessive personalities on the "survivor' lists dont either. But in areas that still have lotsa small farms, there will many who figure it out.

While the media gives you the idea that rural people are stupid and urbanites smart, what I see going on in my neck of Ozark woods is smart urbanites moving in. With their guns. They know the kind of people they are leaving behind in the city, and to some extent, are getting ready for them.

As for the agribusiness "farmers", of course they'll be easy pickings. But 50,000 bushels of corn gets pretty old pretty quick. Its not a balanced diet. Then too, there's the matter of social skills. All thru hominid evolution, bandit gangs have been limited to about 50; more than that, there'll always be more egos who think they should be in charge; assassinations and civil wars break out.

But back in history at the beginning of agriculture in Anatolia, we see communities of thousands. Farmers are vastly more able to cooperate for mutual defense. This is why today, half the Green Berets grew up on family farms despite the fact that farm boys are less than 1% of the total population.
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