sexual aggression

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Re: sexual aggression

Post by skipair »

PyroSylph wrote:I am the girlfriend, and I can tell you first-hand that if Uni had any of the illusions about sex that you have, he would be in a celibate relationship!
LOL. Classic. Betaisation 101, folks.

Now I know why Uni only lends me a deaf ear. He's chained wherever he goes! Nicely done PyroSylph.
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Re: sexual aggression

Post by PyroSylph »

What's the matter skip? Does the idea of a woman being able to decide for herself if she wants to have rape-like sex scare you? Does the idea that a woman who is with a man who may have such fantasies could refuse him shock you? Classic response from a guy who has heard "No" too often, and whose fear of rejection has turned to angst.
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Re: sexual aggression

Post by Carl G »

Are you guys kidding? Come on, Skipair has written the book. It's old hat. He's not just talking out of his hat. We've discussed this. Skipair is an expert on women:
most all women are bisexual. While uninformed masculine men will interupt their emotional flow by pointing out logical inconsistencies in their speach, women understand that they aren't actually being serious (indeed they can't be), and so they easily play off, and with each other.
all this boils down to detecting what her primary emotional addictions are, because they will never change.
Unless you are privy to this knowledge, or you are bascially a freak of nature (the natural players), what universally happens when the mating dance advances is this: A woman will stay attracted to a man so long as he can play games with her, while at the same time not allowing her manipulation techniques to disarm his logic and become a supplicant. This, however, never happens because of a woman's infallable mechanism to "beta-ise the alpha male", as they say in the trade. Her manipulation will succeed, she will lose attraction, and she will seek another baby with a different partner.

Did you know? For 10% of people today, their real fathers are not who they think they are.

One of the major ways female ambivalence mindfucks guys into supplication and submission is through mixed frames. This helps facilitate the "conflict" addiction I meantioned earlier. By carefully sending mixed messages, she has the man confused by his extrapolation of her "logic", which basically equates to 0=1. But because the guy has become emotional from her irrationality, he gest invested and she wins.
A man can actually fine tune his game to the extent of bascially controlling her mind with a remote control - no kidding. For example, he could say just a few words in a certain way so that she gets horny when he plans her to get horny, and can do the same to relax her, to frighten her, etc. - he chooses her state, because he can choose his own. It's not that the seducer thinks he's a king as an ego crutch to have enough confidence to get laid. Man as king is a fact of reality.
This is the tip of the iceberg. Check out the links in my old posts if you want to know more. Party time for me now :)
Back from partying.

The mechanisms I talk about have been around for thousands of years. This is what is genetically set in stone.
regardless of whether being a seducer is wise by the standards of this forum, the information I'm sharing about female behavior is fact. It has been tested through and through millions of times, admitedly by a very small part of the male population. Most people don't believe in these mechanisms until they see them triggered with their own eyes. I would say the Disney Land fantasy of old fashioned romance is one of men's biggest vices, and I think a study of seduction, at the very least, is an excellent way to show how this fantasy is a LIE.
what you may not realize is that when these females tell you about their sorrows, they are LOVING the drama. And when they leave you and go out with their girlfriends right after they are chipper, giggling, and acting as if NOTHING bad had ever happened to them their whole lives. And after that they go directly back to the seducer she "hates" so much, fucks his brains out, tells him she has never loved anyone more in her entire life, and has unbelievable respect for him.


It may sound harsh, but you are merely an emotional tampon for her so she can feel like she is an ATTRACTIVE girl with a DRAMATIC life. This I know from experience,
there are no exceptions to all women having these mechanisms. This is not to say their psychology is identical, and that high drama girls don't attract different guys than lower drama girls, as an example. But nature does not fuck around when it comes to making babies, and these are indeed universal principles. I guarantee that if you were to take the time to investigate my claims in the field you would agree. They are undeniable.

I don't really like this response because the reader may just see it as being "you're wrong", "no I'm right". I have invested a lot of time in this study, and sometimes I wonder how much experience the people have who disagree.
to a seducer who knows the mating dance sequence, it does not matter if the girl is low or high drama. She may indeed attract a particular type of guy who is oblivious to seduction principles, but a seducer needs only to make slight alterations on the theme to lay her easily. It doesn't matter what the psychological makeup of a girl is, they all LOVE seducers. Shocking, but true.
It doesn't matter how old the woman is, or how close she is in her decision to have a baby, she cannot transcend her conditioning. There are countless field reports to prove this. Actually, older women with children are among the easiest for a seducer to lay. She is bored as hell with her husband.
As I've stated before, there are thousands of field reports that show this is false. They do not get tired of drama or mating whether they are 15 or 50.
whenever they rope a guy into a stable and commited relationship, she is almost inevitably bored as hell. He doesn't understand her need for conflict, and she loses her attraction for him almost universally.
Guys should not fool themselves into thinking she is capable of being happy on an even keel. She has two primary emotional needs: to feel like a queen and a fucking cunt. She enjoys both.
This is a thread about the world of women, and I'm sharing information about a very large chunk of female life that is fact. Most men simply don't know it to be true, and I do hope they use this info wisely.
Good Citizen Carl
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Re: sexual aggression

Post by Alex Jacob »

Hmmmmm. Honestly, I can't imagine any women, except one who is very screwed up, as having an attraction toward *real* rape, just as no man would even want such a thing, so the whole conversation, which I have only skimmed, is rather absurd.

But, as far as the core of sexuality goes---a very strange territory---I wonder sometimes if the 'truths' of sexuality, both masculine and feminine, are similar in sort to the Freudian *truths* about human response that are at the core of modern advertising and propaganda.

I came across a Spanish site (out of Spain) with a 'course' on the principals of seduction, and what skipair writes shares a good deal in common with those ideas and other conceptualizations about seduction that abound these days. I mean there is a whole self-helpy sort of literature about seduction.

I guess I am of the school that..women are indeed distinct and special in comparison to men, and that they can (sort of) be 'studied' and 'examined' in an analytical light, and that this is productive for men. I think I am of the opinion that it is a good idea to be able to clearly distinguish the truth or a group of truths about women that is not dependant on the way that women identify and define themselves.

Oddly enough, skipair's (and this whole forum's) interpretation of women come from the Western model, from post-industrial culture and the post-feminism period. But I live in Latin America, South America, and I can tell you that the game is radically different. Well, substantially different.

I totally reject this stupid idea that there is a desire in women to be literally raped, but I do think that *speaking horribly generally* there is a longing for adventure, for a certain danger, and a love of strong sensations that is somewhat more pronounced in women, especially younger women. It will sound horribly sexist, but it has occurred to me that it has to do with the nature of the vagina and that women have, I think, a far more extraordinary capacity for sexual exstasy that do men. It seems sometimes, and the same is true for men but more superficially, that women can be *possessed* through their vaginas, and this whole notion is strangely discomfiting to men. Women's sexuality has always been a troubling issue for men's culture, I think that is a historical fact. (The Indian-Hindu masculine idea is that a woman should never be left alone, and should always be 'guided" by a man, her husband or her brother, and should always be watched over, so she doesn't get into trouble).

Castaneda---perhaps just giving form to essential misogyny---also indicated this idea that women could be 'possessed' through the 'tenth hole' on their body and for this reason, of course, could also very easily become powerful 'sorceresses', and indeed the Women's Movement seemed to take up this problem very early and seek to liberate women's sexuality from all male control, to allow it to become (Rousseau-like) the pure and potent thing that is is, a power linked to 'the Goddess' and all that jazz.

(From that perspective, Kali is a personification of a terrifying force of female potency, and yet Shiva is not really dead, and always has a smile on his face, or an erection, and so there are multivalent readings there).

It seems to me---this is something I was thinking today and yesterday---that if *you* plural are going to define a mysogyny, and to present men with tools to attack women, to take them down a peg or two, to bring them under your control, to get back something that was lost (or fill in the blank because I don't get it), you could at least become far more artistic in this, so much less BLUNT! Like some dull, rusty hammer! There is a waelth of mysogynistic literature of which you could avail yourself that is actually pretty eloquent. I am thinking of Maxim Gorky and his early stories, where men are really men, and women are really women, and they know this, and the narrative unfolds, the narrative is nostalgic and strangely intoxicating...Yet I sort of imagine you all, pathetically, in an endless desert of malls, in hiway culture, after 100 years of successful PR, more or less castrated, or 'fixed', and there probably aren't any devilishly sexy women left who still play all the devilishly enticing Venusian games with real panache...

In my city I could take you to a salsa joint on the wrong side of the tracks that would permanently brand your mind...I mean you would most likely not recover...(I am far too apollonian for those places myself, but I know they exist).
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Re: sexual aggression

Post by skipair »

PyroSylph wrote:Does the idea that a woman who is with a man who may have such fantasies could refuse him shock you?
No, you're doing what you have to do, and what most every woman does: actively discourage sexually aggressive masculine behavior. You've done it quite well, and I'm sure Uni will continue to fall in line. Again, nicely done. Seriously.
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Re: sexual aggression

Post by Shahrazad »

Wow Carl, that must have been quite an effort to put together such a compilation. It really helps to put skip's ideas in context. Thanks.

Skipair, you're right about some things, wrong on others, and you do generalize too much and often reach the wrong conclusions. You are on the right track though, which is more than can be said of other misogynists I've heard here.

You got the whole rape fantasy thing wrong, though. A woman who gets penetrated and indeed enjoys the whole process from beginning to end can rarely be said to have been raped (her being drunk or insane could be two of such rare cases). This is because if she's enjoying it, she will cooperate, or at least won't resist it. Sure, she can pretend to resist it, but then she's only playing a game. Real rape requires non-consent.

In short, a woman may think she wants to get raped (and I'm pretty sure most are smart enough to know they don't), but when she encounters a situation where a man she doesn't want to have sex with forces her to, she can't enjoy it.

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Re: sexual aggression

Post by skipair »

Shahrazad wrote:You got the whole rape fantasy thing wrong, though. A woman who gets penetrated and indeed enjoys the whole process from beginning to end can rarely be said to have been raped (her being drunk or insane could be two of such rare cases). This is because if she's enjoying it, she will cooperate, or at least won't resist it. Sure, she can pretend to resist it, but then she's only playing a game. Real rape requires non-consent.
I don't recall saying much of anything in this thread about what a woman feels during rape, other than "I don't really know". Check it out. :)
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Re: sexual aggression

Post by PyroSylph »

skipair said:

No, you're doing what you have to do, and what most every woman does: actively discourage sexually aggressive masculine behavior.
So if I were with a girl friend who asked me to rob a bank with her, by refusing I would be doing what, exactly? You seem to be implying that, as a woman, I am bound by some unwritten law to participate in a sexual act with my partner even if I do not want to. I don't want to be with a partner who would force me into having sex against my will. Fantasies played-out is one thing, forced into them is another. If you can't see a woman's right to "No" as anything less than to actively discourage sexually aggressive masculine behavior, I hate to think what you were capable of.

Thanks, Carl. After reading those statements I realize what I am up against. I don't do brick walls.

bye skip.
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Re: sexual aggression

Post by Dan Rowden »

PyroSylph wrote:So if I were with a girl friend who asked me to rob a bank with her, by refusing I would be doing what, exactly?
You seem to be implying that, as a woman, I am bound by some unwritten law to participate in a sexual act with my partner even if I do not want to.
I don't want to be with a partner who would force me into having sex against my ill. Fantasies played-out is one thing, forced into them is another. If you can't see a woman's right to "No" as anything less than to actively discourage sexually aggressive masculine behavior, I hate to think what you were capable of.
A woman's word is as good as her mood.
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Re: sexual aggression

Post by Pye »

Dan writes [on the subject of "No"]:
A woman's word is as good as her mood.
Don't be a pratt, Dan. What sort of word do you want a woman to give? "I promise to have sex with any man when he wants it?

Pish on your attempt at character assasination.
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Re: sexual aggression

Post by skipair »

PyroSylph wrote:So if I were with a girl friend who asked me to rob a bank with her, by refusing I would be doing what, exactly?
Choosing instead to stay home, watch Judge Judy, and get Uni all worked up, of course!

I don't do brick walls.
No, you like soft, flexible guys. How could you resist Uni? I certainly couldn't. Actually, he PMed me yesterday and said you were more special than his other girlfriends, so it's all good.
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Re: sexual aggression

Post by PyroSylph »

Dan said:

Skip said if I refused to have rape-like sex with a man who wanted to fulfill such fantasies, that I was actively discouraging sexually aggressive masculine behavior. If a friend asked me to help rob a bank I would say no for the same reason - I don't want to. I was curious what skip thought I would be discouraging with that decision. Like; discouraging her feminine nature for materialistic do-dads or some such rubbish. He's a fod.
Dan said:

Well, obviously skip sees a woman discouraging sexually aggressive masculine behavior as a bad thing. I was wondering where he thinks it is written that the act of saying 'No" to a man is equal to that, other than in his own "women-are-only-good-for-one-thing" brain.
Dan said:

A woman's word is as good as her mood.
Yeah, right Dan. And a man's worth can be measured by his dick size. pftftftf
skipair said:

No, you like soft, flexible guys. How could you resist Uni? I certainly couldn't. Actually, he PMed me yesterday and said you were more special than his other girlfriends, so it's all good.
Your ex PMed me and said she was sorry I misunderstood her on the phone - she didn't say "This guy is really dumb," she said "This guy's willy is a thumb!"
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Re: sexual aggression

Post by skipair »

PyroSylph wrote:Your ex PMed me and said she was sorry I misunderstood her on the phone - she didn't say "This guy is really dumb," she said "This guy's willy is a thumb!"
Hahahahaha, feisty girl, I like that. I was going to make a point out of all this for Uni's sake, but I'd say you probably have, oh, 98% more influence on him than I do. So I'll have to let the chips fall where they may. Before I leave the discussion though, you and whomever else is interested should know that whatever you want to do is not a bad thing in my eyes. You've completely missed the point I've been making, just as you probably think I've missed yours. That can be expected, and I just hope someone may get something valuable out of it.

Best to all,
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Re: sexual aggression

Post by Imadrongo »

PyroSylph wrote:Well, obviously skip sees a woman discouraging sexually aggressive masculine behavior as a bad thing. I was wondering where he thinks it is written that the act of saying 'No" to a man is equal to that, other than in his own "women-are-only-good-for-one-thing" brain.
You misunderstood him but... --I wonder where you think it is written that forcing the woman you want to have sex with you is a bad thing--.
skipair wrote:
PyroSylph wrote:Your ex PMed me and said she was sorry I misunderstood her on the phone - she didn't say "This guy is really dumb," she said "This guy's willy is a thumb!"
Hahahahaha, feisty girl, I like that.
Agreed, it appears so, however she apparently likes to go for the subordinate, tamed guys like Uni, so I am skeptical.
skipair wrote:Before I leave the discussion though, you and whomever else is interested should know that whatever you want to do is not a bad thing in my eyes.
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Re: sexual aggression

Post by Unidian »


You are blithely discussing things you know nothing about. It's annoying, but also amusing. Do you always jump to such inaccurate conclusions about other people's personal lives? If so, it must get you into some zany situations. But you probably only act this like on Genius Forum. LOL.


Subordinate and tamed? Hehe... you clearly have no idea what you're talking about, either. Let me give you a little clue here, dude. Subordinate and tamed guys HAVE JOBS, just for starters. I guess maybe you figure I've been trained to sit around posting on boards like this all day without a penny to my name, right? Yep, tons of women are lining up to shape and mold their men into voluntarily unemployed philosophy addicts. LOL.
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Re: sexual aggression

Post by skipair »

Unidian, glad you're back. I'm not here to discredit you as a man, but I am here to fire you up and draw you out. There are two ways to look at these things. Lets take a look at a quote from your girlfriend.
PyroSylph wrote:I am the girlfriend, and I can tell you first-hand that if Uni had any of the illusions about sex that you have, he would be in a celibate relationship!
From the standard perspective, it looks like she's saying, "Look, some girls may like to be submissive in sex/relationships, but I don't. Is that so hard to understand?" So, the natural thing to think is, "Of course. That is clear, honest, and fair."

However, when I speak of relationship dynamics, I'm talking about something that happens on a completely different level than this. It's a subconscious level that has developed since the time of the reptile brain and before. What she is subconsciously doing is setting the frame for the relationship and having you follow it, specifically, with the power of her pussy. Pussy is addictive (women know this), and for you it's a scarce commodity, so this technique has a big effect.

What she is actually saying is, "You will continue to be my boring, but necessary provider and safety net, because if you don't you won't get any more pussy!!!"

And because you don't have others lining up, you subconsciously accept that frame, not wanting to lose your fix! In other words, she is the leader of the relationship. Whatever you do within the relationship is actually pre-approved by your lady, because as much as I talk about players being able to control the minds of women. . . guess where they learned it from.

This may or may not seem like a ridiculous analysis, but if you watch and listen very closely to whatever she says when she opens her mouth, and think about how that might be influencing you in your "independent" decisions/behavior, you might be surprised to find how deep this goes. My advice is to leave no possility of her controling you. Women can not admit they do this because, for the most part, they have no idea they're doing it. Discussing it with her will be a waste of time. Learn to see the animal in the human, and you have a chance.
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Re: sexual aggression

Post by Tomas »

skipair wrote:Unidian, glad you're back. I'm not here to discredit you as a man, but I am here to fire you up and draw you out. There are two ways to look at these things. Lets take a look at a quote from your girlfriend.
PyroSylph wrote:I am the girlfriend, and I can tell you first-hand that if Uni had any of the illusions about sex that you have, he would be in a celibate relationship!
From the standard perspective, it looks like she's saying, "Look, some girls may like to be submissive in sex/relationships, but I don't. Is that so hard to understand?" So, the natural thing to think is, "Of course. That is clear, honest, and fair."

However, when I speak of relationship dynamics, I'm talking about something that happens on a completely different level than this. It's a subconscious level that has developed since the time of the reptile brain and before. What she is subconsciously doing is setting the frame for the relationship and having you follow it, specifically, with the power of her pussy. Pussy is addictive (women know this), and for you it's a scarce commodity, so this technique has a big effect.

What she is actually saying is, "You will continue to be my boring, but necessary provider and safety net, because if you don't you won't get any more pussy!!!"

And because you don't have others lining up, you subconsciously accept that frame, not wanting to lose your fix! In other words, she is the leader of the relationship. Whatever you do within the relationship is actually pre-approved by your lady, because as much as I talk about players being able to control the minds of women. . . guess where they learned it from.

This may or may not seem like a ridiculous analysis, but if you watch and listen very closely to whatever she says when she opens her mouth, and think about how that might be influencing you in your "independent" decisions/behavior, you might be surprised to find how deep this goes. My advice is to leave no possility of her controling you. Women can not admit they do this because, for the most part, they have no idea they're doing it. Discussing it with her will be a waste of time. Learn to see the animal in the human, and you have a chance.

Well said, Skip



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Re: sexual aggression

Post by Unidian »

Unidian, glad you're back. I'm not here to discredit you as a man, but I am here to fire you up and draw you out.
In other words, you're here to troll me. I noticed.

How can I successfully get it across to you that I have no interest whatsoever in your views on relationships in general, and my own in particular?

Do you need to join Tomas on my ignore list? It's a yes or no question. I have nothing against you personally, but your analysis of these matters is so off-base and patronizing that it's ridiculous.

For your information, not that it's any of your business, but I'm already virtually celibate as a result of my views and behavior. I do not allow myself to be controlled or manipulated for the sake of sex or anything else. If that's what you need to know in order to end this nonsense, there you have it. Sex is not as big of a deal for all guys as it apparently is for you. Being in a relationship does not necessarily depend on such factors, not that I'd expect very many people here to understand that.

Done now?
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Re: sexual aggression

Post by Shahrazad »

Hey, this thread is important. We're discussing whether getting rid of the ego helps a person not suffer humiliation.
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Re: sexual aggression

Post by Ryan Rudolph »

Hey, this thread is important. We're discussing whether getting rid of the ego helps a person not suffer humiliation.
I would imagine that if a perfectly enlightened person were raped, besides feeling a little stress and anxiety due to trying to fight the person off, I suspect they would feel very little in the way of psychological suffering. Actually, they would accept it as a blind uncontrollable causal event, seeing the rapist as the emotionally driven robot that he is, and merely continue on with their day as if nothing happened.
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Re: sexual aggression

Post by Dan Rowden »

Pye wrote:Dan writes [on the subject of "No"]:
A woman's word is as good as her mood.
Don't be a pratt, Dan. What sort of word do you want a woman to give? "I promise to have sex with any man when he wants it?

Pish on your attempt at character assasination.
I'm totally serious. A woman's word is as good as her mood because it is governed by it. I know "mood" is an unsophisticated way to express my point, but I figured it would be understood. There are circumstances in which a woman's "no" is real, yet others when it is not - when it is a prelude to a maybe and possibly a "yes". That women deny this does them no credit at all. There is barely a man alive who does not know that a woman's "no" is contingent. The theory is that a man ought forget its contingent nature and take it at face value at all times. That's all well and good, in theory. It would work if women didn't punish men for not knowing when and where it doesn't apply. If women continue to refuse to take responsibility for this dimension of their behaviour then their character, such that it even exists, ought be assassinated.

Do women take men at their word when they say "No, darling, you can't a TV for the kid's room."? Well, do they? Why is this different in the sexual realm?
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Re: sexual aggression

Post by Shahrazad »

Do women take men at their word when they say "No, darling, you can't a TV for the kid's room."? Well, do they?
Why is this different in the sexual realm?
It is no different. When a woman says no to sex, she means no, and the man should leave it at that. If he did, rape would not exist.

Where is the inconsistency?

You're arguing against your own point.

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Re: sexual aggression

Post by Nick »

skipair wrote:Unidian, glad you're back. I'm not here to discredit you as a man, but I am here to fire you up and draw you out. There are two ways to look at these things. Lets take a look at a quote from your girlfriend.
PyroSylph wrote:I am the girlfriend, and I can tell you first-hand that if Uni had any of the illusions about sex that you have, he would be in a celibate relationship!
From the standard perspective, it looks like she's saying, "Look, some girls may like to be submissive in sex/relationships, but I don't. Is that so hard to understand?" So, the natural thing to think is, "Of course. That is clear, honest, and fair."

However, when I speak of relationship dynamics, I'm talking about something that happens on a completely different level than this. It's a subconscious level that has developed since the time of the reptile brain and before. What she is subconsciously doing is setting the frame for the relationship and having you follow it, specifically, with the power of her pussy. Pussy is addictive (women know this), and for you it's a scarce commodity, so this technique has a big effect.

What she is actually saying is, "You will continue to be my boring, but necessary provider and safety net, because if you don't you won't get any more pussy!!!"

And because you don't have others lining up, you subconsciously accept that frame, not wanting to lose your fix! In other words, she is the leader of the relationship. Whatever you do within the relationship is actually pre-approved by your lady, because as much as I talk about players being able to control the minds of women. . . guess where they learned it from.

This may or may not seem like a ridiculous analysis, but if you watch and listen very closely to whatever she says when she opens her mouth, and think about how that might be influencing you in your "independent" decisions/behavior, you might be surprised to find how deep this goes. My advice is to leave no possility of her controling you. Women can not admit they do this because, for the most part, they have no idea they're doing it. Discussing it with her will be a waste of time. Learn to see the animal in the human, and you have a chance.
Skip, he's a lost cause. I can hear the whip cracking over his head right now. I actually feel bad for the guy, even though he will never know why. Unfortunately, anything you tell him about women goes in one ear and out the other.
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Re: sexual aggression

Post by Dan Rowden »

Shahrazad wrote:Dan,
Do women take men at their word when they say "No, darling, you can't a TV for the kid's room."? Well, do they?
That's bull, Sher and you know it. The woman will press the point till he gives in. His "no" means "no" only up to the point he says "yes".
Why is this different in the sexual realm?
It is no different. When a woman says no to sex, she means no, and the man should leave it at that. If he did, rape would not exist.
I'm not talking about rape. Rapists don't ask their victims their opinion. I'm talking about coercion and is effects and utility. It's a somewhat off-topic matter I admit.