Spiritual Battleground

Discussion of the nature of Ultimate Reality and the path to Enlightenment.
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Re: Spiritual Battleground

Post by David Quinn »

Shahrazad wrote:Oh, but it has value. Guest of Logic, aka Laird, is very critical of QRS philosophy, so Dan wants to establish that as a philosopher, the former has nothing better to offer. Or are you of the opinion that that is not the best way to unclothe an enemy?

The other main point I think Dan is trying to prove is that Laird does not understand the QRS world view, and hence is not in a good position to criticize it.
I'm sure it is obvious to anyone with even the slightest inkling of QRS philosophy that he doesn't understand it. As such, I don't see the value of raising him to the lofty status of an "enemy". Unless you consider energetic incompetency to be an enemy worth fighting against.

In any case, hasn't this whole Laird thing been done to death?

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Re: Spiritual Battleground

Post by Dan Rowden »

For the record, I wasn't attempting to be funny in my post. Sarcasm doesn't always convey humour.

As for what I was hoping to achieve. Simply to get Laird to face the music. He seems to think everyone else should.
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Re: Spiritual Battleground

Post by Nick »

I wasn't trying to be funny in my post either. What pisses me off is how he runs his mouth under a different handle and when he's found out he acts like a fucking punk. I'd ban his ass again.
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Re: Spiritual Battleground

Post by Shahrazad »

Simply to get Laird to face the music.
We don't use that expression in my neck of the woods. Can you please rephrase?
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Re: Spiritual Battleground

Post by Dan Rowden »

face up to your actions,
take the flak,
take the rap,
bite the bullet,
grasp the nettle,
take the heat.

Basically, to put up or shut up.
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Re: Spiritual Battleground

Post by Tomas »


-David Quinn-
In any case, hasn't this whole Laird thing been done to death?

Not really .. you started it.

You all are starting to act like Americans. When does banned really mean banned?

I think it has something to do (with) that he pals around with fellow Australians, so you three cut him slack.

But samadhi, well, he's too in-your-face so he's gotta go.
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Re: Spiritual Battleground

Post by Dan Rowden »

A couple of general observations:

# The content of an altered state of consciousness or psychotic episode - drug induced or otherwise - is not in any way evidence for something beyond the episode. i.e. it is not rational to believe that that content is real (has external empirical referents), however vivid and powerful the experiences may be.

# There cannot be a spiritual battle between good and evil occurring outside our subjective realm because good and evil are subjective interpretations of phenomena, not intrinsic qualities of them. Such a battle can only have meaning within the framework of our own interpretations. i.e. the battle is our own.

# If your environment affects you emotionally, then you are a slave to that environment, and to others. It means your ego is engaged and invested in that environment being a particular way, rather than just being whatever way it is. How can you be drained or uplifted by anyone's words or actions unless you are egotistically invested in those words or actions having a particular form - specifically, a form that meets your egotistical wants?
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Re: Spiritual Battleground

Post by Unidian »

I'm sure it is obvious to anyone with even the slightest inkling of QRS philosophy that he doesn't understand it.
I can assure you that he understands it quite well. He simply rejects it.

Some of you apparently suffer from the messianic delusion that disagreement with your views is caused by the opponent misunderstanding them. You share this trait with Scientology and other notable cults.

As for Laird's views, he has his reasons for holding them, as well as his reasons for declining to elaborate. I don't blame him. Overall, this forum is decidedly lacking in basic human decency.
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Dan Rowden
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Re: Spiritual Battleground

Post by Dan Rowden »

Unidian wrote:
I'm sure it is obvious to anyone with even the slightest inkling of QRS philosophy that he doesn't understand it.
I can assure you that he understands it quite well. He simply rejects it.
Some of you apparently suffer from the messianic delusion that disagreement with your views is caused by the opponent misunderstanding them. You share this trait with Scientology and other notable cults.
No, we can tell the difference between people that make objections from understanding and those that don't.
As for Laird's views, he has his reasons for holding them, as well as his reasons for declining to elaborate. I don't blame him. Overall, this forum is decidedly lacking in basic human decency.
His reticence to elaborate on them has exactly nothing to do with this forum, and you know it. But, hey, I see you're in a cheap shot mood.
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Re: Spiritual Battleground

Post by Dan Rowden »

To illustrate the point about objections from a lack of understanding, let me attempt something from memory:


Do I recall correctly that you have always rejected the construct, "Form is formlessness; formlessness is form." as nonsensical/meaningless? And indeed similar Zennish formulations?
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Re: Spiritual Battleground

Post by Unidian »

No, we can tell the difference between people that make objections from understanding and those that don't.
Oh, rubbish. You know me, so you ought to know better. I understand QRS views quite well enough, so I'm qualified to judge who else does or does not understand them. And Laird does in fact understand them, whether you and David like it or not. He happens to reject them to a considerably greater degree than I do, but that does not mean he misunderstands them. Quit trying to save face in the eyes of the audience and remember who you're talking to, please.
His reticence to elaborate on them has exactly nothing to do with this forum, and you know it. But, hey, I see you're in a cheap shot mood.
It's got everything to do with the tone and atmosphere of this forum, and my saying so is by no means a "cheap shot." This forum, like many others, is more than willing to discount someone's views based on a certain understanding of their motivations. While I can't elaborate out of a respect for Laird's privacy, I can say that Laird is not being at all unreasonable to suppose that his views will be treated in much the same way my own views are blasted by people like Victor, should he be excessively forthcoming about the circumstances of his life. I made that mistake myself and I know where it leads. If anything, I would congratulate Laird on his discretion and his refusal to bog himself down in unproductive lines of discussion and potentially endanger his own psychological well-being by attempting to pass some sort of argumentative litmus test. To be quite frank, ultimatums such as "put up or shut up" is discourse at the level of George W. Bush. At the end of the day, you of all people ought to know that arguments are to stand on their own merits, and that we each retain the prerogative to withdraw from any given discussion should we feel that further engagement would only encourage unqualified psychoanalysis and other ad hominem fallacies.

Laird has provided his thesis. If he chooses not to defend it, then simply dismiss it and move on. Attempting to drag the man down roads he does not want to travel is an example of what I meant when I stated that "this forum is decidedly lacking in basic human decency."
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Re: Spiritual Battleground

Post by David Quinn »

Unidian wrote:
I'm sure it is obvious to anyone with even the slightest inkling of QRS philosophy that he doesn't understand it.
I can assure you that he understands it quite well. He simply rejects it.
In favour of his angels and demons theory.....

Oh, rubbish. You know me, so you ought to know better. I understand QRS views quite well enough, so I'm qualified to judge who else does or does not understand them. And Laird does in fact understand them, whether you and David like it or not. He happens to reject them to a considerably greater degree than I do, but that does not mean he misunderstands them. Quit trying to save face in the eyes of the audience and remember who you're talking to, please.
A troll, I believe, is the correct term.

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Re: Spiritual Battleground

Post by Unidian »

I live in a tub.
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David Quinn
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Re: Spiritual Battleground

Post by David Quinn »

Trolling is what you are doing in this thread.

To describe a mentally-ill fellow who is obsessed with Christian mythology, and has no understanding of the wisdom of non-duality, as somehow being capable of throwing up rational objections to the philosophy of non-dualism can only be described as trolling.

It is a case of you seizing the opportunity, no matter how tacky, to pursue your long-standing grievances against the forum once more.

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Re: Spiritual Battleground

Post by Unidian »

To be quite honest, David, I've never seen any compelling evidence that you know dick about "the philosophy of non-dualism," and a metric shitload of evidence that you don't. But, lest I be accused of reacting profanely or emotionally, I will leave that matter aside in light of the years people who are actually knowledgeable about non-dualist philosophy (such as Robert Larkin) assailed you to no avail. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't drown his crazy ass.

As for your aspersions about the "mentally ill," I would hasten to remind you of your own clinically-validated diagnosis of Schizoid Personality Disorder - a diagnosis which you yourself formerly advertised in order to validate your self-styled authority status. In your mind, of course, your own verified mental illness is simply a misdiagnosis owing to a conflation of enlightenment with pathology. How convenient, eh? Your hypocrisy is particularly evident when you hasten to smear others as "mentally ill." Naturally, your mental illness is a mistake while theirs is real and genuine, right? Go figure.

As for the philosophy of non-dualism, Victor Danilchenko intuitively knows more about it than you do. And considering that Victor is the biggest prick I have ever met, for me to say so should carry some weight. Then again, I know it won't, because David Quinn (Messiah) believes only what David Quinn (Messiah) wants to believe.

As I have said before - you, sir, are an utter fraud. You are quite simply a mental case who has discovered an opportunity to re-cast you mental illness as "enlightenment." Both Dan and Kevin are light-years more authentic than you, and it is only their own obvious attachments and ego trips which prevent them from realizing it. You no more represent the authentic "philosophy of non-dualism" than Barack Obama represents the Aryan Nation.
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Re: Spiritual Battleground

Post by 1otherS »

I...predict...David cutting his losses or doing glib word-games...within...the...next...day.
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Re: Spiritual Battleground

Post by mansman »

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Dan Rowden
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Re: Spiritual Battleground

Post by Dan Rowden »

David Quinn wrote:Trolling is what you are doing in this thread.

To describe a mentally-ill fellow who is obsessed with Christian mythology, and has no understanding of the wisdom of non-duality, as somehow being capable of throwing up rational objections to the philosophy of non-dualism can only be described as trolling.
I guess the problem with that view is that you managed to find complimentary things to say about the standard of "guest's" engagement with the issues, so I suppose you'd have to grant Laird some capacity to meet a standard.

Maybe he should always role play like that.
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Re: Spiritual Battleground

Post by Dan Rowden »

Unidian wrote:
No, we can tell the difference between people that make objections from understanding and those that don't.
Oh, rubbish. You know me, so you ought to know better. I understand QRS views quite well enough, so I'm qualified to judge who else does or does not understand them.
That would be true other than when you're in those moods where you desire to denigrate and take cheap shots at QRS. In such moods you're not qualified to judge much of anything.
And Laird does in fact understand them, whether you and David like it or not. He happens to reject them to a considerably greater degree than I do, but that does not mean he misunderstands them. Quit trying to save face in the eyes of the audience and remember who you're talking to, please.
I'm sorry, but it does mean he doesn't understand them. Making this more generic, if any person rejects the construct: "Form is formlessness; formlessness is form", dismissing it as nonsensical, contradictory, meaningless or some such, is he doing so because he understands it? Indeed, can he be doing so on that basis? You know quite well the answer to that is, no, he cannot.
His reticence to elaborate on them has exactly nothing to do with this forum, and you know it. But, hey, I see you're in a cheap shot mood.
It's got everything to do with the tone and atmosphere of this forum, and my saying so is by no means a "cheap shot."
Yes it does. Please point out all the other public places where Laird has made his views available for genuine scrutiny. The fact is he doesn't wish to, per se, not even privately. Making that desire of his about this forum is just crap, Nat. I call bullshit x 10.
This forum, like many others, is more than willing to discount someone's views based on a certain understanding of their motivations.
Motivations don't arise out of a vacuum. They can also arise out of a value set and a worldview. Thus, motives are not separate entities.
While I can't elaborate out of a respect for Laird's privacy, I can say that Laird is not being at all unreasonable to suppose that his views will be treated in much the same way my own views are blasted by people like Victor, should he be excessively forthcoming about the circumstances of his life..
What's not good for him is nevertheless good for everyone else, eh?
Laird has provided his thesis.
Yes, and in my view he should not have. I can't fathom why he even did so. But he did, and did so on a discussion forum, not a personal blog.
If he chooses not to defend it, then simply dismiss it and move on.
How about I just delete it as spam? You just reduced it to that level. If it was a post by "lunaticforchrist" and contained religious drivel and the proclamation that the poster had no intention of admitting himself to analysis, you'd think his post spam, right?
Attempting to drag the man down roads he does not want to travel is an example of what I meant when I stated that "this forum is decidedly lacking in basic human decency."
Oh, the poor, baby. Shall we wipe his dirty bum together? You first, though. Laird is perfectly entitled to do nothing. His desire to not open himself up to scrutiny is what it is. It's his prerogative. He's also free to completely ignore my calls for him to do so. That is always and ever his choice to make.

My issue is that that prerogative, juxtaposed with his equally strong desire to vociferously attack and deconstruct other people's views, with all the accusations of intellectual dishonesty and sundry petty stratagems that goes with it, doesn't sit well with me. It offends my sense of fair play, of sportsmanship and integrity. It's like a kid who walks into a playground game of footy and says, "I can tackle all of you as hard as I like, but you can't tackle me; you can only tag me."

As I say, it doesn't sit well with me. You can chalk that up to a petty aspect of my personality if you like, I don't really care. If Laird constrained his deconstructions to a purely academic exercise, I probably wouldn't mind so much. But he goes way beyond that and that therefore changes the "rules" for me.
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Re: Spiritual Battleground

Post by David Quinn »

Dan Rowden wrote:
David Quinn wrote:Trolling is what you are doing in this thread.

To describe a mentally-ill fellow who is obsessed with Christian mythology, and has no understanding of the wisdom of non-duality, as somehow being capable of throwing up rational objections to the philosophy of non-dualism can only be described as trolling.
I guess the problem with that view is that you managed to find complimentary things to say about the standard of "guest's" engagement with the issues, so I suppose you'd have to grant Laird some capacity to meet a standard.

He certainly has the energy to create objections, but their standard is another matter. I always thought of guest-as-logic as an archetype who expressed the conventional, young person's point of view. Bright, but not particularly developed.

Maybe he should always role play like that.
It would be better if he actually discovered some wisdom, but it's not going to happen with him.

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Re: Spiritual Battleground

Post by Shahrazad »

Actually, the role-playing was taking a toll on Laird. I think he's glad it's over.
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Re: Spiritual Battleground

Post by 1otherS »

Lots of projection going on here...
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Re: Spiritual Battleground

Post by divine focus »

Dan Rowden wrote:A couple of general observations:

# If your environment affects you emotionally, then you are a slave to that environment, and to others. It means your ego is engaged and invested in that environment being a particular way, rather than just being whatever way it is. How can you be drained or uplifted by anyone's words or actions unless you are egotistically invested in those words or actions having a particular form - specifically, a form that meets your egotistical wants?
It means you are in your environment. To be unaffected is to not perceive. Boundaries prevent draining; upliftment comes from within, as the external matches the internal.
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Re: Spiritual Battleground

Post by skipair »

It's just best not to be affected delusionally.
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Re: Spiritual Battleground

Post by Ignius »
