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Re: Systems..

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 11:56 am
by rpl
but also realize I'm not smart enuf to master them.
That's the prob. right there.
People who cant communicate in a common language cant reach consensus, and either go their own ways, or resort to genocide.
Maybe they've been going their own way all along.

Re: Systems..

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 7:39 am
by snow bunny
ass. language is a waste of time anyway. Don't worry about trying to figure it out.

English is the only common language. It's nothing special, but it's the best we've come up with to date.

Re: Systems..

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 12:19 am
by rpl
ass. language is a waste of time anyway. Don't worry about trying to figure it out.
That's bad advice...

Re: Systems..

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 10:07 am
by daybrown
We've seen them going their own way often enuf to also see them mismanage resources, the select demagogues for leadership. Who then rely on violence and scapegoating; which gets messy.

Course there are also those cases which manage well, even better when no longer having to support those who, as Aristotle said were "such slaves to passion that they'd do better in the hands of a more rational master". When you give freedom, you sometimes give them the freedom to starve, and suffer the consequences of being who they are.

OTOH, when you try to seize freedom, you dont often succeed without the skill to properly manage it. The systems we are familiar with have all been alpha males doing the seizing by offering the pretense that they will thereafter give freedom. No matter what they call it, capitalism, socialism, communism, it always ends up as cronyism.

That perception gave rise to anarchism, which never worked either. The systems we are unfamiliar with that actually delivered the most freedom to the competent were run by women. Who are not alpha males. Those that did so the most successfully, and the longest, did so by not breeding airheads to produce generations of fools.

Re: Systems..

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 12:12 pm
by Tomas

daybrown - Ever get the feeling you are living on some kind of manipulated reality, a Matrix or Holodeck?

Nope. When I hit the 4th grade though, it all became clear that success is grounded in scholastic achievement, itself a maipulated reality. Come 7th grade, the religious side of manipulated reality took hold. People telling you that to be free, a "me first" had to take hold (albeit within the framework of a functional statecraft form of conundrum) to be all - one must be with all.

It seems like a cliff hanger; every day nearly, you find another reason for the whole system to go to hell, but somehow, no matter how bad it looks, how asinine and insane the leadership and sheeple are, it just keeps muddling along.

Where I am now, California, it ain't looking too pretty. People are losing jobs left and right. The hosing thing (housing) is going bust with the 2005 Bankruptcy bill pushed through by the international banking cartel ... there's not much to look forward too :-(

The phony tax-rebate "stimulus" (borrowed money) pushed through by the Democrats is a non-starter, and will make the inflationary cycle ever-worse. Now, they re talking about another one "stimulus" to tide them over for (until after) the November/December election(s). All this immigration from 2nd and 3rd world's only keeps the wages from being raised so the manufacturing jobs keep going to Mexico, India and China.

Like the "Wizard of Oz" it seems like there must be a guy behind a curtain somewhere, but I can find the curtain.

One thing I've noticed over the years, I don't see the shadow people out the corner of my eye anymore. And that isn't because I'm blind in my left eye, it's just that they don't visit anymore. Not even on my powwow (peyote and sacred tobacco) visits in North Dakota anymore. I'd asked the Native Elders about this, they said (and one in particular took me aside) said, "Be patient, the dust will reveal all in it's season."

And like in "Apocalypse Now", when asked if he didn't like the method, the reporter said he didn't see a method.

Yeah, my goal when turning in at night, is to awaken before the alarm clock goes off, seems though, I wake up at 3:30 and stay awake till about 4:30, then sleep til 5:45. The alarm goes off at 5:55. I've got it down pat 75% to wake up before the bell tolls.

What could possibly be the purpose? Don't tell me it's "God's Plan", I can come up with a better plan than this.

Let me sleep on it ... promise to have an answer when I wake up at 3:30 (don't hold your breath) but snoring is permissible :-)

p-s - No really, I'll think of something concrete before tomorrow evening.

Tomas (the tank)
Prince of Jerusalem
16 Degree
Scottish Rite Free Mason


Re: Systems..

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 4:57 pm
by daybrown
Ya, I'm nocturnal too. Mother Nature arranged for the elders to stay up at nite to keep the fire going with a minimum amount of fuel. That was enuf to keep the predators at bay, and so rewarded the tribes that kept some of us around. Course, in more recetn years, I saw that the wee hours were the best time to get online. I dunno if She had that in mind.

And despite the weird way shit happens, it still seems like She is winging it. Maybe She keeps me around in case She thinks of something later. Cause I dont think She has a fucking clue right now.

Re: Systems..

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 9:49 pm
by snow bunny
I haven't slept in about three days, so I'm kind of wondering what happened over here about closing Worldly Matters. I figured this would be a good enough worthless topic to ask why it got closed up for?

Re: Systems..

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 8:33 am
by Dan Rowden
Honestly, did you read the announcement in Worldly Matters or the thread here regarding it?