BC Health Pays to Restore Man's Foreskin

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Post by Matt Gregory »

Well make a video of it and put it on YouTube. That ought to be more productive than talking about it on here.

I for one have never cut anyone's dick, and I'm not interested in dick cutting, so telling me about it is a waste of time.
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Post by Tharan »

And on the 100th event of Tomas passing judgement, a single mind was not changed.

Anna, crying until they puke and passing out and stopping breathing? C'mon. That is just a little emotionally charged, don't you think?

The Jewish Bris is a VERY old tradition where the child is no longer a baby. From what I understand, every Jewish man remembers his Bris. How are they doing? Being of white anglo-saxon Protestant descent, I was a baby and have no recollection of my circumsicion. How am I doing? Scare stories only work if there are no living witnesses to refute.
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Re: BC Health Pays to Restore Man's Foreskin

Post by Esoterix »

Tomas wrote:An interesting article.

See the photo of the 'Circumstraint' board: used for infants


Tomas (the tank)
VietNam veteran - 1971
What if that unnecessary foreskin is kin to the umbilical cord?
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Post by Esoterix »

Tharan wrote:I was never abused and yet I have no foreskin.
Same here. Are you ashamed of your pecker head? Probably not. Neither am I.
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Post by Esoterix »

Elizabeth Isabelle wrote:I never realized how awful that is. It really is abuse.
Is it abusive to snip the umbilical cord? Granted that eight years old is way too late to snip that unnecessary foreskin. Otherwise the issue is nothing more than a social knee jerk.
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Post by Esoterix »

Elizabeth Isabelle wrote:Tharan, I am relieved that you do not feel deprived of your foreskin.
Good friggin' grief. How presumptuously motherly.
Reading the article, I recognized the truth in it. I hope that circumcised men do not get distraught over their circumcisions...,
I take it your heart's bleeding. Excuse me while I move you down a notch or two on my admiration scale.
..., but I also hope that new recognitions can be made so that the next generations can benefit from the newly re-aquired wisdom.
In any case, it's not like it was ever a law here in the States.
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Post by Esoterix »

Tomas wrote:The same holds true for women in Africa, and increasingly in Britain, where the women are forcibly "deflowered".
Forcibly? How about some solid evidence for that assertion? Urban legends don't cut it.
Seems to me, at least, it is a subtle form of rape. Perhaps situational mind-control for life.
I hope you aren't suggesting that circumcised men are subject to "situational mind-control," whatever the dumbass dickens that's supposed to mean.
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Re: BC Health Pays to Restore Man's Foreskin

Post by Tomas »

Esoterix wrote:
Tomas wrote:An interesting article.

See the photo of the 'Circumstraint' board: used for infants


Tomas (the tank)
VietNam veteran - 1971


What if that unnecessary foreskin is kin to the umbilical cord?

You know, those Amazon jungle men need that foreskin when crawling around the trees when in search for food, shelter etc.

Cacti needles are mighty pointed.

Loin skins work only so good.

Pirhanna's looking for a snack.

The mucous membrane thru our genetic history on this earth is readily evident.

Or, the Eskimos needed to retain all the heat in the middle of the winter. When separated by an ice floe, i wouldn't wanna swim around without "protection" from the elements, hungry seals looking for a bite to eat whatever.

Yes, elementary answer, but true to honesty.

Tomas (the tank)
VietNam veteran - 1971

Elizabeth Isabelle
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Post by Elizabeth Isabelle »

Esoterix wrote:I take it your heart's bleeding. Excuse me while I move you down a notch or two on my admiration scale.
Check the dates. This is one of the first threads I posted on when I came here. I'll admit that I am a significantly different person from who I was when I arrived. A few core basics are the same, but I am not who I was 7 months ago.

This place does change a person, and I have always been focused on growth. I expect myself to be far more advanced in another 7 months.
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Post by Esoterix »

Iolaus wrote:... do your parents have a video of the operation?
Are there videos of umbilical cords being cut with a pair of scissors? Do you watch those often? Sounds sorta kinky to me.
I have a hard time talking about circumcision, because I cry when I remember what I saw.
So do you plan on having it restored? How many other men are mourning the demise of their foreskin as day old babies? Are they also pissed because Mom and doctors forced them out of their comfort zone? Do they have nightmares about cold air, bright lights and stainless steel?
We look back on prior ages, such as the inquisitions, but we are doing something far crazier today. We hand over our newborns of less than a day and don't watch while out of sight and earshot they are subjected to 15-20 minutes of torture.
Far crazier. Dang. And 15-20 minutes of torture. Double dang.

So then, under the noble auspices of your hard-working prefrontal cortex, a boy baby getting his foreskin shortened is the equivalent of somebody having a three inch wooden spike shoved up their ass? As an atrocity, circumcision is equal to murder? Oy vey. Dad and Mom were party to a high crime.

(What a blatant example of modern reasoning.)
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Post by Esoterix »

Tharan wrote:Anna? Is that you?
Anna? Okay, so yet another bleeding heart woman in an emotional runaway over a brand-new social contrivance.

See, there can't be just a gradual change in parental decisions about their baby boys. There has to be this gut-bound social hullaballoo. I don't have to guess what kind of mentality is behind it all.
Wouldn't the definition of abused include some form of psychological trauma? I love my penis and have nothing but good memories with it. Who needs a foreskin?
An honest woman once told me that giving head to an uncut penis was yucky. I casually asked why. She said it was because it was pissy. Just as casually I asked what she meant. Turns out her aversion was because her first husband was uncut and when he'd pee he'd squeeze out lots of dribbles from the excess skin and then put it back in his pants. She also noticed that he'd get piss on his fingers. I suggested that maybe other men peeled it back to piss. She didn't know, but said she made him go wash it anytime oral sex was on the agenda.

At least the vagina's process of lubrication contains a purifying element. When it's wet it's lickable. When it ain't you'd better figure something's wrong. Too eager, maybe. Or she's not really in the mood. Or whatever.
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Post by Elizabeth Isabelle »

Esoterix, you may be interested in this link which covers the morality of blowjobs.
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Post by Esoterix »

Kelly Jones wrote:Abuse victims hold onto their emotional injuries as a form of martyrdom.
And some become victims because a social knee jerk demands it.
I am guessing that everyone who says "I am a survivor of abuse" will say they are abnormal, and why they are abnormal, but not that this is an implicit admission of what is normal.
I'd add that there's a hint of recreational martyrdom, as in that's all they wanna talk about. They live it and breathe. How healthy is that?
I'd say this is because they're avoiding the realisation that emotional suffering is a personal choice.
Or else they avoid the realization that there are ways to disavow all those screaming bleeding hearts constantly shrieking about social inequalities. Long live the herd-mentality, however sick.

That reminds me of a pet peeve: In the U.S. we have this document that says all men are created equal. I fault it because in the first place if only two were created, all others since were procreated. That is, I submit, an important difference. In the second place it simply isn't true that all are procreated equally. What reasonable person would argue with that?

By the way, hi. I'm Marlin. Please welcome me to the fray. <grins>
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Post by Esoterix »

Elizabeth Isabelle wrote:Some hold on to the injuries as martyrdom, and some make the personal choice to suffer, but much of the time the abuse itself, especially psychological abuse, robs the person of the ability to get out of pain without help except through suicide. Now there's an alternative to emotional suffering... The psychological abuse takes away from a person's internal coping skills, isolates the person from external sources of coping skills, and sets a person up for more emotional abuse from other sources, compounding the effects of the abuse.
From other sources? Where are all these nasty abusers? How come I've never been in contact with them? Who picks the tragets?

I can't think of a single time I was ever abused. Am I just lucky or something? Does asking make me suspect as an abuser?

(What a strange world I live in.)
Elizabeth Isabelle
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Post by Elizabeth Isabelle »

Marlin, why would your ego need a formal welcoming? And if you're flirting with Kelly, man are you barking up the wrong tree. Actually I don't think you'd get anywhere with anyone on this site (mental, as well as physical, celibacy is encouraged here).
Esoterix wrote:I fault it because in the first place if only two were created, all others since were procreated.
Do you believe Genesis was literally true?
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Post by Esoterix »

Iolaus wrote:Who the hell are you?

It isn't hysterical. I know what I saw. What have you seen?

Is it hysterical to find torture a very negative thing?
Is it hysterical to suppose that torture of a one-day-old is worse than torture of, say, a soldier?
Is it hysterical to let people know what goes on behind closed doors in hospitals - which when I tell them produces great surprise? Knowing that they do not know the real picture, is it hysterical to inform them?

My advice to parents who want to circumcise is - go ahead, but for heaven's sake: watch!

What? You want something done to your baby that you lack the courage to witness?
What? You want me to believe that babies don't holler when the umbilical cord is cut?

Tell you what. If you need to shriek about something go watch some boob jobs and nipple piercings. Or visit a tattoo parlor. Otherwise you're going to have to present evidence of some sexually dysfunctional yokel mourning his foreskin rather than a commercial-minded doctor who stands to profit from your squawking.
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Post by Elizabeth Isabelle »

Esoterix wrote:
Elizabeth Isabelle wrote:Some hold on to the injuries as martyrdom, and some make the personal choice to suffer, but much of the time the abuse itself, especially psychological abuse, robs the person of the ability to get out of pain without help except through suicide. Now there's an alternative to emotional suffering... The psychological abuse takes away from a person's internal coping skills, isolates the person from external sources of coping skills, and sets a person up for more emotional abuse from other sources, compounding the effects of the abuse.
From other sources? Where are all these nasty abusers? How come I've never been in contact with them? Who picks the tragets?

I can't think of a single time I was ever abused. Am I just lucky or something? Does asking make me suspect as an abuser?

(What a strange world I live in.)
Well, yes, you were lucky to not be abused - wouldn't you agree to that?

(side note - This is interesting, going back to a thought from 7 months ago and trying to make some continuity out of it...)

I think Kelly was speaking in general terms about abuse, and I was responding in general terms about how those abused respond.
Esoterix wrote: Does asking make me suspect as an abuser?
Actually that exact question does make me suspicious.

Really though, in a philosophical sense of the term (which is different from the legal sense of the term) we have all abused people and we have all been abused by people. People are abusive by nature, but they don't generally mean to be.
Last edited by Elizabeth Isabelle on Wed Mar 21, 2007 10:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Esoterix »

Tharan wrote:Anna, I agree with you that the practice is not necessary. There are many cultural practices in this world that modify the body. Some much worse, from a health perspective, than circumsion.
Here we have a clear look at the effects of civilization. In times gone by, back when pretty men didn't take a shower twice a day, a working man would piss and sweat until his skin-covered pecker head would get really nasty. Should something happen that set civilization back on its tender heels, the skinners would have to take a backseat in terms of repopulating the earth. Yellowstone, for instance, isn't sleeping. Nations come and go. They rise and fall. America isn't an eternal resting place for fuzzy minds and socioreligious dingbats.

Were I to have a son I'd definitely have him circumcised, first for hygiene's sake, and second because it doesn't make any difference to a kid whether he grows up cut or uncut. If it does make a difference, it's because of the propaganda squawks coming from Anna's gut-bound social peanut gallery. Or make it guilt-bound, as in guilt addiction. Lots of people wallow in that pig sty these days, as if they thought it was a beauty treatment.
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Post by Esoterix »

Iolaus wrote:By the way, it needn't be done so painfully. The old Jewish way was bad, but about 100 times less cruel.
What do you tell those who say you're lying? Where's this video you keep mentioning?
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Post by Esoterix »

Tomas wrote:BTW - Anna and Isabelle are a breath of fresh air on a staid message board.
Are you in foreskin mourning? Do you remember when you first became concerned about other men's penises? Explain to me how such a fixation is healthy for the integrity of your closet.
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Re: BC Health Pays to Restore Man's Foreskin

Post by Esoterix »

Tomas wrote: esoterix: What if that unnecessary foreskin is kin to the umbilical cord?

Tomas: You know, those Amazon jungle men need that foreskin when crawling around the trees when in search for food, shelter etc.

Cacti needles are mighty pointed.

Loin skins work only so good.

Pirhanna's looking for a snack.

The mucous membrane thru our genetic history on this earth is readily evident.

Or, the Eskimos needed to retain all the heat in the middle of the winter. When separated by an ice floe, i wouldn't wanna swim around without "protection" from the elements, hungry seals looking for a bite to eat whatever.

Yes, elementary answer, but true to honesty.
You didn't answer the question. And your so-called honesty is akin to claiming that you stretch your foreskin over your head when it rains. Or maybe when you get embarrassed.

The only point worthy of comment is the one about 'mucous membrane':
The American Heritage Diction wrote:"A membrane lining all body passages that communicate with the air, such as the respiratory and alimentary tracts, and having cells and associated glands that secrete mucus. Also called mucosa."
Does pecker jam turn you one?

The fact is, there have been periods of enlightenment on the earth from the beginning. Circumcision was one of those times. Perhaps you should put a bone through your nose and learn to grunt in a way that'd make sense to primates.
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Post by Esoterix »

Elizabeth Isabelle wrote:
Esoterix wrote:I take it your heart's bleeding. Excuse me while I move you down a notch or two on my admiration scale.
Check the dates. This is one of the first threads I posted on when I came here. I'll admit that I am a significantly different person from who I was when I arrived. A few core basics are the same, but I am not who I was 7 months ago.

This place does change a person, and I have always been focused on growth. I expect myself to be far more advanced in another 7 months.
Could I learn to love you? On my other plane I got a little surge of pleasant wavelengths. I'm electrically sensitive. So be gentle.
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Post by Elizabeth Isabelle »

Esoterix wrote:Could I learn to love you? On my other plane I got a little surge of pleasant wavelengths. I'm electrically sensitive. So be gentle.
I posted the above before I noticed your interests listed in your profile. I apologize; I did not mean to lead you on.
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Post by Esoterix »

Elizabeth Isabelle wrote:Esoterix, you may be interested in this link which covers the morality of blowjobs.
I vehemently disagree with Quinn, and probably you. On the basis of the following I'll attempt to explain why: (Taken from the linked web page)
You are teaching her, by example, that the selfish use of other people for mindless pleasure is an acceptable form of behaviour.
In the first place he mistakenly assumes that everybody has sex strictly as a matter of the Pleasure Syndrome (PS), which translates to a recreational scenario. My objection to the PS is the titillation factor, which misuses the sex drive to underwrite the coy come-ons of not only romance, but religion, commerce and politics. And that's not to mention the vibrations coming from the arenas of sexual frustration and dysfunction.

The air is jam-packed with such stimuli against the ganglia of the sacral plexus, a fixed oscillation that goes deep into the psyche. Every wrong thing people do emerges from that tormented black hole. Mothers sense when a young daughter is honestly and naturally horny; and it sets them off like a bomb. They're threatened because switches get flipped and buttons get pushed in the keyboards of their own rump-wrecked psyches. A high-frequency energy is transferred back and forth. Mothers' impose their own vibes onto their daughters. The whole household goes off the deep end.

My position is that it's unhealthy to be horny, whatever the source behind it. One needs to get off, as they say. I'm not going to wait around for a wet dream to relieve my sex drive. If a woman is around and sees that I'm busy but knows I'm in a state, and offers me help, that's far from being a bad thing. It clears my mind. Next time around we do the regular thing and wipe the slate clean for both of us.

Only fools pursue recreational sex. At the other end of the spectrum are those worse than fools who suppose that celibacy aids a knowledge of the truth about spiritual realities. Their self-awareness is replaced by other-awareness and then passed off as the former.

When sex comes along it doesn't take long to appease it and get back to one's affairs. And that's whether the urge comes from rogue sources or by a woman's natural hormonal cycles. Getting all high-minded about fighting off the sexual instinct is damaging to the dopamine system and the mind. Somewhere I have a link about that. I'll try and find it. But I insist that the proverbial sage is stuck in a gadgeteered mental autopilot by his own handlers.

So what about the Heaven's Gate folks? Why not just vacate the God damned nasty container and be done with it...? And if the so-called sages had their way, what? A happy extinction of the human race? Is that the goal, the 'final solution'?
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Post by Esoterix »

Elizabeth Isabelle wrote:Marlin, why would your ego need a formal welcoming?
For some, flirting is flirting. For me it's merely provocative because I'm prone to push the buttons of the invisible collective.
And if you're flirting with Kelly, man are you barking up the wrong tree.
Yes, that's the point. I already know what's up the other trees.
Actually I don't think you'd get anywhere with anyone on this site (mental, as well as physical, celibacy is encouraged here).
I'm now aware of that insular house-of-glass theology, and aside from whatever else, I've already made mention of intellectual intercourse and that men are completed by women and vice versa. I trust I'll be allowed to argue my case. If not, let me know and I'll quit your premises.

I am, of course, a bit surprised that you seem to think I'm here trolling for chicks. Is that the case? Do you suspect it? Tell me true, now.
Esoterix wrote:I fault it because in the first place if only two were created, all others since were procreated.
Do you believe Genesis was literally true?
Do you believe you missed the point, or intentionally chose not to take it? But whatever happened in any beginning, the process of human procreation is still busy popping out babies.

As for Genesis, if you're referring to xian interpretations, I chucked all that forty years ago. If you're keen to know how I regard the Scriptures (...as opposed to the bible) I can tell you that I've an inordinate respect for them. But my take is diametrically opposed to xian theologies of any sort, including their definition of God.

For instance, there's a story in there about the kindness of a blowjob, where see the book of Esther.