Neocon Foreign Policy

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Neocon Foreign Policy

Post by Relentless707 »

Hi, im new to the forum a friend of mine advised me to join from a game I play [ Counterstrike Source ] Either way, he said I should post some of my thoughts up regarding current affairs with US Foreign policy, so here goes..

I've come to the conclusion that some major flashpoints have direct links to US Foreign policy, before you think here we go.. another Iraq war ranter, its not the case at all im referring to the Balkans..

Srebrenica, to most people would be some town or city in a land far away so its not of much concern to people, however as some people do know, it was the largest known massacre to take place, to date during the Bosnian Wars, approximately 9,000 men were shot dead by the Bosnian Serb Army making the outskirts of the town killing fields.

You may think what does this have to do with the Neocons, my arguement being current US Foreign policy since the 1st Bush Admin is Zionist to the core, best example being before the 1st Gulf war, Kuwait was a big enemy to Israel, is it not good timing that Saddam launches an Invasion to destabilise any threat to the Israelis ? then after the US invades.. yadda yadda its been discussed greatly with the current wave of anti-war sentiment in the air. However my main point being The Neocons are, of course Capitalist in belief aswell as preservation of power, not to mention being in bed with several large Conglomerates associated with either Arms, Oil or Pharmaceutrical industries that are multinational extensions of its grip on the world per se.

The whole Bosnian Wars were waged on an ethnic cleansing format, with Milosevic the ultranationalist purging any '' unclean '' from his borders eventually aiming to create a Greater Serbia as people have termed it [ similar to the years of Imperialism with a Greater Bulgaria being created by the Russians during the Ottoman grip of control on the Balkans ]

Also, the timing of events, during these Wars such as Kosovo, Montenegro and the ethnic cleansing why does the US become involved later ? its a running joke to most that the Balkans is the largest Arms Bazaar of Europe if not the world, Companies like Lockheed Martin in the fortune 500 profit from war on a bigscale [ It would be interesting to also see in the years prior where they were in the Fortune 500, then the years after to see if there is a pattern ] aswell as British Aeronautical Engineering in the UK, who just by chance bought out H&K Arms a few years ago.

Theres a general fear among the Israelis and the US of Muslim control on the world, and the Bosnian wars were just that also where Ethnic cleansing was rife, my point being here massacres such as Srebrenica has US Foreign policy written all over it in my eyes, current events with Iraq, Afghanistan & possibly Iran are discussed more due to Antiwar protesting and the like, but yet a massacre on this scale is not covered in the media or even discussed by most of these same said antiwar protestors, why ? Media Agenda setting, it was not deemed worthy enough for media coverage and again look at the Media in America and how supportive it is of the Neocon Administrations that have been in power.

Milosevic was another puppet to US Foreign policy, he was the fallguy for Zionists in the US Govt who back Israel, waging a total war against Muslims slaughtering them to purge the Balkan states. Another prime example of US Foreign policy controlling, using and then dumping a figurehead for its own malicious and vindictive purposes.

Also, think on a tactical scale, Kuwait was a big threat to the Israelis, Iran is also but the scale of the Balkan states is huge, not to mention the fact it would give a foothold in Europe which the US cannot allow, in their eyes. Elimination of any threats from Muslims became one of the key policies for the US and the Israelis.

Remove any threat, create instability secure their own borders and profit from it, the Neocon agenda. It is tragic however that so many lives have to pay for this blood money, I do wonder how people can sleep at night knowing their decisions have lead to the deaths of 1000's of people.

You may think conspiracy rantings however it is a plausible explanation of patterns and trends, as for the Illuminati and the like.. well, thats another story and debate lol

If your curious heres a link about Srebrenica
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Diebert van Rhijn
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Post by Diebert van Rhijn »

First of all, you're on the wrong forum. Go away and look around next time before crossing the highway!
Milosevic the ultranationalist
You're terribly misinformed. He was an ultra federationist and it were the separationists that ripped Yugoslavia apart (with full public support of NATO) who were the nationalists combined with some Muslim fundamentalism.

We live in 'Bizarro' world, where up is down, and truth is lie. Where reality has become one big conspiracy against humanity and conspiracy theories have become the national religion to hide for this reality.
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Post by Relentless707 »

Sorry I must have misread the introduction regarding '' Worldly matters ''
You're terribly misinformed. He was an ultra federationist and it were the separationists that ripped Yugoslavia apart (with full public support of NATO) who were the nationalists combined with some Muslim fundamentalism.
To pick a bone.. its still a debate regarding MiloÅ¡ević as some regard him as an Ultra federationist however some say hes an Ultranationalist, so the jury is still out and again, maybe I used the wrong term, however it is indicated by the fact he wanted to create a Great Serbia with all the Muslims kicked out due to the harsh fighting from the Mujahadin fighters in the Balkans but again its totally open to interpretation.

Thanks for the heads up though, time to do some more reading on the subject and sorry again about the post I got the wrong end of the stick regarding the Worldly Matters meaning/definition
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Post by Diebert van Rhijn »

Sorry about that Relentless, I must have thought it was in the other forum when I clicked on this topic. My bad. Lately the board is flooded with people in need of all kinds of dodgy conversations for where there are already 10,000's of communities around who would gladly welcome and entertain them. It kind of irritates me at times, but also I know it comes with the territory and probably will get worse the more people get online.

About the 'Greater Serbia'. I never heard of any material or evidence that Milosevic wanted such thing, and I regard myself as extremely well read on the topic. He did resist a falling apart of the federation and he resisted with probably the usual messy tactics, killing squads, backroom politics, conspiracies, and so on. Who knows, not much is proven yet and probably never will.

I'm not pro-Serb but I'm anti-intervention. Without intervention in this case there wouldn't have been any 'genocide' that wasn't part and parcel of civil wars in general. Civil wars are not evil, as any American should know. The intervention was politicized and sold in the media as a good humanitarian war. I've seen no indication it was and there's no indication the countries involved are better off. Actually it's a plain mess as it is now with no perspectives at all.
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Post by Relentless707 »

No worries Diebert, no offence taken mate :)

As for The Balkans, again its not written on paper but its suggested that Milosevic was focused upon a Greater Serbia per se, especially with the years prior of Yugoslavia but what hints at it more is this '' Ethnic cleansing '' as it was dubbed in the media.

Killing squads and backroom politics does suggest in his eyes at least, he was purging Serbia of the Muslims. The interesting part which relates to the possible backroom deals is the uprising of the Croatian Serbs in August 1990, again was this all part of Milosevics long term game plan to create a Great Serbia ? who knows.. when he died the truth died with him. Aswell as by late 1992 its estimated there was 1,000,000 refugees due to the heavy fighting and ethnic cleansing by Milosevic's deathsquads.

The other interesting note I find is the culmination of the Serbian refugees, first 30,000 in May 1995 amassing to 250,000 by August 1995. Was this part of his Federationalist plans or to create more support and Nationalist feeling as with all these bitter and angry people centralised into one place would it not be easier to recruit more troops ? Even though Milosevic is dead as a dodo now, whats to stop Nationalist sentiment rearing its ugly head again and sparking off more wars ?

It leaves a lot of unanswered questions thats for definete but the tragic part in all of this is that NATO supported this same man and what I find hard to believe is that they did not know what he was upto ie the Genocide taking place. Considering the US most likely had satellites over the area after becoming involved with peace-keeping duties

Again i'm not going to offer up conspiracy theories because that is all they are, theories with no plausible explanation and as you said Diebert, online these days plenty of people have theories to offer up about how evil the US is, as for me I just view it as how politics works on a global scale.
I'm not pro-Serb but I'm anti-intervention. Without intervention in this case there wouldn't have been any 'genocide' that wasn't part and parcel of civil wars in general. Civil wars are not evil, as any American should know. The intervention was politicized and sold in the media as a good humanitarian war. I've seen no indication it was and there's no indication the countries involved are better off. Actually it's a plain mess as it is now with no perspectives at all.
Its interesting you said that because again, why is there always largescale unrest and a crippled economy after the US intervenes ? Same case in Somalia, Afghanistan & now Iraq is it due to the reliance of the greenback or the US Dollar being slowly pumped into the economy to make it reliant ?

Im all for intervention mainly using the UN as a peacekeeping force, but there needs to be less red tape best example of red tape screwing things up was Rwanda with the genocide that occured there, if this same red tape was removed who knows how many could have been saved ? maybe its the same case for the Balkans as '' safe zones '' were setup but they were still attacked by Guerilla forces using night raids and the like. Rules of engagement were probably heavily imposed on the commanders of the units and couldnt retaliate despite the threat to the refugees.

Although I do agree that the media is very good at spindoctoring events into a more '' heartfelt '' war if there is such a thing for the viewing public, typical agenda setting for people sitting down eating their dinner and can watch the news sitting happy knowing their great country is stopping another tearing itself apart and killing each other like some International policeman.