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Alien life...

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 12:08 am
by Sarge_Jr
All forms of evidence that points to the existance of alien life, cannot fully confirm aliens exist. Unless I am missing somthing, no human being, male or female, has legit evidence of the existance of aliens. But still, statisticlly speaking, aliens should exist. If human life exists purely by the course of evolution and the right ingredients for life, surely it is possible for the same thing to happen in other locations across the universe, metaverse or possibly even our own solar system.

However, Could it be that earth is one of a kind, and life can only exist because everything on earth is perfect for life? It seems unlikely, There are about 400 billion stars in our galaxy alone. If each of them have the same number of planets (on average) as our own sun, then that's about 4 trillion planets in our own galaxy alone. Multiply that by an estimated 125 billion galaxies in the universe ... that's a lot of planets, And an slim chance of only earth having life on it.

Whats your opinion? Feel free to post here. If my sources are wrong or I have made any major spelling mistakes, please let me know :)

Human Prototypes

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 12:50 am
by Tomas

Human Prototypes

It appears Hominids, not humans, predated Adam and Eve. They were 'animals' with human bodies and brains but devoid of human spirituality (neshama).

... I call this spirit the human spirit, for it is in each human, even though it is spirit essence and not matter. It is not a spirit person or being. It is not the man, but spirit essence in the man. It is not a soul-the physical human is a soul. The human spirit imparts the power of intellect to the human brain. The human spirit does not supply human life-the human life is in the physical blood, oxidized by the breath of life. ... human.html


Re: Alien life...

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 1:31 am
by Ryan Rudolph
It seems to me that organic matter naturally progress into higher forms of life over time. Hierarchies exist in all levels of the natural world, and we should expect that stars would give birth to planets in neighboring galaxies that go through similar processes. However, it could happen a little differently, suppose reptiles mutated rather than mammals, then reptiles could have been the vehicle for consciousness, and instead of hair, skin, the beings might have scales and Armour, perhaps the entire purpose of the universe, to produce consciousness in an infinite possibility of forms.

Re: Alien life...

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 3:47 am
by DHodges
Sarge_Jr wrote:But still, statisticlly speaking, aliens should exist.
Given the age of the Universe etc. as currently known, there should be a largish number of advanced civilizations around somewhere.

It could be that we do not yet have the appropriate technology to detect them, but there is also the possibility that when civilizations reach a certain level, they tend to self-destruct. There are a variety of ways an advanced civilization could destroy itself - for instance, ecological destruction of the home planet, some sort of runaway nuclear reaction, a manufactured super-virus, and so on.

Since other stars are so far away, we are unlikely to find the answer to this question before we also self-destruct.

Re: Alien life...

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 4:27 am
by Sarge_Jr
DHodges wrote:
Sarge_Jr wrote:But still, statisticlly speaking, aliens should exist.
Given the age of the Universe etc. as currently known, there should be a largish number of advanced civilizations around somewhere.

It could be that we do not yet have the appropriate technology to detect them, but there is also the possibility that when civilizations reach a certain level, they tend to self-destruct. There are a variety of ways an advanced civilization could destroy itself - for instance, ecological destruction of the home planet, some sort of runaway nuclear reaction, a manufactured super-virus, and so on.

Since other stars are so far away, we are unlikely to find the answer to this question before we also self-destruct.
Seems plausible to me. And its already been explained the reasons we havn't interfered with other intelligent species' courses, yet at least. If you don't, it is basically like us looking at ants and not caring for them, and walking away. The problem is, we can step on ants and kill them instantly. If we are the ants and other intelligent species are the boots of the world, we are in big trouble. We can only hope due to mercy we will be spared.

Re: Alien life...

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 5:19 am
by Ryan Rudolph
Since other stars are so far away, we are unlikely to find the answer to this question before we also self-destruct.
So I take it you’re a pessimist then?

Re: Alien life...

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 5:38 am
by Diebert van Rhijn
Giant jelly-fish type sea creatures could be fairly standard but it might be less likely to develop technology under water, especially if the surface would be covered (eg Europa, Jupiter's moon). Less impact of gravity and the difficulty to initiate chemical reactions (water is less reactive than oxygen) will strain the urge for technology and developing intelligence to operate it. The learning curve might be too steep?

The violence of being a surface dweller might already be a lucky curse, billions of time more rare than the formation of life.
Sarge_Jr wrote:And an slim chance of only earth having life on it
And yet, if our planet was the one in 400 billion x 125 billion chance (who calculates this stuff and on what debatable basis?) then that's just what it is and the 'lucky' winner of the Galactic Jackpot always would wonder where his 'luck' came from. He might even fall on his knees and thank, or curse, the heavens!

Of course it might also be very well possible that consciousness is very common in our universe and the more comfortable dimensions are filled to the brim but that such being doesn't take the trouble, or isn't interested to make itself known to the human ego in any scientific reproducible way, and therefore is doomed to be taken for dreams, imagination or hallucination and the likes. Not that they would care, it would in their facet eyes seem as attractive as communicating with bricks.

Re: Alien life...

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 8:21 am
by TheAntediluvian
Alien life, is definitely a tough subject.
It's somewhat hard to think Humans and all the inhabitants of earth being the only life forms in the Universe. Of course there are very many life forms, however as mentioned there is clearly also very many planets, the planets that 'cannot support life' can't support our life, however we don't know what aliens need to survive, maybe they couldn't survive on earth.
Even though there are no sign of alien life forms, truthfully we haven't been searching for a long time, and our space technology isn't very great.
A friend of mine has a 500$ telescope which is of the same quality of an old million dollar telescope. But think about it, we're still discovering things on earth, even life forms, it's definitely going to take a while before we start learning about life forms on other planets.

I read an article on alien life a while back. Talking about the possibilities of us finding alien life, roughly around 2025, which is, in my opinion, wishful thinking.
Yes we are advancing quite quickly technology wise, however people don't seem to understand just how complex space really is.

But all of that aside, I do in fact think alien life exists, perhaps somehow they're just undetectable and invisible to the Human eye, perhaps aliens will be discovered tomorrow, who knows. Nobody.

Therefore all that we can really do is wait for them to contact us, or the other way around.

Re: Alien life...

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 8:45 am
by brokenhead
DHodges wrote:It could be that we do not yet have the appropriate technology to detect them, but there is also the possibility that when civilizations reach a certain level, they tend to self-destruct. There are a variety of ways an advanced civilization could destroy itself - for instance, ecological destruction of the home planet, some sort of runaway nuclear reaction, a manufactured super-virus, and so on.
It's also conceivable that the earth is a particularly hellish place, that other worlds have been less fraught with discord and strife as the evolutionary process takes its course. The less advanced worlds would be unaware of us, the more advanced would know enough about us to keep us effectively isolated, that is, prevent EM signalling from reaching us until the EM evidence that we emit comes up to a certain minimum standard, meaning we can be trusted to join the galactic community.

Re: Alien life...

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 12:00 pm
by Iolaus
It's also conceivable that the earth is a particularly hellish place, that other worlds have been less fraught with discord and strife as the evolutionary process takes its course. The less advanced worlds would be unaware of us, the more advanced would know enough about us to keep us effectively isolated, that is, prevent EM signalling from reaching us until the EM evidence that we emit comes up to a certain minimum standard, meaning we can be trusted to join the galactic community.
This is quite plausible.

Re: Alien life...

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 2:40 pm
by kissaki
A wise ET race would do well to leave humans alone for still some time to come, I know I certainly would if the roles were reversed. I'd also be wary of any ET making themselves overtly apparent to the human race given how obvious the wow and woo reaction would be. Entities on earth alone have a wide variety of motivations, to suddenly become romanticists and think life outside our atmosphere is exempt from this fact is foolish indeed.

On the other hand, however, the human race coming across a bit of a maligned ET entity might not be entirely harmful. It could potentially be the catalyst for wide spread conscious understanding among humans as to what is at stake, namely our survival in an otherwise indifferent universe -- as cliche and Hollywood-ish as it sounds.

Still, regardless of when and how ET makes contact with humanity, the relation of fantastical new worlds and technologies to the enlightened mind is unchanged. They are still simply things in the realm of form.

Re: Alien life...

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 3:45 pm
by Dan Rowden
Plus they play havoc with your phone bills. Stay away, I say.

Re: Alien life...

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 8:59 pm
by Sarge_Jr
Dan Rowden wrote:Plus they play havoc with your phone bills. Stay away, I say.
Hehe, Made me laugh :)