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Living Within The Human Bubble

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 4:46 pm
by jufa
Every man, woman and child determines what they believe and how they live based solely upon their experience and observations. Man experiences are always the flavor which brings forth conceptual conjectures and ideas written in books which man acquires fundamental knowledge but not exact knowledge. Books are informative because of relativity, but delusional for the reader who, when reading, attempt to see themselves from the writer' s outer objective visions, and inner subjective feelings by attempting to understand the exactness of the writer's experience.

Men live within the structure of a catch 22 situation. Men live in a parenthesis which finds its foundation of life the exact moment of human conception, for it is at this exact moment the parenthesis becomes a bubble within a bubble, within a bubble of inherited conceptual conjectures and ideas passed down through the ages by DNA structured profile. No human knowledge or thoughts are ever original to any man. And regardless of how "penny wise and a pound foolish" man is, man is a parasite living off someones else's programed life of experience. There is nothing new to be created or old to be eliminated, all is whole, perfect, complete, and pure in the moment whether acknowledged or not because the moment must be the totality of the continuum of thought in order to exist in, and as the continuum.

Man's conceptual indoctrination into the universal human world of mind and belief system finds formation in the exact moment of physical conception. Man begins his voyage into the flesh individually as a water creature. Complete indoctrination begins to take place in man the moment he exit the womb and inhale his first breath of life. Instantly the man becomes selfish. This selfishness is the compounding factor of human ideology which insures its temporary existence in the teaching of fear and aloneness. Of believing they have to use the human mind to survive, when the human mind had nothing to do with their coming into the world of flesh. Therefrom, each and every individual set out upon a journey to find security; believing the human mind is a creative power which will carry them up and beyond the insecure lives lead by their predecessors, even though they are no different than their predecessors. Nevertheless, the journey of reaching for the utmost bounds of human consciousness begins. And upon this journey man will find wherever he travels in mind he cannot reach equally the height, breadth, and length the protection he seeks to give him the will-power that would stop his flipping the two sided coin of aloneness and fear, nor shed the insecure clothing of dualism he has willingly draped around himself.

At times the light within the man will become overpowering. This is the light which assures man, whether he believes it or not, there is Something beyond him much greater than himself. But then the pain of human fallacy man feels returns, and the joy he revels in, the needs believed to be unavoidable, the human intellectual system of thinking he finds will never allows him to acquire the faith he needs to bear witness to "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Nor will his human intellect display the conjoined nature of his outer objective visions, and inner subjective feelings to be one and the same entities. They are the flip side of the two headed coin of individual human thoughts.

Nothing by way of thought changes from generation to generation. All which takes place in man's life is based upon the same mental and physical principles and patterns of preceding generations, only more sophisticated because man has expanded his thinking, yet never changed the principles and patterns of thought he was born into. Every level of worship to a God he's read about, or the human intellect he believes will become the Mighth Mouse to save his day, will not elevated his mind to a height which will allow him to understand the single unit of Life is the Master of the human mind, body and soul, yet to be revealed him to be the Principle and Pattern of thoughts. Not the thoughts received by the human intellect, but the thoughts man analyze, interpret, then set in motion.

What has been set in motion by man has no power beyond the individuals involved. The Source of power in all realms man has thought upon and reached in mind is Consciousness. The Source of power in the human mind is Life. Mental images projected by the mind into the human imagination is the believed source of power of the imagination. And the believed source of power of the human thought system stems from all the varieties of man's outer objective visions and inner subjective feelings, which forms man's psyche

What religion, philosophy, and intellectual stance men profess and practice has no meaning because all are of an inquiry the human mind has closed the door to because the the human mind cannot peer into the invisibility of itself , nor the invisible substance of his Isness. If man does not begin to question his human reasoning concerning his Isness, he will never reach that assured place in his inner conscience where the Spirit of the living Cause of his Isness abide; where his Cause intercedes so he can begin to reject the human effect which he has subscribed his life to.

Man lives within a bubble. It is a catch 22 the human mind has formed believing he can reach the utmost point of the bubble and burst it; moving pass the cherubs guarding the way to the tree of life. But in this parenthesis, this reaching is only arms length, and man will eventually realize his reaching has been of vanity because his true Cause will dis-robe him by death to the flesh. The earth will reclaim its substance which took shape and formed his body. And man, who believes he is God and man, will find he is a victim to the recycling of the universal human parenthesis he believed his God and man's concept being one, will save him from that which even he knows not of. But you and I know, don't we? They are his thoughts which he will find to be the very things which keeps his spirit earth bound because he had not "travailed in birth again until Christ was formed in him."

Never give power to anything a person believes is their source of strength - jufa

Re: Living Within The Human Bubble

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 5:18 pm
by David Quinn
Each bubble is itself an expression of ultimate reality, of God.

Thus, from the point of view of God, there are no bubbles. There is only God.

He who fully realizes this goes beyond life and death, as he realizes that there isn't really any "he".

As always, it is just God being God.


Re: Living Within The Human Bubble

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 5:39 pm
by jufa
Each bubble is itself an expression of ultimate reality, of God.

Thus, from the point of view of God, there are no bubbles. There is only God.

He who fully realizes this goes beyond life and death, as he realizes that there isn't really any "he".

As always, it is just God being God.
How can you speak from the point of view of God when you cannot tell what the logic and purpose for existence to exist?.

Does not God know His/Her/Its intent and purpose for existence?

Never give power for anything a person believes is their source of strength - jufa

Re: Living Within The Human Bubble

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 5:52 pm
by David Quinn
I'm not going down that road with you again. It just ends up with you babbling at people in a hostile fashion.

From God's point of view, there is no purpose to existence. God doesn't care whether we exist or not. He doesn't even care if we abandon our delusions and realize his/our true nature. Nor does He care if we completely ignore Him. Such is the purity of His love.


Re: Living Within The Human Bubble

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 6:55 pm
by Pincho Paxton
David Quinn wrote:I'm not going down that road with you again. It just ends up with you babbling at people in a hostile fashion.

From God's point of view, there is no purpose to existence. God doesn't care whether we exist or not. He doesn't even care if we abandon our delusions and realize his/our true nature. Nor does He care if we completely ignore Him. Such is the purity of His love.

How can you speak for God if he exists? Say if Sherlock Holmes was God, your post would be...

From Sherlock's point of view, there is no purpose to existence. Sherlock doesn't care whether we exist or not. He doesn't even care if we abandon our delusions and realize his/our true nature. Nor does he care if we completely ignore him. Such is the purity of his love.

I use Sherlock Holmes because he has no way to answer back, and because he does not have a complete personality developed by his writer.

What you are trying to do is assume the personality of the unknown. You do not have the power to fill in the gaps of an unknown personality.

Re: Living Within The Human Bubble

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 9:49 pm
by David Quinn
Pincho Paxton wrote:
David Quinn wrote:I'm not going down that road with you again. It just ends up with you babbling at people in a hostile fashion.

From God's point of view, there is no purpose to existence. God doesn't care whether we exist or not. He doesn't even care if we abandon our delusions and realize his/our true nature. Nor does He care if we completely ignore Him. Such is the purity of His love.
How can you speak for God if he exists? Say if Sherlock Holmes was God, your post would be...

From Sherlock's point of view, there is no purpose to existence. Sherlock doesn't care whether we exist or not. He doesn't even care if we abandon our delusions and realize his/our true nature. Nor does he care if we completely ignore him. Such is the purity of his love.

I use Sherlock Holmes because he has no way to answer back, and because he does not have a complete personality developed by his writer.

What you are trying to do is assume the personality of the unknown. You do not have the power to fill in the gaps of an unknown personality.
By "God" I mean reality - or Nature, or the Tao, or the Totality - of which we are all part. If you want to argue against such an existence, be my guest ......


Re: Living Within The Human Bubble

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 10:11 pm
by Pincho Paxton
David Quinn wrote:
Pincho Paxton wrote:
David Quinn wrote:I'm not going down that road with you again. It just ends up with you babbling at people in a hostile fashion.

From God's point of view, there is no purpose to existence. God doesn't care whether we exist or not. He doesn't even care if we abandon our delusions and realize his/our true nature. Nor does He care if we completely ignore Him. Such is the purity of His love.
How can you speak for God if he exists? Say if Sherlock Holmes was God, your post would be...

From Sherlock's point of view, there is no purpose to existence. Sherlock doesn't care whether we exist or not. He doesn't even care if we abandon our delusions and realize his/our true nature. Nor does he care if we completely ignore him. Such is the purity of his love.

I use Sherlock Holmes because he has no way to answer back, and because he does not have a complete personality developed by his writer.

What you are trying to do is assume the personality of the unknown. You do not have the power to fill in the gaps of an unknown personality.
By "God" I mean reality - or Nature, or the Tao, or the Totality - of which we are all part. If you want to argue against such an existence, be my guest ......

God as swarm behaviour, and multiple combined thoughts to build a world, a city, a hive is sort of acceptable I suppose, however the 'man God' will then be a confusing issue. You should avoid the use of the word God. But then again.. you say that God thinks, and you apply words to his thoughts. I think that you are wedging a man in there somewhere.

Re: Living Within The Human Bubble

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 10:33 pm
by David Quinn
Your approach to this issue is far too ponderous and complicated. Rather than reside aimlessly in a zillion different categories, you need to attain the kind of mental flexibity which can create and dissolve categories at will. Only then will you understand how "God" thinks.


Re: Living Within The Human Bubble

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 10:50 pm
by Pincho Paxton
David Quinn wrote:Your approach to this issue is far too ponderous and complicated. Rather than reside aimlessly in a zillion different categories, you need to attain the kind of mental flexibity which can create and dissolve categories at will. Only then will you understand how "God" thinks.

It's not complicated. Our bodies are a hive, we are full of organisms.. like our blood cells, and our bacteria, right down to our electrons. Hive behaviour like this, and bees all work for a single goal. We examine these combined activities with a single thought. We built London as a hive, using hive behaviour. Yet London is not a single thought created by a God, London is many thoughts, created by a hive. The Universe is the same thing, multiple thoughts creating a single solution. I think that the thoughts come from a combination of electrons, and photons which pass between two different dimensions. i do not use the term God however, because I don't want to be confused with your man God with thoughts.

Re: Living Within The Human Bubble

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 12:16 am
by Pam Seeback
The Way of Thought

No man can deny that his awareness is one of thought. It is logical to conclude that since man's awareness is of thought, then That which sustains his awareness of thought, is also one of Thought. One can take this conclusion one step further, and conclude that since man's awareness of thought is an interpretive awareness, then That which sustains man's interpretive thought world is also one of Interpretive Awareness. Going one step further, one can become aware of the appearance of difference between man's thought-interpretive world and The Interpretive Thought World which sustains (is transcendent to) man's thought interpretive world:

1. Man's interpretive thought world is temporary. What he thinks changes from moment to moment. The Interpretive Thought World which sustains man's interpretive thought world is permanent and changes not.

2. Man's temporal interpretive thought world is sense-dependent, interpretations that end once his sense awareness is no more. The Interpretive Thought World which sustains man's interpretive thought world of sense-dependency is not sense-dependent and ends not.

3. Man's temporal, sense-dependent interpretive thought world is also dependent on there being a sense of a "gap" between thoughts, a gap that allows him "time" to ponder on "what is right" or "what is logical." This appearance of a gap in man's thought world is that which gives rise to his sense of "being in the dark" of not knowing the "absoluteness" or "reality" of himself. The appearance of a gap in man's thought world also gives rise to his dual interpretations of "God" and "man."

There is no such gap in the permanent, infinite, Interpretive Thought World which sustains man's awareness of his "gap of contemplation." There is no sense of "being in the dark" or of not knowing Its Nature (called "infinite" by man). There is no awareness of the word "God" or the word "man." There is only The Word, a metaphor for Pure (Infinite) Thought Interpretation.

What can be concluded logically about That Which Sustains Permanently and that which is sustained temporarily is that they are not different/separate of nature, which is of thought-interpretation, but appear as being different, temporarily, in the awareness of man only. When man is awakened to this appearance of difference, his task is to then become disciplined/obedient to this awareness of the illusion of difference, by eliminating his attachment to this illusion, "precept by precept, line, by line, here a little, there a little."

In other words, to pop the bubble of his temporal, sense-dependent, dual interpretations of Thought (I Am).

Re: Living Within The Human Bubble

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 1:38 am
by Anders Schlander
David Quinn wrote:I'm not going down that road with you again. It just ends up with you babbling at people in a hostile fashion.

From God's point of view, there is no purpose to existence. God doesn't care whether we exist or not. He doesn't even care if we abandon our delusions and realize his/our true nature. Nor does He care if we completely ignore Him. Such is the purity of His love.

God's nature is to be all things, no matter what nature the things may have. Since the nature of the things change, and the things are God, God wills through his things and their change. He is time. He is that which is destroyed and created. that is his will. He loves by having room for the things that are part of him, without caring whether they deserve to be Him or not, because it is impossible by his nature.

That's how I think of "God" thinking, the way he 'is' time.

time = things causing other things. awareness of change.

Gods will is determined by the nature of the things that are God, so in short, God wills.

Re: Living Within The Human Bubble

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 1:39 am
by Pam Seeback
Each bubble is itself an expression of ultimate reality, of God.
This is so.
Thus, from the point of view of God, there are no bubbles. There is only God.
This is so.
He who fully realizes this goes beyond life and death, as he realizes that there isn't really any "he".
This is so.
As always, it is just God being God.

Man experiences the bubble "headache." God does not experience the bubble "headache." If man recognizes a bubble, and God does not recognize a bubble, then how can both be true of God?

Re: Living Within The Human Bubble

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 2:00 am
by Pincho Paxton
Anders Schlander wrote:
David Quinn wrote:I'm not going down that road with you again. It just ends up with you babbling at people in a hostile fashion.

From God's point of view, there is no purpose to existence. God doesn't care whether we exist or not. He doesn't even care if we abandon our delusions and realize his/our true nature. Nor does He care if we completely ignore Him. Such is the purity of His love.

God's nature is to be all things, no matter what nature the things may have. Since the nature of the things change, and the things are God, God wills through his things and their change. He is time. He is that which is destroyed and created. that is his will. He loves by having room for the things that are part of him, without caring whether they deserve to be Him or not, because it is impossible by his nature.

That's how I think of "God" thinking, the way he 'is' time.

time = things causing other things. awareness of change.

Gods will is determined by the nature of the things that are God, so in short, God wills.
Uh Oh.. now God is arguing with God!!!

Re: Living Within The Human Bubble

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 2:00 am
by Pincho Paxton
movingalways wrote:
Each bubble is itself an expression of ultimate reality, of God.
This is so.
Thus, from the point of view of God, there are no bubbles. There is only God.
This is so.
He who fully realizes this goes beyond life and death, as he realizes that there isn't really any "he".
This is so.
As always, it is just God being God.

Man experiences the bubble "headache." God does not experience the bubble "headache." If man recognizes a bubble, and God does not recognize a bubble, then how can both be true of God?
At least this God agrees with the first God.

Re: Living Within The Human Bubble

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 2:02 am
by Pincho Paxton
Seems to me from the comments that you all think that you are the voice of God, but all are hearing different words. This means that basically you are all speaking for yourselves.

My God says that God doesn't exist... I think that my voice is correct.

Re: Living Within The Human Bubble

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 4:06 am
by IJesusChrist

You speak of the bubble as if you are outside of it.

So either we can escape our bubble, as you just did, OR, your vision of the human bubble is incorrect.

Although I know what you are saying, it seems to me that you are looking at a very narrow spectrum, atleast less than half of what makes us 'man'. I have rebelled against my forefathers thought. My thought processes are quite unique to my family as I have relearned learning.

The mind is plastic, you can blank your canvas with time and determination. Your DNA gives you a kick start, but nurture and time can have a much more stable basis.

Re: Living Within The Human Bubble

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 4:11 am
by jufa
No one who is dependent, they believe, upon the human intellect deals with the truth that they have attempted to duplicate creation to be that of matter and the material world which manifest as human thoughts. This is the self-righteous attitude of men formed from the dust of the ground, not human mental-ism. This self-righteous religious attitude - and make no mistake it is a self-righteous religious attitude irrespective of the label it is given other than this - has embeded itself so deep in man's consciousness it has caused him to believe he can judge the transparency of Life's Spirit by his human intellectual interpretation of what God, or the Creator, or Cause of living within Life is based upon from his outer objective visions and inner subjective feelings, which are different than Spirit feelings, wisdom, and knowledge. So when his human intellect and feelings do not take him to the peak experience, and his human interpretations find no success in theories, concepts, opinions, wisdom, and knowledge, man constantly cries out to his intellectual god, "my god, my god, why hath thou forsaken me?" Or he questions his intellectual god as to why 'it' does not speak to his humanism except through "those things which are clearly seen," or why his conjured up images of reality are only echoed by the vibration of his desperation and destitute.

This intellectual man has not taken heed to himself. So, in his self-righteous judgmental religious attitude, he fails to recall "the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshipers shall worship the Father. the Cause, the Creator in Spirit, and in truth, for the Father, Cause, Creator seeketh such to worship him/her/it. God is a Spirit, and they that worship him/her/it must worship him/her/it in Spirit and in truth." God cannot be worshiped by one with a double-mind, a split personality, nor from a mind split and fragmented by self-righteous judgmental human thoughts.

On all human fronts man is being besieged by pairs upon pairs of opposite thoughts, and of having to continuously make distinctions in his life concerning those divided pairs of thoughts which saturates his human mind, and are spiraling out of control with emotions and beliefs of yesterday's moments of good and evil. Never does man come to understand he is the one standing in the gap of his human thoughts - not as stoppers of the buck being passed - but as being the initiator and life giver to those personal thoughts of opposites he believes is the reality of Reality. Man never comes to understand it is himself who continues to keep the pairs of opposites alive by his own reflecting emotions, beliefs, and by his living within his emotions and beliefs of these opposites.

So man settles into the axioms, "sometimes up, sometimes down, sometimes good, sometime bad." Never does this man comprehend it is this mentality which is issued forth from his universal human mind of imperfection, and is what keeps him in the dark to the truth that the breath of Life is in the Spirit of Life, but the Spirit of Life is not conditional to the breath of Life. Neither does man realize this universal human mentality is the god of this world which has blinded his mind to the truth that he is a Spirit being, that his Spirit is governed and sustained by the same Principle and Pattern, and Order of the Word which created all. And that he has the ability, not to create but to expand, because the Word "Let there be," has already been spoken, thus creation has always been, and has been infinite.

Man has always been the whole Spirit of God. Man has always had the freedom of his will to expand and be fruitful and multiply the Word of Creation within himself, which Self, is the ever renewing, ever unfolding expression of infinite life. Never was man's expression to become personal. It did however, and it did so because he came to believe because Life was expressing Itself through him, Life's meaning was because of him. So Life, and man's outer objective visions, and inner subjective feelings reflected the forms of his objective/subjective beliefs, and became man's personal attachments of possession, which in turn, formed an interval of illusion which cause him to believe he was king in the land of the blind because he had one eye. So man distanced himself from himself by believing his human mind was IT.

It is this belief which formed the illusion of his being separated from the Cause of Isness, and established a world of conditions which, at first, was established to return him to his unattached Spirit of Originality. But because his soul had detached itself from its true habitation, it was no longer subject to the law of God, but to man's objective/subjective mind, and the conditional beliefs of a collective universal human mind.

This is the mind which man's mind became a wave of, and is the shadows of his being. It is this mind of shadows which covers man's soul and never allows - he falsely believes - the light commanded to shine out of darkness to go beyond the great gulf of illusions he has formed to be his reality. So man never sees the truth of the illusion, that the imperfect thoughts which are the waves and shadows flooding his mind, have paralleled the Consciousness of reality with a pseudo of illusion issued forth from his imagination, which he now judge, and judge self-righteously mind you, to be the reality of life.

It is this pseudo of illusion which formed the imaginary world of materiality, which man has come to believe is the material earth, the visible heavens, plants, animals, insect life, and the earth itself, which has taken on the form of the man, and the beliefs this man has been bound to the earth mentality while in this parenthesis of time, space, distance, and matter, and the condition of birth and death, which insures the universal enslavement and domination of man's individual mind to be the mind of human illusions which forms the duplicate human world of temporal parallelism.

Can this be the Original Error of man's thinking? That this is the birth of dualism in the mind of the man formed of the dust of the ground? That this is the beginning of man's belief of another mind, other than God's, which is a power of subtlety which influence man's' will, and cause him to believe his will is never strong enough to resist the destructive appearance of dualism, and the knowledge illusion?

Never give power to anything a person believes is their source of strength - jufa

Re: Living Within The Human Bubble

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 4:16 am
by IJesusChrist
jufa wrote: So when his human intellect and feelings do not take him to the peak experience, and his human interpretations find no success in theories, concepts, opinions, wisdom, and knowledge, man constantly cries out to his intellectual god, "my god, my god, why hath thou forsaken me?" Or he questions his intellectual god as to why 'it' does not speak to his humanism except through "those things which are clearly seen," or why his conjured up images of reality are only echoed by the vibration of his desperation and destitute.
I have never done such a thing, this is a gross assumption of man. You can only relate to what you see in yourself.
This intellectual man has not taken heed to himself. So, in his self-righteous judgmental religious attitude, he fails to recall "the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshipers shall worship the Father. the Cause, the Creator in Spirit, and in truth, for the Father, Cause, Creator seeketh such to worship him/her/it. God is a Spirit, and they that worship him/her/it must worship him/her/it in Spirit and in truth." God cannot be worshiped by one with a double-mind, a split personality, nor from a mind split and fragmented by self-righteous judgmental human thoughts.
When did this become about religion and God?
On all human fronts man is being besieged by pairs upon pairs of opposite thoughts, and of having to continuously make distinctions in his life concerning those divided pairs of thoughts which saturates his human mind, and are spiraling out of control with emotions and beliefs of yesterday's moments of good and evil. Never does man come to understand he is the one standing in the gap of his human thoughts - not as stoppers of the buck being passed - but as being the initiator and life giver to those personal thoughts of opposites he believes is the reality of Reality. Man never comes to understand it is himself who continues to keep the pairs of opposites alive by his own reflecting emotions, beliefs, and by his living within his emotions and beliefs of these opposites.
But you have? Are you not man then?

Really, and the rest of your post I will reply with : You can only relate to others with that which you see within yourself.

Re: Living Within The Human Bubble

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 4:43 am
by jufa
IJesusChrist write:
I have never done such a thing, this is a gross assumption of man. You can only relate to what you see in yourself.
Am I speaking from what I relate of you? If so, give evidence of it. Is this gross assumption what you are assuming for collective mankind? And when did this become about what you have done, and don;t do?
When did this become about religion and God?
at this exact point
Each bubble is itself an expression of ultimate reality, of God.

Thus, from the point of view of God, there are no bubbles. There is only God.

He who fully realizes this goes beyond life and death, as he realizes that there isn't really any "he".

As always, it is just God being God.
Now IJesusChrist, I have allowed you leeway by responding to your post herein. But you will not receive any more leeway because you have yet to recognize the questions within and at the end of my post. You have to answer question to receive answers to questions. You have been a boxer, and weaved and bobbed my former question to you, and it was stated, once upon a time, when you answers my question to you, then, we shall communicate.

Telling you this to let you know I will not respond to you concerning any thing else until you answer my questions in the Existence thread, and the question herein this thread.

Never give power to anything a person believes is their source of strength - jufa

Re: Living Within The Human Bubble

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 9:31 am
by David Quinn
Anders Schlander wrote:
David Quinn wrote:I'm not going down that road with you again. It just ends up with you babbling at people in a hostile fashion.

From God's point of view, there is no purpose to existence. God doesn't care whether we exist or not. He doesn't even care if we abandon our delusions and realize his/our true nature. Nor does He care if we completely ignore Him. Such is the purity of His love.
God's nature is to be all things, no matter what nature the things may have. Since the nature of the things change, and the things are God, God wills through his things and their change. He is time. He is that which is destroyed and created. that is his will. He loves by having room for the things that are part of him, without caring whether they deserve to be Him or not, because it is impossible by his nature.

That's how I think of "God" thinking, the way he 'is' time.

time = things causing other things. awareness of change.

Gods will is determined by the nature of the things that are God, so in short, God wills.
That's not a bad way of looking at it. We can view everything that we experience, everything that emerges and disappears with the passing of time, as God's "thinking". Speaking poetically, of course.


Re: Living Within The Human Bubble

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 9:36 am
by IJesusChrist
I don't have to do anything Jufa,

If you won't accept fault or ignorance of anything why speak to you? You are not able to learn from others unless they are unaware, you want to keep your knowledge as if you spurred it from nothing.

I really don't care if you want or don't want to talk to me.

Re: Living Within The Human Bubble

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 9:36 am
by David Quinn
Pincho Paxton wrote:Seems to me from the comments that you all think that you are the voice of God, but all are hearing different words. This means that basically you are all speaking for yourselves.

Jesus and that man over there talk about God differently,
Therefore, they are both deluded.

Einstein and that man over there talk about Special Relativity differently,
Therefore, their opinions are equally worthless.

A fine bit of reasoning there, mate.

My God says that God doesn't exist... I think that my voice is correct.
What if we define God to be the Universe itself? Will your God still say that God doesn't exist?


Re: Living Within The Human Bubble

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 9:57 am
by Pincho Paxton
David Quinn wrote:
Pincho Paxton wrote:Seems to me from the comments that you all think that you are the voice of God, but all are hearing different words. This means that basically you are all speaking for yourselves.

Jesus and that man over there talk about God differently,
Therefore, they are both deluded.

Einstein and that man over there talk about Special Relativity differently,
Therefore, their opinions are equally worthless.

A fine bit of reasoning there, mate.

My God says that God doesn't exist... I think that my voice is correct.
What if we define God to be the Universe itself? Will your God still say that God doesn't exist?

Why bother with the word God at all if you can use the word for anything at a whim? As for Relativity, at least experiments are attempted to prove such things. The experiments have clocks showing different times. People know how the clocks work. Therefore all you have to do is find a reason for the clocks to show different times. If somebody said that God moved the clocks hands with the power of his mind then you would never be able to prove it. Living a life without proof of your thoughts creates a life of lies. If you want to live a life of lies then it is your option, but a year later somebody says that they have found out why the clocks showed different times, and it was the Aether, and they can prove it. All that you can do is to add further lies to your original lie to convince yourself that your lies are reality.

Re: Living Within The Human Bubble

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 9:25 am
by David Quinn
Pincho Paxton wrote:Why bother with the word God at all if you can use the word for anything at a whim?
One could ask Christians the same thing. At root, all determinations of God are a matter of whim - that is to say, a matter of choice.

Why do I use the word "God" in the way that I do? For communication purposes. To point people's minds towards the nature of reality.

Out of logical necessity, the Universe (and by "Universe" I mean the totality of all there is) is timeless, pure, all-powerful, beyond life and death, absolute in nature, and the creator of all things. It fits nearly all of the criteria for the traditional conception of God, and has the added advantage of actually existing.

I like using the word "God" (or "Tao" or "Brahmin", etc) because it draws attention to the spiritual nature of reality. I also like watching people squirm in the face of such a usage because it forces them to confront the fact that their minds are still so rigidly fixed and fragile that they can be undone by the appearance of a mere word.

As for Relativity, at least experiments are attempted to prove such things. The experiments have clocks showing different times. People know how the clocks work. Therefore all you have to do is find a reason for the clocks to show different times. If somebody said that God moved the clocks hands with the power of his mind then you would never be able to prove it. Living a life without proof of your thoughts creates a life of lies. If you want to live a life of lies then it is your option, but a year later somebody says that they have found out why the clocks showed different times, and it was the Aether, and they can prove it. All that you can do is to add further lies to your original lie to convince yourself that your lies are reality.
I agree that a person needs to prove the truth of their own thinking. Unfounded views aren't worth very much. When it comes to the bigger issues of life, such as philosophical questions concerning ultimate reality, we can find this proof in the strength of our logic.

Science can't help in these matters. Only pure logic can. So it is in the laboratory of pure logic that one's views can be tested. How seriously this testing is performed is what separates a great thinker from an average one.


Re: Living Within The Human Bubble

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 10:51 am
by Pincho Paxton
David Quinn wrote:
Pincho Paxton wrote:Why bother with the word God at all if you can use the word for anything at a whim?
One could ask Christians the same thing. At root, all determinations of God are a matter of whim - that is to say, a matter of choice.

Why do I use the word "God" in the way that I do? For communication purposes. To point people's minds towards the nature of reality.

Out of logical necessity, the Universe (and by "Universe" I mean the totality of all there is) is timeless, pure, all-powerful, beyond life and death, absolute in nature, and the creator of all things. It fits nearly all of the criteria for the traditional conception of God, and has the added advantage of actually existing.

I like using the word "God" (or "Tao" or "Brahmin", etc) because it draws attention to the spiritual nature of reality. I also like watching people squirm in the face of such a usage because it forces them to confront the fact that their minds are still so rigidly fixed and fragile that they can be undone by the appearance of a mere word.

As for Relativity, at least experiments are attempted to prove such things. The experiments have clocks showing different times. People know how the clocks work. Therefore all you have to do is find a reason for the clocks to show different times. If somebody said that God moved the clocks hands with the power of his mind then you would never be able to prove it. Living a life without proof of your thoughts creates a life of lies. If you want to live a life of lies then it is your option, but a year later somebody says that they have found out why the clocks showed different times, and it was the Aether, and they can prove it. All that you can do is to add further lies to your original lie to convince yourself that your lies are reality.
I agree that a person needs to prove the truth of their own thinking. Unfounded views aren't worth very much. When it comes to the bigger issues of life, such as philosophical questions concerning ultimate reality, we can find this proof in the strength of our logic.

Science can't help in these matters. Only pure logic can. So it is in the laboratory of pure logic that one's views can be tested. How seriously this testing is performed is what separates a great thinker from an average one.

Version 1....
Why do I use the word "God" in the way that I do? For communication purposes. To point people's minds towards the nature of reality.

Out of logical necessity, the Universe (and by "Universe" I mean the totality of all there is) is timeless, pure, all-powerful, beyond life and death, absolute in nature, and the creator of all things. It fits nearly all of the criteria for the traditional conception of God, and has the added advantage of actually existing.
Version 2....
I like using the word "God" (or "Tao" or "Brahmin", etc) because it draws attention to the spiritual nature of reality. I also like watching people squirm in the face of such a usage because it forces them to confront the fact that their minds are still so rigidly fixed and fragile that they can be undone by the appearance of a mere word.
Version 3... In another thread you said that God was a man, and you mentioned what he was thinking, and talked about his love.

Version 1 to communicate is not working if you keep changing what god is.
Version 2 to watch people squirm is working really well, because they squirm at the changing examples of God.
Version 3 doesn't fit version 1, or version 2.

All you are doing is using the word God randomly for all sorts of things that don't make sense.