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Re: What is the consciousness of a woman really like?

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 3:59 am
by IJesusChrist
How constructive!


Re: What is the consciousness of a woman really like?

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 10:40 am
by David Quinn
dejavu wrote:Does it contain 'hardcore' wisdom like this Dan?:
David: The human race has to face this truth sooner or later: Women are B-grade individuals trying to pretend that they are A-grade and only get away with it nowadays because they are pretty and men like to indulge them. Indeed, men love the fact that women are B-grade because what they want most from women is to be worshiped by them. It is very much in their interests to keep women on a B-grade level, and that is why they remain so.
Beautifully expressed, if I do say so myself. Straight from the sage's heart.

Who could possibly disagree with it?

And as Dan says, it is as much about men as it is about women, if not more so.

Let's be big grown ups and discuss more interesting things than how the sexes differ, like time.

Funny how grown-ups always like to keep things abstract and impersonal. They are far too set in their ways to want to start challenging anything deep within themselves.

Did any of my Australian brothers and sisters watch the doco "What time is it"? with UK Prof. Brian Cox just now? He didn't say anything about the evolution of human consciousness, and was careful not to mention the word eternity like a good scientist, but he did speak candidly about what he knew, and I still enjoyed watching it even though there was nothing in it about magic mushrooms :D
I found the doco to be a bit of bore, to be honest. Like watching theologians count angels on a pinhead. Although I must admit that the sight of these physicists (particularly that female one from England) struggling mightily to salvage time from the grip of Einstein and allowing it to flow again was pretty funny. Granular time ... the things they come up with..... :)


Re: What is the consciousness of a woman really like?

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 11:21 am
by Jamesh
Granular time ... the things they come up with..... :)
I see, it is better to come up with nothing. Lets all subscribe to this non-concept called emptiness, then everything will be all right - we can be just like women and not ponder or think at all.

Sure you haven't turned into a girl, David. You whine about them like you are a bitch complaining about other girls - jealous of them taking men's attention away from you, I suppose.

Re: What is the consciousness of a woman really like?

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 1:29 pm
by IJesusChrist
Why does everyone believe men are higher than women? It's like we've went back 150 years, the fuck is wrong with you guys?

If you REALLY think women are sub-par to men, I don't know... Just fertilizing the ego expansion. Death will be yours, and heaven was made for you.

Re: What is the consciousness of a woman really like?

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 2:47 pm
by pointexter
David Quinn wrote:Funny how grown-ups always like to keep things abstract and impersonal.
David Quinn wrote:men love the fact that women are B-grade
David Quinn wrote:They are far too set in their ways to want to start challenging anything deep within themselves.

Re: What is the consciousness of a woman really like?

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 2:52 pm
by Steven Coyle
Happy Halloween!

Re: What is the consciousness of a woman really like?

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 2:56 pm
by David Quinn
IJesusChrist wrote:Why does everyone believe men are higher than women? It's like we've went back 150 years, the fuck is wrong with you guys?
It's not that I think men are "higher" than women. I fully recognize that both sexes are equal before God, if you like. It's more a matter of recognizing that men and women are significantly different from one another, and thus have differing capabilities. While these differences are relatively insignificant when it comes to everyday matters, they become critical in the context of philosophy and genius.

There is a reason why women have hardly ever entered into the realm of genius - whether it be in wisdom, philosophy, science, or art - and it centers upon their psychology. Through a combination of genetic and cultural reasons, the female mind is not quite focused enough, not quite ruthless enough, not quite logical enough, not quite extreme enough, to push through the confines of ordinary thinking and enter into genius. When a woman does attempt to break out of ordinary thinking, it usually ends up with her falling apart into madness.

A key reason for this state of affairs is that men are traditionally defined by what they do, whereas women are defined by what they are - namely, women. A woman knows deep down that it doesn't really matter what she does, for she always has the comfort of being a woman, no matter what. Being a woman is the core thing, while any achievements she manages in her life is simply the cherry on top.

By contrast, a man doesn't have anything like this to fall back on. If he doesn't achieve things, then he is a nobody. Men come to know this reality from a very young age and thus, as children, they are busily exercising their minds and building their characters in ways that girls do not. In effect, they are laying the groundwork for the future blossoming into genius, even though most of them won't follow through with it when they reach adult.

This grounding provides a tremendous advantage that men have over women and should never be estimated.

My particular concern in all of this is not only to encourage men (and women) to exercise their masculine sides and really push on to greater and greater heights, but also to keep the presentation of truth as pure as possible. Unfortunately, what is happening nowadays is that people everywhere are watering down the truth in order to make it palatable to women - indeed, watering it down so much that it ceases to be recognizable as truth. I may be strange, but I consider this to be a terrible crime against humanity.

Needless to say, everything I say here has nothing to do with wanting to go back in time and resurrect a patriarchal society, or anything along those lines.......


Re: What is the consciousness of a woman really like?

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 3:07 pm
by IJesusChrist
I know many women in the realm of genius.

Their lack of numbers is probably from people like you pre-determining them to insignificancies like that taught in pre-school and elementary school. "Women are not good at math" is TAUGHT in classes, and many times these teachers, are women themselves, who were taught the same thing.

Women have been opressed from logical systems, such as education, the workforce, etc for most of human history, of course they are going to be different, but that does not mean they are incapable of being greater than man.

Have you no guilt for posting these things?

Edit; my prediction for the future of man is grim - Females can now exchange DNA safely and bare children without male sperm. Since men cannot bare children, they cannot obviously do the same - thus men are now becoming obsolete, in the realm of reproduction.

Re: What is the consciousness of a woman really like?

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 3:18 pm
by jupiviv
David Quinn wrote:Being a woman is the core thing, while any achievements she manages in her life is simply the cherry on top.

I think it would be far more accurate to say that any achievements that women manage are also part of being a woman, i.e, the way "woman" is defined by the environment. For men too, any achievements form part of being a "man", as it is defined by the environment. However, in the case of men, there is usually a strong core of individuality/consciousness/genius that wants to go beyond definitions, and this is what leads to the few true achievements of the men of genius.

Re: What is the consciousness of a woman really like?

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 3:31 pm
by Kelly Jones
IJesusChrist wrote:"Women are not good at math" is TAUGHT in classes, and many times these teachers, are women themselves, who were taught the same thing.
If a young female has a logical mind and writing materials, she'd have no problem with maths. She would notice that "women are not good at math" doesn't apply in her case. Math is about finding true, logical principles, and exploring variations in their application. So a female mathematician couldn't accept the statement as true in her case. It wouldn't bother her in the slightest.

So you must think females have weak spines. Or else that females are typically not logical. Surely you wouldn't say that most females are too poor to afford writing materials.

Re: What is the consciousness of a woman really like?

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 3:34 pm
by jupiviv
IJesusChrist wrote:I know many women in the realm of genius.
I probably know what women you think are in the realm of genius, but I consider none of them to be geniuses. The only field where genius can be expressed most clearly is philosophy, and there hasn't been a single female philosopher in history. In the other fields too, the works of the men and women do not bear any comparison.
Women have been opressed from logical systems, such as education, the workforce, etc for most of human history, of course they are going to be different, but that does not mean they are incapable of being greater than man.
The same can be said of men, and probably even to a greater extent. Our evolution and biology is such that the value of women as a whole is greater than men as a whole(from a biological standpoint.) As all of us know, men often lead more laborious and unpleasant lives than women. The habit of singling out women as the "oppressed group" is even more proof for the fact that women have more value in society than men. And if you look at the great men of history, you'll find that a considerable number of them had little/no education. Surprisingly enough, there are no similar parallels amongst women.

However, I agree with you that women cannot be blamed for being the way they are, as they are too unconscious to be held reponsible for anything.

Re: What is the consciousness of a woman really like?

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 4:07 pm
by IJesusChrist
Kelly Jones wrote:
IJesusChrist wrote:"Women are not good at math" is TAUGHT in classes, and many times these teachers, are women themselves, who were taught the same thing.
So you must think females have weak spines. Or else that females are typically not logical. Surely you wouldn't say that most females are too poor to afford writing materials.
We're talking about 3rd, 4th, 5th graders. Logic is, in most cases and exceptionally stronger, in learnt cases.
jupiviv wrote:
IJesusChrist wrote:I know many women in the realm of genius.
I probably know what women you think are in the realm of genius, but I consider none of them to be geniuses. The only field where genius can be expressed most clearly is philosophy, and there hasn't been a single female philosopher in history. In the other fields too, the works of the men and women do not bear any comparison.
Women have been opressed from logical systems, such as education, the workforce, etc for most of human history, of course they are going to be different, but that does not mean they are incapable of being greater than man.
The same can be said of men, and probably even to a greater extent. Our evolution and biology is such that the value of women as a whole is greater than men as a whole(from a biological standpoint.) As all of us know, men often lead more laborious and unpleasant lives than women. The habit of singling out women as the "oppressed group" is even more proof for the fact that women have more value in society than men. And if you look at the great men of history, you'll find that a considerable number of them had little/no education. Surprisingly enough, there are no similar parallels amongst women.

However, I agree with you that women cannot be blamed for being the way they are, as they are too unconscious to be held reponsible for anything.
Are you that blind? Talking to you is like talking to a woman.

Re: What is the consciousness of a woman really like?

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 5:19 pm
by David Quinn
IJesusChrist wrote:I know many women in the realm of genius.

Many people say that, but when it comes to giving examples they usually give a list of women whose qualities are no more developed than that of a talented male.

There is no denying the existence of talented women, but when it comes to that next step into the extraordinary, this is where it all falls apart. Where are the female Einsteins, the female Bachs, the female Jesuses? Nowhere to be found.

Their lack of numbers is probably from people like you pre-determining them to insignificancies like that taught in pre-school and elementary school. "Women are not good at math" is TAUGHT in classes, and many times these teachers, are women themselves, who were taught the same thing.

Women have been opressed from logical systems, such as education, the workforce, etc for most of human history, of course they are going to be different, but that does not mean they are incapable of being greater than man.

Have you no guilt for posting these things?
For speaking the truth? Not at all.

The idea that female genius hasn't arisen because women have been "oppressed" throughout the ages is laughable. It is typical drivel concocted by women to excuse their own lack of achievement. Genius doesn't allow a little thing like society to thwart its aims. It powers through such obstacles as though they weren't there.

The very fact that women allowed themselves to be "oppressed" for so long speaks volumes about their character and their psychology. It means that they were either very passive and lacking in initiative, or that they enjoyed the state of affairs. Or both.

But again, it is not really my aim to put women down. My main concern is working out what can be done to give women the same chance as men of reaching and enjoying the life of genius. But this can't be done if we continue to pretend that women have qualities and abilities which they do not have, or if we keep watering down the notion of genius (reducing it to mere talent) just so that women can feel included.

Edit; my prediction for the future of man is grim - Females can now exchange DNA safely and bare children without male sperm. Since men cannot bare children, they cannot obviously do the same - thus men are now becoming obsolete, in the realm of reproduction.
Why would you bother repeating such a flaky feminist view entertained by college girls? It only takes a second to see the absurdity of it.


Re: What is the consciousness of a woman really like?

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 6:27 pm
by Kelly Jones
IJesusChrist wrote: "Women are not good at math" is TAUGHT in classes, and many times these teachers, are women themselves, who were taught the same thing.

Kelly: So you must think females have weak spines. Or else that females are typically not logical. Surely you wouldn't say that most females are too poor to afford writing materials.

IJesusChrist: We're talking about 3rd, 4th, 5th graders. Logic is, in most cases and exceptionally stronger, in learnt cases.
If the second sentence means that most 7 year old girls are naturally logical, then why would their minds become weaker on being told they are not good at math? I really think you're making excuses for innate weaknesses.

Let's get some perspective on the matter of children and being told something is too hard for them. A parent says to a 7 year old child:

"You can't help out moving the bales of hay because it'll hurt your back." Or,
"You can't ride the new gelding to round up the cows, because it's too wild for you." Or,
"You can't mow the lawn with the ride-on lawn-mower, because it's only for adults." Or,
"You can't use my graphics calculator, because it's too complicated for you." Or,
"You're not allowed in the machinery room, because there are very powerful voltages, and you may be electrocuted." Or,
"Your older brother or sister should do the reading, because you tend to stumble over big words." Or,
"You're a boy, and boys can't draw."

Etc. etc. etc.

I bet you a million bucks of someone else's cash that the child who will go straight ahead and disobey will be a boy, or a tomboy. Or they will complain and protest, until the parent gives in. Girls don't just learn to be submissive and obedient: it's natural to them not to take risks.

Re: What is the consciousness of a woman really like?

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 6:42 pm
by Ataraxia
Kelly Jones wrote:
I bet you a million bucks of someone else's cash that the child who will go straight ahead and disobey will be a boy, or a tomboy. Or they will complain and protest, until the parent gives in. Girls don't just learn to be submissive and obedient: it's natural to them not to take risks.
I've met quite a lot of women over the years who enjoy high risk sports. Also many who engaged in somewhat high risk social and health behaviour ie. caning the drugs and alcohol. It seems to me women over the last 30 or so years have,generally speaking, taken more to high risk physical activity at minimum. It possible that this may lead to high risk thinking.

Re: What is the consciousness of a woman really like?

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 6:55 pm
by Kelly Jones
It would seem that men want more active, risk-taking females. For aren't all those activities designed to spark sexual interest? Aha - that's why the 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders don't want to study math..... Even at that age, most little girls prefer to dance like Kylie Minogue, and watch movies of bitchy teenage cheerleaders.

Re: What is the consciousness of a woman really like?

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 7:22 pm
by Carmel
The idea that female genius hasn't arisen because women have been "oppressed" throughout the ages is laughable. It is typical drivel concocted by women to excuse their own lack of achievement. Genius doesn't allow a little thing like society to thwart its aims. It powers through such obstacles as though they weren't there.

Why is the word "oppressed" in quotes?
Women were often lawfully denied access to institutions of higher learning until the 20th century... and even if a woman had produced a work of genius she would have had to use the pseudonym of a male to have it published. The intellectual oppression of females was very real.

Women have only been active in the world of academia for a very brief time, relative to the history of civilized culture. Only time will tell what women are capable of.

On a related note, in America, a new trend has been emerging. More women than men are college graduates. (i.e56%(female -44% male in 2006 and trend is projected to continue)

The very fact that women allowed themselves to be "oppressed" for so long speaks volumes about their character and their psychology.

No, it speaks volumes about the "character" and "psychology" of the oppressors. You yourself said that men wanted to keep women at "B grade level" because they want to be "worshipped" by women. Assuming that's true, that says more about men than it does about women.

It means that they were either very passive and lacking in initiative, or that they enjoyed the state of affairs. Or both.

That might be in some cases...or they may have been mired in survival mode which is not a state that is conducive to attaining genius..for either gender.

or if we keep watering down the notion of genius (reducing it to mere talent) just so that women can feel included.

...or so that men can feel included. In other words, I agree. There aren't many male geniuses either, as you've often acknowledged, yet the non genius, "preliterates" here keep trying ride on their coattails by mere virtue of an egotism a <insert number>.

Re: What is the consciousness of a woman really like?

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 9:51 pm
by jupiviv
Carmel wrote:Women were often lawfully denied access to institutions of higher learning until the 20th century... and even if a woman had produced a work of genius she would have had to use the pseudonym of a male to have it published. The intellectual oppression of females was very real.
I think you're forgetting that the vast majority of men were also denied higher learning until the 20th century. This did not prevent men with no education at all from producing works of genius. An example from India is Ramakrishna, who was a great genius, but received no education. Genius has nothing to do with formal education and IQ. In fact, geniuses have always spoken about the limits that so-called "education" puts on the mind.

Re: What is the consciousness of a woman really like?

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 10:25 pm
by Jason
dejavu wrote:
Jason wrote:Are you Australian dejavu?
Is your mum?
She....was. <sniffle>

Re: What is the consciousness of a woman really like?

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 10:43 pm
by Jason
What? No, my Mom's fine - she just changed nationality. She's New Zealand-ish now, and me being so patriotic and all it's just a sore point for me....

Re: What is the consciousness of a woman really like?

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 11:05 pm
by Jason
By the way, Sue would drive a "ute" not a "pickup."

Re: What is the consciousness of a woman really like?

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 11:25 pm
by Jason
This has been a thoroughly worthless discussion. I'm ashamed to have started it with my pointless and niggly observation, and I'm ashamed to have continued on with it as long as I have. I'm gonna try to do better in the future.

Re: What is the consciousness of a woman really like?

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 11:28 pm
by Jason
dejavu wrote:Hang on,....don't tell me Sue is your mum???
She's not.

Re: What is the consciousness of a woman really like?

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 11:37 pm
by Jason
My Mum's still alive, still Australian, and I'm not patriotic - I was just fuckin' with ya, for the "your mum" comment.

Re: What is the consciousness of a woman really like?

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 11:50 pm
by Jason
How amazingly clever, amusing and original!