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Re: Romance

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 12:17 am
by Anders Schlander
skipair wrote:
David Quinn wrote:What about the possibility of slowly growing into it?
I think it's possible to the degree a person can care about nothing at all and still stay alive.

I don't think it's possible, unless it's a robot, to have goals and values and not care about them to some degree. And this causes lapses from those experiences of total infinite freedom.

There are two lifestyles that seem to minimize the burden:

1) Be a hermit and float. Do things without any level of serious expectation for return.

2) Be incredibly busy and focused on many goals, so that if and when one collapses, there's simply no time for a downfall.

well 1. is basically not saying much, float? if one is experience freedom from samsara it doesnt mean the brain is incapable of saying yes or no, that said, option 1 is my preferred option because while not saying much it doesnt say anything terrible like 2.

however 2. is abit like a train that never stops running, you are stuck as a passenger without being able to stop, get out, and take a look around, one is lost in the vortex.

Re: be real

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 11:17 am
by Foreigner
I have got to say, add, that after perusing several posts herein it is clear to me that many, and quite probably all of you///stop.....better yet, perhaps-- that all of your egos have you believing that each are (to put it mildly)....far more advanced, enlightened, and wise than is actually the case.

And furthermore, to the best of these....perhaps those of you just now nodding in reluctant assent(!), again i say-- still now even you overestimate your attainment, and to those to whom i speak please be not bitter, in time you will find i was correct. (been there, done that)
So how's that for some well deserved humbling?
More on this later, if my computer cooperates, and interest shows. That is, more about why you may wish to address the matter. But for n....

Now that we've got that out of the way.....

Skipair, hello, though i know nothing hardly about you (age and sex would be good, me 44, and about the same percentage male) it is clear that you have been searching and have suffered and are confused and very doubtful about the main notions promulgated (is there such a word?) here on Genius forum.
I wish to be sure, at least, that if someone else hasnt responded as they ought to have to this point, well at least Ill take the time to do so now, hopefully.

There is a saying attributed to JC (jesus) that goes something like (and if not at least it ought to go something like) "the kingdom of heaven is like.... as if a great great great hidden treasure (not rare however, one of unlimited supply of such fantastic treasures, nevertheless think exponential-Inca-gold-reserves-pre-euro-invasion magnitude) is finally discovered by determined person (DP, seeks and finds, not trips upon, thats why it was "hidden") buried on out in some parcel of land somewhere, though however unfortunately, not of his own (shucks). What an amazing thrill eh, just try to imagine!

So then, after the lucky fellow is done dancing about and has all but lost his voice in all the hilarity and excitement, and then returns to his senses so to speak, it occurs to him that the only way he can legitimately claim the treasure is by owning the land wherewhich he stands, so of course he then digs a new hole one that he alone knows and temporarily sets it there, being careful to remove all trace of his activity or presence, as he sets off to figure out what it will take to make it his own (no point in attracting attention and risking excess competition for the property, right, may drive the price up then forcing extreme measures).
And as it turned out, the shrewd yet perplexed landowner half-jokingly requested in exchange every single thing that the anxious man owned! (as the wiseman, unable to fully contain his growing anticipation, pretty much gave himself away, so to speak) including...his wealthy and beautiful concubine, three teenage daughters, their home, eleven goats, one well behaved dog, and also full access to the land during the growing season whereupon to grow hemp and other necessary foodstuffs.
Well to the farmer's utter delight, the clearly "very stupid" man gleefully agreed, happily turning over his beautiful family with their entire estate, and then even tearing off all his clothes right there on the spot in exchange for the land's title deed, signed and stamped.

So then, that's how the story goes, Skipair-- i'm guessing you're familiar with it, or some version, being an American. But may I ask you-- Do you understand it?
It helps to try to put oneself in the lucky guys shoes-- take a look through his eyes and mind and heart.
I can tell you that no matter his history, no matter his personality, no matter if he's a robot or a monkey, the story fits the same in each case.
Something so needed, something so essential, something better than any and every other thing there was, is or could be....That is what is at stake here, and there, with you when you go to bed each night, and again there, waiting, each day you arise, forever following you until you follow it.

Must IT perfect you? To be of benefit?
Absolutely not.
Will you ever regret the time and effort and suffering in discovery?
Again, literally impossible.
Ask yourself-- Have you tried like you would try to find air, if underwater you were?
JC and many other have said-- Seek, and you will find.
I believe he was speaking specifically to his young disciples, and the like.

So, got to stop here///
Lets get this thread going again.

Re: Romance

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 7:58 pm
by otiosedodge
Hi Foreigner,

Yes, interest shows.

Re: be real

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 2:26 am
by Nick
Foreigner wrote:I have got to say, add, that after perusing several posts herein it is clear to me that many, and quite probably all of you///stop.....better yet, perhaps-- that all of your egos have you believing that each are (to put it mildly)....far more advanced, enlightened, and wise than is actually the case.
It's a good thing you're enlightened and wise enough to be able to point these things out to us!
Foreigner wrote:And furthermore, to the best of these....perhaps those of you just now nodding in reluctant assent(!), again i say-- still now even you overestimate your attainment, and to those to whom i speak please be not bitter, in time you will find i was correct. (been there, done that)

Good thing your attainment has allowed you to make this kind of assessment. Show me the way master!
Foreigner wrote:So how's that for some well deserved humbling?
You've got to be kidding me... Next time you post, you might want to take your foot out of your mouth.

Re: Romance

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 9:43 am
by Foreigner
Nope, no kidding no joke.
(whoever you are)