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The Insanity of the Intellectual Life

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 4:27 am
by raykarczewski
The Insanity of the Intellectual Life

Scott wrote:

Raymond Karczewski ( wrote:

Sun Jun 18, 2006 7:54 am

Ray wrote:

rk: >>> No, Scott. You cannot LEARN that of which I speak. You must simply OPEN YOUR EYES and see it. Turn off the "automatic pilot" of Intellect which has enabled you to fly blind. Open your eyes and fly by the seat of your pants. That, Scott, is the difference between thought and AWARENESS.

s: > I know the difference, Ray.

rk: Scott, "knowing the difference" doesn't do it. You're still in the realm of Intellect which is spiritual darkness. You must be "at-one" with Truth, you must "understand" the difference..

s: > I agree that you can't learn what you're speaking of, but I also think you can't just open your eyes and see it. Turning off the "automatic pilot" is a tough job. Everytime I turn it off, it turns itself back on. Such is the case with me.

rk: Scott, you must come to the state of actual calmness, not achieve the "idea" of calmness. Such achievements are phony guru methodologies and are therefore goals set for the Intellect, are they not?

s: > Some people can't simply open their eyes. I mean, no wonder it doesn't work everytime you tell someone "LOOK!".

rk: Why do you talk of "some people." Speak of what you personally understand, or better phrased should understand. Start and end with yourself, for you Truly are the world.

s: > They stay relatively the same...still thinking. I believe it takes some extra effort for a person to be aware.

rk: Thinking is the habit. AWARENESS is the natural state of Being. The devolution from AWARENESS to THINKING was MAN'S FALL FROM GRACE.

s: > Anyway, back to my point. This forum is about learning the truth and then seeing it in your own life

rk: Forgive me, but the forum and it's Intellectual adherents have got it all BASSACKWARDS. That is the whole point of why my articles cause such a ruckus amongst Intellectuals.

s: > ...until there is only truth and no delusion. I think this gives a person a more stable enlightenment. It's healthy! It causes them not to use worn out words like "satan" and "christ", which would make them seem insane to others.

rk: You do "understand" that your reaction to words such as "Satan" and "Christ" are based on your personal experiences and prejudices, the source of your bias, even though those words have a vastly different meaning when used by me. One must listen, not react to the stimulus of one's own conditioned memories.

s: > They won't show hatred for thinking, which is natural and useful, and weird to reject (only the intellect can reject the intellect...think about it!).

rk: Scott, what is it that negates? If it is the Intellect that negates, your have merely an argument brewing as it becomes a matter of opinion versus opinion. It is the nondualistic essence of Truth which negates all that it dualistic. The whole may expose the part, but the part is helpless in grasping the whole. That is the Mirror of Truth in operation. When dualism sees itself in the reflection of nondualism, IT DISINTEGRATES for it understands its true relationship to the whole. That is how one comes to quietness. Negate the noise of Illusion and Clarity is. The problem is that those who consider themselves geniuses have a whole lot of investment in noise to contend with.

s: > Let me ask you a question: how do you type anything without thinking? I realize the body can do things on its own, while you are unaware, but coming up with ideas like "I am a living Christ" etc...that takes at least some subtle mind.

rk: Ah!! Subtle mind. Have you not put you finger on it. Intellect is the grossest level of mind, is it not?.

rk: Are there multidimensions to consciousness as distinct from the linear, time-bound dimension of the Intellect? You already both know and understand the answer to that one, don't you? Why quibble? Why argue? Get on with it or don't? Break the cycle of conditioned thought and you have "died to the mind" creating the segue labeled "Reborn of the Spirit." When the noise of Intellect ends, dies, the Eternal Supreme Intelligence, Truth, which remains throughout makes itself manifest in such consciousness. It is always there within each of us, but covered up by a whole lot of crap!!

s: > Maybe you're just unaware that you have a mind...or I'm stupid...or I am smart but just understood you....

rk: In Divine Awareness, one resonates with Truth, is Truth, and therefore is operating with extreme sensitivity.

rk: One operates at the subtle level of consciousness and is not time-bound to the linear Intellect.

rk: One operates at the level of Insight, cutting through all of the extraneous images of the Intellect. The Intellect cannot shield itself from such nondualistic insight. That is why the gross, material "gates of Hell" of a dualistic Intellect can NEVER prevail against the nondualistic essence of simple Truth.

rk: As a practical example of that, I invite any and all to view the attacks upon my articles over the last ten years on the internet, and observed this spiritual exorcism in action. These jerks still don't understand just how dumb they are. Yet the proof is there for all to see. One, caveat however. Check the headers and make sure you are nor reading one of the countless forgeries these attackers have made in my name. The undiscerning reader is helpless against such mind control tactics.

rk: Surely you must see that your words and mine are the same -- symbols used for communication. Yet you must also see that the nuances of energy which permeate my words do not resonate identically with others on these forums and newsgroups who would regard themselves as highly intellectual, clever and manipulative? Mine are the words of simple Truth. Only the unfathomable Intellect complicates them to rationalize its own ignorance.

s: > While I don't want to doubt what you say about yourself,

rk: Why not? Everybody understands the resonance of Truth within themselves, though for many it be buried deeply with under the excess baggage of Intellectual memories. Be Quiet. Be intimate with such resonance of Truth. Be sensitive to its unmistakable, unreplicatable, holistic vibrations and you will be ONE WITH SUPREME INTELLIGENCE, GOD.

rk; When you are so sensitive, the subtlest of contradictions are seen as blaring conflicts. At such a subtle level of Consciousness, problems are easily negated, mitigated, resolved before they become grossly manifest at the normal consciousness of a civilized man/woman. It is that level of subtle consciousness beyond the ken of the Intellect that makes for Peace on Earth in the Consciousness of Truthful men and women. To the rest, it remains
"business as usual," -- Hell on Earth.

rk: An example of the Peace on Earth that I speak of can be lillustrated with the recent talk of suicide on this forum. In the 69 years of my life, I have never contemplated suicide. Is not suicide merely an escape from the pain of one's Intellect?

s: > I also can't believe anything you talk about.

rk: I don't ask for you belief. You either see the truth of what I am saying or you don't. That is why I do not engage is silly q&a which goes nowhere. True Intelligence is vastly different from what INTELLECTUALS THINK IT IS.

rk: I can't make you see. I'll not pander to your blindness in an attempt to condition you to believe in what I say. It is that departure from schmoozy, manipulative politicians, scholars, preachers and power evangelists which confuse Intellectuals who have been weaned on such SATANIC mind control practices.

s: > I read it and wonder what your life is like. I wonder, "What makes a person to feel the need to come to the Genius Forums and write about themselves?"

rk: You see, Scott, that is what I mean about BASSACKWARDNESS? You folks talk about everything you have invested confusion in. You speculate, project, argue, bicker, imagine the many facets of the dualistic "IDEA" of Truth, but you NEVER speak and act in TRUTH. YOU DON'T KNOW HOW!!!

rk: I am at one with Truth. Just a simple man. No biggie. Yet the greatest Intellectual cannot go to where I AM. He has no power there. And I have no interest in playing in his Intellectual sandbox. I speak to those who have the "eyes to see and the ears to hear." To the others, I remain an enigma.

s: > I especially wonder when the person claims that the intellect is Satanic. Even more so when they claim they're a living Christ...


s: > It's all so insane to me. Do you understand that, Ray?

rk: Of course I do. You have not read my many articles about the INSANITY of Civilized Life, have you?
- Scott

Re: The Insanity of the Intellectual Life

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 4:57 am
by Chadwick Stone
raykarczewski wrote:rk: Scott, you must come to the state of actual calmness, not achieve the "idea" of calmness.
What is the difference?
rk: Thinking is the habit. AWARENESS is the natural state of Being. The devolution from AWARENESS to THINKING was MAN'S FALL FROM GRACE.
Your thoughts on thinking are still fomented by thinking.
rk: Forgive me, but the forum and it's Intellectual adherents have got it all BASSACKWARDS.
You alone have the answer? Thats known as "terminal uniqueness."
rk: Scott, what is it that negates? If it is the Intellect that negates, your have merely an argument brewing as it becomes a matter of opinion versus opinion. It is the nondualistic essence of Truth which negates all that it dualistic. The whole may expose the part, but the part is helpless in grasping the whole. That is the Mirror of Truth in operation.
Is that "mirror of truth" the same verbal gimmick that you use to lob insults at people who criticize you? You never have explained exactly how using a verbal device achieves anything.
rk: In Divine Awareness, one resonates with Truth, is Truth, and therefore is operating with extreme sensitivity.
So what makes one "divinely aware?"
s: > I also can't believe anything you talk about.

rk: I don't ask for you belief. You either see the truth of what I am saying or you don't. That is why I do not engage is silly q&a which goes nowhere.
One learns by being presented material, asking questions about portions not understood, and having those questions answered germanely; otherwise you would never have learned to speak, read, use dictionaries, thesauruses, etc. How did *YOU* learn to do these things?
True Intelligence is vastly different from what INTELLECTUALS THINK IT IS.
So what do you think "true intelligence is?"
s: > I read it and wonder what your life is like. I wonder, "What makes a person to feel the need to come to the Genius Forums and write about themselves?"

rk: You see, Scott, that is what I mean about BASSACKWARDNESS? You folks talk about everything you have invested confusion in. You speculate, project, argue, bicker, imagine the many facets of the dualistic "IDEA" of Truth, but you NEVER speak and act in TRUTH. YOU DON'T KNOW HOW!!!
You didn't answer his question. Why do you come here (or go anywhere) to write about yourself?
rk: I am at one with Truth. Just a simple man. No biggie. Yet the greatest Intellectual cannot go to where I AM. He has no power there. And I have no interest in playing in his Intellectual sandbox. I speak to those who have the "eyes to see and the ears to hear." To the others, I remain an enigma.
Further testimony to being terminally unique. As someone who worked in the mental health sector, I can tell you that terminal uniqueness is common among people who are substance abusers and/or mentally ill. It isn't a trait exhibited by well-adjusted personalities.
s: > I especially wonder when the person claims that the intellect is Satanic. Even more so when they claim they're a living Christ...

Neither. Those are your manufactured definitions for a couple of words taken from Christian mythology.
s: > It's all so insane to me. Do you understand that, Ray?

rk: Of course I do. You have not read my many articles about the INSANITY of Civilized Life, have you?
You write from experience? Seriously, Ray, that isn't an insult, it's an question fomented by observing your apparant belief that you alone possess some great "truth." EIther it's rooted in arrogance or related personality defect, or is the result of delusional thinking. In either case, your insulting demeanor doesn't do much to advance your cause or promote acceptance of your message. Ten years of the same conduct hasn't realized any success in that endeavor, now has it?

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 5:50 am
by Trevor Salyzyn
As someone who worked in the mental health sector, I can tell you that terminal uniqueness is common among people who are substance abusers and/or mentally ill.
If you are confident that Ray is mentally ill, you have no further reason to discuss his beliefs. Delusions cannot be argued away. Your time in the mental health sector should have shown you that; you cannot reason with a schizoid mind. It's bullying someone who can't defend themselves -- nay, who can't even figure out that they are being picked on.

As tempting as it may be to torment Ray with questions (or teslacoils, who I am convinced suffers from some paranoid personality disorder), silent observation is here just as effective a tool for forming judgements, if not more so, as Ray doesn't respond well to interrogation.

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 6:19 am
by Chadwick Stone
mookestink wrote:Chad,
As someone who worked in the mental health sector, I can tell you that terminal uniqueness is common among people who are substance abusers and/or mentally ill.
If you are confident that Ray is mentally ill, you have no further reason to discuss his beliefs. Delusions cannot be argued away. Your time in the mental health sector should have shown you that; you cannot reason with a schizoid mind. It's bullying someone who can't defend themselves -- nay, who can't even figure out that they are being picked on.

As tempting as it may be to torment Ray with questions (or teslacoils, who I am convinced suffers from some paranoid personality disorder), silent observation is here just as effective a tool for forming judgements, if not more so, as Ray doesn't respond well to interrogation.
I haven't determined that Ray is mentally ill, only that he exhibits a symptom that is commonly shared amongst those who suffer from mental illness. There are other possibilities such as substance abuse, arrogance, even ignorance that lead to the feeling of "terminal uniqueness." Contrary to what you or others may believe, I'm not interested in tormenting Ray, I simply want him to answer some questions to help me understand what the hell he is talking about.

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 9:48 am
by Dan Rowden
Regardless of Ray's mental state, there is one thing he needs to understand and re-think: this board, like most phpBB boards or discussion boards in general have a particular format style. That is, one engages in dialogue within a thread that is already in existence. Ray's habit of creating an entirely new thread in which to reply to someone is not only intolerable and disrespectful, its function is totally transparent. He simply does it that way so as to have a stand alone "sermon" that he can post at other sites in the Internet. The consequence is needless thread flooding.

Ray, I'm only going to say this once - either respond to people in the threads where the dialogue already exists or post somewhere else.

Dan Rowden

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 12:47 pm
by MKFaizi
I could be wrong but I thought you had already threatened him a number of times. Could be that the mulitple threads are getting to me.

However, I think one threat is enough.

This is spam.


The Insanity of the Intellectual Life: The Censorship of Tru

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 1:09 pm
by raykarczewski
The Insanity of the Intellectual Life: The Censorship of Truth Marches On!!

drowden wrote:

chadwick stone wrote:

Raymond Karczewski ( wrote:

Sun Jun 25, 2006 9:48 am

dr: > Regardless of Ray's mental state, there is one thing he needs to understand and re-think: this board, like most phpBB boards or discussion boards in general have a particular format style. That is, one engages in dialogue within a thread that is already in existence.

rk: I post new threads to isolate the reasonable dialogue from the unreasonable cheap shot gibberish where no one is held accountable by a "so-called" responsible moderator. I operate in groups which are moderated and others which are not moderated. I expect fairness in moderated boards, just as you, Dan, profess to render.

rk: I do not, will not respond to questions that are asked only for the purpose of deception, questions which perpetuate intrigue, engender gossip, and manufacture twisted responses to be used pejoratively elsewhere on the Internet. Read stone elsewhere. You will understand what I am saying here.

rk: As an example, here is what chadwick stone says:

cs: >>As someone who worked in the mental health sector, I can tell you that terminal uniqueness is common among people who are substance abusers and/or mentally ill.

rk: Stone is a disrupter, a government/media serving gang stalking disinformation agent. His victims elsewhere on the Internet newsgroups will be surprised by his admission that he worked (or works) for the mental health sector which is a hand-in-glove satellite industry serving the Satanic System of government control. I fully intend to post this on the Usenet groups to KEEP EVERYBODY HONEST. I don't deal in secrecy and/or parochial proprietorship as power-seeking Intellects are so wont to do.

cs: >>I haven't determined that Ray is mentally ill, only that he exhibits a symptom that is commonly shared amongst those who suffer from mental illness.

rk: With stone's admission of being one with experience in determining/diagnosing mental illness, and supplying his background as evidence of his "credentials" in furthering such diagnosis, stone has LIBELED me, has he not? By such admission of employment in dealing with mental health matters is he not to be held to a higher standard than that of the average IGNORAMUS who shoots from the hip with unfounded opinions, cheap shot, one-liner attacks?

cs: > There are other possibilities such as substance abuse, arrogance, even ignorance that lead to the feeling of "terminal uniqueness." Contrary to what you or others may believe, I'm not interested in tormenting Ray, I simply want him to answer some questions to help me understand what the hell he is talking about.

rk: I am not obliged to answer anyone's question(s), especially one with the track record of stone's.

rk: Dan, is it your position that for me to stay on this "Genius" forum I must respond to hypocrites, liars, character assassins like stone, wilkinson, bookman, teslacoils2006, and other fictional names such as Rudolph Underwood, because they are complicit in the operations of a government/media, intelligence community disinformation Internet gang-stalking group, yet are able to put on a mask of "nicey, nicey" on your forum while they pull the wool over the eyes of the one who runs a genius board? Is that your position? Do you not have some responsibility to investigate the big picture when it is presented to you, instead of allowing that uncontrollable knee jerk of power that clouds your judgment to impose your arbitrary rules?

rk; If you were "half" as intelligent or as "fair" as you presume yourself to be, you would have checked out stone's hundreds of attacks regarding my character and reputation on the newsgroup where he and his disinformation cohorts headquarter themselves. Especially when I presented them to you early upon their stalking me to your forum..

rk: You could check my web page "MEDIA MIND CONTROL, DISINFORMATION AND ATTACKS" at and observe "the other face of chadwick stone," as he routinely has his posts removed from Google Archives in order to destroy the evidence. The jerk who goes by the fictitious name "chadwick stone" is a vicious, guttersniping individual who can hardly keep his goody-goody mask in place while he addresses my posts on your forum.

dr: > Ray's habit of creating an entirely new thread in which to reply to someone is not only intolerable and disrespectful, its function is totally transparent. He simply does it that way so as to have a stand alone "sermon" that he can post at other sites in the Internet. The consequence is needless thread flooding.

rk: I responded to Scott and Mookestink' s genuine spirit of inquiry. I will respond to all others whom I perceive sincere in their inquiry into Truth. I have no desire to pander to IGNORAMUSES.

rk: I may have told you more than your intellect can handle, but there you have it. If Christ Consciousness, the realm of consciousness which is transcendent of Intellect, was so common amongst men, would there not be more men expressing it?

rk: The fact that IGNORANT intellects can neither fathom, grasp nor cope with Truth only focuses the importance of a needed fundamental change in human consciousness.

rk: Be Careful what you throw out with the bathwater and thus deprive your genius readers from really pushing their Intellectual envelope until they realize just how dumb it is to live life by Intellect alone.

rk: Somebody sensitive enough on your forum just may get the point.

dr: Ray, I'm only going to say this once - either respond to people in the threads where the dialogue already exists or post somewhere else.

rk: Listen to yourself. Some might call that tyranny. Wassa matter, can't you "geniuses" handle the Truth?


Dan Rowden

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 1:32 pm
by MKFaizi
My guess is the plan is to finally do away with Genius Improper. Spam it to death.


Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 3:44 pm
by Carrotblog
Stopping by to read this post captures what a visitor envisages is not a representation of genius proper.

Why the ad hominem attacks on poor Ray? For an outsider, reading the attacks, warranted, or unwarranted, these attacks on his mental state is somewhat galling.

If he comes across as arrogant (ouch! he does), why the lengthy monologues denouncing him so? Such lengthy posting seems to incorporate competitive bantering for one-up-manship. And this is important: a forum is a dialogic community, not a podium for an individual's monologue. Hey! That'll be a blog - I've got one of those ;)

The North American slant of libel; the use of capital letters in a forum, and paranoid personalisation hardly promotes thought......I think I'll look elsewhere....

Just some thoughts.



Re: The Insanity of the Intellectual Life: The Censorship of

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 4:07 pm
by Dan Rowden
raykarczewski wrote:The Insanity of the Intellectual Life: The Censorship of Truth Marches On!!
Oh, shut up. No-one is censoring you. We do not censor at Genius Forum, we merely demand a reasonable level of sanity and coherence of posting. That and a no-spam policy is as far as "moderation" here usually goes.
dr: > Regardless of Ray's mental state, there is one thing he needs to understand and re-think: this board, like most phpBB boards or discussion boards in general have a particular format style. That is, one engages in dialogue within a thread that is already in existence.

rk: I post new threads to isolate the reasonable dialogue from the unreasonable cheap shot gibberish where no one is held accountable by a "so-called" responsible moderator.
What you appear to be asking for here is censorship, Ray. I don't do that.
I operate in groups which are moderated and others which are not moderated. I expect fairness in moderated boards, just as you, Dan, profess to render.
I give that fairness to people on the basis of their behaviour whilst posting here. Why you even bother to post in some of the places that you do puzzles me. What sort of response to you actually expect in those environments? Grow up. You are such a girl. You trumpet on about the ignorance etc etc etc etc of just about everyone in the world (which of itself is not unreasonable) and then you bitch and moan like a prepubescent schoolgirl when they act in the very way you describe. Seriously, Ray, what do you expect from them? It's almost as if being right comes as a shock to you.....
rk: I do not, will not respond to questions that are asked only for the purpose of deception, questions which perpetuate intrigue, engender gossip, and manufacture twisted responses to be used pejoratively elsewhere on the Internet. Read stone elsewhere. You will understand what I am saying here.
I do understand what you are saying, but you are lying through your teeth when you say it, because this is, in fact, what you mostly do. You spend more time responding to such material than anything else. I'm just pointing this out to you.
rk: As an example, here is what chadwick stone says:

cs: >>As someone who worked in the mental health sector, I can tell you that terminal uniqueness is common among people who are substance abusers and/or mentally ill.

rk: Stone is a disrupter, a government/media serving gang stalking disinformation agent. His victims elsewhere on the Internet newsgroups will be surprised by his admission that he worked (or works) for the mental health sector which is a hand-in-glove satellite industry serving the Satanic System of government control. I fully intend to post this on the Usenet groups to KEEP EVERYBODY HONEST. I don't deal in secrecy and/or parochial proprietorship as power-seeking Intellects are so wont to do.
Hokay, thanks for proving my point..........
cs: >>I haven't determined that Ray is mentally ill, only that he exhibits a symptom that is commonly shared amongst those who suffer from mental illness.

rk: With stone's admission of being one with experience in determining/diagnosing mental illness, and supplying his background as evidence of his "credentials" in furthering such diagnosis, stone has LIBELED me, has he not? By such admission of employment in dealing with mental health matters is he not to be held to a higher standard than that of the average IGNORAMUS who shoots from the hip with unfounded opinions, cheap shot, one-liner attacks?
Ah, no, he hasn't libeled you, Ray. He danced around the issue enough not to do that. But you know what, for you to accuse someone else of libel is staggeringly hypocritical. I had to stop and pick my jaw up off the carpet when I saw that. You libel people with every single post you make! Oh, but, of course, when you do it it's all true, right? Truth is its own defense etc etc. You need to get past all this legalistic bulldust if you want anyone with half a brain to take you seriously.
cs: > Contrary to what you or others may believe, I'm not interested in tormenting Ray, I simply want him to answer some questions to help me understand what the hell he is talking about.

rk: I am not obliged to answer anyone's question(s), especially one with the track record of stone's.
That's right, you're not. So why do you keep doing it?
rk: Dan, is it your position that for me to stay on this "Genius" forum I must respond to hypocrites, liars, character assassins like stone, wilkinson, bookman,
Leaving aside the hypocrisy in calling others "character assassins, given that you assassinate the chatacer of everyone with every post, you might like to cast your mind back to when I said you could and should ignore these guys. That was my advice then and now. You're the one who said you can't ignore them. One of us is confused; I don't think it's me, but I guess if it was me I wouldn't be able to tell through my confusion, right....?
That's kind of bizarre, or at least testament to how little attention you're paying to things as Dean actually came out in your defense. You must have missed that bit.
and other fictional names such as Rudolph Underwood, because they are complicit in the operations of a government/media, intelligence community disinformation Internet gang-stalking group, yet are able to put on a mask of "nicey, nicey" on your forum while they pull the wool over the eyes of the one who runs a genius board?
I told you this before and this is the last time I'll say it: so long as they don't break board rules, they will not be banned or censored or anally raped with large pointy objects. We save that last thing exclusively for Tharan.
Is that your position?
My position is sitting.
Do you not have some responsibility to investigate the big picture when it is presented to you, instead of allowing that uncontrollable knee jerk of power that clouds your judgment to impose your arbitrary rules?
I don't have any responsibility towards you at all, Ray. I have a responsibility to this board, which is why I ask all posters to try and adhere to very basic principles of formatting.
rk; If you were "half" as intelligent or as "fair" as you presume yourself to be, you would have checked out stone's hundreds of attacks regarding my character and reputation on the newsgroup where he and his disinformation cohorts headquarter themselves. Especially when I presented them to you early upon their stalking me to your forum.
I've seen them, Ray. They are too boring for words. Since they are not doing that kind of thing here there's no reason for me to do anything. And, what is it you actually would have me do?
I'd rather look at bad porn.....
dr: > Ray's habit of creating an entirely new thread in which to reply to someone is not only intolerable and disrespectful, its function is totally transparent. He simply does it that way so as to have a stand alone "sermon" that he can post at other sites in the Internet. The consequence is needless thread flooding.

rk: I responded to Scott and Mookestink' s genuine spirit of inquiry. I will respond to all others whom I perceive sincere in their inquiry into Truth. I have no desire to pander to IGNORAMUSES.
I'd be curious as to what they thought of your responses to them, but it's funny, I've given you plenty of earnest and thoughtful questions, plenty of material to get your teeth into in a very meaningful philosophic way and you've ignored all of it. Why?
rk: I may have told you more than your intellect can handle, but there you have it.
Well, apparantly my intellect can't handle squat because that's about the sum total of what you've told me so far, unless you think your sermonistic, platitudinous rhetoric constitutes something?
If Christ Consciousness, the realm of consciousness which is transcendent of Intellect, was so common amongst men, would there not be more men expressing it?
I've asked you pertinent questions about this and you've thus far ignored them completely.
rk: The fact that IGNORANT intellects can neither fathom, grasp nor cope with Truth only focuses the importance of a needed fundamental change in human consciousness.
Yes, but you need to elucidate that truth. You can't just use the word "Truth" and expect people to automaically know what you're talking about. What makes you think Reality is non-dual, for example?
rk: Be Careful what you throw out with the bathwater and thus deprive your genius readers from really pushing their Intellectual envelope until they realize just how dumb it is to live life by Intellect alone.
<Yoda voice> Hmmm, deja vu is strong with this one, me thinks...
rk: Somebody sensitive enough on your forum just may get the point.
Some of us are patiently waiting for a proper explanation of the point.
dr: Ray, I'm only going to say this once - either respond to people in the threads where the dialogue already exists or post somewhere else.

rk: Listen to yourself. Some might call that tyranny.
Others might call it: "Trevor".
Wassa matter, can't you "geniuses" handle the Truth?
What the hell has a perfectly reasonable demand for proper formatting of posts got to do with Truth?

Dan Rowden

Re: The Insanity of the Intellectual Life: The Censorship of

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 5:23 pm
by Chadwick Stone
raykarczewski wrote:rk: I do not, will not respond to questions that are asked only for the purpose of deception, questions which perpetuate intrigue, engender gossip, and manufacture twisted responses to be used pejoratively elsewhere on the Internet.
What criteria do you use to determine that a question is asked for such a purpose?

Btw, I hardly believe that you are in any position to criticize how something you say might be used elsewhere; you've been spamming your activities on this forum to at least a couple dozen newsgroups and who knows how many web boards.
cs: >>As someone who worked in the mental health sector, I can tell you that terminal uniqueness is common among people who are substance abusers and/or mentally ill.

rk: Stone is a disrupter, a government/media serving gang stalking disinformation agent.
And your credible evidence is? Lacking the proper evidence, *YOU* just libeled me.

No, who and what I am is simply someone who you encountered on a web board years ago; I asked you a couple of questions about "Christ Consciousness" and you attacked me, accused me of being someone else (I forget who), and accused me of putting words in your mouth - something along the lines of me claiming that you were Jesus Christ, which I never did.
His victims
elsewhere on the Internet newsgroups will be surprised by his admission that he worked (or works) for the mental health sector
<rolls eyes> This isn't the first time I've referred to my previous career, Ray.
which is a hand-in-glove satellite industry serving the Satanic System of government control
No, it is a sector that *attempts* to stabilize individuals diagnosed with psychiatric disorders so that they can lead productive, independent lives. Those who cannot be stabilized are domiciled in supervised quarters, group homes, or crisis centers, depending upon the severity of their affliction.
I fully intend to post this on the Usenet groups to KEEP EVERYBODY HONEST. I don't deal in secrecy and/or parochial proprietorship as power-seeking Intellects are so wont to do.
Secrecy? A great majority (if not all) of the people on Usenet who know me, know that I have worked in mental health. What in Bob's name makes you think that your lateness in taking note of my reference to my previous profession is a revelation unbeknownst to others?
cs: >>I haven't determined that Ray is mentally ill, only that he exhibits a symptom that is commonly shared amongst those who suffer from mental illness.

rk: With stone's admission of being one with experience in determining/diagnosing mental illness, and supplying his background as evidence of his "credentials" in furthering such diagnosis, stone has LIBELED me, has he not?
No, I have not. I supplied no credentials, merely stated that I worked in a certain field. I suggest you review the legal definition of libel, Ray, because the one being libeled is me... not that I plan on making empty threats to sue you or place bogus liens on your property. I merely mention it to clarify that you 1. do not understand what constitutes libel and 2. are the party guilty of libeling.
By such admission of employment in dealing with mental health matters is he not to be held to a higher standard than that of the average IGNORAMUS who shoots from the hip with unfounded opinions, cheap shot, one-liner attacks?
No, I am *NOT* to be held to a higher standard. This is a discussion board, Ray, not a professional setting. I am not your doctor. There is no official diagnosis here, no atmosphere of "doctor-patient" confidentiality has been established, no agreement to diagnose or treat you has been initiated.
cs: > There are other possibilities such as substance abuse, arrogance, even ignorance that lead to the feeling of "terminal uniqueness." Contrary to what you or others may believe, I'm not interested in tormenting Ray, I simply want him to answer some questions to help me understand what the hell he is talking about.

rk: I am not obliged to answer anyone's question(s), especially one with the track record of stone's.
You *NEVER* answer *ANYONE'S* questions, Ray... at least not in any germane manner.
rk: Dan, is it your position that for me to stay on this "Genius" forum I must respond to hypocrites, liars, character assassins like stone, wilkinson, bookman, teslacoils2006, and other fictional names such as Rudolph Underwood, because they are complicit in the operations of a government/media, intelligence community disinformation Internet gang-stalking group, yet are able to put on a mask of "nicey, nicey" on your forum while they pull the wool over the eyes of the one who runs a genius board?
You haven't been paying attention, Ray. Most of the participants here don't like me and Telsacoils has actually been defending you, although it requires a certain aptitude for cryptanalysis to fathom the meaning behind his words.
Is that your position? Do you not have some responsibility to investigate the big picture when it is presented to you, instead of allowing that uncontrollable knee jerk of power that clouds your judgment to impose your arbitrary rules?
Cite the rule(s) that I have broken.
rk; If you were "half" as intelligent or as "fair" as you presume yourself to be, you would have checked out stone's hundreds of attacks regarding my character and reputation on the newsgroup where he and his disinformation cohorts headquarter themselves. Especially when I presented them to you early upon their stalking me to your forum..
It has already been established that I'm an asshole on Usenet, Ray. Jumpin' Jiminy Cricket!
rk: You could check my web page "MEDIA MIND CONTROL, DISINFORMATION AND ATTACKS" at and observe "the other face of chadwick stone," as he routinely has his posts removed from Google Archives in order to destroy the evidence. The jerk who goes by the fictitious name "chadwick stone"
Dammit, you have been told a number of times, that *IS* my name, that "obituary" by a so-called "Karen" was a troll. You fell for it; hook, line, and sinker. What I find amazing is that you lend creedence to that post by an unknown person who claims to be my daughter when you have no way of confirming the identity of that person or the truthfulness of what was posted. Why didn't you demand an affidavit from the author, along with ID?
is a vicious, guttersniping individual who can hardly keep his goody-goody mask in place while he addresses my posts on your forum.
Goody-goody? No, not hardly. I am simply refraining from being intentionally rude to you when on this board out of respect for the rules.

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 5:36 pm
by Chadwick Stone
Carrotblog wrote:Stopping by to read this post captures what a visitor envisages is not a representation of genius proper.
I have never made any public rendering of my assessment of my own intelligence.
Why the ad hominem attacks on poor Ray?
What ad hominem attacks?
For an outsider, reading the attacks, warranted, or unwarranted, these attacks on his mental state is somewhat galling.
His mental state was never attacked; what occurred was that a certain trait he exhibits was cited as being commonly held among certain societal subsets, one subset being those afflicted with mental illness.
If he comes across as arrogant (ouch! he does), why the lengthy monologues denouncing him so?
Lengthy monologues? I advanced that he might be arrogant and progressed onward to deal with other material.
Such lengthy posting seems to incorporate competitive bantering for one-up-manship.
Lengthy posting?
And this is important: a forum is a dialogic community, not a podium for an individual's monologue. Hey! That'll be a blog - I've got one of those ;)
Replying to another's posts, sentence by sentence *IS* a dialogue.

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 6:06 pm
by Carrotblog
Replying to another's posts, sentence by sentence *IS* a dialogue.

If at all, there is a reply in the first place.

I guess you're right - reading again, it seems there is some dialogue buried, even in this thread. I've now identified you as CS, and realise that the impression I had was that you are not being listened to, despite responding to the other person's posts.

What ad hominem attacks? The ones on his mental state.

what occurred was that a certain trait he exhibits was cited as being commonly held among certain societal subsets, one subset being those afflicted with mental illness.
Even descriptive phenomenology can be offensive.

Lengthy monologues? I advanced that he might be arrogant and progressed onward to deal with other material.

I don't dispute this at all. As an outsider, reading this thread, I happen to concur with your view. Funny tho'...when I ask about "the arrogance of genius", I get accused of arrogance myself ;)

Lots of love.

