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Re: To compare is to judge?

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2019 11:32 pm
by Pam Seeback
David Quinn wrote: Tue Jan 08, 2019 11:12 am
Pam Seeback wrote: Tue Jan 08, 2019 4:36 am I do not interpret Trump's coming as the coming of evil as does David -- why? -- because it is solid reasoning to reason that because the shadow world of idea-fixation is caused, that it is meant to be, and because it is meant to be, that it is good and only good (real, true, has purpose).
You're right that nothing is intrinsically evil, but as philosophers it is still valid for us to label things as "evil" if they are in opposition to the things we label as "good".

Given that Trump is literally basing his administration on constantly assaulting A=A, there is no question that, by the standards of this forum, Trump is evil.
How can you so wisely conclude that existence is not objective and say something as boldly objective as "Trump is evil"? I am perplexed - you desire to identify with the All, the totality of all there is, this is your wisdom of the infinite, and as I see it, a most noble and enlightening goal, and yet, you also desire to identify with the finiteness of good and evil. Is this not an example of wanting your cake and eating it too?

Your words:
No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God. If it is your goal to leave the world behind and live the enlightened life, then it is vital to make the firm commitment to really leave the world behind and live the enlightened life. Make every effort to identify with the All, the totality of all there is. It makes life so much easier if you can do this. If you can stop thinking of yourself as a mere human being stuck on an isolated planet in the middle of a vast universe and instead identify with the all-pervading void which is your true nature and the source of all things, you will quickly reach the indescribable wisdom of the Buddhas with a minimum of fuss.
I understand how hard it is to identify with the All and be in the world that does not identify with the All. At every turn, the pull to possess things (make them objective) lurks. How I deal with this pull - which is how I view the words and actions of Trump - is to view it as God waking up to his infinite nature and that the politics of Trump (or any political leader or Alex for that matter :-)) is a reflection of this awakening.

Re: To compare is to judge?

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2019 2:04 am
by Pam Seeback
Santiago Odo wrote: Tue Jan 08, 2019 3:38 am
Pam wrote:. . . your patriarchal ways are showing.
That's good! Because I am thoroughly committed to what the term means.

Out of curiosity, do you see the following as paternalistic? (I need a guide as I sometimes can't distinguish):
Now Avolith, harken unto me my gorgeous little one. I remember with tremendous nostalgia -- I was a child quite like you -- when Bjornstrand first sat me on his paternal knee. He said then, and has repeated time and again since then, these lines. I now bequeath them to you:
Given that you use the concept "paternal" right in your quote, is the answer not obvious to you?

You seem stuck on the paternal God of the OT, the Dad Dude who, 'out of love', calls his creation all kinds of nasty names and thinks its okay to whup its behind when it's being disobedient (sound familiar?)

But wait - all is not lost - along comes a Son who has the audacity to challenge his Daddy's concept of hate-disguised-as-love - "be obedient or else!", and in doing so, discovers his Daddy is not a Daddy at all:

"I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last."

Perhaps you need a Daddy. Perhaps you believe everyone needs a Daddy. There is no fault in that. But like Jesus, I have seen Daddy's true face and although I can't say what it is, I know what it is not.

Re: To compare is to judge?

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2019 3:10 am
by Santiago Odo
Pam wrote:Given that you use the concept "paternal" right in your quote, is the answer not obvious to you?
(I think you failed to grasp the sardonic humor in that paragraph. Oh well . . .)

You have no way nor means to understand what I mean when I speak of paternalism.

Please keep in mind that I sincerely make the effort to say exactly what I think even if that involves the most 'bloody' sort of statement. I have taken this admonition of the forum more seriously than, perhaps, anyone. I really and honestly do not have as a goal *offense* of you or anyone, despite appearances. What I have is the desire to really get to truth and understanding.

Once again, Pam, your view of things is perfect for you within your limited circumstances. But I am speaking to larger things and you have only a dim awareness of these things.

Re: To compare is to judge?

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2019 4:50 am
by Santiago Odo
Today's meditation is:

Woman can throw out with a spoon
More than a man can bring in with a shovel...


Can I no longer call you 'My Dear Pam'? What about Pamkins. Pammy? Oh heck! have it your way . . .

For you to even begin to understand what I meant when I accepted the term 'paternalism', you could start here.

Now, at this juncture in Occidental history (a very dangerous point for numerous reasons) we have to recover ourselves. We have to reorient ourselves. Our Loving Friends of GF have placed a special emphasis on 'reason'. I concur. Except I expand it to 'intelligence'. And I refer to a Medieval definition. Logos and Intelligence.

Woman's role is to gestate . . .

Now, I must ask you if in your household Are you obedient to your man? Your man has provided you a wonderful structure. I hope that you appreciate it. Perhaps to honor him, and by extension to honor me (and Gustav Bjornstrand who stands behind me, before me, above me, and below me, and on all sides of me, in all I say and do), perhaps you will docilely serve your man a scoop of delicious home-made ice cream? with, oh, say a ginger snap (if it is vanilla ice cream, if not, consult with me for proper cookie flavors).

(Post a photo of your offering if possible).

It is a small gesture but small gestures go a loooooooong ways.

Re: To compare is to judge?

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2019 5:31 am
by Pam Seeback
Santiago Odo wrote: Wed Jan 09, 2019 3:10 am
Pam wrote:Given that you use the concept "paternal" right in your quote, is the answer not obvious to you?
(I think you failed to grasp the sardonic humor in that paragraph. Oh well . . .)

You have no way nor means to understand what I mean when I speak of paternalism.

Please keep in mind that I sincerely make the effort to say exactly what I think even if that involves the most 'bloody' sort of statement. I have taken this admonition of the forum more seriously than, perhaps, anyone. I really and honestly do not have as a goal *offense* of you or anyone, despite appearances. What I have is the desire to really get to truth and understanding.

Once again, Pam, your view of things is perfect for you within your limited circumstances. But I am speaking to larger things and you have only a dim awareness of these things.
The definition of paternalism as per the Cambridge Dictionary, which agrees, in context with that of Merriam Webster: pa·ter·nal·is/pəˈtərnlˌizəm/noun "the policy or practice on the part of people in positions of authority of restricting the freedom and responsibilities of those subordinate to them in the subordinates' supposed best interest." Of this definition, paternalism serves its purpose when parenting a young child or young teenager or someone who is cognitively impaired. I can't help but perceive that this is how you view all of us here.

It is not my view that your paternalistic goal is to offend, I truly believe you care about the world, however, it is my view that in order to get the world to pay attention to the doctrine of paternalism, you rely heavily on the use of seductive language. Why not give us your logic of the infinite (the subject of this board) in relation to paternalism and see how it flies?

Re: To compare is to judge?

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2019 5:39 am
by Pam Seeback
Santiago Odo wrote: Wed Jan 09, 2019 4:50 am Today's meditation is:

Woman can throw out with a spoon
More than a man can bring in with a shovel...


Can I no longer call you 'My Dear Pam'? What about Pamkins. Pammy? Oh heck! have it your way . . .

For you to even begin to understand what I meant when I accepted the term 'paternalism', you could start here.

Now, at this juncture in Occidental history (a very dangerous point for numerous reasons) we have to recover ourselves. We have to reorient ourselves. Our Loving Friends of GF have placed a special emphasis on 'reason'. I concur. Except I expand it to 'intelligence'. And I refer to a Medieval definition. Logos and Intelligence.

Woman's role is to gestate . . .

Now, I must ask you if in your household Are you obedient to your man? Your man has provided you a wonderful structure. I hope that you appreciate it. Perhaps to honor him, and by extension to honor me (and Gustav Bjornstrand who stands behind me, before me, above me, and below me, and on all sides of me, in all I say and do), perhaps you will docilely serve your man a scoop of delicious home-made ice cream? with, oh, say a ginger snap (if it is vanilla ice cream, if not, consult with me for proper cookie flavors).

(Post a photo of your offering if possible).

It is a small gesture but small gestures go a loooooooong ways.
Read this after my last post. Can I throw out everything except for the content of the link you provided and come back to you with my logic of how it relates to the wisdom of the infinite? I may answer your question about my obedience to my man if I believe it to be relevant...

Re: To compare is to judge?

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2019 6:06 am
by Pam Seeback
Alex, in reading through the link you provided on the several different definitions/understandings of the Logos, it is clear that in order to have a cohesive discussion with you, I am going to need your definition of the Logos and how it relates to paternalism.

Re: To compare is to judge?

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2019 7:26 am
by Santiago Odo
This difference is not the only one which distinguishes the Johannine theology of the Logos from the concept of Philo, to which not a few have sought to liken it. The Logos of Philo is impersonal, it is an idea, a power, a law; at most it may be likened to those half abstract, half-concrete entities, to which the Stoic mythology had lent a certain personal form. For Philo the incarnation of the Logos must have been absolutely without meaning, quite as much as its identification with the Messias. For St. John, on the contrary, the Logos appears in the full light of a concrete and living personality; it is the Son of God, the Messias, Jesus. Equally great is the difference when we consider the role of the Logos. The Logos of Philo is an intermediary: "The Father who engendered all has given to the Logos the signal privilege of being an intermediary (methorios) between the creature and the creator . . . it is neither without beginning (agenetos) as is God, nor begotten (genetos) as you are [mankind], but intermediate (mesos) between these two extremes "(Quis rer. divin. haeres sit, 205-06). The Word of St. John is not an intermediary, but a Mediator; He is not intermediate between the two natures, Divine and human, but He unites them in His Person; it could not be said of Him, as of the Logos of Philo, that He is neither agenetos nor genetos, for He is at the same time one and the other, not inasmuch as He is the Word, but as the Incarnate Word (St. Ignatius, "Ad Ephes.", vii, 2).
Esteemed Pam,

I suppose that this could be a place to start. Logos, in my view (certainly not my idea) is 'intelligibility'. What understructures awareness and the possibility of being aware. 'God the Father' is, as it seems, a sort of personalization of an abstract notion into the Christian idea of a 'creator'.

[Using my location here at GF as a reference point]: I had always thought that the emphasis on masculinity here on GF was strictly and, if you will, to give a special and dynamic meaning to the role of masculinity, and this to man and to men, but within the rationalistic and rationalizing sense of logos. I thought that, therefore, our Beloved and Respected Geniuses had concluded that they as men had a special röle and also value, but that feminized culture was, in this sense, an adversary if not an enemy. This is pretty much how I took Weininger when I read him.

I certainly do recognize that there are women with masculine minds. Maybe you are one of them. Camille Paglia definitely is. Therefore, I can easily entertain or *visualize* as I say intelligent women advocating in the world of ideas. But, I differ with some insofar as I do not reduce God or the Logos to an abstract non-entity. I suppose that I, like St John, understand the 'personal' aspect of God.

So, I do not have difficulties in grasping therefore the God of St Thomas Aquinas. It is likely that this aspect of linking the *human* of the human with the Creator and with an abstract God, that separates me from most who write on this forum. And as should be obvious this is why I tend to speak through 'Christian categories' and to tend not to radically denigrate the human qua human nor any of those 'sacraments' which underpin Occidental culture, which is really to say Occidental values. And therefore as you will note I remain, shall I say, connected to what I constantly refer to as 'Our Traditions'. This is not a simple term really. It means more than it seems.

If I say that I value paternalism, it means as a starting point that I value both the father and the role of father, and I give a special -- a metaphysical -- signification to it. The father in this sense is the one who has *carved out of the void* the sense of what we value and why we value it. The father, then, is linked primarily to masculinity, but masculinity genuinely distinct from femininity and the female. It becomes a question of the ideal and what is ideal, but ideally 'the father' as I conceive him (allow me to wax poetic) 'channels the logos' into the human world, that is, into the family, a basic microcosm.

Because I can *entertain* as I might say 'Christian categories', I can also conceive of 'rebellion' as well as 'undermining' of the father, but definitely of Logos. Because logos in this sense in nomos, law, order, rule. It is the logos-mind that creates the distinctions and orders them into intelligible patterns. Frankly woman does not do this. As Camille Paglia pithily said: "If it were left up to women we'd still be living in grass huts". It strikes home because (it seems to me) it is fundamentally true. Women can come under the influence of men and logos, and it is possible that the energy they borrow from men can continue a while. But I do not think that they have (in these senses) motive power. And then there is another side of this: they should not be given motive power, nor should they take it.

The contrast or the tension (likely a better word) between the sensual and the logical (the logos as intellectual principle), is an important area for understanding. As I said women gestate. I regret sounding Schopenhauerian, and I do say this with definite caveats, but it is my view that in an ideal society the main focus of women would be in their 'biological projects' and a great many things that pertain to the raising of children. It is not good nor healthy to thrust most women into other roles, or 'into the world', though I do recognize that they do this and, often, pull it off rather well.

Paternalism then, in my view, is somewhat anti-feminist (and in some cases strongly so), if feminist means a sort of 'rebellious project' against the parameters established by the masculine, and thus the paternal, and therefore by the logos. But I do understand this, as you might guess, metaphysically. Just as men are allied with logos and operate as fathers, and this is metaphysically ordained, so too women have an established röle to fulfill, and a 'metaphysical order of things' supports that. I think that you would not have to look far to know how the Occident has presented woman symbolically.

The beginning of destruction, the beginning of dissolution, the beginning of breakdown -- certainly in the Postwar -- coincides with the rise of women as agents of rebellion. I tend to see this as the rise in rebellion of the sensual against the logical. Immediate experience and therefore desire as-against discerned duty and, if you will, masculine strength.

In essence, and in most instances, when things fail they fail because men have failed and man has failed. When women are knocked off their foundation (metaphysically speaking) it is because man has failed his röle, the father has failed. This points in my view to the directive power of masculinity and masculine-logos. And to responsibility.

Everyone who writes on GF, in my view, is a 'failed father' attempting to recover himself as a man. Most can hardly be said to pull it off. What is interesting and endlessly amusing (förlåt mig) are the unending comic antics of those who struggle to recover themselves, but are undermined by their own will, dullness and boyishness.

I can help.

Re: To compare is to judge?

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 4:23 am
by Pam Seeback
Santiago Odo: Everyone who writes on GF, in my view, is a 'failed father' attempting to recover himself as a man. Most can hardly be said to pull it off. What is interesting and endlessly amusing (förlåt mig) are the unending comic antics of those who struggle to recover themselves, but are undermined by their own will, dullness and boyishness.
Alex, I have always been aware that you understand your view of “the father that carves out of the void” to be a metaphysical one. If I didn’t think it was, I wouldn’t bother answering your posts.

I believe that some/most? of the posters here share your view that it is the male principle that carves out the values of the Logos (ergo the belief that philosophers are best to guide the world into better/healthier/more reasonable, more ordered times) but for souls such as myself, the desire to carve out such a world is a fool's game. Why? Because the spirit of the Logos is a restless spirit, an ever-moving spirit and will not tolerate man's attempt to limit it to this or that expression. Which means I view the male who plays this game as being eternally caught in the process of recovering himself (he suffers in his belief in a attaining to a permanent potency that in truth, does not exist because it cannot exist).

This is why I do not play the game of what is best or good or worse or evil for the world. I understand that the game of Father (or Mother) Knows Best must be played while the dice are being tossed, but for those like me, its all about putting down the dice and pulling out of the game. I understand why such a view causes you (and others) concern or disbelief or even scorn, once upon a time it caused me to think all of these things, but no more. You may wonder why I answer your posts given that our view of the Logos is so different. I post a) because the contrast offers me an excellent platform to address the false (albeit understandable) notion that a reasonable, man-made world is the Word of the Logos and b) because of your assumptions you understand the journey of pulling out of the "what's best for the world" game.

And while it is true that I do not identify with the view of paternalism in relation to the Logos, I do believe I relate more authentically to that view than you do to that of good and evil transcendence. As a woman raised in a mostly paternalistic world, how can I possibly not imagine that males would desire to extend this vision to be one of God Himself?

In the future, so as to honour the truth of things, I will stay out of any of your posts that deal directly with your chosen male "ism". When I won’t be quiet is when you pretend to understand the journey - my journey - of good (best) and evil (worst) transcendence. When you play this game of "I know" when you don't, I will come down hard and swift and ask you to show me the causality - the evidence - of your (experential) knowing. Which I have done several times before to which, so far, you have failed to do.

Re: To compare is to judge?

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 6:18 am
by Santiago Odo
Hi there Pam. Just read this one part and will comment quickly on it:
Why? Because the spirit of the Logos is a restless spirit, an ever-moving spirit and will not tolerate man's attempt to limit it to this or that expression. Which means I view the male who plays this game as being eternally caught in the process of recovering himself (he suffers in his belief in a attaining to a permanent potency that in truth, does not exist because it cannot exist).
Here, you have made, if you'll permit me to say it like this, a metaphysical error. Since logos is linked conceptually to the Unmoved Mover, the final point of infinite regress, it is conceived of as eternal and constant: unchanging. Therefore, if there is a 'restless spirit' I would say that it -- metaphysically and in some degree metaphorically -- is linked to contingency and mutability.

Therefore, the spirit that you define, and that which you link yourself to, is not strictly speaking logos (as here defined). And this reveals and explains, as I might say, 'your problem'.

The notion of immutability and constancy is fundamental to Occidental categories. Certainly to Platonism and of course to Greco-Christianity. The philosophical object is to employ reason and mathematical logic to define principles that do not change, and to model the human world -- our creations -- in this.

Therefore, again, I think it fair to link processes of rebellion and undermining of logos, to rebellion and undermining of the intellect that can *see* and *define* such constants. And that in my view is the masculine philosophic mind.

One 'recovers oneself' when one has deviated off-track, as it were.

You are attempting to establish a meta-logical position and to *view* men and masculinity in some particular way. And you see man as being trapped in some impossible pursuit the connection to which you, according to you, have overcome.

An arrogating expression of rebellious feminism? Hard to say . . . yet I suspect so.

But you definitely have not overcome. You are in little sense part of what I call often this *project*. You exist in a private, isolated sphere and what you do, though valuable to you and those around you, is irrelevant to every aspect of what I am talking about. You cannot speak to it or about it because you do not understand it.

Serve your man some vanilla ice-cream and "Woman, mind your house!"

(That is a line from A Man For All Seasons and yet I am not joking. You delve into areas in which you have no business and no experience).
This is why I do not play the game of what is best or good or worse or evil for the world. I understand that the game of Father (or Mother) Knows Best must be played while the dice are being tossed, but for those like me, its all about putting down the dice and pulling out of the game. I understand why such a view causes you (and others) concern or disbelief or even scorn, once upon a time it caused me to think all of these things, but no more. You may wonder why I answer your posts given that our view of the Logos is so different. I post a) because the contrast offers me an excellent platform to address the false (albeit understandable) notion that a reasonable, man-made world is the Word of the Logos and b) because of your assumptions you understand the journey of pulling out of the "what's best for the world" game.
I understand what for you is a game. And I have never objected to what you have chosen to do in yourself and for yourself. I also understand that you see yourself as having pulled out of 'the game'. And that is fine. I have no issue there.

My relationship to this forum has to do though with correcting, or reorienting, errors that arise in people for similar reasons as they arose in you. Different, but related. This should now be crystal clear to you. There should no be no more doubts.

I have no scorn for you. How could you think such a thing? I have indifference to what you do. Because it is irrelevant. But I am definitely interested in *castigation* (if you'll permit me the use of that word!) in regard to men and those who define their project as a man's project in this world.

Man's world is not a 'man-made world of the Logos', but it is man's endeavor to model the created world on that of eternal and constant principles (the logos in a metaphysical sense). The Word in that sense is something spoken in eternal time and listened for and heard by man.
In the future, so as to honor the truth of things, I will stay out of any of your posts that deal directly with your chosen male "ism". When I won’t be quiet is when you pretend to understand the journey - my journey - of good (best) and evil (worst) transcendence. When you play this game of "I know" when you don't, I will come down hard and swift and ask you to show me the causality - the evidence - of your (experiential) knowing. Which I have done several times before to which, so far, you have failed to do.
Feel free to do whatever you want. Nothing bothers me. The ideas here are what matter to me. Nothing else. You have little grasp of my "chosen male -ism" but your language delights me! Please come down as devastatingly hard as you desire, when you desire to, and as 'the spirit' calls you to do so!

I'll receive all your blows with no complaint! :-)

Re: To compare is to judge?

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2019 2:40 am
by Pam Seeback
Santago Odo: Feel free to do whatever you want. Nothing bothers me. The ideas here are what matter to me. Nothing else. You have little grasp of my "chosen male -ism" but your language delights me! Please come down as devastatingly hard as you desire, when you desire to, and as 'the spirit' calls you to do so!

I'll receive all your blows with no complaint! :-)
Okay, blow time! (bad sex pun intended):
Here, you have made, if you'll permit me to say it like this, a metaphysical error. Since logos is linked conceptually to the Unmoved Mover, the final point of infinite regress, it is conceived of as eternal and constant: unchanging. Therefore, if there is a 'restless spirit' I would say that it -- metaphysically and in some degree metaphorically -- is linked to contingency and mutability.

Therefore, the spirit that you define, and that which you link yourself to, is not strictly speaking logos (as here defined). And this reveals and explains, as I might say, 'your problem'.
I am aware of what the Logos represents in your view. But I come to challenge that view using logic (ironic, no?)
The notion of immutability and constancy is fundamental to Occidental categories. Certainly to Platonism and of course to Greco-Christianity. The philosophical object is to employ reason and mathematical logic to define principles that do not change, and to model the human world -- our +creations -- in this.
But employing reason and defining principles that do not change is only half of the story of creation, the other half belongs to the realm of the ever-changing that defies definition. Neither stands alone. Take away the Absolute (the Male) and the Relative (the Female) is without contrast. Yikes, no consciousness, no life! Take away the Relative (the Male) and the Absolute (the Female) is without contrast. Yikes, no consciousness, no life!
Therefore, again, I think it fair to link processes of rebellion and undermining of logos, to rebellion and undermining of the intellect that can *see* and *define* such constants. And that in my view is the masculine philosophic mind.

How is that the Logical Logos created its own undermining? This "rebellious" question is very logical, no? Has it ever occurred to you that Lucifer, Rebellion-Dude Extraordinaire, is the true bringer of logic applied to metaphysics?
One 'recovers oneself' when one has deviated off-track, as it were.
So to deviate off-track is to experience the Female, the Yin, the ever-changing? Why does She frighten you so much?
You are attempting to establish a meta-logical position and to *view* men and masculinity in some particular way. And you see man as being trapped in some impossible pursuit the connection to which you, according to you, have overcome.

An arrogating expression of rebellious feminism? Hard to say . . . yet I suspect so.
What I am attempting to do is point out the logic that because consciousness is a product (is caused) of the Logos (by your definition, The Intelligence that forms the world), it is metaphysically impossible for consciousness - you - to enter the Logos. Why? Because effect cannot enter cause. The only thing we can do is reason the two truths of creation and understand they both form who and what we are.
But you definitely have not overcome. You are in little sense part of what I call often this *project*. You exist in a private, isolated sphere and what you do, though valuable to you and those around you, is irrelevant to every aspect of what I am talking about. You cannot speak to it or about it because you do not understand it.
I have overcome my fear of my Female and am now free to use my Male for definition and structure and enjoy my Female that dances around his Maypole. You cannot speak to it or about it because you do not understand it. I am here to help. :-)
Serve your man some vanilla ice-cream and "Woman, mind your house!"
Female, find yours. And if you find vanilla ice-cream along the way, enjoy!

Re: To compare is to judge?

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2019 4:10 am
by Santiago Odo
Pam wrote:How is that the Logical Logos created its own undermining? This "rebellious" question is very logical, no? Has it ever occurred to you that Lucifer, Rebellion-Dude Extraordinaire, is the true bringer of logic applied to metaphysics?
That would be anti-metaphysics, no? and anti-logic?

In any case, I read your post through. I don't have anything to add.

Re: To compare is to judge?

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2019 5:01 am
by Pam Seeback
Santiago Odo wrote: Fri Jan 11, 2019 4:10 am
Pam wrote:How is that the Logical Logos created its own undermining? This "rebellious" question is very logical, no? Has it ever occurred to you that Lucifer, Rebellion-Dude Extraordinaire, is the true bringer of logic applied to metaphysics?
That would be anti-metaphysics, no? and anti-logic?

In any case, I read your post through. I don't have anything to add.
You asked me a question, then dismissed me. Is this an example of your recovered paternalism or are you off track?

Perhaps you dismissed me because the question you asked about Lucifer in relation to metaphysics and logic is for you, not me.

Re: To compare is to judge?

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2019 5:28 am
by Santiago Odo
It was a statement framed as a question. You can if you wish remove the question mark...

Our terms of discourse are too different, Pam. You already know this.

Re: To compare is to judge?

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2019 5:49 am
by Pam Seeback
Wise words from verse 5 of the Tao te Ching, the original subject of this thread, parenthesis mine:

"Heaven and Earth are impartial;
they treat all of creation as straw dogs.
The Master doesn't take sides;
she [gotta love this one!] treats everyone like a straw dog.

The space between Heaven and Earth is like a bellows;
it is empty, yet has not lost its power.
The more it is used, the more it produces;
the more you talk of it, the less you comprehend.

It is better not to speak of things you do not understand."

Straw dogs that we are but don't think we are - haha - as Dennis used to say, shall we all sit down and have a cuppa?

Re: To compare is to judge?

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2019 5:58 am
by Santiago Odo
I often thank Tao that straw dogs can’t bite.

Re: To compare is to judge?

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2019 11:14 pm
by Santiago Odo
David wrote:Science is inherently progressive in nature. It is restless, always seeking to develop its understanding. It is willing to cast aside any traditional certainties if they prove to be false. It relentlessly challenges and undermines conservative myths and beliefs. So it is no surprise to find that science and the left are a natural fit.
As I have often said and still say: you require interpretation. You are a 'hermeneutical project'. And the Genius Forum with all its assertions and choices -- in all its tendentious glory! -- requires the same. And there is no one here capable of providing it.

What you have done in this paragraph is to have given 'entity' to 'science'. But science, looked at coldly, has no entity, no project, offers no 'understanding', and cannot ever and at any point provide 'understanding'.

It is not that it 'casts aside traditional certainties', it is that it in itself can form no certainties in the specific sense in which you use this word. If you were to say 'life has value' or 'love has meaning' you would be making a 'traditional declaration' based absolutely in an older, traditional metaphysics. And traditional, defined, expressed value, and all those that deal with sentiment and idea at what are understood to be 'higher levels', very simply cannot appear to science, since only a man who is aware of those other categories of perception, who has been raised up in them to one degree or another, could see and understand what was being spoken of.

Men employ science, and only men can be 'inherently progressive' or 'inherently regressive' or use science in any specific way. And any 'interpretation' of science will have to take place in a 'metaphysical mind', which is by its nature thoroughly outside of the terms of analysis of 'science'.

If a science-oriented man 'casts aside' an idea, a traditional understanding if you wish, a concept or a sentiment that is best expressed in an allusive or poetical means of communication -- such as is all art and nearly all communication between men -- it is not the methods of science or the tools of science that have done this: it is a specific man who has chosen to submit himself to the dominion of discreet facts about objects. The *true scientist* would have jettisoned all meanings, insofar as all meaning is metaphysical and non-scientific, out of his conceptual sphere. This chemically pure scientific man would eschew interpretation of all things that do not pertain to catalogs and to lists of pure scientific fact.

You are right when you say that such a mind, stripped as it were of the capacity to assert value or meaning, would naturally 'challenge and undermine conservative myths and beliefs', if by 'conservative myth' you mean all meaning encapsulated in symbols. It comes down to that. In fact, language would have to be stripped of all charged words, words that are the product of metaphysical thought and that are 'capsules' which open back into levels of meaning which, to the science man, can have no meaning.

'Meaning' itself becomes meaningless.

When you refer to this exalted project of challenging conservative myths and beliefs, it is unfortunate that you do not understand what the implications of this are. You could not understand by definition. Time and again, in tens and hundreds of different ways, I have tried to bring to your attention what your 'project' ramifies to. Not just with you but with dozens of headstrong children who respond to something in your message and desire to imitate you.

The end of your project is the destruction of intellect.

Just as you reveal when you speak and indicate, with no uncertainty, that you do not work with intellect! What then do you work with? The definition is not easy to come by because what you do is bizarre and multivalent. You clearly can *rationalize* but in this you have turned your mind into a machine-like tool. You do not intelligize, you calculate. Your calculations, by their nature, inhibit intelligent conceptualization and the making of connections in all areas that, to you, 'do not compute'. You show what happens to a man's mind when he resolves through a strange series of causal events to turn himself into a machine. I am sincerely trying to avoid exaggeration and unnecessary embellishment.

Your 'spirituality' is a radical, reductive process carried out by a hyper-rationalizing machine-like mind.

But something powers it, something gives it energy. What is that? It might be that which Nietzsche refers to: will to power. When there is no longer directing 'intelligence' (in the sense of the word 'intellectus'), and when the very possibility of making connections between metaphysical notions perceived in the 'higher mind' are brought to an absolute halt, I guess that this is the point when an unconscious will is 'left standing' so to speak. Maybe it is 'vital energy' or just 'biological machination', but I suggest that in you, David, will-to-power is essentially what motivates you. Not idea, not higher idea or ideal, but what I would have to describe as the 'end result of certain processes of calculation'.

And under the spell, as it were, of this self-imposition you charge into the intellectual world, a world to which you have no relationship, in which you have no foundation -- in fact no interest at all! -- and you literally muck up the place with the results of your miscomprehensions. Your 'project', driven by will-to-power, is toxic to *meaning* and eats it apart like an acid. You become not a creative agent but an agent of destruction.

This is what 'nihilism' can only mean. It is what results from the destruction of higher levels of meaning which, and you cannot grasp this because *it does not compute*, actually have sustaining and nourishing value. To what, for what?! you ask. And you have no idea. It is meaningless to you. And the machine revs itself up and off you zoom, propelled by a determinism which you cannot see because you cannot intellectualize.

You simply cannot understand what traditionally-minded men (to borrow your term, a fuller one is necessary), or those who are interested in and understand higher dimensions of thought and have experience with meaning, and grasp what it is to lose all that this connotes. You do not comprehend what it is to lose 'the intelligible world'. It makes no sense to you.

Therefore, you can only condemn those who through imperfect and even somewhat desperate clinging to symbolical forms (myths & beliefs is your term), try to hold on to value & meaning being wrested away from them as they become subsumed in a *machine-world*. It is in a sense grasping a shadow, and doing so at 'dusk'. But the mistake that I believe you make, and this through immaturity and an excess of will, is to destroy the conceptual pathway to higher meaning, and thus to condemn others to a subsuming nihilism.

There is an alternative, of course. And what is interesting -- (from my perspective which is so many times beyond your capacity to grasp and which severely challenges all who are participating here now) -- is to then conceive of GF not as a place and space through which a person will be (could be!) brought to 'freedom', but rather one that drags people down into endless dead-ends; to mistakes; to rehearsals of error through mis-directed will.

Or, in Diebert's case to a never-ending dusk but a never-rising sun.

Again, the most comprehensive way to understand Jupiviv is to picture will, jacked-up with a sort of hysterical mental priapism in a man who has no penis, coursing about in a desperate struggle to find a suitable *topic* for that argumentative will.

Once you get it, once you grasp the underlying motive -- unconscious though it is -- one has then the key to get what goes on here. That is, what you-plural set in motion. It also explains or in any case reveals why the communication between the 3 of you has fallen asunder, and why, here, all communication only ends in the end of the possibility of communication -- ah, excerpt for in Diebert's case, the crepuscular Hunter Gracchus who lives in perpetual duskiness, 'in the deepest regions of death'.

But I will never abandon you. Never!

Re: To compare is to judge?

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 1:25 am
by Pam Seeback
Alex: The end of your project is the destruction of intellect.
The intellect is but a bag of wind if it is not in tune with the logic of A = A (oneness with the All) and since we are providing our thoughts on Trump (the modern version of falling far from the grace of A = A), I dare say he provides great value and in that he is a visual/visceral expression of the depths to which the dividing (ignorant) human intellect can fall.

A soul can have a towering intellect (your rising sun?) but if it sees even one soul as being existentially inferior to itself, it has the name of the Son of Man, not the Son of God. Yeah, yeah, I know I'm beating our polarized drums, but I will never leave you. :-)

Re: To compare is to judge?

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 2:08 am
by Santiago Odo
Straw dogs can't bite; nor can they think.

Re: To compare is to judge?

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 5:47 am
by Pam Seeback
Santiago Odo wrote: Sat Jan 12, 2019 2:08 am Straw dogs can't bite; nor can they think.
Straw dogs instantaneously ignite on fire when they encounter prejudicial (cultured) reasoning being mistaken for the culture-absent A = A logic of the Logos. They burn bright and hot, albeit with a loving heart.

Re: To compare is to judge?

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 6:48 am
by Santiago Odo
You’re on fire! Straw burns hot and bright!

Re: To compare is to judge?

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 7:10 am
by Diebert van Rhijn
The spontaneous but at some point rather extensive and specific political discussions on Trump, climate change, libtart and rightism in this topic have now been moved to the thread Trumpism. The front page of this particular no-left, no-right forum should not remain dominated by these issues for that long. Thanks for understanding.

Re: To compare is to judge?

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 5:15 am
by Avolith
Pam Seeback wrote: Fri Jan 11, 2019 5:49 am Wise words from verse 5 of the Tao te Ching, the original subject of this thread, parenthesis mine:

"Heaven and Earth are impartial;
they treat all of creation as straw dogs.
The Master doesn't take sides;
she [gotta love this one!] treats everyone like a straw dog.

The space between Heaven and Earth is like a bellows;
it is empty, yet has not lost its power.
The more it is used, the more it produces;
the more you talk of it, the less you comprehend.

It is better not to speak of things you do not understand."

Straw dogs that we are but don't think we are - haha - as Dennis used to say, shall we all sit down and have a cuppa?
Hi Pam,

I've been going through some of your post history. I can't send you a PM. How come?

Re: To compare is to judge?

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 7:51 am
by Pam Seeback
Avolith wrote: Tue Jan 15, 2019 5:15 am
Pam Seeback wrote: Fri Jan 11, 2019 5:49 am Wise words from verse 5 of the Tao te Ching, the original subject of this thread, parenthesis mine:

"Heaven and Earth are impartial;
they treat all of creation as straw dogs.
The Master doesn't take sides;
she [gotta love this one!] treats everyone like a straw dog.

The space between Heaven and Earth is like a bellows;
it is empty, yet has not lost its power.
The more it is used, the more it produces;
the more you talk of it, the less you comprehend.

It is better not to speak of things you do not understand."

Straw dogs that we are but don't think we are - haha - as Dennis used to say, shall we all sit down and have a cuppa?
Hi Pam,

I've been going through some of your post history. I can't send you a PM. How come?
I don't know, my Inbox is viable, I'll try sending you one and see what happens.

Re: To compare is to judge?

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 12:58 am
by Santiago Odo
Secret communications should not be allowed! All these secret 'back-door' parlays (as Pie once said) should be made public.

Pam with Avolith. Avolith with Eric. Avolith with David, Diebert, Jupi. Oh this is just wrong.

No one is sending me private communiques. (I don't even get 'board warnings' from Diebert anymore).

What are you all talking about? Are you getting 'enlightened' behind my back? This is not right.

A secret forum of clandestine communication between unethical members is developing and must be stopped!