
Discussion of the nature of Ultimate Reality and the path to Enlightenment.
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Kelly Jones
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Post by Kelly Jones »


People who've engaged in sexual relationships early in life, say, before their early twenties, are usually the blindest to the egotistical dynamics contained therein.

Having sexual encounters during the major stage of intellectual growth stunts the mind and character. Thinkers generally don't go anywhere near the sexual act until into their twenties or even early thirties, because of the huge psychological effort that intimacy costs them.

It is not for "puritanical" or "prudish" reasons that I discounted your statement about Jesus' not being married.

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Post by Nordicvs »

Kelly Jones wrote:Nordicus,

People who've engaged in sexual relationships early in life, say, before their early twenties, are usually the blindest to the egotistical dynamics contained therein.
True---that's how they gain wisdom: by learning precisely that, experientially. Unless you've been fully exposed to women, you never (ever) understand them or know enough to avoid them in the future. (All the advice and wise words in the world about Woman does utterly nothing until you experience it yourself. A young man never learns this until he knows this.) In fact, it's not knowing them that leads to marriage and other such stupid activities which lead the mind absolutely nowhere.
Kelly Jones wrote: Having sexual encounters during the major stage of intellectual growth stunts the mind and character.
Hmm. Another alleged factoid I've discovered around here that would suggest that I'm an utter cretin---and yet everyone I know and have known considers me the deepest thinker he or she has known.

Needless to say, I disagree there. I think a relationship---a girlfriendship or marriage---is what turns the male mind to yogurt, not merely sexual intercourse...that just potentially leads to the deteriorating part ahead.

Diogenes had sex with whores---did he 'get stupid' each time and have to recover? Kinda odd.

That's actually more likely than marriage for Jesus---prostitutes (if so, no wonder priests went rushing for their big black markers).
Thinkers generally don't go anywhere near the sexual act until into their twenties or even early thirties, because of the huge psychological effort that intimacy costs them.

It is not for "puritanical" or "prudish" reasons that I discounted your statement about Jesus' not being married.

The part I enbolded---yes, IF it was an emotional effort. Myself, I've stopped every creative, thought-provoking venture I've been into when I got involved with some woman---from age 19 to just a few years ago, with some long, solitary drifting stretches inbetween---and I can attest to what you said there. It did cost me; during every relationship I've been in I'd gotten depressed and frustrated and self-critical due to this brain-drain, this stagant period with women. And it didn't go away until I was free again---but I learned a lot, each time. Additionally, I've had a few frivolous sexual encounters in which there was no emotional effort, and my thinking or work didn't skip a beat.

(It all depends how much space in your head---your memories, your general thoughts, and your emotions---you allow them to occupy. And how long, in what context, and to what degree/depth.)

1. I think it's 50-50 that Jesus might have been married. Maybe for a year or two; for some reason I wouldn't think it would have been a very long one.

2. It's 70-30 that he had at least one girlfriend of sorts, I'd say.

3. And it's maybe 80-20 that he went to a hooker or two. This seems most likely.

(Frankly, your resistance to this notion---any of the three above---seems irrational to me considering that every other bachelor on your list did have one or all or some combination of the above.)

Well, I suppose we'll have to agree to disagree.
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Kelly Jones
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Post by Kelly Jones »


You know, it is possible that Jesus never had sex. He may have done. Who knows? But I agree that sex is immaterial to the experience of an egotistical relationship. However, it's notable that, because the biological drive to have sex is very high during the early twenties, and this means the ego is rearing to go, having sex at that age is likely to entail an egotistical relationship. And, because of this reason, a youth who is not a Buddha, who does not have sex can also have egotistical relationships.

But neither sex nor being a postpubescent is necessary to understand the falsity of women. I was aware that my mother was scatterbrained and unreliable, when I was 8 or 9 years of age. If the new testament gospels can be believed, Jesus said that his mother gave him falsehood.

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Post by Nordicvs »

Kelly Jones wrote:Nordicus,

You know, it is possible that Jesus never had sex. He may have done. Who knows? But I agree that sex is immaterial to the experience of an egotistical relationship. However, it's notable that, because the biological drive to have sex is very high during the early twenties, and this means the ego is rearing to go, having sex at that age is likely to entail an egotistical relationship. And, because of this reason, a youth who is not a Buddha, who does not have sex can also have egotistical relationships.
Yeah, good points.
Kelly Jones wrote: But neither sex nor being a postpubescent is necessary to understand the falsity of women. I was aware that my mother was scatterbrained and unreliable, when I was 8 or 9 years of age. If the new testament gospels can be believed, Jesus said that his mother gave him falsehood.
Perhaps I'm personalizing my own experiences and of those I'm most aware, but I too knew my mother quite well...and yet this knowledge did nothing to deter me from seeking "long term relationships" from age 18 to into my early twenties. As wickedly stupid, petty, inane, abusive, and generally a "greedy bitch" she was, I never married the idea of her character to any other woman; to me, she was just an "individual," as I'd been semi-indoctrinated under psychobabble to believe that every single one of us is a 'wonderful unique wittle snowflake.'

It took five women, five depressive periods, three suicide attempts, drug and alcohol addiction, a month in jail, being stalked and having everything I owned stolen three times, as well as general sorrow and misery, for it to finally *start* to sink into my thick skull---and by age 24 I quit it all and spent three years completely alone.

(And still I didn't fucking get it; I followed my feminist sister's counsel again and again: I "just haven't found the right girl" and so forth, and I needed to "get in touch with" my "feminine side" of course and be "more sensitive," yadda yadda. So after a prolific creative period, I got back into the game with women---same thing. Stagnant creativity, slow thought, no inspiration other than writing sloppy, sickly sweet 'wub poetry' occasionally, up-and-down happy/unhappy, depression, constant lingering feelings of being trapped, caged; alcohol and drug abuse, et cetera. As though my spirit were decaying.)

This is why I find it nearly impossible to buy the concept that one can learn of women without experiencing them first-hand. At most, one can be forewarned, but he'll never really know. As I say, I might be biased (as well as the fact of the extremely feminist age we live in right now, compared to 2000 years ago; I doubt it was so much more or less, per se, but definitely different), yet I can't see wisdom just happening---it occurs through can't fling it at someone and expect it to manifest as such, and you can't buy it in stores.

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