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Deconstructing the Feminine

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 8:15 am
by xerosaburu

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 8:52 am
by BMcGilly07
Xerosaburu, is that your work? It is well done.

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 9:13 am
by Kelly Jones
Why does she wear high heels? Besides trying to fake the stature of a man,
Actually, woman is the history of man's guilt. Boys usually find women's behaviour hilarious, and many men are embarrassed by it on some level.

I think the high heels, and the whole act of consciousness is the attempt by men to alleviate that guilt. If she is a kind of peer, at least in height, then it seems to him that she is not really the mindless whim of his desires.

If he let her remain short, virginal, dressed simply, and more childish, the truth of her character would be revealed.

I.E. Baby.

Don't forget, that women aren't conscious. Fearing her "psychology" is the height of silliness. She is the product of masculine psychology.

No one forces you to do anything


Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 9:52 am
by Dan Rowden
I haven't read the whole thing yet but the author's commentary on the pictures is quite funny (and accurate).

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 11:20 am
by David Quinn
I agree it's an excellent work. Who is the author? Does he have other material?

If that page is going to remain there permanently, I'll provide a link to it from my site.


Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 12:02 pm
by Carl G
Two comments on the material (other than "good stuff!"):

1. As most of us here already know, it is all too sadly true, and...

2. Men are (nearly) equally to blame.

For instance, men undoubtably staged, shot, and paid for the media photos contained in the article.

Case in point: The receptionist at our professional showroom/office environment, 23 yrs old, behaves just like the women described. Especially, she wears the supertight jeans, and whenever she bends to file, or even to sit at her desk, these pants have nowhere to go but down. And there for everyone to see is one, two, or more inches of her fat ass and butt cleavage, and some of her string thong underthing of the day. That's disgusting. And yet management continues to pay for it, and says nothing.

Another girl in the office hobbles about on high heels, her newly augmented boobs thrust out like cannons under her tight sweaters. She doesn't have much of a butt, so bending down does the opposite, raises her stretched little top, giving everyone a view of her rather provocative lower back tattoo.

And they know it.

What's up with all the slutty come to me signals from these two marrieds with with kids? And, again, why does management promote this porno at the jobsite? All I can figure is ignorance and/ or insanity.

Anyway, good to have a few pointers on how to not get sucked into the psychosis of animal mating and the modern media that exploits it.

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 12:15 pm
by Elizabeth Isabelle
Carl wrote:What's up with all the slutty come to me signals from these two marrieds with with kids?
I was working as an agency respiratory therapist, and suddenly the other girl started getting more shifts than I was - I asked the boss why. He took me out in the parking lot to tell me that the other therapist got more shifts because she was prettier than I was (she wore make-up, and I found it more practical to wash the hospital germs off my face every 4 hours), smelled better than I did (she wore perfume - respiratory therapists are not supposed to wear perfume because many of the patients are in the hospital because they can't breathe very well), wore tighter shirts than I did, and flirted with the guys.

Although that was sexual harrassment, it was the truth and it was not legally prosecutable becasue there were no witnesses. That's just the way the world works, and if you're a female and you want to keep your job, you have to play by the men's rules. Men know how to cover it up enough and make other excuses so it isn't legally proscecutable. Sexual harrassment laws just encouraged stealth amongst men and made it more plausible that it's just the women behaving like sluts because that's what women are.

Women don't have it together enough to unify and not put up with the BS; there is always someone willing to slut it up to get the job, and some that even enjoy it. A lot of corporate America still tells women to put out or get out - but they have just gotten a lot slicker about it.

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 3:35 pm
by reedsch
All just goes to show that the primary sexual organ is the brain. However that does not make it any less real.

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 12:20 am
by xerosaburu
David Quinn wrote:I agree it's an excellent work. Who is the author? Does he have other material?

If that page is going to remain there permanently, I'll provide a link to it from my site.

The pseudonym is Al Byumin.

Yes, it will remain there.

They deconstruct themselves

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 2:18 am
by DHodges
1) Age her in your mind. Imagine what her face will look in the future. Picture her at 40, 50, 60, and so on. Imagine how much less sexy she'll be as an old hag. Think how she'll look as her eyes sink in a little, her cheeks sag, etc. Visualize her rear when it sags and gets flat; her breasts when they deflate and droop. She'll start stinking, and you'll have to smell that strong chemical she uses to cover it up. She's headed for death. She's a sure case of "bait and switch." See her laid out in the coffin some day. Realize that's where her body's heading. It can help a great deal if you can see a photo of an older female relative, such as her mother or a sister. The older the better. You'll be able to get a good sense of what she'll look like when she's older. Even ten years of age will take away most of the charm of a female in her teens or twenties. Think that this is what she is already, now.
Since I am around 45, the women around me are mostly in their 40's and 50's, and so have a lot less of the allure that they once had. It's a lot easier to think of them as a person, rather than as a sex object. The mystique is gone.

If you imagine doing the stuff women do - putting on makeup and so on - yes, it would be terribly embarrassing. It's hard to understand the level of vanity that would be required to do those things. It's also kind of sad with a 50 year old woman, since makeup doesn't generally actually make them look better - just more clown-like. A woman that still looks good at 50 is pretty rare.

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 3:28 am
by Matt Gregory
I think most women don't use makeup as an attention getter. She sees it more as a shield, so she doesn't feel like she's showing her real face in public.

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 2:42 pm
by Gretchen
Elizabeth Isabelle wrote:That's just the way the world works, and if you're a female and you want to keep your job, you have to play by the men's rules.

Women don't have it together enough to unify and not put up with the BS;
Interestingly enough, the majority of women in my office are aged 40 and above...except the former receptionist. She was a young twenty-something single mother who could be described as all of the above. She didn't last long at our office mostly because the person that runs the office is a woman and had enough on her to fire her.

The funny thing is that she had a job where she could have bettered herself. I even talked to her about taking some classes since she had to sit at the front desk answering the phone, she would have a lot of time to read. All she wanted to do was talk on her cell phone at work while surfing the Internet and afterwards go drinking and carousing even though she had a two year old son to consider. Then, she would get into these crying jags because she never had enough money and ruminate about what a good job I had in order for me to feel sorry for her. With the entitlement programs we have for single mothers, she could have sailed through on a pass. I just do not understand that mindset...and it is quite pervasive.

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 3:06 pm
by Elizabeth Isabelle
The whole sentance was:
Elizabeth Isabelle wrote:Women don't have it together enough to unify and not put up with the BS; there is always someone willing to slut it up to get the job, and some that even enjoy it.
Sounds like you had one of the ones that enjoyed it.

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 5:14 pm
by reedsch
So, the Playboy Bunny and the old crone are equally real. I suppose if you were trapped by the image of the bunny it may be helpful to focus on the alternative image in order to free one's thinking. I took a different route, I decided to immerse myself in the bunny, penetrate it fully. In that way I had no issues with denial, of never having walked that road. And I am a lot freer now having done so, I can see the old crone. However I see nothing about the bunny aspect that required condemning.

I think denial is ineffectual in the long run. Satiation may be more practical. After all even Jesus know that you have to feed a man before you can preach to him about the Kingdom of Heaven. It does have its own issues for sure, both in where to get the next fix and in the increasing dosage level required, but these can be managed...ironically, thru controlled denial.

Anybody here familiar with the work of David Deida? I recommend him highly.


Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 8:11 pm
by AlyOshA
I’m in the mood for a hellfire sermon.

Dear anonymous chorus of men blinded by our fear to overcome our apelike desires and see the human beings in their true form:

Your article is like Adam in the Garden of Eden blaming the apple for looking so delicious. The views are laden with fear. We fear our will to be tempted. And with so many fags (as in bundles of sticks) singing in self-congratulating harmony, there is plenty of fuel being cast into the fire of delusion. And who is the one obsessed with vanity and appearance? I would say it is the author who can’t get past the aesthetics of women long enough to see past his own dick and into the reality and substance of every human being. Condemning sexual desires by obsessing with sexual desire is like pissing on my shoe and telling me that you are pissing on my shoe, it doesn’t change the fact that you’re pissing on my f$cking shoe!

The One who doesn’t fear women because I actually see the woman behind the lips?
Or, the One who doesn’t fear himself because he can see the self behind his dick (desires). AKA The Man-God.

Glenn Close, from Dangerous Liaisons

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 9:36 pm
by Kelly Jones
Glenn Close wrote: You really want my advice?

When it comes to marriage, one man is as good as the next.

And even the least accommodating is less trouble than a mother.

Girl: Are you saying I'm going to have to do .... that .... with three different men?

Glenn Close: I'm saying, you stupid little girl, that provided you take the few elementary precautions, you can do it or not, with as many men as you like, as often as you like, in as many different ways as you like.

Our sex has few enough advantages, you might as well make the best of those you have.

So, remember what I've said, and above all, no snivelling.

Thanks for that, Glenn.


Re: They deconstruct themselves

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 6:16 am
by Elizabeth Isabelle
DHodges wrote:Since I am around 45, the women around me are mostly in their 40's and 50's, and so have a lot less of the allure that they once had. It's a lot easier to think of them as a person, rather than as a sex object. The mystique is gone.
So the mistique goes about when the fertility does.

The allure is part of the subconcious actions and perceptions biologically driven to cause reproduction. New research indicates that women subconciously make themselves their most attractive during the time of the month that they are most fertile. I guess another way of looking at a female you are finding particularly attractive at a certain time is think diapers and feedings every 2 hours around the clock.

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 8:40 am
by David Quinn
xerosaburu wrote:
DQ: I agree it's an excellent work. Who is the author? Does he have other material?

If that page is going to remain there permanently, I'll provide a link to it from my site.

xerosaburu: The pseudonym is Al Byumin.

Yes, it will remain there.
I want to see some more of his work first. I'm getting the impression that Al Byumin is a Muslim and that his article is merely a means of justifying Islamic patriarchal culture. Is he simply wanting to put all women into burkas, or is he pointing to something deeper?

What he says in that article is very good, but it is still just the tip of the iceberg.


Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 9:46 am
by Elizabeth Isabelle

What indicates to you he might be Muslim? I imagined he must be pretty fluent in the English language to come up with a pseudonym that was a pun.

Actually, I suspect xero wrote that, and does not want that linked to his offline identity.

I find it ironic that an article decrying make-up is written under a pseudonym... but that does not alter the work itself.

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 5:06 pm
by Katy
Elizabeth Isabelle wrote:David,

What indicates to you he might be Muslim?
Well the very fact that his name starts with "al" arabic for "the" might have something to do with it...

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 7:56 pm
by David Quinn
That, and the fact that the article focuses almost exclusively on women's appearance and sexual allure, which is a very big subject in Islamic circles. Even if the author deliberately made an amusing pun out of his name, he still chose a name that sounded Islamic.


Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 11:34 pm
by Nick
In the last paragraph he speaks of attaining samadhi and enlightenment. Two terms that are unrelated to Islam. Also, maybe the name "Al" is just short for "Alan".

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 3:27 pm
by hades
You gotta be pretty insecure and weak if you have to resort to "deconstructing women" like that article does.

The author clearly has a childish case of sour-grapes, what he can't have he tries to degrade. He must be pretty awkward and ugly (probably unshaven and dirty) in real life.


Its futile and trivial, like writing an article on how to deconstruct your favorite food....who the fuck cares? Sure you can pretend to not like the food and come up with bullshit reasons as to why you don't want to eat it...Oh its gross when it expires...Oh its not very nutritious...but in reality you still desire that food, just like you desire woman.

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 3:47 pm
by Cory Duchesne
Hades wrote:
Sure you can pretend to not like the food and come up with bullshit reasons as to why you don't want to eat it...Oh its gross when it expires...Oh its not very nutritious...but in reality you still desire that food, just like you desire woman.
Actually, by clearly considering the relationship various junk foods have with my physiology, I honestly can say I have no desire for any sort of junk food.

It has alot to do with becoming accustomed and learning to enjoy healthy alternatives, and staying mindful about the actuality of the junk which exists behind the superficial and potentially appealing appearance of junk.

It is a noble effort to expose the harmful effects of junk and the repulsive reality that goes into making of it's glossy appearance.

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 3:51 pm
by Trevor Salyzyn
Except it's not like the man who wrote that article was deconstructing his favourite food. It's more like he was deconstructing an addiction to cocaine while in the process of recovering from the addiction. He was noticing all the ways that junkies unconsciously tempt themselves into continuing their habit.

If all goes well, however, he will reach a point where he never sees any reason to talk about his addiction, nor is he tempted (or even bothered) in the presence of the trigger.