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Re: The evolution of QRS into QRST

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 2:22 pm
by Trevor Salyzyn
Sher: are you blind to what Laird is doing? Have your... feminine instincts... whittled to nothing? Can you not recognize a fellow woman?

Re: The evolution of QRS into QRST

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 2:28 pm
by Shahrazad
It honestly seems pretty innocent to me, Trev, but I'll grant you that I may be missing something. My "feminine" instincts have been known to be wrong; time will tell.

Re: The evolution of QRS into QRST

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 2:41 pm
by Laird
Trevor Salyzyn wrote:Can you not recognize a fellow woman?
This accusation is the behaviour of a man who, thinking himself wise, nevertheless falters. For the benefit of onlookers I hope that Trevor won't be too disappointed that I "de-mystify" what he is attempting to do here. What Trevor is doing is trying to test my attachment to my ego in order to evaluate for himself just how far I have progressed. He knows that he will not be able to fully validate my Enlightenment until he himself has achieved this lofty pinnacle (and even then his judgments will be subject to empirical observation, and thus imperfect), but in the meantime he believes that he can measure grossly by my response to this belittling taunt how far advanced I am: should I show any signs that I need to reject this horrible insult, he will deduce that I am still in possession of a deluded sense of self. However - and here is the lesson - what Trevor has neglected to consider in his as-yet imperfect reasoning ability is that the Fully Enlightened Buddha in His all-seeing knowledge of causality-in-practice is capable of double-guessing, triple-guessing, and even infinitely-guessing him. It is no use him trying to use these parlour tricks upon a Fully Enlightened Buddha, for he simply has not yet achieved the required level of logical sophistication to outplay any but the grossly deluded.

Re: The evolution of QRS into QRST

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 3:06 pm
by Trevor Salyzyn
what Trevor has neglected to consider in his as-yet imperfect reasoning ability is that the Fully Enlightened Buddha in His all-seeing knowledge of causality-in-practice is capable of double-guessing, triple-guessing, and even infinitely-guessing him..
Think you're so tough? Prove it.

Re: The evolution of QRS into QRST

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 3:12 pm
by Trevor Salyzyn
Fuckit. This is stupid. I'm not going to be part of a dick-measuring contest. You win.

Re: The evolution of QRS into QRST

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 3:20 pm
by daybrown
In view of the increased knowledge we now have about psychological pathology, it rather begs the question of whether there are, in fact, any sentient beings for Mahayana to serve. I therefore, content myself with Hinayana and Tantra.

The reasons are obscure and debated, but I think a solid case can be made that young women today are more sentient than young men, so many of whom spend their waking hours in front of screens like this with trivial games.

Young women dont get the same kick from it, which is one reason so many now look into Wicca; I regard this as overwhelmingly fluff bunny bullshit, but we all have to begin a search for wisdom someplace, and at least they know there is a problem.

Those who speak do not know, and those who know do not speak because they know how fruitless it is. Because the Tocharians, who had words for "men" and "women", like everyone, also had a special suffix, "-os", which referred to a sentient being.

I began taking psych courses at the U of Minn, and still remember a field trip to an institution where I saw man laying on a bed, apparently about 40, who was fed with a tube, and had never made a volitional act his entire life. Taking the Vedic mantra of "non-action" seriously. A real Bodhisattvah.

Then later, I worked in clinical settings with the retarded, autistic, psychotic, or whatever, coming to understand how terribly limited the spoken, much less written, word is. Since then, I've seen how full the world is of neurotics, and understand what Dr. Freud meant characterizing the condition as highly intractable. And if you do manage to shatter their illusions, they get pissed; a point Epictetus noted.

As a result, Hinayana seems the only reasonable way to go.

Re: The evolution of QRS into QRST

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 3:26 pm
by David Quinn
Trevor Salyzyn wrote:Fuckit. This is stupid. I'm not going to be part of a dick-measuring contest. You win.
Trevor, he's just taking the piss. No need to get worked up over it.


Re: The evolution of QRS into QRST

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 3:38 pm
by Laird
Trevor Salyzyn wrote:Think you're so tough? Prove it.
Trevor Salyzyn wrote:Fuckit. This is stupid. I'm not going to be part of a dick-measuring contest. You win.
Trevor, this is symptomatic of the behaviour that is keeping you trapped in the animal realms. Remember: it is the animal that must be tough; man needs only reason. It is the battle to realise the position of alpha male that characterises the animal kingdom. Come now, transcend this mentality. You are a bigger man than that and I can tell you in no uncertain terms that should you overcome your animalistic tendencies, and given the potential that you exhibit for the intellectual comprehension of Reality, you have a leading role to play in the propagation of Wisdom.

Re: The evolution of QRS into QRST

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 3:48 pm
by Laird
David Quinn wrote:Trevor, he's just taking the piss.
It would be unthinkable that one of the leading lights of this community, and indeed of the world, would provide an unhelpful observation, and, as expected, my fine brother-in-comprehension has not failed us. I sense that daily this man sheds several of those most insignificant delusions that yet niggle him in and out of a Fully Enlightened State. It should be pointed out that, of course, David is using the Genius definition of "taking the piss", which the unenlightened among us may not yet realise corresponds to "removing the urine-like delusions from the minds of the hapless".

Re: The evolution of QRS into QRST

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 3:59 pm
by Laird
daybrown wrote:I began taking psych courses at the U of Minn, and still remember a field trip to an institution where I saw man laying on a bed, apparently about 40, who was fed with a tube, and had never made a volitional act his entire life. Taking the Vedic mantra of "non-action" seriously. A real Bodhisattvah.
Daybrown, whilst I judge you to be a generally insightful man who, should he apply himself sternly, is capable of the necessary effort to reach at the very least a complete understanding of causality - and possibly even to catch glimpses of the wisdom in the Doctrine of Emptiness - in this instance your apparent respect for a man of inertia belies the terrible distance that separates you from Ultimate Wisdom. How capable do you think that this man is of the Ultimate Purpose: the Propagation of Wisdom? He has lost his compassion for his fellow man, steeped in his selfish desire to enjoy a life of utter leisure during which he will no doubt logically decipher many of the secrets of Nature, he will yet fail to pass on any of his wisdom to his brothers. What use is Wisdom in the hands of but a single, vegetable-like man? Wisdom is like a fire that spreads wildly through the forest of seekers, and here is this man: a firefighter turning his hose full force upon that sacred blaze.

Re: The evolution of QRS into QRST

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 4:06 pm
by Jason
Laird wrote:Wisdom is like a fire that spreads wildly through the forest of seekers, and here is this man: a firefighter turning his hose full force upon that sacred blaze.
If everyone had hair like yours the fire of wisdom would surely spready wildly through the forest of seekers.

Re: The evolution of QRS into QRST

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 4:06 pm
by clyde

Congratulations! Namaste comes close to my meaning.

How will you Propagate Wisdom?


Re: The evolution of QRS into QRST

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 4:21 pm
by Trevor Salyzyn
You are a bigger man than that and I can tell you in no uncertain terms that should you overcome your animalistic tendencies, and given the potential that you exhibit for the intellectual comprehension of Reality, you have a leading role to play in the propagation of Wisdom.
How about I just overcome my animalistic tendency to live, and just fire a bullet into my brain? Didn't Nietzsche have something to say about only reading things that are written in blood? All over the bathroom mirror?

Yeah, right there: I have my leading role. Dipshit. I'm not so fucking stupid to want that role.

Re: The evolution of QRS into QRST

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 4:25 pm
by maestro
If Laird says he is enlightened why did people and all the sages get all worked up. Maybe he did become enlightened, after all nobody except himself has the final call.

Re: The evolution of QRS into QRST

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 4:27 pm
by Laird
Jason wrote:If everyone had hair like yours the fire of wisdom would surely spready wildly through the forest of seekers.
Jason, welcome to the discussion. Your sense of humour is admirable and were I still subject to the delusional sense of dischord that humour relies upon, I would have been quite amused by your joke. I know that you are already aware of what I am about to say, but you are not the only reader and it is necessary for me to provide these words of warning for those not-necessarily-as-wise souls: be cautious and sparing in your use of humour, for there are those who will not understand it and who might even react aggressively - this is a matter both of safety and of compassion.
clyde wrote:How will you Propagate Wisdom?
Clyde, thank you for bringing this up: it is a very important issue and deserves a separate thread. I will let you know once that thread is under way.
Trevor Salyzyn wrote:I'm not so fucking stupid to want that role.
Must I remind you that what you want is not nearly as significant as what Totality causes?
maestro wrote:after all nobody except himself has the final call.
Your logic is impeccable.

Re: The evolution of QRS into QRST

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 4:33 pm
by Trevor Salyzyn
Must I remind you that what you want is not nearly as significant as what Totality causes?
Do you honestly think you could get me to shoot myself?

Re: The evolution of QRS into QRST

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 4:45 pm
by Imadrongo
Dan and Trevor are lashing out egotistically against what they view to be competition in their field -- wisdom of Ultimate Reality. Of course we cannot blame them, as ultimately the Totality is causing their every move, they don't even exist. However I do believe Laird has surpassed them all in progress towards the final goal of Complete Enlightenment.

Re: The evolution of QRS into QRST

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 4:51 pm
by Trevor Salyzyn
Trevor, he's just taking the piss. No need to get worked up over it.
If you know what he's doing, why aren't you fucking doing something about it?

Re: The evolution of QRS into QRST

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 4:53 pm
by Trevor Salyzyn
Sock-puppets are so tedious.
You know what he's doing, as well. THINK!

Re: The evolution of QRS into QRST

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 4:54 pm
by Trevor Salyzyn
And Kevin? Cat got your tongue?

Re: The evolution of QRS into QRST

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 4:56 pm
by Trevor Salyzyn
Neil, you speak truly, but that in itself is not a sign of wisdom.

Re: The evolution of QRS into QRST

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 4:57 pm
by Dan Rowden
Neil Melnyk wrote:Dan and Trevor are lashing out egotistically against what they view to be competition in their field -- wisdom of Ultimate Reality. Of course we cannot blame them, as ultimately the Totality is causing their every move, they don't even exist. However I do believe Laird has surpassed them all in progress towards the final goal of Complete Enlightenment.
Hahaha. Now that was certainly funny. However, your suggestion that I have "lashed out", egotistically or otherwise over Laird's nifty, but inconsistent in quality (can't have everything I suppose) game play seems more than a little dishonest. What's to lash out over? So far I've only read about half of each post. I think the satirical force, such that it existed, got spent fairly quickly. 6.5 out of ten from me.

Re: The evolution of QRS into QRST

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 5:00 pm
by Trevor Salyzyn
Laird, to follow the letter of good sportsmanship: good game.

To everyone else: I swear that fucker is cheating.

Re: The evolution of QRS into QRST

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 5:11 pm
by maestro
Trevor Salyzyn wrote:I swear that fucker is cheating.
Why so worked up? If he is cheating he is cheating only himself.

Re: The evolution of QRS into QRST

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 5:12 pm
by tooyi
Fox News of the Infinite. The terrorists must be cast out or they'll spoil our good mood. Let's pretend and the masses, they'll believe, and we get to bomb shit up.