'Why' we function through time, and 'the what'

Discussion of the nature of Ultimate Reality and the path to Enlightenment.
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Post by sky »

Chuang Tzu: Inner Chapters

Thus, failing they had no cause for regret; succeeding, no cause for self-satisfaction. And thus they could scale heights without trembling, enter water without becoming wet, and go through fire without feeling hot.
that's it

the how has trepidation about such things
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Cory Duchesne
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Post by Cory Duchesne »

Truth is 'what'. And a truthful 'what' will lead to an intelligent 'why' And an intelligent why will lead to a greater truth.

Does ultimate realization end in 'what' or 'why'?

Those who were not fed good 'whats' are those who strive to make friends with the common ways of the world.

Those who have no truthful whats, cannot ask good whys, and so more lives than less are spent hiding from truth via a triviality and incoherant complex of shoddy 'whats'

Mystification, fanciful projection and wonderment are often too sweet to go beyond, and we fail to realize 'what'.

On the other hand...

Power, superiority, dominance, entitlement are often far to sweet to leave behind, and so we fail to realize 'why'
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Post by sue hindmarsh »

Cory wrote:
The problem with most teachers and parents is that they emphasize obedience to and memorization of a structure without trying to illustrate the rationality, meaning and truth of not only the structures 'function' over periods of time, but also the rationality and meaning of why one is learning these 'stuctures' to begin with.
Are you saying that teachers and parents are purposely keeping this information – the “why” – from their students and children? If you are, why would they need to do that?

Or do you think it is more a case that they don’t know the “why” of anything much themselves. This sounds more likely, and would mean that they are as ignorant and gullible as their students and children. Yes?

Well, mostly “Yes”. Many adults are capable of teaching useful things to assist young people to function as members of society. The fact that society is mostly built upon lies and irrationalities can’t really be blamed on them, for they mindlessly just accepted what their teachers and parents told them. And obviously their teachers and parents were fed the same nonsense by their teachers and parents, and so on back through time.

To break free of this cycle you first need to not want to relive these same lies. And with a strong mind and heart, the grip society has on you will slowly loosen, and then fall away.

As George S Patton put it:

"You need to overcome the tug of people against you as you reach for high goals."

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Last edited by Cory Duchesne on Tue Oct 03, 2006 5:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Cory Duchesne »

Are you saying that teachers and parents are purposely keeping this information – the “why” – from their students and children? If you are, why would they need to do that?
They are not feeling 'fear' and 'emotions' on purpose, and it is fear and emotion that are in control. You could say that they are purposely allowing fear/emotion to continue being the master. But then you could argue that they don't even know that emotion is the master. I would say that they don't even know that they don't know. They are not aware that they are not aware - perhaps they become aware of their own ignorance in brief moments - of which they recoil away in fear (and of course they remain unaware of that very fear)

That is why socrates was considered the wisest man during his time, because he was one of the few people who was aware of his own ignorance. You could say that this is because socrates had character, but then again, you could attribute his child-like strength to a lack of character, or maybe to a good character.

As with the mediocre person, that persons (bad) character is a defense against truth.

I'm guessing that being aware of ones own ignorance is (at least at first) painful or uncomfortable for people.

If it wasnt then I would think that everyone would be wise.

If you were to talk with one of these profesors or to a parent and if you were to try taking the conversation into a quite heavy and truthful place - - you would find the parent or teacher quite stricken with discomfort. If they managed to stay with you, you would find that they were quite drained by the conversation.

So, when people are mediocre, I think it is caused by wishful thinking. They hope that what they know is good enough.

People hope that they are more important and knowlegable than they really are. So, vanity has alot to do with it to....

One also tends to masochistically hope that their friends and collegues are more important, strong and knowledgable than they really are.

In my experience with friendship, I find it is a strange mixture between sadism and masochism. Your friend simultaneously wants to feel protected by your strength AND occasionally cut you down to a size of his liking. So he is simultaneioulsy over-estimating and under-estimating you. He is irrational.

If he sees you suffering or weak, instead of sympathy(not saying he should feel sympathy), he actually feels revulsion, fear, frusteration, insecurity, disdain......

You see, you were your friends asset (at least in his eyes). You are his means of attaining success. And so you better put on a smile and get back to work.

And so we all like to play pretend, otherwise, we would have no friends.

Each person is unwittingly dishonest, because unconsciously they know the suffering that they are in for if they wake up and act intelligently.
Sue: Or do you think it is more a case that they don’t know the “why” of anything much themselves. This sounds more likely, and would mean that they are as ignorant and gullible as their students and children. Yes?
Exactly. In my original post I said:

If they were concerned with the rationality of the function, rather than merely authoratively imposing a structure upon the minds of students and offspring (of which are regarded as the means to greater financial and status gain), then the teachers and parents would see themselves as the children and students that they truly are, and would hence learn a great deal from the children.
They are not concerned with the rationality of the function due to either a lack of capacity or a fear of the consequences.

Both this lack of capacity and fear are involuntary.

So, nobody is doing anything on purpose.

Somethings and people are just involuntarily bad, while others are better.

Some bad people like myself are lucky (seems strange to call it luck, it often feels like a curse) enough to have the strength to see myown badness and thus become better.

I may not have what it takes to live unconditionally free and supremely wise, but I will at least do my best to more thouroughly delineate the path for those to come.
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Post by Cory Duchesne »

Steve posted
Chuang Tzu: Inner Chapters

He who knows what is of God and who knows what is of Man has reached indeed the height (of wisdom). One who knows what is of God patterns his living after God. One who knows what is of Man may still use his knowledge of the known to develop his knowledge of the unknown, living till the end of his days and not perishing young. This is the fullness of knowledge. Herein, however, there is a flaw. Correct knowledge is dependent on objects, but the objects of knowledge are relative and uncertain (changing). How can one know that the natural is not really of man, and what is of man is not really natural? We must, moreover, have true men before we can have true knowledge.

But what is a true man? The true men of old did not override the weak, did not attain their ends by brute strength, and did not gather around them counsellors. Thus, failing they had no cause for regret; succeeding, no cause for self-satisfaction. And thus they could scale heights without trembling, enter water without becoming wet, and go through fire without feeling hot. That is the kind of knowledge which reaches to the depths of Tao.
What chang-tsu seems to be saying here reminds me a bit of what Solway said in 'posion for the heart':


The spiritual man has power like no other. He must be so careful it doesn't run away with him. His wisdom lies in his absolute submission of strength to God. A bird carrying a fish is chased by all the other birds, until he lets go of the fish and becomes free again.

Thus his final action is feminine: but the ultimate feminine is a male.
I suppose carrying the fish could be seen as a metephor for putting on display the profoundity which one knows.

It drives people mad, and they gather round the spiritual man, some grumbling derisively, others wanting blessings, some wanting blessing from him, yet scorning him as well...

His distance and difference is what makes him an attractive force.

And the mediocre people, since they are all of the same charge, packed close together, reach out toward the spiritual man in an attempt to bridge the long distance between them and him, they want to be the same charge as him, rather than a different charge.

The spiritual man keeps his distance and his distance, ever provoking attraction and pull.

In order to keep his difference and distance, he must submit and dissapear. Otherwise he would be swallowed in mediocrity.
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sue hindmarsh
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Post by sue hindmarsh »

Cory wrote:
Sue: Are you saying that teachers and parents are purposely keeping this information – the “why” – from their students and children? If you are, why would they need to do that?
They are not feeling 'fear' and 'emotions' on purpose, and it is fear and emotion that are in control. You could say that they are purposely allowing fear/emotion to continue being the master. But then you could argue that they don't even know that emotion is the master. I would say that they don't even know that they don't know. They are not aware that they are not aware - perhaps they become aware of their own ignorance in brief moments - of which they recoil away in fear (and of course they remain unaware of that very fear)

That is why socrates was considered the wisest man during his time, because he was one of the few people who was aware of his own ignorance. You could say that this is because socrates had character, but then again, you could attribute his child-like strength to a lack of character, or maybe to a good character.

As with the mediocre person, that persons (bad) character is a defense against truth.

I'm guessing that being aware of ones own ignorance is (at least at first) painful or uncomfortable for people.

If it wasnt then I would think that everyone would be wise.

If you were to talk with one of these profesors or to a parent and if you were to try taking the conversation into a quite heavy and truthful place - - you would find the parent or teacher quite stricken with discomfort. If they managed to stay with you, you would find that they were quite drained by the conversation.

So, when people are mediocre, I think it is caused by wishful thinking. They hope that what they know is good enough.

People hope that they are more important and knowlegable than they really are. So, vanity has alot to do with it to....

One also tends to masochistically hope that their friends and collegues are more important, strong and knowledgable than they really are.

In my experience with friendship, I find it is a strange mixture between sadism and masochism. Your friend simultaneously wants to feel protected by your strength AND occasionally cut you down to a size of his liking. So he is simultaneioulsy over-estimating and under-estimating you. He is irrational.

If he sees you suffering or weak, instead of sympathy(not saying he should feel sympathy), he actually feels revulsion, fear, frusteration, insecurity, disdain......

You see, you were your friends asset (at least in his eyes). You are his means of attaining success. And so you better put on a smile and get back to work.

And so we all like to play pretend, otherwise, we would have no friends.

Each person is unwittingly dishonest, because unconsciously they know the suffering that they are in for if they wake up and act intelligently.
After all that, I’m feeling “quite drained” trying to “stay with you”.

You’ve mentioned so many topics in your work above that I’m really not sure what they all relate to, or what point you are trying to make.

What makes it worse is that my question was asked tongue in cheek – as I answered it myself when I wrote that it was more a case that they didn’t know the ‘why’ themselves.

So, sorry about that. But while I’ve got your attention, could I suggest you slow down a bit, and work on one or two ideas at a time. I know you’re keen, but there really isn’t any rush.
Sue: Or do you think it is more a case that they don’t know the “why” of anything much themselves. This sounds more likely, and would mean that they are as ignorant and gullible as their students and children. Yes?
Exactly. In my original post I said: If they were concerned with the rationality of the function, rather than merely authoratively imposing a structure upon the minds of students and offspring (of which are regarded as the means to greater financial and status gain), then the teachers and parents would see themselves as the children and students that they truly are, and would hence learn a great deal from the children.
I’m not sure what ignorant adults would learn from ignorant children.
They are not concerned with the rationality of the function due to either a lack of capacity or a fear of the consequences.

Both this lack of capacity and fear are involuntary.

So, nobody is doing anything on purpose.

Somethings and people are just involuntarily bad, while others are better.
From my observation, by the time most people reach 25 years of age they are already stuck in their ways. They’ve found happiness in a certain lifestyle, which they will more than likely spend the rest of their lives working to maintain.

These people aren’t “bad” or “good” – as they haven’t got enough consciousness for either. They’re just happy chewing their cud and nothing more can be expected of them.

Of course, when you first meet someone, you give them the benefit of the doubt and talk to them as you would a rational person. It usually takes a minute or two to work out whether or not they are indeed rational (or have the potential to become rational) - so that you don’t have to waste too much of your valuable time talking to the ‘cud chewers’.
Some bad people like myself are lucky (seems strange to call it luck, it often feels like a curse) enough to have the strength to see myown badness and thus become better.

I may not have what it takes to live unconditionally free and supremely wise, but I will at least do my best to more thouroughly delineate the path for those to come.
Don’t be too hard on yourself – you’re young – you’ve got plenty of time. I wouldn’t worry about “those to come”; just focus on your own development.

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Cory Duchesne
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Post by Cory Duchesne »

Sue wrote:
After all that, I’m feeling “quite drained” trying to “stay with you”.

You’ve mentioned so many topics in your work above that I’m really not sure what they all relate to, or what point you are trying to make.
I was delineating the path for those to come by providing a generalization for how things seem to work based on my experience. And I would think that working on your personal development AND providing an outline for what is truth go hand in hand.

A mature human being exists to serve truth, therefore, part of his developtment involves expressing it. In my previous post I was trying to connect the relationship between the immaturity of teachers and parents, to the immatirity in friendship. Friendship is based on fakery, self-aggrandization, delusion, emotion, fear, self-esteem. The university is a macrocosm of what happens on the level of one-on-one relationships. One on one relationships are based on a masochistic-sadistic-irrational bond. 99% of people base their lives on this sort of bond with others. In my experience, nobody is really your friend, but rather people are your friends if they see you as an asset, as an object to control for their personal benifit.

The university functions this way only because friendship functions this way. If friendship was based on truth, then you could hardly call it friendship. For example, I am your friend as long as you support the lies that I have told myself. Generally the typical friend does 2 things. In one compartment of my mind I hold a high opinon of you. I do this in order to feel like I am part of something great. In the other compartment of my mind I hold a low opinion of you. I do this in order to feel like I am the greatest, most important part. Otherwise I would be jealous, envious, etc.

And so that is why university is mediocre, because it functions in this way - - it is a system that bests supports the lies people tell themselves. It doesnt work perfect, but it works good enough to keep people from going crazy.
I suggest you slow down a bit, and work on one or two ideas at a time. I know you’re keen, but there really isn’t any rush.
Well, there is a difference between rushing and being excessive and extreme.

Cory: In my original post I said: If they were concerned with the rationality of the function, rather than merely authoratively imposing a structure upon the minds of students and offspring (of which are regarded as the means to greater financial and status gain), then the teachers and parents would see themselves as the children and students that they truly are, and would hence learn a great deal from the children.

Sue: I’m not sure what ignorant adults would learn from ignorant children.
You missed the point. The adult would be on the road to wisdom if he aknowleged his ignorance.

Jean Piget was a psychologist who learned a great deal about how the mind learns by studying the way children learn. He was humble enough to realize that children have alot to teach about how the mind works if you observe them behave rather than tell them to behave.

You know, try to understand why they want to learn, how they learn best, etc as opposed to telling them what to know, and how to behave. In this sense you are learning from the children, instead of teaching them.

That is why wisdom has a feminine aspect, submitting to the truth of the situation, rather than telling the situation how it should be.

Friendship and thus the university is not based on submitting to the truth of the situation, it is based on the denial of it.
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Post by sky »

if a friendship were based on truth you could hardly call it a friendship
what would you call it
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Post by Cory Duchesne »

Cory: If a friendship were based on truth you could hardly call it a friendship

Sky: what would you call it?
If my fellow human beings action was based on a desire for truth, then I would have to consider him a 'frienemy'.

Both an enemy and a friend, and at the same time, neither a friend or an enemy.
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Post by Cory Duchesne »

There is before I am enlightened and there is after I am enlightened.

Before I am enlightened my friends are my enemies.

After I am enlightened I am an enemy to my friends.
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Post by Cory Duchesne »

Friendship and thus the university is not based on submitting to the truth of the situation, it is based on the denial of it.
And by denying the truth of the situation, you perpetuate its falseness.

And by facing up to the truth of it, you deny it.
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Post by Cory Duchesne »

After I am enlightened I am an enemy to my friends.
But I am only an enemy to my friends if my friends are to a degree deluded.

The greater the degree of delusion, the greater one is an enemy.