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Kelly's Truth Paper

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 3:06 pm
by kjones
I accidentally deleted the thread with this subject. I got an error
message on submitting a reply, so I assumed it wasn't submitted. I
think this happened because I may have been posting at the same time as
someone else. (?)

But it did get submitted, as well as my re-tries. When I clicked the
"x" in the top right hand corner of the last of my re-tries (only the
last one can be deleted), the whole lot of them were deleted. So, my
apologies to everyone who posted questions or replies on the former
thread. If you can recall your comment or question, and you'd really
like a reply, post it again in this thread.

The URL to The Truth Paper, again, is:

The earlier posts by other members of the forum focussed on these
- why sexuality is in opposition to individuality (wisdom, intelligence,
understanding the nature of Reality)
- why emptiness is necessarily the result of rational value-making
- how depression is caused, and what its ultimate solution is
- is Kelly Jones a blind follower of the QRS cult, or an independent
thinker with valid insights

I've managed to make a post to those I thought most interesting of the
recent comments and questions.

Leyla -

I think your attachment to sex is blocking you from understanding Truth.
Maybe you could ask yourself why you think sex is so important. For
instance, why do you define life as intrinsically sexual?

Yes, people often use a shallow version of masochism or sadism to be
sexually attractive. Or a shallow version of misogyny. Women
especially. So I'm not surprised that many people think this is what
I'm doing.

This is not what I'm doing. I'm undermining my ego based on my
reasoning about the nature of me. My boundaries that appear to be
really there, are caused, like everything. Causation cannot logically
have boundaries. So I realise that Reality is entirely the emptiness
of all that is caused to be. Remembering this as often as possible, is
what I understand by spiritual masochism. And of course this is
intelligence, the same as wisdom.

I'm trying (ultimately) to overcome any preoccupation with self, by
remembering my true self, not build up another finite self-image.

David Hodge -

I'm not recommending my psychological experiment as a general solution
to depression. It's a temporary solution that I've worked out as
particular to my own karma. I don't have a lot of wise habits, through
years of experiencing enlightenment, yet. So, to help my mind stay
clear of the old pathways, I force myself to exercise. Living in a
tent and cycling is a plan to build up enough better habits.

Then I can face the lie that depression is.

The more courageous, and certainly better, solution, is to think
immediately of the Infinite. This is the solution to all problems,
because it is all problems and solutions. More accurately, it's not a
solution at all.

Where depression looks for solutions is the problem. It's pretty much
like hyper-unpleasurable sex, done alone in the mind. However, the
opening out of depression, amidst its mind-numbing loops, is the energy
of introspection. One can use this to see one's backwards-thinking.
As long as one has enough desire to find the solution.

Kelly Jones