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Re: Was Jesus Not Enlightened ?

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 12:14 pm
by Tomas

What's wrong with a black woman seeking spiritual answers her self?

I suppose it's all right to do providing it isn't done on nationwide tv complete with commercials.

Re: Was Jesus Not Enlightened ?

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 4:17 pm
by 1otherS
Tomas wrote:.

What's wrong with a black woman seeking spiritual answers her self?

I suppose it's all right to do providing it isn't done on nationwide tv complete with commercials.
Good point.

Re: Was Jesus Not Enlightened ?

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 9:39 am
by Tomas
1otherS wrote:
Tomas wrote:.

What's wrong with a black woman seeking spiritual answers her self?

I suppose it's all right to do providing it isn't done on nationwide tv complete with commercials.
Good point.
Not to bore you with a URL :-|

Oprah's Secret and the Law of Attraction

by W. Randy McCreary, Phd, DNM

Again, this is not an attack on Oprah but rather an opportunity to illuminate the subtle power of ego and self sabotage that resides deep within all of us.

Re: Was Jesus Not Enlightened ?

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 2:38 pm
by Animus
I think what Jesus was about was enlightenment, but everything was said in parables and similtudes, even fables, and the central thesis of enlightenment (non self-hood) is a requisite to understanding the text. I don't think one can understand the text if they invoke imagery of old men sitting in clouds when they read the word "God".

It is my understanding that one has to employ the parable of the sower in reading all the parables, a parable which intends to prepare the mind for reading.

Jesus remarks "don't throw your pearls to pigs" and it clearly means not to speak your wisdom to the utterly delusional as they will "trample it underfoot" and never even consider it. Elsewhere people have interpret pigs to be literal pigs and this must be in error, for almost nothing is said plainly in the Bible and it is the explicit instruction of Jesus to read between the lines. Else you will see, but not see, understand but not understand.

So, yea I think the Jesus character was an enlightened character but it takes a lot of effort to figure it all out...

Consider the cardinal sins; lust, gluttony, wrath, envy, pride, etc... and Galatians 5:20 all share a commonality "ego". The NIV and GOD'S WORD translations actually read "selfish ambition" "and the like". In verse 19 it reads "The acts of the sinful nature are obvious" these are "acts of" the sinful nature, not the sinful nature itself. The sinful nature then is ego. Verse 24 "Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires."

Re: Was Jesus Not Enlightened ?

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 2:47 pm
by 1otherS
Tomas wrote:
1otherS wrote:
Tomas wrote:.

What's wrong with a black woman seeking spiritual answers her self?

I suppose it's all right to do providing it isn't done on nationwide tv complete with commercials.
Good point.
Not to bore you with a URL :-|

Oprah's Secret and the Law of Attraction

by W. Randy McCreary, Phd, DNM

Again, this is not an attack on Oprah but rather an opportunity to illuminate the subtle power of ego and self sabotage that resides deep within all of us.
-Good critique of Oprah's struggles with her own multibillion-dollar industry.

The Secret really is an oversimplification of karma and psychology workings. It focuses on one point only: keep wishing and finding ways to feed the "beast". It creates superciliousness and unashamed greed.

-I'll develop some sympathy for this Randy-guy if he isn't selling his books on "energy psychology" for 30$ a piece...

Re: Was Jesus Not Enlightened ?

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 9:53 pm
by soham
Jesus' remark, ' Don't throw pearls to pigs ' , smacks of parochialism. His using parables indicates that he was not straight-forward. There are so many claims of his earlier incarnations even as claims of Tolle being reincarnation of german saint Eckhart who lived centuries back.

Re: Was Jesus Not Enlightened ?

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 1:19 am
by Rhett
The originality and wisdom of the gospels is much more likely to have come from one man than a consortium.

Re: Was Jesus Not Enlightened ?

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 3:02 am
by MagnumMan
soham wrote:Jesus never talked of Self-realization. He was obsessed with Jehovah, himself, holy ghost, exorcism, healing, sin, salvation of humanity et cetera. He did not seem to have had experienced Absolute Awareness.
If you can't even trust the daily newspaper with accounts of yesterday, how can you trust the accuracy of a book several thousand years old, with perhaps as many authors, translations, modifications, etc.?

Jesus was way beyond the crap you read. He (whoever he was) was allegedly sent (by whomever) to speak to the common man, who would not have remotely understood the concept of self-realization in an age without printed books, Chopra, Dyer, etc. If you read what he is quoted as saying, you will see the genius in how he advanced metaphysical principles by using simple language of the day. For instance, he taught what is now called The Secret by suggesting that: "As ye think, so shall it be." He taught some Buddhism: "The kingdom of heaven is within you." He taught very ignorant people to pray and set their minds on what they wanted...or needed: "If any two of you gather and ask in my name it will be given."

Whether or not He was the son of God or some ordinary man (maybe even out of his mind), he was able to present a case that has perpetuated itself with billions of believers over the last 2,000 years...something few other men have been able to do.

I don't think He was obsessed with anything except getting his points across to the Forrest Gumps of the day and he succeeded. He was far more aware than anyone might know, at least as indicated by historical accounts however accurate those may be. I don't think writers or observers of that time would have been able to accurately tell the mindset or state of mind of this Man Christ. There were no trained psychologists, journalists and no media. Jesus has and always will be a total mystery to the thinking man...but completely understandable to the common man. He obviously did His job well while on Earth.

Did he come back from the dead? If indeed He did that would have taken some incredible awareness. If he didn't come back physically, what He said and what He did has kept him around a lot longer than most of us anyway.

In this day of serious financial downturns and especially at bill-paying time, I am especially comforted by Jesus' efforts to feed the masses with a fish and a few loaves of bread. Absolute awareness, uh?