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Food Attachments

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 3:38 pm
by Elizabeth Isabelle
A UN conference promotes eating insects, but westerners are rather attached to the idea that bugs are not food. Is this a healthy or unhealthy attachment? Other countries eat bugs and find them to be a good source of protein. The concern that bugs carry germs should no longer be such an issue since America irradiates a portion of its food supply anyway. A certain amount of bugs can be included in processed food and not be declared as an ingredient, so processed-food addicted Americans are eating a quantity of bugs already anyway.

Would you order up a serving of McGrubs with a side of McCricket salad? If not, why not, and what would it take to get you to lose your attachment to your previous idea of what is or is not food?

Re: Food Attachments

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 4:00 pm
by Carl G
McGrubs and McCrickets sound fine to me.

Is there a philosophical aspect to this topic, something to rub my thoraxes together over?

Re: Food Attachments

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 3:23 am
by Elizabeth Isabelle
Sorry Carl - it's hard to start a good topic that people will reply to when I already have the right answer.

Perhaps people on this forum might actually even like properly seasoned, processed McBug Nuggets. As for the herd... they might have to be awfully hungry and with no other options before they even try it - however nutritious the McBugs might be.

Re: Food Attachments

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 4:53 am
by divine focus
Elizabeth Isabelle wrote:... they might have to be awfully hungry and with no other options before they even try it - however nutritious the McBugs might be.
That be me. Of course, there's always options, even living in the wild.

Re: Food Attachments

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 8:47 am
by Dan Rowden
I thought Elizabeth did a clever, if slightly obvious effort of making the topic relevant. Food is just another area of life where ego dictates terms. If we can't psychologically enjoy our food we won't eat it, however good for us it might be. Now wonder there's a growing obesity epidemic in the western world.

Deep fried locusts or bamboo worms seems a great idea to me. Of course, I'm sure you knew there'd be a website devoted to it:

If you have problems with the website, report any bugs to:

Re: Food Attachments

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 9:20 am
by Ryan Rudolph
There are healthy foods that taste a lot better than bugs, so I would suggest growing healthy crops that taste good, and cause a minimal amount of soil erosion when grown at commercial levels. For instance: devoting your life to harvesting peanuts is probably a better idea that harvesting beetles. Both are high in protein, but one tastes better. Enjoyment is not always evil, only when it is abused for egotistical/emotional reasons.

taste and texture is actually a prerequisite before I eat anything. Bugs are have too many hard crunchy parts that ooze distasteful liquids when chewed. I can remember eating bugs as a child, but it was more experimentation than anything. Once you bite into a hard-shelled beetle once, it's difficult to go back unless you're starving hungry.

Re: Food Attachments

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 10:40 am
by Carl G
Aw, c'mon Ryan. Hard shelled beetles are like popcorn.

And yeah, I was probably being too hard on Elizabeth. She brought up a decent topic. Heck, I know lots of people with aversions to all kinds of delicious regular foods, like carrots, or, "sorry, I don't do spinach."

I know one person who doesn't eat soup, none, ever -- a full grown adult -- because of some childhood memory. There's got to be some ego involved there.

McBuggets, though, heh, they just sound good, don't they.

Re: Food Attachments

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 9:19 am
by Ryan Rudolph
Aw, c'mon Ryan. Hard shelled beetles are like popcorn.
Maybe in your world funny man, where you believe insects are dressed like jesters, but in my world insects are not desirable as edible food. Enlightened or not, our decision making process is still governed by our own sensual/sensory makeup. Basically, things can still taste undesirable to you, and you’re still a man, so don’t worry Carl, your masculinity isn’t under threat. However I agree that if you are refusing to eat food based on past psychological trauma then that is a problem.

Moreover, I still find myself making small choices based on pleasure, and it isn’t a problem. For instance: if the sun is coming through the window and its castes sunlight over the sofa, while the chair is in shade, I tend to naturally gravitate towards the sofa like a cat. And I bet if someone placed a hard shelled beetle and a tea biscuit with organic peanut butter before me and told me to choose, I think I would probably grab the biscuit, and spare the beetle…

I believe that food attachment is only a problem if you are eating unhealthy foods because you are addicted to the taste, or if you are over-eating out of emotional discomfort, addiction and so on…

So to recap:

“Life is habits, choose them wisely.”
Ryan Rudolph

Re: Food Attachments

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 9:27 am
by Unidian
If bugs tasted like pizza, I'd eat bugs. But bugs taste like bugs.

Re: Food Attachments

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 11:05 am
by Dan Rowden
What about deep fried bamboo worm pizza?

Re: Food Attachments

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 12:14 pm
by Unidian
I'll pass.

Wait, does it come with beer?

Re: Food Attachments

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 12:04 pm
by Tomas

A UN conference promotes eating insects, but westerners are rather attached to the idea that bugs are not food.

Grasshoppers are nutritious and quite tasty. Many recipes!

Is this a healthy or unhealthy attachment?

Depends on the additives that many commercial corporations would add to the mix :-(

Other countries eat bugs and find them to be a good source of protein.

Understand the differences between bugs and insects.

The concern that bugs carry germs should no longer be such an issue since America irradiates a portion of its food supply anyway.

I'll pass on the radiation - got my doses of 'the good stuff' from the nuke blasts of the 1950s, 1960s.

A certain amount of bugs can be included in processed food and not be declared as an ingredient, so processed-food addicted Americans are eating a quantity of bugs already anyway.

I'll have mine 'well done'.

Would you order up a serving of McGrubs with a side of McCricket salad?

Not from McDonalds per se. White Castle for sure!

If not, why not, and what would it take to get you to lose your attachment to your previous idea of what is or is not food?

No shrimp, crab, lobster, swine (no bottom dwellers)!




Re: Food Attachments

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 7:30 pm
by tek0
I will be damned...

With my comprehension I would suspect a live one....

I have a vague idea of how old you are not that it should be of concern since you have mentioned it, the fact stands that your memory is of no small consequence.

You have far more to say here to most of us than a parody of what you believe to be the most pathetic minded individuals.

So tell me why I should not look at the Freemasons as more than a Burger King Kids club version of the power elite and their ideas of what it is to be a contributing member of a society.

I suppose first impressions do apply here and for that I must be at a loss.

The muscular body (USA) is everywhere, the thinking brain (EU) resides in London, soon Brussels. The life-force (UN) resides at New York. Eventually, the conscious (World Court), Jerusalem.

I assume you know exactly what you mean by these words since you choose to reitterate what everyone else says in order to instill a little insight or humility into anyone who does not hit the nail with the hammer.

Some kind of mantra or knowledge that would go a bit further than the average moron is prepared to analize even though it would be common knowledge in one sense.

I respect the call to order as much as anyone and yet I assume that the prescence is here to contain your type's attitude toward power.

Likely a deal has already been struck since I doubt you really have any real idea why you hold these beliefs.

Just hand me downs from the power elite and their ideas.

Way to feel superior.

It seems apparent in some peoples minds that even though the power structure that subdued much of this planet deserve what they were slick enough to sew.

Will come to terms with something beyond them in other words if our singularity goes wrong and gets out of control, our capabilities in stopping it are forefront and already accounted for.

You want the truth !!!

You can't handle the Genius Forums!!!

Re: Food Attachments

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 8:51 pm
by hsandman
Bugs and insects as food source... hmm. Elizabeth, queen of the ninle, are you running another one of your tests on this group?
What's next... how to prepare leather belts and shoes for human consumption washed down by filtered sewage?
You know human meat is very similar to that of a pig? Succulent and tasty. Even old humans (useless eaters) who have finished contributing to society and have outlived their usefulness can be a good source of protein and be quite tasty when properly prepared.

People are the perfect protein food for people. Disease notwithstanding, (Ebola etc. this can be eliminated by cooking and radiation very easy with modern sanitary processes) humans contain exactly the right ingredients to feed other humans. That's why cannibalism continued to be practiced in the tropics into modern times. Cannibalism occurs frequently in accounts of some societies in sub-Saharan Africa, MesoAmerica, the Caribbean and Australasia.

By the way… there is no problem of overpopulation and shortage of food or global warming. Just another scam run on the dumb slaves. :-(
Do some reaserch sometimes.

Re: Food Attachments

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 6:12 am
by Relo
Elizabeth Isabelle wrote:[url= ... ryid=74707]

Would you order up a serving of McGrubs with a side of McCricket salad? If not, why not, and what would it take to get you to lose your attachment to your previous idea of what is or is not food?
I think I could eventually see myself eating some of these delicacies but it would take a while for me to get used to, yet that for anyone. The bringing in of these will probably be brutal to the western culture at first, but with time I would say it would grow on us, considering the fact that these bugs / insects are more healthier then the fast food that we have today (seeing that as a half time replacement to anything unhealthy that is placed on the fast food menus').

I can't exactly say how I would originally restart my idea on what is food and what isn't, of course there are logical steps, but speaking for the general public we can start in small portions of introducing these types of delicacies to the Western World like bringing them to food conventions or using TV in a positive way, then taking small steps from there on out.

Re: Food Attachments

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 11:17 am
by Elizabeth Isabelle
Relo wrote:The bringing in of these will probably be brutal to the western culture at first
On the other hand, it might help solve the obesity epidemic...

Re: Food Attachments

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 11:25 am
by Relo
Elizabeth Isabelle wrote:
Relo wrote:The bringing in of these will probably be brutal to the western culture at first
On the other hand, it might help solve the obesity epidemic...
Yeah that's a likely possibility, but it would seem to me that the bug revolution would take some time to adapt, especially when we talk about changing fast food restaurants.

Re: Food Attachments

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 1:53 pm
by hsandman
Elizabeth Isabelle wrote:
On the other hand, it might help solve the obesity epidemic...
It won't solve "obesity epidemic" in industrialised countries, because obesity here is caused mainly by... (drumroll)

1) Over-indulging in food. (Gluttony) <-Lifestyle
2) Lack of excersise. (Sloth) <-Lifestyle
3) The way that food is created for mass consumtion. (Greed) <-Economy

Eating roaches,bugs,pills etc. will not make the ignoant "sheeple" healthy.
Change of Lifestyle and Economy is needed for that.

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