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Re: Sentencing the Human Race

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 9:37 am
by Blair
cousinbasil wrote:
prince wrote:Because when they do eventually get it all right, that will include understanding those factors.
So it does matter that people do endeavor to get it right?
Since it means that (hopefully) a generation of humanity in the future will have large-scale access to the true nature of reality, rather than being dogged by superstition and uncertainty, then yes it matters.

Re: Sentencing the Human Race

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 11:40 am
by Bob Michael
cousinbasil wrote:I have resisted attending any sort of JW Kingdom Hall function for two reasons. One, I think it would be either disrespectful or hypocritical since there is not a chance I will ever believe in the inerrancy of the Bible in any version. Second, I see no need for it because they won't stop coming to my house - why bother going to theirs?
I could be wrong c/b, but you seem to be very narrow or closed minded and set in your ways. Hence I have no desire to engage in any further conversation with you. However I have all the time in the world, so to speak, for those who I feel have ears to hear. Rare as these sort of souls may be.

Re: Sentencing the Human Race

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 1:40 am
by cousinbasil
Bob Michael wrote:I could be wrong c/b, but you seem to be very narrow or closed minded and set in your ways.
Well, obviously I think you are wrong. I am willing to read that book you suggested - as soon as I can find an ebook version or the equivalent. (BTW, I have found the audio-book version. If you are interested, I could post a copy of it somewhere for you to download. I find I glean less from audio books than I do by reading a book for myself. But hey, maybe I am set in my ways.)
Hence I have no desire to engage in any further conversation with you.
And I am the close-minded one! Well, by all means have it your way.
However I have all the time in the world, so to speak, for those who I feel have ears to hear. Rare as these sort of souls may be.
"So to speak" because the end of the world is right around the corner. Very funny.

Listen, I know a malcontent when I hear one. Things haven't worked out for you the way you had hoped, so you have developed a Weltanschauung the center theme of which is the destruction of the world as we know it in your own lifetime. This is rather the equivalent of a child knocking over a board game and quitting when he discovers he is losing. You have gravitated to things and people which tend to support this, such as the Apocalypse and apocalyptic thinkers. You have misinterpreted others as having similar philosophies. (I wouldn't be surprised if Barry Long's writings were not apocalyptic in the slightest.) In the past, similar malcontents would strike out for new parts with like-minded souls and start colonies and new religions. America is filled with Mormons, Quakers, Shakers, Christian Scientists, and less idealistic cults such as Scientologists.

But in today's world, frontiers are scarce, aren't they? So in your fantasy, you will live to see the world wiped clean like an etch-a-sketch, so that you do not have to deal with those who irritate you because they are not also malcontents. Things seem to have not gone quite so wrong for them, and this is really what bothers you. The fault cannot be yours, so it must lie with them. They must not have reached the full flower of manhood. Which you, of course, have.

The way I see it, if I were so close-minded, I wouldn't be so fascinated with this Ark you are building. I think you said you are not going to build it in Reading, which is probably wise, since even those with "ears to hear" are not likely to be excited by the prospect of moving there.

Let me know if you are interested in that Barry Long material. You can PM me since you have said you have no wish to engage in any discussion with me.

Re: Sentencing the Human Race

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 3:10 am
by Bob Michael
cousinbasil wrote:Let me know if you are interested in that Barry Long material. You can PM me since you have said you have no wish to engage in any discussion with me.
Thanks for the offer c/b, but I have my own copy. Which is merely one of over 500 in my library. Though a reasonably good one I feel. And I find that one should be very wary of a man of one book, and regardless of what that book happens to be.

Re: Sentencing the Human Race

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 7:28 am
by cousinbasil
Bob Michael wrote:
cousinbasil wrote:Let me know if you are interested in that Barry Long material. You can PM me since you have said you have no wish to engage in any discussion with me.
Thanks for the offer c/b, but I have my own copy. Which is merely one of over 500 in my library. Though a reasonably good one I feel. And I find that one should be very wary of a man of one book, and regardless of what that book happens to be.
Now that we agree on.

Re: Sentencing the Human Race

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 7:53 am
by Anders Schlander
A bunch of lost children.

A sea of good and bad.

Re: Sentencing the Human Race

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 9:25 am
by lawrencelaica
Shakespeare had an interesting quote:
"As flies to wanton boys are we to the gods."

My one sentence definition of the human race would probably echo that sentiment.

Re: Sentencing the Human Race

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 8:00 am
by Animus
The individual in reality upon whom all things are impressed and made manifest.

The first is the whole presentation of the unitary reality, the second is the re-presentation derived and made distinct from whole presentation, and the third is the manifestation of re-presentation as a self-experiencing-the-world.

E Unum Pluribus (Out of One; Many)

Re: Sentencing the Human Race

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 9:35 am
by Jamesh
The human race:

Eclectic Electrics