Committing self-sense suicide

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Pam Seeback
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Committing self-sense suicide

Post by Pam Seeback »

What man is afraid to admit to himself is that it is his sense awareness of the conjoined twins of good and evil that is the cause of his self-righteousness. And that until he is a man of sense no more, that he is a slave to the division he manifests as a consequence of his self-righteousness.

It is simple to discover for oneself, the truth of what I say above. Go within, still your mind unto pure sense awareness and see how long you remain in pure sensory awareness before you are naming what you sense, and then, attributing good and evil attributes to those names. And then, how long you can retain these subjective-objective interpretations within your individual consciousness before you feel the desire to release them into the world as "truth."

It is man's delusion that he can remain a man of sense and not demonstrate self-righteousness. Can you remain in the world of "dog" without feeling attracted to or repelled by "dog?" Can you remain in the world of "food" and not feel the fear that you might not have "food", and in feeling this fear, hoard food? Can you remain in the world of "person" and not feel the preference for this "person" over that "person?" The honest man will say no, he cannot remain in his sense world and not be self-righteous in his thinking.

The realization that comforts the man who willingly sentences his sense awareness to death, precept by precept, line by line, here a little, there a little, is that God/Life will continue being God/Life when his sense awareness is no more, and since he cannot leave God/Life, and God/Life cannot leave him, what has he lost?
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Pincho Paxton
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Re: Committing self-sense suicide

Post by Pincho Paxton »

Here is the meaning of Self-righteousness.......
Self-righteousness (also called sententiousness, holier-than-thou[1]) is a feeling of smug moral superiority[2] derived from a sense that one's beliefs, actions, or affiliations are of greater virtue than those of the average person.

I don't see the connection with.....

Go within, still your mind unto pure sense awareness and see how long you remain in pure sensory awareness before you are naming what you sense, and then, attributing good and evil attributes to those names.
And I don't attribute good, and evil to anything in my still mind. My mind mostly analyses the day gone by.

If I had the mind that you are sort of describing, I would be worried that I was going crazy.
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Re: Committing self-sense suicide

Post by Pam Seeback »

PP, the mind that analyzes the "day gone by" can only do so by comparing its day gone by by using comparative thought, interpreting this thought or action as being of value to the self or not being of value to the self. This is the accepting and rejecting that is the daily "mindspeak" of all men caught in their sense awareness, by varying degrees of attachment. It is not that this activity of comparative self-thinking is good or evil in and of itself in the religious sense of sin or of being wrong, it is that the God of you and the God of everyone else is the same God, therefore, the God of All is an unchanging God. It is only human thinking that comes to believe that God changes in the same way that human thinking changes. This is self-righteous thinking - making God a God of accepting and rejecting, when God cannot accept or reject that which He/It already is.

The mind that I have I know to be "not crazy." :) This is not to say that the process of pushing beyond my intellect so see that "I" was not the substance of my ever changing human thoughts was not an experience of deep intensity wherein all that I believed to be true of me was being overturned (?!?!) but no, no craziness. This is the value of the right words, or wisdom, for it is by words that we believe ourselves to be of two substances, and it is by words that we are healed or dissolved of this erroneous belief. How can one go crazy when thought is always there to support, hold and comfort while the overturning of the old is making way for the revealing of the new?

I will leave you with this thought, and a question to ponder, yours to accept or reject: The one who is aware of the changing thought does not change. What then, is the nature of that which changes and that which does not change?
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Re: Committing self-sense suicide

Post by Pincho Paxton »

movingalways wrote:PP, the mind that analyzes the "day gone by" can only do so by comparing its day gone by by using comparative thought, interpreting this thought or action as being of value to the self or not being of value to the self. This is the accepting and rejecting that is the daily "mindspeak" of all men caught in their sense awareness, by varying degrees of attachment. It is not that this activity of comparative self-thinking is good or evil in and of itself in the religious sense of sin or of being wrong, it is that the God of you and the God of everyone else is the same God, therefore, the God of All is an unchanging God. It is only human thinking that comes to believe that God changes in the same way that human thinking changes. This is self-righteous thinking - making God a God of accepting and rejecting, when God cannot accept or reject that which He/It already is.

The mind that I have I know to be "not crazy." :) This is not to say that the process of pushing beyond my intellect so see that "I" was not the substance of my ever changing human thoughts was not an experience of deep intensity wherein all that I believed to be true of me was being overturned (?!?!) but no, no craziness. This is the value of the right words, or wisdom, for it is by words that we believe ourselves to be of two substances, and it is by words that we are healed or dissolved of this erroneous belief. How can one go crazy when thought is always there to support, hold and comfort while the overturning of the old is making way for the revealing of the new?

I will leave you with this thought, and a question to ponder, yours to accept or reject: The one who is aware of the changing thought does not change. What then, is the nature of that which changes and that which does not change?
You keep saying this word...God. I looked it up in the dictionary.. It's a medieval word relating to a spirit. Sometimes good, sometimes bad, not quite as bad as a witch, or a Poltergeist. There are much worse words like Devil, and Satan, as these have horns, and can ram you like a goat, which can be quite scary if you have ever come across an angry goat. There are stories along the lines that Witches were burned, Jesus was crucified, and a whole bunch of animals were taken on a long boat ride. Those were the! I suppose we could do with some of that bringing back when all of the movies are getting boring. Anyway.. I don't really think that any of these creatures are wondering around in my mind.. just the day gone by.

By the way... God is in urgent need of a shave. You would think that a razor would be the first thing on his list.
Pam Seeback
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Re: Committing self-sense suicide

Post by Pam Seeback »

Pincho Paxton wrote:
movingalways wrote:PP, the mind that analyzes the "day gone by" can only do so by comparing its day gone by by using comparative thought, interpreting this thought or action as being of value to the self or not being of value to the self. This is the accepting and rejecting that is the daily "mindspeak" of all men caught in their sense awareness, by varying degrees of attachment. It is not that this activity of comparative self-thinking is good or evil in and of itself in the religious sense of sin or of being wrong, it is that the God of you and the God of everyone else is the same God, therefore, the God of All is an unchanging God. It is only human thinking that comes to believe that God changes in the same way that human thinking changes. This is self-righteous thinking - making God a God of accepting and rejecting, when God cannot accept or reject that which He/It already is.

The mind that I have I know to be "not crazy." :) This is not to say that the process of pushing beyond my intellect so see that "I" was not the substance of my ever changing human thoughts was not an experience of deep intensity wherein all that I believed to be true of me was being overturned (?!?!) but no, no craziness. This is the value of the right words, or wisdom, for it is by words that we believe ourselves to be of two substances, and it is by words that we are healed or dissolved of this erroneous belief. How can one go crazy when thought is always there to support, hold and comfort while the overturning of the old is making way for the revealing of the new?

I will leave you with this thought, and a question to ponder, yours to accept or reject: The one who is aware of the changing thought does not change. What then, is the nature of that which changes and that which does not change?
You keep saying this word...God. I looked it up in the dictionary.. It's a medieval word relating to a spirit. Sometimes good, sometimes bad, not quite as bad as a witch, or a Poltergeist. There are much worse words like Devil, and Satan, as these have horns, and can ram you like a goat, which can be quite scary if you have ever come across an angry goat. There are stories along the lines that Witches were burned, Jesus was crucified, and a whole bunch of animals were taken on a long boat ride. Those were the! I suppose we could do with some of that bringing back when all of the movies are getting boring. Anyway.. I don't really think that any of these creatures are wondering around in my mind.. just the day gone by.

By the way... God is in urgent need of a shave. You would think that a razor would be the first thing on his list.
Why are you looking up that which is very substance of you in the dictionary? As I stated before, no word of man's is the 'thing.' God is but a word that is interpreted according to one's current understanding of what "God" means to them. So, if you want your God of you to be in the dictionary of you, that is where you will find the God of you.

You quoted my entire post but must not have read it before you quoted it, for I addressed what you found in the God of the dictionary, which is the belief of most who must wrestle with the word "God" in their consciousness. I said:
It is not that this activity of comparative self-thinking is good or evil in and of itself in the religious sense of sin or of being wrong, it is that the God of you and the God of everyone else is the same God, therefore, the God of All is an unchanging God. It is only human thinking that comes to believe that God changes in the same way that human thinking changes. This is self-righteous thinking - making God a God of accepting and rejecting, when God cannot accept or reject that which He/It already is.
You can see that my God is not the God of Miriam Webster. :) How I interpret my God so that I can move beyond my interpretations within His/Its Infinity, I am pleased to relate to you so that you can move beyond your interpretations of God within His/Its Infinity, if you care to hear.
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Pincho Paxton
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Re: Committing self-sense suicide

Post by Pincho Paxton »

God is not even a word to me, not only does God not exist, but the word should not exist at all. The thing that people are really referring to is called the Aether. It is a part of nature, and it plays most of the roles that God has been associated with. The main differences are that the Aether can be damaged quite easily. The Aether really struggles to control it's own destiny, it depends on everything around it to a certain degree, and us humans are in control of it to the best of our abilities. We are most likely going to destroy part of it, and ourselves with it. We have managed to use it to evolve from simple electrons to walking, talking humans, but a simple mistake could send us all the way back to electrons once more. We really need to realize our own destiny in the Universe, as God (the Aether) actually depends on us quite a lot.
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Re: Committing self-sense suicide

Post by Gurrb »

chop suey on the mind?

man has created god in such a way that god created man.

we are men of thought, and god is a thought of man. god is human's way of trying to reason with their perceived finality in their lifetime. the definitions after that vary as much as human beings.

Re: Committing self-sense suicide

Post by mensa-maniac »

Pincho Paxton wrote:Here is the meaning of Self-righteousness.......
Self-righteousness (also called sententiousness, holier-than-thou[1]) is a feeling of smug moral superiority[2] derived from a sense that one's beliefs, actions, or affiliations are of greater virtue than those of the average person.
Mensa says: Lets not confuse natural confidence or logical truth with self-righteousness!

I don't see the connection with.....

Go within, still your mind unto pure sense awareness and see how long you remain in pure sensory awareness before you are naming what you sense, and then, attributing good and evil attributes to those names.
And I don't attribute good, and evil to anything in my still mind. My mind mostly analyses the day gone by.

If I had the mind that you are sort of describing, I would be worried that I was going crazy.

Re: Committing self-sense suicide

Post by mensa-maniac »

movingalways wrote:What man is afraid to admit to himself is that it is his sense awareness of the conjoined twins of good and evil that is the cause of his self-righteousness. And that until he is a man of sense no more, that he is a slave to the division he manifests as a consequence of his self-righteousness.

So you are saying one is a slave to himself when one is so self-righteous, I can see that.

It is simple to discover for oneself, the truth of what I say above. Go within, still your mind unto pure sense awareness and see how long you remain in pure sensory awareness before you are naming what you sense, and then, attributing good and evil attributes to those names. And then, how long you can retain these subjective-objective interpretations within your individual consciousness before you feel the desire to release them into the world as "truth."

Mensa says:

Everyones truth may not be be a real truth, just an interpretation of the belief of truth.

It is man's delusion that he can remain a man of sense and not demonstrate self-righteousness. Can you remain in the world of "dog" without feeling attracted to or repelled by "dog?" Can you remain in the world of "food" and not feel the fear that you might not have "food", and in feeling this fear, hoard food? Can you remain in the world of "person" and not feel the preference for this "person" over that "person?" The honest man will say no, he cannot remain in his sense world and not be self-righteous in his thinking.

Mensa says: You make a point!

The realization that comforts the man who willingly sentences his sense awareness to death, precept by precept, line by line, here a little, there a little, is that God/Life will continue being God/Life when his sense awareness is no more, and since he cannot leave God/Life, and God/Life cannot leave him, what has he lost?
Mensa says: I know this concept. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us movingalways.
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Re: Committing self-sense suicide

Post by IJesusChrist »

I do that all the time.

The hardest one:

Try to listen to your native language as if you never have before. It's impossible, I've only begun to be able to do it. Do not give it meaning, subject, or emotion, just listen to the sounds as they are; sounds.
To think or not to think.
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Re: Committing self-sense suicide

Post by jufa »

Hi movingalways!

When one is imprisoned by mental-isms from DNA merging, and have not realized there is a door which will lead one beyond the intellectual bubble or human collective repetition of eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, that one may see the door, but the door knob which will open the door is invisible to the human senses of cogitation. Why is this? because physical intellectual man is governed by the two headed serpent of aloneness and fear. Man does not understand the fear and aloneness must be dissolved within his consciousness in order to conquer death, so that the "I" which has come to give you life, and life more abundantly can fulfill this intent and purpose in him.

Because men believe they are three dimensional being, they believe they live their lives from the stages of the physical, mental, and spiritual. Neither of these stages could exist, however, if there were no life for them to exist in. God can only teach those who are alive. To be alive for God to teach, man must die to the mental, physical, and spiritual indoctrination the intellectual human mind claims is real, and allow the Christ to live- "I live, yet not I, but Christ liveth in me."

Death is a metaphor, being there is no death in Christ, only infinite life. Yet there must be a dying for man to transcend the earth mentality, and draw other men unto himself in the Christ Spirit of redemption, and resurrection Dying in Christ is not meant to be taken literally. It means eliminating the old way of human thinking and commitment to burying the ego; the human intellect and controlling part of man, and whatever thoughts and memories, and illusions which goes along with it. This is man's odyssey of life. It is reaching for the invisible temple of his being "not made with hands," with hope and faith of touching the reality of one's true Self. It is the odyssey of Christ; of resurrecting from the dead.

The resurrected dead is the man who has committed suicide in self-defense to the destructive ego of the old Adam - the father/mother of the flesh mentality - so the new Adam can be redeemed by the inner Christ and "the power of his resurrection." The power which allows man to stand steadfast in the knowledge he "is in the world, but not of the world." This is the man whom God can teach knowledge. It is the man who no longer drinks from the cup of humanism because he has surrendered himself unto the Conscience of his inner conscience. That Conscience which goes beyond being a living soul of moral integrity. But that which transforms and swallows mortality up in life as was done by the Christ when He arose from the grave of human ignorance.

Men have no other choice but to commit suicide in self-defense to the Son of Man. To die to the collective thoughts which confines them to a world of beliefs they do not belong in. Men must self-sacrifice themselves and die to the human world of universal conformity so they can be free to be free. Men have no other choice but to begin to live the metaphorical life of ascension; of demonstrating all who follow the Conscience of their inner conscience faithfully will become Savior of themselves, and the Son of Pure Awareness of the Godhead's thoughts, meaning, intent and purpose of Being.

Never give power to anything a person believes is their source of strength - jufa

Re: Committing self-sense suicide

Post by mensa-maniac »

jufa wrote:Hi movingalways!

When one is imprisoned by mental-isms from DNA merging, and have not realized there is a door which will lead one beyond the intellectual bubble or human collective repetition of eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, that one may see the door, but the door knob which will open the door is invisible to the human senses of cogitation. Why is this? because physical intellectual man is governed by the two headed serpent of aloneness and fear. Man does not understand the fear and aloneness must be dissolved within his consciousness in order to conquer death, so that the "I" which has come to give you life, and life more abundantly can fulfill this intent and purpose in him.

Because men believe they are three dimensional being, they believe they live their lives from the stages of the physical, mental, and spiritual. Neither of these stages could exist, however, if there were no life for them to exist in. God can only teach those who are alive. To be alive for God to teach, man must die to the mental, physical, and spiritual indoctrination the intellectual human mind claims is real, and allow the Christ to live- "I live, yet not I, but Christ liveth in me."

Death is a metaphor, being there is no death in Christ, only infinite life. Yet there must be a dying for man to transcend the earth mentality, and draw other men unto himself in the Christ Spirit of redemption, and resurrection Dying in Christ is not meant to be taken literally. It means eliminating the old way of human thinking and commitment to burying the ego; the human intellect and controlling part of man, and whatever thoughts and memories, and illusions which goes along with it. This is man's odyssey of life. It is reaching for the invisible temple of his being "not made with hands," with hope and faith of touching the reality of one's true Self. It is the odyssey of Christ; of resurrecting from the dead.

The resurrected dead is the man who has committed suicide in self-defense to the destructive ego of the old Adam - the father/mother of the flesh mentality - so the new Adam can be redeemed by the inner Christ and "the power of his resurrection." The power which allows man to stand steadfast in the knowledge he "is in the world, but not of the world." This is the man whom God can teach knowledge. It is the man who no longer drinks from the cup of humanism because he has surrendered himself unto the Conscience of his inner conscience. That Conscience which goes beyond being a living soul of moral integrity. But that which transforms and swallows mortality up in life as was done by the Christ when He arose from the grave of human ignorance.

Men have no other choice but to commit suicide in self-defense to the Son of Man. To die to the collective thoughts which confines them to a world of beliefs they do not belong in. Men must self-sacrifice themselves and die to the human world of universal conformity so they can be free to be free. Men have no other choice but to begin to live the metaphorical life of ascension; of demonstrating all who follow the Conscience of their inner conscience faithfully will become Savior of themselves, and the Son of Pure Awareness of the Godhead's thoughts, meaning, intent and purpose of Being.

Mensa says: I agree with Jufa's insight and wisdom!

Never give power to anything a person believes is their source of strength - jufa
"Never give power to anything a person believes is their source of strength"

Mensa says: Because it is the Christ within them that gives them their source of strength, and many don't acknowledge this, instead they credit themselves for being big and mighty, when really they are mere and weak, but through dying of one's self and of material gain, one lives with the strength of the almighty power source within them, we call God.

Re: Committing self-sense suicide

Post by mensa-maniac »

jufa wrote:Hi movingalways!

When one is imprisoned by mental-isms from DNA merging, and have not realized there is a door which will lead one beyond the intellectual bubble or human collective repetition of eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, that one may see the door, but the door knob which will open the door is invisible to the human senses of cogitation. Why is this? because physical intellectual man is governed by the two headed serpent of aloneness and fear. Man does not understand the fear and aloneness must be dissolved within his consciousness in order to conquer death, so that the "I" which has come to give you life, and life more abundantly can fulfill this intent and purpose in him.

Because men believe they are three dimensional being, they believe they live their lives from the stages of the physical, mental, and spiritual. Neither of these stages could exist, however, if there were no life for them to exist in. God can only teach those who are alive. To be alive for God to teach, man must die to the mental, physical, and spiritual indoctrination the intellectual human mind claims is real, and allow the Christ to live- "I live, yet not I, but Christ liveth in me."

Death is a metaphor, being there is no death in Christ, only infinite life. Yet there must be a dying for man to transcend the earth mentality, and draw other men unto himself in the Christ Spirit of redemption, and resurrection Dying in Christ is not meant to be taken literally. It means eliminating the old way of human thinking and commitment to burying the ego; the human intellect and controlling part of man, and whatever thoughts and memories, and illusions which goes along with it. This is man's odyssey of life. It is reaching for the invisible temple of his being "not made with hands," with hope and faith of touching the reality of one's true Self. It is the odyssey of Christ; of resurrecting from the dead.

The resurrected dead is the man who has committed suicide in self-defense to the destructive ego of the old Adam - the father/mother of the flesh mentality - so the new Adam can be redeemed by the inner Christ and "the power of his resurrection." The power which allows man to stand steadfast in the knowledge he "is in the world, but not of the world." This is the man whom God can teach knowledge. It is the man who no longer drinks from the cup of humanism because he has surrendered himself unto the Conscience of his inner conscience. That Conscience which goes beyond being a living soul of moral integrity. But that which transforms and swallows mortality up in life as was done by the Christ when He arose from the grave of human ignorance.

Men have no other choice but to commit suicide in self-defense to the Son of Man. To die to the collective thoughts which confines them to a world of beliefs they do not belong in. Men must self-sacrifice themselves and die to the human world of universal conformity so they can be free to be free. Men have no other choice but to begin to live the metaphorical life of ascension; of demonstrating all who follow the Conscience of their inner conscience faithfully will become Savior of themselves, and the Son of Pure Awareness of the Godhead's thoughts, meaning, intent and purpose of Being.

Mensa says: I can understand you Jufa...and I could go on and on and on into infinity which becomes finite for me but not "I" which is my Lord and Heavenly Father, who leaves my flesh upon my death, and ignites into birth again, and "I" continues on without me.

Never give power to anything a person believes is their source of strength - jufa
Pam Seeback
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Re: Committing self-sense suicide

Post by Pam Seeback »

jufa, I am pleased to see you refer to the metaphorical life of ascension, for truly, this is the path that is the way for man to be free to be free. Before man can begin this metaphorical life of ascension, he must come to an understanding that he himself is a metaphor, that he has always been a metaphor. Life itself is a metaphor, for what can be said of life that is absolute or literal or exact? Nothing. Man is on a metaphorical journey whether or not he comprehends this truth bout himself or not, but it is when he catches a glimpse of this vision and runs with this vision that he, as you say, comes alive and in coming alive, is able to receive the knowledge of God.

You have provided a perfect example of man becoming a living metaphor of Self (the "I" of Infinity) by speaking of the invisible door and doorknob that man must see with his "I/eye" of spirit, the invisible door that must be knocked upon and the doorknob that must be turned by the one who has left his fear of the invisibility of himself behind. It is this fear of man's own invisibility of himself that causes him to believe that if he enters this unknown silent expanse of himself, that he will "go insane" or "crazy." This is the fear that must be overcome before he can step up to the ceiling of his intellect and be the living metaphor of the words of Jesus: "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you."

What is it that man discovers when he has overcome his fear of silencing his self-righteous human thoughts and slowly, but surely, commits suicide to the Son of Man, of the comparative human intellect? He discovers that the whole of his reality is of thought, and that the foundation of this reality of thought is nothing like the thoughts of his human mentality of dualism/good and evil relativity. These thoughts that are the very foundation of his life and have always been with him, but "he was blind and now he sees." His own omnipresence is his discovery, and as he is gradually able to increase the time he can be still of his human comparative thoughts, he begins to hear the voice of his omnipresent "I", the voice of the Spirit of Truth of himself. How he came to be veiled of this voice, and what he must do to lift the veil and become the living Word of this omnipresent "I".
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Re: Committing self-sense suicide

Post by Gurrb »

our body is 3-dimensional, our minds are 1-dimensional, yet are minds are far superior to our bodies.
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Pincho Paxton
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Re: Committing self-sense suicide

Post by Pincho Paxton »

Gurrb wrote:our body is 3-dimensional, our minds are 1-dimensional, yet are minds are far superior to our bodies.
Our mind is like a liquid, is the sea 1D or 3D?
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Re: Committing self-sense suicide

Post by Gurrb »

liquid is tangible, the mind is 'spiritual', for lack of a better word. i'm just thinking the mind's only dimension is that which we can fathom. it doesn't consist of height, length, or width, but simply its only dimension is thought.

can we think of thought as a line, as it corresponds to 'time'?
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Re: Committing self-sense suicide

Post by Pincho Paxton »

Gurrb wrote:liquid is tangible, the mind is 'spiritual', for lack of a better word. i'm just thinking the mind's only dimension is that which we can fathom. it doesn't consist of height, length, or width, but simply its only dimension is thought.

can we think of thought as a line, as it corresponds to 'time'?
I have been basing the thought process on Quantum Entanglement....

Which is the most difficult problem for me to solve. I'm not sure of its plausibility however, but a thought would be an entanglement of electrons. So we can switch electrons to parts of our brains by using an entangled sentience. It could be however that there are mistakes in the experiments, and I need to find a lot more information on this.
Pam Seeback
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Re: Committing self-sense suicide

Post by Pam Seeback »

This thread is about committing self-sense suicide. Theories of quantum physics or of any science or religion or philosophy is to keep theories of sense alive in the mind of man, theories that will never bring him the wisdom of how these theories of sense came into existence.

It is to these very theories of sense that man must die so that this wisdom of their source can be revealed.

So, talk all you want about how you believe God or Life or "IT" thinks, but you do not know. This is the vanity of the man who thinks himself wise or intelligent, not realizing that Life or Life or "IT" is that which brings this awareness of "being wise" into existence, and being That which brings this awareness "of being wise" into existence, is Itself, transcendent to this awareness.

That which is aware of changing thought of which "being wise" and/or of being "unwise" is an expression, is Itself unchanging, or It could not be aware of changing thought. You are that which is aware of both: the you of changing thought and the you that which is unchanging in its awareness of the you which changes in its thoughts.

For those who desire to respond to my thoughts in this thread, I ask that you come in the spirit of the wisdom of what has been put forward. That is, the wisdom of committing self-sense suicide so that that which brings this wisdom into awareness, can be (metaphorically) revealed. In other words, deal with the thesis that has been presented by the originator of the thread and not use this thread as a vehicle for your personal beliefs of human wisdom.
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Pincho Paxton
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Re: Committing self-sense suicide

Post by Pincho Paxton »

movingalways wrote:This thread is about committing self-sense suicide. Theories of quantum physics or of any science or religion or philosophy is to keep theories of sense alive in the mind of man, theories that will never bring him the wisdom of how these theories of sense came into existence.

It is to these very theories of sense that man must die so that this wisdom of their source can be revealed.

So, talk all you want about how you believe God or Life or "IT" thinks, but you do not know. This is the vanity of the man who thinks himself wise or intelligent, not realizing that Life or Life or "IT" is that which brings this awareness of "being wise" into existence, and being That which brings this awareness "of being wise" into existence, is Itself, transcendent to this awareness.

That which is aware of changing thought of which "being wise" and/or of being "unwise" is an expression, is Itself unchanging, or It could not be aware of changing thought. You are that which is aware of both: the you of changing thought and the you that which is unchanging in its awareness of the you which changes in its thoughts.

For those who desire to respond to my thoughts in this thread, I ask that you come in the spirit of the wisdom of what has been put forward. That is, the wisdom of committing self-sense suicide so that that which brings this wisdom into awareness, can be (metaphorically) revealed. In other words, deal with the thesis that has been presented by the originator of the thread and not use this thread as a vehicle for your personal beliefs of human wisdom.
It's strange on a Genius forum for someone to ask us not to think? Anyway, I'll leave the thread alone then.
Pam Seeback
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Re: Committing self-sense suicide

Post by Pam Seeback »

Please show me where I asked you or anyone else in this thread not to think.
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Pincho Paxton
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Re: Committing self-sense suicide

Post by Pincho Paxton »

movingalways wrote:Please show me where I asked you or anyone else in this thread not to think.
Most of it, where you tell us there is no point to figuring anything out, because only in death can we figure it out. Which is the same as saying don't bother to think about it, because you can't. And if we do try to figure it out we are trying to be God. You seem to suggest that being wise is a paradox of being wise, so don't bother trying, because you need wisdom to solve wisdom. That's not really a paradox however, because you can see where light comes from by its light.

The big question is.. do photons illuminate themselves? So does the mind illuminate the mind? And I think the answer is.. no, Photons do not illuminate photons, they merely show you where they are originating from. So consciousness is showing you where self awareness comes from. All of those lit up electrons, are the origin of self awareness.
What man is afraid to admit to himself is that it is his sense awareness of the conjoined twins of good and evil that is the cause of his self-righteousness. And that until he is a man of sense no more, that he is a slave to the division he manifests as a consequence of his self-righteousness.
It is man's delusion that he can remain a man of sense and not demonstrate self-righteousness. Can you remain in the world of "dog" without feeling attracted to or repelled by "dog?" Can you remain in the world of "food" and not feel the fear that you might not have "food", and in feeling this fear, hoard food? Can you remain in the world of "person" and not feel the preference for this "person" over that "person?" The honest man will say no, he cannot remain in his sense world and not be self-righteous in his thinking.
It is only human thinking that comes to believe that God changes in the same way that human thinking changes. This is self-righteous thinking - making God a God of accepting and rejecting, when God cannot accept or reject that which He/It already is.
It is to these very theories of sense that man must die so that this wisdom of their source can be revealed.
So, talk all you want about how you believe God or Life or "IT" thinks, but you do not know. This is the vanity of the man who thinks himself wise or intelligent, not realizing that Life or Life or "IT" is that which brings this awareness of "being wise" into existence, and being That which brings this awareness "of being wise" into existence, is Itself, transcendent to this awareness.
Pam Seeback
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Re: Committing self-sense suicide

Post by Pam Seeback »

Most of it, where you tell us there is no point to figuring anything out, because only in death can we figure it out. Which is the same as saying don't bother to think about it, because you can't.
PP, the very quotes of mine that you submitted to point out that I am asking people to stop thinking are the very quotes that refer to thinking. Not the thinking of the senses, but the thinking (the vision) beyond the senses that reveals the nature of thought in this realm of man's awareness. Note the bolded words in two of my quotes:
It is only human thinking that comes to believe that God changes in the same way that human thinking changes. This is self-righteous thinking - making God a God of accepting and rejecting, when God cannot accept or reject that which He/It already is.
It is to these very theories of sense that man must die so that this wisdom of their source can be revealed.
There is a voice beyond the voice of dualism that will reveal the way to exit your dualism; both voices are your voice, but the second must be silenced so that the first may be heard. Both are of thought, one that speaks only from the self-righteousness of dualism because it believes it cannot escape dualism, the other that speaks righteously from beyond dualism because there was an intense will of the seeker to rise above his self-righteous thinking so as to realize his righteous thinking. The man of intellect that seeks to be wise rather than righteous conveniently denies the prick (the unrevealed voice) in their conscience that pricks them every time they try to divide life into opposites of recycled human (dual) thinking.
PP: And if we do try to figure it out we are trying to be God. You seem to suggest that being wise is a paradox of being wise, so don't bother trying, because you need wisdom to solve wisdom. That's not really a paradox however, because you can see where light comes from by its light.

The big question is.. do photons illuminate themselves? So does the mind illuminate the mind? And I think the answer is.. no, Photons do not illuminate photons, they merely show you where they are originating from. So consciousness is showing you where self awareness comes from. All of those lit up electrons, are the origin of self awareness.
I say the bigger question is: why do you think the answer is this or that....why do you not know the answer is this or that?
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David Quinn
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Re: Committing self-sense suicide

Post by David Quinn »

movingalways wrote:For those who desire to respond to my thoughts in this thread, I ask that you come in the spirit of the wisdom of what has been put forward. That is, the wisdom of committing self-sense suicide so that that which brings this wisdom into awareness, can be (metaphorically) revealed. In other words, deal with the thesis that has been presented by the originator of the thread and not use this thread as a vehicle for your personal beliefs of human wisdom.
The problem is, people are sensing your hypocrisy. Telling people not to bring their own views and that they do not know anything, while you are constantly pouring forth your own personal views in a tone which implies that you, and you alone, know - well, it's not exactly conducive to interesting discussion.

Oscar Wilde once said, with some insight, that people tend to become what they hate. It might explain the strong stench of self-righteousness which permeates your every post....

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Re: Committing self-sense suicide

Post by IJesusChrist »

I still encourage any of you to try this experiment;

Attempt to hear your first language unbiased, i.e. as just sounds. It will show you how difficult it truly is to lose touch.
To think or not to think.