Why Such Disdain For Such Great Minds?

Discussion of the nature of Ultimate Reality and the path to Enlightenment.
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brad walker
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Re: Why Such Disdain For Such Great Minds?

Post by brad walker »

Nobushige, a great samurai, sought out Hakuin and asked: "Is there really a heaven and a hell?"
"Who are you?" asked Hakuin.
"I am a samurai," Nobushige replied.
"You?" Hakuin snorted. "What lord would employ you? You look like a begger!"
A furious Nobushige began to draw his sword, but then Hakuin said, "Here open the gates of hell."
Nobushige took the point, sheathed his sword, and bowed.
"Here open the gates of heaven," said Hakuin.

Taking offense over an apparent insult about one's masters is even sillier.
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brad walker
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Re: Why Such Disdain For Such Great Minds?

Post by brad walker »

If you want to read a genius who happened to work in science study Fuller.
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Pincho Paxton
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Re: Why Such Disdain For Such Great Minds?

Post by Pincho Paxton »

Einstein had a great mind, but unfortunately he wanted to fit in with science. Some of his ideas needed to break free of Newton, but somehow got tangled up with him. Newton confused the whole science issue by introducing mathematics as proof. Unfortunately most mathematics work in combinations of ways...

4 + 3 + 2 = 9
3 + 4 + 2 = 9
2 + 3 + 4 = 9


Which gets even more complicated with negative numbers. The order matters even though you would think that it doesn't.

Why does the order matter?

Because Newton said that Gravity is a Pull force. So the numbers represent the actual objects being pulled.

A bit like...
Earth Mass + Apple Mass = Gravity Force

Apple Mass + Earth Mass = Force

Introduce space mass, and then introduce bending of space time...

Earth Mass + bend + Apple mass + bend...

... and the direction of the maths matches the direction of Newton's maths, basically a pull force. The bending from the centre of Earth causes the Apple to move towards the Earth at a distance from it. Action at a Distance.

So Einstein was led by Newton to create maths in a particular sequence of events.

Unfortunately... Gravity is a push / flow force. It includes negative mass numbers. Einstein never included the negative numbers to change the sequence of the maths. In fact, there is no such thing as a pull, and the word pull shouldn't even be in the dictionary. No such thing as a pull you ask? You are made from atoms, and to pull is to allow atoms to push. You pull a door open.. your atoms are pushing the door open. (This is according to myself.. so not scientifically accurate)

So in the opening post you are correct. To be a true genius you need to express your ideas, and break free of Genius like Newton if you are Einstein. But Einstein didn't completely break free. If Newton never said 'PULL', the 18th century would be better than 2012 in terms of scientific advancement. The whole Big Bang is based on pull physics. We are stuck in a medieval world. With push physics you cannot use the Big Bang as a starting point. You need a flow force outside of the singularity. You actually end up with a very simple solution to the Universe. The singularities are the black holes at the centre of Galaxies. The flow force is towards the black holes. No need for a Big Bang at all.

So let's use my above example as breaking free of Genius ideas to become a true Genius. Even if I am wrong, I have broken free of Einstein, and Newton. How did I break free? I ignored what I was told to believe, and I also psycho-analysed Einstein, and Newton. I figured that Newton would see an apple, and the Earth, and nothing in-between. So Newton said 'PULL'. There is something in-between the apple, and the Earth. There is a local flow of scalar particles. But Newton would not think 'SCALAR PARTICLES'. The 1700's remained stationary, and we live with Newton's pull forces still. The psycho analysis says that Newton would say 'PULL' for the reason that he lived in a time when the apple had nothing around it.

I started science from scratch, and I built the Universe from new physics that exist in everyday life, but people ignore them, because we pull a door open, we pull up our trousers, and a magnet pulls iron filings towards it. Look at your fingers behind the door handle, you are pushing the door open, you are pushing up your trousers, and a magnet is a flow force created by invisible pushing particles. Look at a whirlpool, look at a Galaxy, they are the same.

Pincho Paxton... Genius of Genius.
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mental vagrant
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Re: Why Such Disdain For Such Great Minds?

Post by mental vagrant »

Pull is a perceptive reference. Whether the pressure is positive or negative, collisions are still the cause.

How the hell is this relevant?