Everyone who gets frustrated believes in God unconsciously

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Everyone who gets frustrated believes in God unconsciously

Post by sschaula »

If you ever get frustrated that something hasn't gone your way, it's because you unconsciously believe in God. You believe that someone is running the show on a deep level.

If you're having a bad day...you get out of bed and stub your toe, your breakfast tastes like crap, people are cutting you off as you drive, your job is sucking, your favorite tv shows are cancelled because of Monday Night Football...if you find yourself getting pissed off, saying "things should be different" you are unconsciously believing that someone "up there" is messing with you.

If you think you have bad luck, you believe in God. If you think about your situation with women, and assume that you must have been cursed, you believe in some higher being who is making things hard for you.

If that unconscious belief was uprooted, there'd be no reason to ever say "things should be different". Things are as they are. It's easy for anyone to see that both good things and bad things happen to everyone in the world. Some people seem to have more good things happen...but there's always another viewpoint. They may have tons of money but be miserable. A poor person may not have good food to eat, yet they feel fulfilled.

So next time you stub your toe on your way out of bed, bump your head, your hot water heater for your shower is turned off, you spill your coffee on your clothes, your dog takes a dump in your shoes...etc...remember to be happy. If you aren't, then notice why, and see if I was right.
- Scott
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Carl G
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Post by Carl G »

This could be true, but is not necessarily true. Therefore your premise can only be inaccurate so far as general truth, but if it applies may be useful on a personal basis.

The reason it is not necessarily true is because there are other plausible and valid reasons (to the subconscious) for one's frustration.

You could blame other people for your woes, as many people do. You could focus anger upon your family for making you the way you are and ruining your life, as many people do. Or, take a masochistic stance, self flagellate yourself for sin or moral defects you brought on yourself through weakness.

But yeah, right you are, alot of people feel they've been given a raw deal by the Universe, and underlying that must surely be a belief in God.
Good Citizen Carl
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Post by sschaula »

I think you're right, Carl. What I'm talking about is beneath the subconscious level..where people are saying "My family ruined me" or "The Genius Forum ruined my love life!"


I am saying that an unconscious belief in God is what underlies those subconscious beliefs. That the unconscious belief in God is directly expressed when you have the feeling, "things should be different".
- Scott
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Post by sky »

what if you think the opposite that no matter what you got dealt a really good hand by whatever means the cosmic powers use such as of cause and affect

wouldn't you tend to consciously believe in god

even if you bump your hand or even in my case break your hand in four places
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Post by sschaula »

what if you think the opposite that no matter what you got dealt a really good hand by whatever means the cosmic powers use such as of cause and affect

wouldn't you tend to consciously believe in god
That's the case for me personally. I am very fortunate. I tend to attribute it consciously, subconsciously and unconsciously to a higher power. I may be wrong.
even if you bump your hand or even in my case break your hand in four places
What were you doing, kicking guy's asses who stared at you for too long? :-P
- Scott
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Post by sky »

that is exactly how i think i have at least all the aces if not a royal flush

no i tripped on the stairs and i had to put some effort into getting a truly brilliant hand specialist and go through anesthesia and surgery

so i broke my hand but i also got a microsurgeon to fix it

i am not physically violent but if you piss me off i might say something you will defintely never forget
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Post by Tharan »

sschaula wrote:I am saying that an unconscious belief in God is what underlies those subconscious beliefs.
I think it goes deeper than that. It is the initial fear of death by an individual. From the fear of death springs the imagined god and his salvation. And secondarily all social ills. God's salvation is the righting of all wrongs, etc. With all wrongs righted, we need not fear death. He sends an offspring in body so the monkeys can relate.

But this approach has never suceeded historically. It fails as all structures fail. Things are caused to change. This requires constant cultural patches in the mythology at regular intervals, much like a Microsoft security update for your operating ego system. It cannot be depended upon over time.

In the meantime, expect more Uberbodymonkeys. You heard it here first.
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Post by BJMcGilly »

Frustration is the result of an ignorant ego born to a finite body.

Before birth we are formless, not blinded by form just yet. Being thus, we have no lack in fulfillment, as without form there is no room for desire to breed.

Tossed into this world, we are confronted not only with the limiting sensation of bodily form, but we are also confronted for the first time with desire, manifesting in our will / desire to manipulate our surroundings.

Frustration is the horrid hollering of the titans shaking the throne-room. It is ego at it's worst: ego at it's own whim.
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Post by brokenhead »

When I was taking Effexor (like Zoloft), things didn't bother me and I didn't get easily frustrated, yet I still believed in God. Would you say that was because I consciously believe? (Which I do.)

It's an interesting reductionism, I must admit.
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Post by sschaula »

When I was taking Effexor (like Zoloft), things didn't bother me and I didn't get easily frustrated, yet I still believed in God. Would you say that was because I consciously believe? (Which I do.)
Simply: yes.
- Scott
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David Quinn
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Post by David Quinn »

This is a meaningless thread because God is not being defined. Do we mean God as in "cause and effect"? Or do we mean the Christian God?

There is no reason why an atheist who believes that everything is a product of accident and chance cannot experience frustration if chance deals him a rotten hand. God doesn't need to come into the picture at all.

The only thing that is needed is the reasonable view that we are not in full control of our own lives.

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Post by sschaula »

This is a meaningless thread because God is not being defined. Do we mean God as in "cause and effect"? Or do we mean the Christian God?
The thread is definitely different, because it was just to make one point which isn't really arguable. I wouldn't say it's meaningless. Not just because it was started by myself, but because it does have a point: if you are frustrated you unconsciously believe that life is controlled by a higher power and that you can reason with that power by being emotional (something along those lines).

I was talking about the Christian God. I never refer to cause and effect as God, because I like keeping different ideas completely seperate. The idea of the Christian God, the way I define it is: an unseen being which watches over you, who has human character, and has limitless powers.

If there exists a real Christian God, let it be said that it may or may not fit that definition.
There is no reason why an atheist who believes that everything is a product of accident and chance cannot experience frustration if chance deals him a rotten hand. God doesn't need to come into the picture at all.

The only thing that is needed is the reasonable view that we are not in full control of our own lives.
Atheism is only a conscious belief. Have you ever heard the saying "Everyone finds God in the foxhole"? It speaks of a good truth about human nature - that we build up our belief system, yet what we actually have faith in is sometimes the complete opposite.

You are right that the only thing needed is knowing that we don't have full control. But as we learn when we're put in the foxhole...sometimes telling yourself that you don't have control isn't enough.
- Scott