The Purpose of Gurus - Philip Mistlberger

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Dan Rowden
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Re: The Purpose of Gurus - Philip Mistlberger

Post by Dan Rowden »

Well, I think Philip believes that he can do enough to teach.
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Re: The Purpose of Gurus - Philip Mistlberger

Post by rebecca702 »

Right, right. That is true, he does not think there is anything off about it. In his paradigm, anything that seems better is an improvement. It's like saying you're doing good as long as you're moving, never mind what direction you're headed in.
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sue hindmarsh
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Re: The Purpose of Gurus - Philip Mistlberger

Post by sue hindmarsh »

Rebecca wrote:
In his paradigm, anything that seems better is an improvement. It's like saying you're doing good as long as you're moving, never mind what direction you're headed in.
That paradigm appears to be a very popular one. "Direction" isn't important. What's important is - the journey. Which appears for most people to be a perfectly sane justification for never delving deeper than the surface of things.
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Anders Schlander
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Re: The Purpose of Gurus - Philip Mistlberger

Post by Anders Schlander »

well, just in general, in the case of contradicting ideas, one will find that moving in the wrong direction 'hopefully' to his students will give them a sense of what the wrong direction is, and what the right one might be. If a student follows the 'correct' road without seeing any other roads, it's impossible to figure out which one is best to take.
I guess he is just taking the nice approach because it works with the group of people he teaches. I reckon that he does want to create a calm well rounded figure... it would project an authentic kind of teacher.
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Diebert van Rhijn
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Re: The Purpose of Gurus - Philip Mistlberger

Post by Diebert van Rhijn »

Thought I'd mention the new book from Philip here about three crazy 20th century sages:

The Three Dangerous Magi
Osho, Gurdjieff, Crowley.

A little preview he showed a while ago seemed interesting and well written to me.