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Re: The Nature of Woman

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 8:10 pm
by Animus
IJesusChrist wrote:Are you a woman?

Stop talking for them.
I find this argumentation extremely unruly. It can be abstracted out to anything one wants to discredit others on.

Are you a serial killer? Are you a child molester? Are you a corporate lawyer? Are you the President/Prime Minister? Are you a parent?

Pretty soon you find out that you can't speak about anyone else except for yourself because no one else is you and you are no one else. That makes the whole exercise of communication pretty damn pointless. Not to mention that it nullifies law and ends in anarchy.

Have you ever been a pregnant 13-year old girl considering abortion? I'm willing to bet the vast majority of people have not and we'd be in a bind to let only people who have, decide what the law is. I don't know what its like to be a lust murderer, in that case I should have no opinion on the course of a lust murderer, that's the domain of lust murderers.

What a person learns when they experience something is what it feels like to experience something. Everything else can be known without being the person and since we are all very similar we can emulate what it feels like to be someone else. We can imagine ourselves to be a 13 year old girl who just discovered that she was pregnant and that she would be in hell up to her eyeballs. Her parents would probably be really upset, she'd have no time for friends or an education, she'd be forced into adulthood prematurely. If we open ourselves up enough we can even emulate the lust murderer, but that's pretty scary shit, and remember not to stay too long emulating stuff like that. It'd be better not to do it, but sometimes we need to know that its there. I will sure as hell never forget what I am capable of being. It doesn't seem like the majority of people are aware of the potentialities that exist within them. They choose not to emulate other people, they are too caught up in their own world.

Re: The Nature of Woman

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 1:40 am
by Kunga
Dan Rowden wrote:
Your point?

he likes something with meat on

i don't have much to say in words lately..a picture is worth a thousand words :)

Re: The Nature of Woman

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 1:45 am
by IJesusChrist
Animus wrote:
IJesusChrist wrote:Are you a woman?

Stop talking for them.
I find this argumentation extremely unruly. It can be abstracted out to anything one wants to discredit others on.

Are you a serial killer? Are you a child molester? Are you a corporate lawyer? Are you the President/Prime Minister? Are you a parent?

Pretty soon you find out that you can't speak about anyone else except for yourself because no one else is you and you are no one else. That makes the whole exercise of communication pretty damn pointless. Not to mention that it nullifies law and ends in anarchy.

Have you ever been a pregnant 13-year old girl considering abortion? I'm willing to bet the vast majority of people have not and we'd be in a bind to let only people who have, decide what the law is. I don't know what its like to be a lust murderer, in that case I should have no opinion on the course of a lust murderer, that's the domain of lust murderers.

What a person learns when they experience something is what it feels like to experience something. Everything else can be known without being the person and since we are all very similar we can emulate what it feels like to be someone else. We can imagine ourselves to be a 13 year old girl who just discovered that she was pregnant and that she would be in hell up to her eyeballs. Her parents would probably be really upset, she'd have no time for friends or an education, she'd be forced into adulthood prematurely. If we open ourselves up enough we can even emulate the lust murderer, but that's pretty scary shit, and remember not to stay too long emulating stuff like that. It'd be better not to do it, but sometimes we need to know that its there. I will sure as hell never forget what I am capable of being. It doesn't seem like the majority of people are aware of the potentialities that exist within them. They choose not to emulate other people, they are too caught up in their own world.
I will never speak for a girl, although they are as predictable as men, I have never thought like one, and to me, observing them for long periods of time shows I still lack a large portion of their psychology - which I doubt I will ever truly understand, simply because of hormones.

I can say a girl is ignorant, because I am talking to her as a person, as a whole, but not as a woman. I am not deciding that she, upon all her nurtured self, is ignorant. I decide she is ignorant without logic. (BTW I'm not calling anyone ignorant right now - this is just an analogy)

Just as I will never speak for anyone, I will only tell them how I relate, and how I percieve.

I do not speak as if I am a woman.

Re: The Nature of Woman

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 1:59 am
by Kunga
mensa-maniac wrote:

Mensa says: Awesome links, thanks for sharing.

Oh...i'm so happy you liked them Mensa : )

Re: The Nature of Woman

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 5:01 am
by Cahoot
That’s interesting, that concept of speaking as if one is a woman. Of course it asks the question, how does a woman speak?

I once worked at this place where mostly men worked. A woman worked there in sales. I worked in operations and sometimes I would see her in meetings. She had a really foul mouth. Rough talker. Obviously she had this idea that to fit in with the men she had to be rough and tough in speech, so to speak.

There was this other fellow who worked in operations, but he had never held a job as a worker, and he had pretty much the same idea as the woman. One day he was holding a meeting with the men, and he was building up a pretty good head of steam with lots of profanity, mingled in a blasphemous way with the words “Jesus” and “Christ” ... you get the idea.

Finally, one of the older workers quietly and politely asked the man to please not curse so much.

So in that case, speaking like a man consisted of politeness, reasonable discourse, and having the courage to express his convictions in a tactful way.

I’ve read that in tense situations in prisons, male prisoners have more of a tendency to react to male guards with antagonism, and are more receptive to listening to female guards. It’s like their mother is yelling at them.

“It takes a tough man to make a tender chicken.”

- Frank Purdue

Re: The Nature of Woman

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 6:48 am
by mensa-maniac
Cahoot wrote:The Nature of Woman ...
... Shakti

mensa-maniac wrote:
The human body is less valuable than a diamond or any jewel as far as that goes. The chemical components of a human being is around $1.98 or something ridiculous like that.

I realize at times I must compromise my writing, or challenge the consequences, in which I no way fear the handling of such.

I value women as much as I value men, both are equally valuable, because it takes both to produce, which makes both valuable to creation. Because without women there would be no creation, and without men there would be no creation.
Given your interest in writing as art, the characteristics of Saraswati will interest you.
Mensa says: Thank you very much Cahoot for your consideration in sharing Saraswati with me, I have a great appreciation for India and it's wisdom. I bookmarked it to my favorites.

Re: The Nature of Woman

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 8:21 am
by Cahoot
“I once worked at this place where mostly men worked. A woman worked there in sales. I worked in operations ...”

(It was the freight docks, btw.)

Re: The Nature of Woman

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 10:33 am
by mensa-maniac
Cahoot wrote:“I once worked at this place where mostly men worked. A woman worked there in sales. I worked in operations ...”

(It was the freight docks, btw.)
Cahoot, I thought you might be male, but now I think you are female. Don't tell me, it's ok. It's about communication with a person, not with the gender of the person. It's better one doesn't know, that way one can't be biased.

Although, I haven't concluded yet I figure that you are female through your statement, "I once worked at this place where mostly men worked" Many men work in operations where the majority are men, I see you as being female because I cannot hear a man making this kind of statement, many men would prefer to work with other men over working with women. Anyway, now you've really got me wondering.

Re: The Nature of Woman

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 12:57 pm
by Cahoot
mensa-maniac wrote:

Cahoot, I thought you might be male, but now I think you are female. Don't tell me, it's ok. It's about communication with a person, not with the gender of the person. It's better one doesn't know, that way one can't be biased.
Ok. I won't explicitly tell you.

Re: The Nature of Woman

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 1:10 pm
by IJesusChrist
Pretty sure Cahoot is a male.

Re: The Nature of Woman

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 2:02 pm
by mensa-maniac
Well, Cahoot, I won't oppose you telling me and everyone but only do so if you want to!

I like your person whether you're a woman or a man, you're quiet and sensible.

Re: The Nature of Woman

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 3:37 pm
by Cahoot
That’s an advantageous condition of these circumstances. Since thoughts are the message and words the medium, energy moves towards distilling into expressed thought, and has less tendency to get stalled in the habitual and comfortable sexual identity of form.


I like you too!

Re: The Nature of Woman

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 3:04 pm
by mensa-maniac
The Nature of Woman

And since I offend people when I speak I'll use myself as prime example as The Nature of Woman. Evil enough to kill, and lovable enough to marry, but have not done either. So speaking from emperical knowledge(being female) a more than adequate view of the feminine side will result considering the source, as one with truth, knowledge, and intelligence to express it.

Arrogant, you bet and so what, I'm still likeable to those who respect me and lets not forget 'Confidence' she's in the picture too!

She is the way nature made her, silent but deadly. Natural as the water flow, forming shapes to mold her every move. To justify her actions she has a plan devised in her head before she makes her move.

She barters her way through life with the bidders of her choice, her friends. They are always there for her to use them to her advantage, but reimburses them back for their every good effort.

To Be Continued...

Re: The Nature of Woman

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 6:05 am
by mensa-maniac
I respect QRS just for the very fact they showed balls to even dare have the audacity to create a forum and call it GENIUS FORUM. This shows me ultimate confidence in themselves.

And for this I respect them. Any educated fool will oppose these 3 just because the opposers are educated and can! Just because the opposers oppose them doesn't make the opposers correct, it just makes the opposers look like they're smart because they're opposing something already smart, which really make the opposers look idiotic unless what they are opposing has more validity to it, than what they're are opposing.

I dislike opposers unless what they are opposing holds more truth than my truth, and not just a stupid opinion. I believe if someone is going to oppose me, they had better have a truth better than mine or I'll oppose them!

Argument and debate are entirely different, however, there is definately opposing going on, but it is two educated people trying to conclude a meaningful agreement which creates a win-win for both parties. This is constructive argumentation. I thorougly enjoy reading two educated people having constructive argument and concluding with a suitable answer, this shows me they are smart enough to argue their point. To prove it is even smarter!

Re: The Nature of Woman

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 2:27 pm
by mensa-maniac
Donna I've cleaned up your post to make it readable:

Jeannie: You know what? The more you "guys" bang on about "Woman" or 'women" does you no favours in portraying enlightenment. It is just a battle of the sexes. Does enlightenment, inter alia come from "bagging" out the opposite sex?

Dan: There's really no such thing as "the opposite sex" when it comes to psychology.

Jeannie: and many in here have issues with "Woman" and "women". Don't deny it, please!

Dan: I certainly have an issue with Woman - it's the same issue I have with delusion itself. I have no issue whatever with women. What's there to have an issue about, exactly?

Mensa: "Jealousies of the Intellect" that's one of Kevin Solways. I use it often.

Jeannie: you even mention women when this forum states that women have no hope of being enlightened and even the dumbest man has more hope? Apparently watching football on TV is a "step" to enlightenment. That is fukkin hilarious..........

Dan: All this tells me is that, despite your claim, you don't understand the point behind "Woman" or of the nature of the feminine dimension of consciousness. It has nothing to do with any trivial socio-political battle of the sexes. Besides which, Donna does not speak for anyone here with such a philosophy as expressed by myself.

Mensa: Of course we differ, I appreciate your philosophy as much as I would anyone I respect. Unfortunately, you refuse to give credit where credit belongs.

Re: The Nature of Woman

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 3:02 pm
by mensa-maniac
The Nature of Woman about Women

To be the best host of hosts, the best at the party, the best on the dance floor, the best creator in the kitchen, the best overall, and individually speaking they are the best, because they know it but don't nose it!

There are good, and there are better, then there is the best, and the best consists of good attitude, good planning, and good confidence in knowing you're putting your best foot forward in life and progressing to the best. Because within you is your best waiting to be released through development.

If you are 33 years old now, and you are wise, then you will grow greater in wisdom!

Re: The Nature of Woman

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 4:41 am
by Tomas
Dan: Besides which, Donna does not speak for anyone here with such a philosophy as expressed by myself.

Mensa: Of course we differ, I appreciate your philosophy as much as I would anyone I respect. Unfortunately, you refuse to give credit where credit belongs.

Tomas: All is lost in the translation.

Re: The Nature of Woman

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 10:33 am
by mensa-maniac
Tomas wrote:Dan: Besides which, Donna does not speak for anyone here with such a philosophy as expressed by myself.

Mensa: Of course we differ, I appreciate your philosophy as much as I would anyone I respect. Unfortunately, you refuse to give credit where credit belongs.

Tomas: All is lost in the translation.
Mensa says: All is not lost, it was just preferred. I could have said, well Dan, you think very highly of your philosophy, and of course most people think their own philosophy is better than anothers, and that is a part of bigotry. Only partial to their own, intolerant to anothers point-of-view. I can clearly see myself as a bigot, but I don't belong to any social group.

Re: The Nature of Woman

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 7:39 pm
by Jeannie
prince wrote:If it seems logical, you don't get it at all.

Take off those anthropomorphic fucking lens.
prince, darling, sweetheart, the fact I did not need to participate in endless debate about it, shows I do indeed get it.

Why don't you expand your pathetic insults like...oh..I dunno. a fukkin leso????

Have a nice day, you charmer , you.

Re: The Nature of Woman

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 9:08 pm
by Kelly Jones
Just for the record, the statement 'by not engaging in a debate about A=A, one shows that one understands it,' is untrue. Many people don't engage in debates over A=A and still don't understand it. Many people who do engage in debates about A=A, do.

Ironically, this little snippet actually demonstrates that Jeannie doesn't understand A=A, not really. To make a logical mistake is to run counter to A=A, i.e. to regard it as untrue on some level.


Re: The Nature of Woman

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 9:58 pm
by Dan Rowden
Actually, in fairness to her that's not really what she said. There's a difference between engaging in debate about A=A (for whatever reason one might do so) and what she actually stated, which was "the fact I did not need to participate in endless debate about it...[my emphasis]. The lack of "need" might reasonably be seen as indicative of understanding, whilst a simple lack or presence of debate, in itself, doesn't necessarily indicate much of anything.

Re: The Nature of Woman

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 3:43 pm
by Kelly Jones
Yes, fair call. I missed that subtlety. That might indicate what you say.

But on the other hand, a person who believes they understand it, but doesn't actually, may also lack a need to debate it. Or, a person who doesn't give a shit one way or the other may also lack a need to debate it. Or, an unconscious person, an idiot, a rock..... Obviously, just to be pedantic, none of these types of "lacking the need to debate A=A" would reasonably indicate understanding of the law of identity.

In my opinion, a more efficient answer to prince would probably have been, "I do understand A=A, but that's beside the point, since the context in which you mentioned it was only very marginally relevant". But then, Prince Obnoxious doesn't really deserve such attention, so again it looks bizarre on Jeannie's part to have even bothered to reply.


Re: The Nature of Woman

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 6:09 pm
by Unidian
I understand A=A, and Kelly can service me.

Re: The Nature of Woman

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 6:09 pm
by Unidian
Also, I turned 35 9 days ago.

Re: The Nature of Woman

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 7:01 pm
by Kelly Jones
Unidian wrote:I understand A=A, and Kelly can service me.
Don't go adding yourself to the tribe of people who mock indirectly, rather than providing an argument straightforwardly and simply. It's retarded, y'know.
