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Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 12:57 am
by Pam Seeback
My heart has taken over my mind, trampling it, killing it with the truth of its ignorance. Because I cannot find the reason for the perpetuity of pain and death, the cause of the cannibalism of the earth, I can find no reason for anything. Overcome by the truth of the mystery of the darkness of the light, my mind bleeds on the cross of why.

I am nailed on my pain of not knowing on faith of release alone. Should release not come, these nails of feeling shall be my life, which is not a good thing or a bad thing, but the thing that I am. Even now, my mind is telling me it has reasons to give me for the darkness, reasons that will save me from my bleeding. But the voice of my heart is too strong, it knows any answer my mind will give me will only keep me bound to the answer, a binding to words that is death, not life.

For now, my heart has the life of my ear.

Re: Crucifixion

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 10:49 am
by NobodyListens2Genius
Why are you trying to find the reason for pain and death when they just are? Everything that could ever be imagined is being played out, that is the reason. Accept it moment by moment, never ever let the phantoms of past and future enter your mind. All that exists is the moment, live in it, observe it, meditate, and most importantly, stop distinguishing between what is good feeling and what is bad feeling, what is good life and what is bad life. If you truly know the minds ignorance, then why listen to it any longer? Listen to the heart at every moment

Re: Crucifixion

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 12:08 pm
by Cahoot
"There is no power as separate from me. It is inherent in my very nature. Call it creativity. Out of a lump of gold you can make many ornaments - each will remain gold. Similarly, in whatever role I may appear and whatever function I may perform - I remain what I am: the 'I am" immovable, unshakable, independent. What you call the universe, nature, is my spontaneous creativity. Whatever happens - happens. But such is my nature that all ends in joy."

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
I Am That
Everything Happens By Itself


May look like ego to the ego, but really, it's simply the empirical view of completeness.

Re: Crucifixion

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 8:07 pm
by Diebert van Rhijn
movingalways wrote:My heart has taken over my mind, trampling it, killing it with the truth of its ignorance. Because I cannot find the reason for the perpetuity of pain and death, the cause of the cannibalism of the earth, I can find no reason for anything. Overcome by the truth of the mystery of the darkness of the light, my mind bleeds on the cross of why.
Another why for you. Why would it be difficult to find reason for the perpetuity of pain and death? Why not also wonder what the reason is for light, peace and understanding instead? Pain defines itself as something unwanted and to our mind pain without good reason is additional hurt, it hurts our "sense" of things: that all is caused and we master some of the causes.
  • The world is deep,
    And deeper than the grasp of day.
    Deep is its pain,
    Joy - deeper still than misery:
    Pain says: Refrain!
    Yet all joy wants eternity,
    Wants deep, wants deep eternity."
    - Nietzsche

Re: Crucifixion

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 4:04 am
by Pam Seeback
Thank you NobodyListens2Genius, Cahoot and Diebert, I heard the voice of love in each of your words. I particularly benefited from the words of Nietzsche as posted by Diebert, for they caused me to call forth what I had forgotten of the way that both the darkness of pain and the darkness of joy can realize its desire for deep eternity, which is the way of becoming perfect as the light of pure awareness is perfect.

Only the light of eternity is perfect in its reason for causing the deep pain of the world, a perfection that cannot be understood of the intellect of why, only of the spiritual heart of its ability to expand infinitely to include everything of the darkness.

The darkness is God's, the light is God's; God has not eyes to see, therefore, the darkness must walk in faith, not sight, towards the light of Itself.

Re: Crucifixion

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 5:16 am
by Cathy Preston
Justice is perpetual and immortal.

Sharp, crisp, icy fingers
cut deep, exquisite pain
winter comes, wisdom reigns

Re: Crucifixion

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 1:28 pm
by Dennis Mahar

May look like ego to the ego, but really, it's simply the empirical view of completeness.
Are you sure you 'get' Nisargadatta?

He taught that I AM and World arise together.
His recommendation was to forget world and focus on I AM.

Doing that diligently finally produces:
Absence of I AM.

get it?

I AM is the fascination for names and forms.

All this crap about God's light, darkness of joy, darkness of pain, the light of pure awareness, spiritual heart,
desire and fascination for form.

all these dualities,
love and hate, pain and pleasure, god and not-god, heart and not-heart.
show up as form possibilities in I AM.

do not have absolute existence.

it wouldn't matter if I loved you or stole your money.
you don't exist, I don't exist, money doesn't exist,
except by imputing on a base.

Re: Crucifixion

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 1:36 pm
by Cahoot
I read the translations literally. :)

Re: Crucifixion

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 1:40 pm
by Dennis Mahar
I read the translations literally. :)
that says nothing.

Re: Crucifixion

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 1:45 pm
by Cahoot
Dennis Mahar wrote:
I read the translations literally. :)
that says nothing.
":), nothing, joy" Yes ... see?

Re: Crucifixion

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 2:01 pm
by Dennis Mahar
I AM joy possibility.
cheap thrill ultimately.
better than not-joy fersure.

ultimately absent.

I get a huge kick out of the fact that joy is possible and not possible.
that it's up to me.
I give it meaning.
I impute it.
It's on the menu for I AM.

Re: Crucifixion

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 2:42 pm
by Cahoot
Right on right on.

First joy, then not joy, then joy. No choice about that, though imputing permanence to any stage creates an attachment to allay the terror of the void, the darkness beyond the ring of campfire light, the emptiness, though the allure of this attachment obscures the choiceless nature of the sequence. ;)

Re: Crucifixion

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 5:31 pm
by Dennis Mahar
First joy, then not joy, then joy. No choice about that, though imputing permanence to any stage creates an attachment to allay the terror of the void, the darkness beyond the ring of campfire light, the emptiness, though the allure of this attachment obscures the choiceless nature of the sequence. ;)
so love too is on the menu for I AM,
a possibility.

The feminine minded, poets and religious types think it's a fixed condition.

In that fixedness they suffer at love's absence and tremble at the knees when it shows up.
praising love and silently criticising not-love.
they become judgemental and narrow minded and want to get out of the world,
complaint machines.

love doesn't transform world.
possibility of love transforms world.

if you wake up grumpy, do grumpy, stick to yourself,
do love tomorrow if it's possible,

Re: Crucifixion

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 9:18 am
by Diebert van Rhijn
Dennis Mahar wrote:All these dualities, love and hate, pain and pleasure, god and not-god, heart and not-heart show up as form possibilities in I AM and do not have absolute existence.
And yet it's all absolutely existing nevertheless. There's always something we know has to stop (pain says no) and always something we know has to continue (joy says go). The action towards either of them we call desire, in whatever intensity you are inclined to carry it out. You cannot resist this happening without the pain of ignorance: a painfully staked out position.

I get a huge kick out of the fact that joy is possible and not possible. That it's up to me. I give it meaning. I impute it. It's on the menu for I AM.
Meaning arises because of connections being made. One cannot give what one does not possess. It's all a given. But like anything else, it can be denied: ignorance, pain

Re: Crucifixion

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 11:36 am
by Dennis Mahar
Desire isn't the problem. the problem is giving the object inherent existence.

delusion depends on mind.
ignorance depends on mind.
what is produced out of causes/conditions lacks inherent existence.
what depends doesn't exist ultimately.

it's easy to notice a mind conceiving of god.
a god conceived by a mind is so uncertain it can be dismissed out of hand as mere conjecture.

lapsing into a swoon over a matter of conjecture befits poetry nicely.

what we can say forthrightly is where existence shows up, causality shows up.
causality opens up possibilities.
what's on the menu?

Re: Crucifixion

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 1:22 am
by Dennis Mahar
Meaning arises because of connections being made.
So what we have to come to grips with is the human mind's tendency to reify.
The mental trick.
Imputing a whole on to composite parts.
Giving selfhood or essence.

The idea of god is imputed on parts and doesn't exist independent of the tendency to reify.
reifying god is giving it personality with properties, characteristics, functions.
god doesn't exist and also exists by way of conceptual designation, conventional agreement between human beings out of a tendency to fill the void with emotionally pleasing stories.

Re: Crucifixion

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 7:50 am
by Beingof1

Re: Crucifixion

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 8:57 am
by Russell Parr
That wasn't bad until he uttered the word "love." [edit: I re-listened to it, didn't realize that he says love a couple times in the first few seconds. My statement was in reference to when he says love at 2:07.]

Re: Crucifixion

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 10:56 am
by Dennis Mahar
He starts off OK with nothingness,
and then he works in the ol' love and fear duality to set up a winning formula.
generates book and CD sales.

A word to the wise BofI,

'not one, not two'.

Re: Crucifixion

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 5:41 pm
by Beingof1
Attention everyone: pay careful attention to good and bad words. Good and bad words determine truth from falsehood. They have nothing to do with emotional triggers, they are simply good or bad.

To assist you in your enlightenment and to keep you safe from all bad words, I have compiled a short list. Once again, these words have nothing to do with emotional reactions or triggers. One set of words are objectively good and the others are intrinsically bad.

Good words - nothingness, emptiness, causality, zen, philosophy, wisdom, masculine, and truth.

Bad words - love(one of the most most dangerous words), God (big no-no word), duality, creation, Bible, Christian, fun, fashion, happy, and living the good life.

The book burning will commence as soon as the sages gain control of the planet.

Re: Crucifixion

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 9:39 pm
by Diebert van Rhijn
Dennis Mahar wrote:Desire isn't the problem. the problem is giving the object inherent existence.
But how does anyone "give" anything "inherent existence"? This is done through some form of desire. It's made real because reality is desired.

Pay attention!

Re: Crucifixion

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 9:44 pm
by Cahoot
Beingof1 wrote:Attention everyone: pay careful attention to good and bad words. Good and bad words determine truth from falsehood. They have nothing to do with emotional triggers, they are simply good or bad.

To assist you in your enlightenment and to keep you safe from all bad words, I have compiled a short list. Once again, these words have nothing to do with emotional reactions or triggers. One set of words are objectively good and the others are intrinsically bad.

Good words - nothingness, emptiness, causality, zen, philosophy, wisdom, masculine, and truth.

Bad words - love(one of the most most dangerous words), God (big no-no word), duality, creation, Bible, Christian, fun, fashion, happy, and living the good life.

The book burning will commence as soon as the sages gain control of the planet.
A balancing act. The weight of the counterweight determines the weight of the weighed. Once balanced, timing critically determines the size of the counterweight.

How about ... Muslim.

Which side of the fulcrum?

Re: Crucifixion

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 9:46 pm
by Diebert van Rhijn
Beingof1 wrote:Attention everyone: pay careful attention to good and bad words. Good and bad words determine truth from falsehood. They have nothing to do with emotional triggers, they are simply good or bad.

To assist you in your enlightenment and to keep you safe from all bad words, I have compiled a short list. Once again, these words have nothing to do with emotional reactions or triggers. One set of words are objectively good and the others are intrinsically bad.

Good words - nothingness, emptiness, causality, zen, philosophy, wisdom, masculine, and truth.

Bad words - love(one of the most most dangerous words), God (big no-no word), duality, creation, Bible, Christian, fun, fashion, happy, and living the good life.

The book burning will commence as soon as the sages gain control of the planet.

Good post! Although not intended perhaps but even as sarcasm it's witty enough.

More than just books will be burning when wisdom takes control. In your case it will be good when the bible is burned first: ego tends to get tied up into the letters. Some words build better nests for ego than others. That's why one could indeed say that some words are better than others. Emptiness or absolute for example are hard to hang on to. Perhaps God used to be like that.

Re: Crucifixion

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 11:10 pm
by Beingof1
A balancing act. The weight of the counterweight determines the weight of the weighed. Once balanced, timing critically determines the size of the counterweight.

How about ... Muslim.

Which side of the fulcrum?
Muslim is definitely a bad word. Unless you want to use it to undermine the Abrahamic religions.Then, and only then, it is a good word. You have to be careful though because bad words can be very sneaky. We replace bad words with good words every chance we get.

Enlightenment is being able to tell good words from bad words. Just look at Diebert`s post. He knows that if you are enlightened, you do not use bad words anymore.

If you are truly enlightened, you burn all competing books that contain bad words. These bad words in these bad books lead to ego. It is best to be attached to the good words in the good books. The good books about Buddha say so. This is what is meant by the eightfold path. You extinguish all bad words from your vocabulary and only use good words. You practice using only good words until the four noble truths are revealed. The four truths contain no bad words only good words. Notice that the teachings of the Buddha only talks about compassion (a good word) but not love(a bad word).

Wisdom says so and this leads to enlightenment. Every sage in the history of mankind would agree with burning bad books with bad words in them to keep people attached to the good words.

Re: Crucifixion

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 11:11 pm
by Beingof1
Diebert van Rhijn wrote:
Beingof1 wrote:Attention everyone: pay careful attention to good and bad words. Good and bad words determine truth from falsehood. They have nothing to do with emotional triggers, they are simply good or bad.

To assist you in your enlightenment and to keep you safe from all bad words, I have compiled a short list. Once again, these words have nothing to do with emotional reactions or triggers. One set of words are objectively good and the others are intrinsically bad.

Good words - nothingness, emptiness, causality, zen, philosophy, wisdom, masculine, and truth.

Bad words - love(one of the most most dangerous words), God (big no-no word), duality, creation, Bible, Christian, fun, fashion, happy, and living the good life.

The book burning will commence as soon as the sages gain control of the planet.

Good post! Although not intended perhaps but even as sarcasm it's witty enough.

More than just books will be burning when wisdom takes control. In your case it will be good when the bible is burned first: ego tends to get tied up into the letters. Some words build better nests for ego than others. That's why one could indeed say that some words are better than others. Emptiness or absolute for example are hard to hang on to. Perhaps God used to be like that.
Uh huh