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Seeking Enlightenment?

Posted: Thu May 16, 2019 11:06 am
by Bradley West

Seeking ‘Enlightenment’? By Paul Hess

‘Chitta’ the source of which is Dhamma the cosmic law is the creator of five senses the tools of deception. Beyond this world is ‘Emptiness’,
empty of concepts’. This is the ‘Word of Siddhartha’.

Since the creation of Buddhism 2,500 years ago their brethren have been led on a witch hunt by their holy men and sacred books seeking ‘Enlightenment’ in a world of duality where enlightenment and ignorance are inseparable. It is weird no doubt but what is amusing is they are still on to it with renewed vigor.

The ‘Chitta’ the deceiver is the creator of elusive ‘I’. Hence all that we perceive as reality with our five senses are illusions designed exclusively to keep its creation the ‘I’ alive and ticking. The Dhamma is an empty process where there are no goals nor seekers of goals but just energy reacting on energy. ‘Enlightenment’, Buddhas, holy men, gods, sacred objects, etc. are mere religious jargon essential to their survival but meaningless to a seeker of the ‘Middle Way’ or to be more precise the ‘Middle Process’ revealed by Sidhartha to abandon all concepts. The ‘Renunciation’ of the world of duality.

Stuck in a world of religions where holy men and their sacred books pull the strings, don’t you see you are a mere puppet dancing to their tune? Remember, you are your creator and you alone must seek your way out of this dilemma.
‘Religion the creator of hell and heaven, Samsara and Nibbana is the curse of humanity. They set your goals and make you run for it on a
spinning wheel’.

Re: Seeking Enlightenment?

Posted: Mon May 20, 2019 3:06 am
by jufa
There is only one Nature, Being, Life. Life opens and closes words of determination according to man's interpretation of that which life has presented to them from the floor of materialism. But life is unconditioned and what circumstances, situation, whether environmental or psychological, are conditions men find themselves placed in, is the continuum of their eternal pattern of thoughts. This is chitta which, some speculate to be four aspects of consciousness. Speculation for where consciousness is indefinable its attributes are also indefinable. Nonetheless, the religious religious leaders whom speak on chitta as being intelligent, conscious mind, and ego's principle bounce their listeners back and forth between highs and lows Buddhi (consciousness), but never merge all into one because of fluctuation of intellect, conscious awareness, and ego's instability. So the theory of chitta does not help those seeking enlightenment, for it doe not allow any individual to step out of them self, nor out of time, space, distance and three dimension matter. Therefore it does not teach anyone how to step out of the law of inevitability and karma.

In the final analysis, It is upon men to halt the cycle of humanism which enslave them to physical limitations, and will themselves "to be perfect as
I am perfect." It is man's choice to choose reality or illusions. And it is man's responsibility to comprehend their choices are who they are, and how they think. It is man's responsibility to remember he is instructed "in all they ways acknowledge God, and he shall direct thy paths." It is the individual men who is the enlightened consciousness of the Spirit of life they live, yet it is the Spirit of life which is the only source of Consciousness. Men must therefore be wise in what and how they choose to acknowledge, in their hearts, and speak from their
lips the word manifestation they image in thinking and are, because the end result of utterance are the displayed words which determine the law of sowing and reaping.

Enlightenment is discovering the temple of the unconditioned Spirit within us "which is unaltered and always remains absolutely the same, which does not grow old with us, [for it] is just the kernel of our inner nature, and that does not lie in time."

Never give power to anything a person believes is their source of strength - jufa