Existence of God

Discussion of the nature of Ultimate Reality and the path to Enlightenment.
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Trevor Salyzyn
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Post by Trevor Salyzyn »

I am not exactly sure how much you know about Taoism so I have mainly provided very elementary concepts and definitions.
I've read the Tao te Ching in three different translations. That's it. However, I try to argue against flaws in what you present here, not necessarily in Taoism itself. If you represent Taoism incorrectly, I probably won't notice. But if you express a view of the world that I see a flawed, I will.
This is what I mean by a contradiction.
An opposite and a contradiction are different things. Opposites are, as you said, the two apparent poles of a spectrum. A contradiction is a statement that cannot be true because it invalidates itself. The opposite of a contradiction is a tautology, a statement that must be true.
And if you are firmly rooted on one side of the spectrum, one extreme (Reason), you are in fact a mirror image of your opposite (Faith)
White is not the mirror image of black, nor are electrons the mirror image of positrons, nor masculine qualities the mirror image of feminine qualities. I do not see how unreason mirrors reason; it is merely the negation of it.
I have a feeling that you and I are not too dissimilar in our beliefs, but please allow me a quick rant (because ranting is fun) against the worldview of a rationalist (not necessarily you, and not necessarily my opinion).
I am a rationalist, and I wear the label proudly.

That said, your argument is not against rationalism, but against empiricism. The only complaint I have is your "left-brain/right-brain/half-brain" thing; understanding which parts of the brain control which behaviours and thoughts is an entirely scientific undertaking. Someone who sees the inherent weaknesses of science would avoid using this empirical vernacular entirely, and instead use philosophic or spiritual terms.

Myself, I do not value science one whit. Reading their latest theories is entertainment; nothing more.
Since matter exists, so does antimatter (this is proven).
I think you missed the point of the writing you offered me. He actually said that matter doesn't exist. In fact, if you followed what he was saying, not only does matter not exist, you could conclude that antimatter doesn't really exist either.
Duality is an observable rule of nature. The only logical conclusion to the statement that things have form is that something formless also exists.
Think carefully about this implications of this. Something unmagical exists, therefore something magical exists. Something dead exists, therefore something alive exists. Something not-unicorn-like exists, therefore something unicorn-like exists. Something real exists, therefore something unreal exists... etc ad nauseum.

If duality is a rule of nature, which it may not be (since it could only be an accidental by-product of language), you still cannot use duality to prove an existent. It should be quite simple to see why:

Existence itself can only be proven by observation; we establish that "existence is not nothing whatsoever", using a combination of both logic and observation. But since we diluted the logic, no particular thing within existence can be established logically.

However, I'll give you a free pass on this one, because you did make an error in assuming that something formless could "exist" in the strict sense of the word. Since proof of existence requires some observation, and observation requires some sort of form, nothing formless could ever be proven to exist. Formless things are not things; they do not exist, nor do they manifest themselves in any way. That is why they are so difficult to talk about.

But simply because something neither exists nor manifests itself, I am not saying that it is unimportant, or that speaking of it is inaccurate. Your proofs cannot involve any observation, including intuitions and emotions. Your proofs will not establish existence. When you speak of formless things, you must be entirely logical.

A perfect circle does not exist, and its only complete and proper manifestation is mathematically, in the form "(x-a)^2 + (y-b)^2 = r^2" -- now how do you comprehend something that neither exists, nor can manifest itself in even that poor, esoteric fashion? The word "nothingness" does not do it justice. The word "God" could not be further from the truth.

Now, I will express myself clearly. I am quite beyond establishing whether or not Tao exists or not; as soon as you chose to bring this religion into the discussion, I dropped my stated intention. The important proof, which I have not seen adequately expressed, is how form can arise from formlessness. I know what formlessness would imply, and it is a far cry from the inside of a cup or the hole of a donut. The only way a formless "Tao" could produce a formed universe is if there was never an event (ie. a moment in time) when Tao created the universe. The reason is simple. An event would imply that the formlessness is manifesting itself in some concrete observable way... that the formlessness has form.

A thing cannot be both formed and formless. This is a far cry from mere oppositeness. This is total contradiction: a complete impossibility.

Post by sanchez »

Of course...I have the answers to the indefinite questions right here...

Somebody asked me to describe the proof of the existence of God in one sentence. I am now able to do that.
I've spent the last several days pondering on the question of the existence of God. Perhaps, it was to remain a mystery forever, until I had a breakthrough.
First, I had to come up with a formula. A formula that gave me the exact sequence of God. I took the pyramid eye, and started to realize it is the all seeing eye. How can the pyramid eye be all seeing without having some telephonetics. I guess it's the way you approach it. God a.k.a. the Creator of the universe is feared by most believers because he is able to do the impossible. Telepathy, telekonesis, and telephonecs-all these attributes are out there in the universe.
We on earth are governed by the law of gravity, feelings, and spirits.
I guess in one sentence, God is an eye. All seeing eye, which can take the place of objects through telephonetics, etc. Such as in the Bible when he took the place of a burning bush.
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Post by AlyOshA »

From this point forward I can no longer use simple concepts or elementary logic. And this might be the point on which we diverge. When I say “left-brain” I am trying to communicate that there are different kinds of understanding (consciousness or brain functioning). Logic and rationalization are only one type of understanding. If you use only logic and rational thinking then you are assuming that life is logical and rational. I strongly feel that life is illogical and irrational. Therefore, I cannot find a logical and rational formula that holds up against life. Is it rational that you can live a totally healthy and happy childhood, only to get Cancer at the age of 9, and then the ensuing 5 years of unbearable torture and unto a premature death? To me this is irrational and illogical. Therefore I only utilize logical thinking when it benefits the understanding of the subject of inquiry. There are other types of thinking that should be strengthened and harnessed. One is creative thinking and the more applicable to Taoism is simply put (but not easily defined) -- intuition. Intuition should not be confused with psychic premonition. Intuition is an impression, a sensation experienced outside of logic at a given moment during a given instance that guides you on the most appropriate path (and only when logic is rendered inefficient). Intuition is not something that I can simply define for you and then you magically understand. Intuitive thinking is something that can only be experienced on an individual basis. Likewise Taoism does not simply throw down some words and say, “just believe me”, it sets up a system for personal discovery. Unfortunately, an understanding of this system requires hard work and desire on your part. If you do not want to understand this system – then you won’t, and it goes against the principles of Taoism to convert you.
White is not the mirror image of black, nor are electrons the mirror image of positrons, nor masculine qualities the mirror image of feminine qualities. I do not see how unreason mirrors reason; it is merely the negation of it.
A mirror image but not as an exact duplication but more as an opposite reflection providing the inversion of its charged potential and therefore paralleling its function in nature. Two extremes of a given duality are just that – extremes. They are equally charged, equally radical, and equally significant in the scheme of the equation, and therefore they are reflections (or “projections of one’s opposite”) of each other. Again this is something that must be understood innately.
That said, your argument is not against rationalism, but against empiricism. The only complaint I have is your "left-brain/right-brain/half-brain" thing; understanding which parts of the brain control which behaviours and thoughts is an entirely scientific undertaking. Someone who sees the inherent weaknesses of science would avoid using this empirical vernacular entirely, and instead use philosophic or spiritual terms.

Myself, I do not value science one whit. Reading their latest theories is entertainment; nothing more.
I simply misjudged you, I thought that you would more easily respond by references to brain function, than you would by describing varying degrees of consciousness. Therefore the “left-brain right-brain thing” was my attempt to communicate on common ground in an understandable vernacular. Once again I said this to accentuate that there are other types of thinking, other capabilities of the mind than just what can be communicated through formulas, logic, and even the written word. Not everything in life has to be one-way. You can acknowledge, respect, and utilize science, yet realize its limitations and flaws. I feel that the best approach to dealing with duality and the whole spectrum of what life offers is by utilizing whatever path is most effective for that given circumstance. Therefore, just as there is a time for Tsunamis and a time for passionate intercourse with someone you are deeply in love with, Likewise there is also a time for violence and a time to be passive, there is a time to be rational and a time to use intuition, there is a time for spirituality and a time for empiricism, and if you limit yourself on what you accept or utilize, you are ignoring half of existence, and limiting your efficiency to cope with the entire spectrum. Think of it as an applied philosophy. When I feel a given circumstance would be best suited by the philosophy of a rationalist, I utilize that way of thinking and when I feel a specific circumstance requires transcendental consciousness, or even fantastical thinking, I utilize these capabilities. The practical goal of Taoism is to learn as much as you possibly can and never cease learning and adapting. A Taoist respects a Christian equally to an Atheist and acknowledges the importance of both roles in society and nature, and when a Taoist realizes that the Christian way of thinking is more suitable to a given instance she utilizes that way of thinking. A Taoist denies nothing that exists (or doesn’t exist). That does not mean that “anything goes”, or to “do nothing”. You need an opinion, you need to make choices, and most importantly you need to complete. You feel your path and the way which you are drawn and utilize this path to its utmost potential. Because life is ever-changing the most effective way to live is to be flexible or capable of change. It is not a contradiction to be capable of both love and hate; likewise it is not a contradiction to be capable of rationalization and spiritual understanding.
I think you missed the point of the writing you offered me. He actually said that matter doesn't exist. In fact, if you followed what he was saying, not only does matter not exist, you could conclude that antimatter doesn't really exist either.

Classic of Purity:
Those who have the power to transcend their desires, looking within and contemplating mind, realizes that in mind, mind is not; looking without contemplating form, they realize that in form, form is not; looking at things still more remote and contemplating matter, they realize that in matter, matter is not.
Here he is contemplating the eternal way. This is not a famous Taoist text and Ko Hsuan is not as integral a figure as Lao Tzu or Chuang Tzu, but I quoted this text because it is the rare occurrence when a Taoist tries define the eternal way. It is not saying that matter and antimatter don’t exist; it is an attempt to contemplate beyond matter and antimatter and therefore an attempt to contemplate the greater unknown (or God). This is the stage a Taoist enters when they have traveled all that they wish to travel, experienced all that they wish to experience, and accomplished all that they wish to accomplish – in other words when they are ready to move on. If you want to experience something that exists beyond or outside of matter and antimatter then you have to transcend your desires, you have to think outside the mind of duality. This is not a rational concept so it can’t be explained using that type of thinking and therefore you probably have no desire to understand it. When you’ve spent 10 years of your life practicing the difficult art of meditation (a type of meditation where you don’t have one thought for upwards of hours on end) and you try to explain to someone the feeling you get when you transcend consciousness, when you enter a realm beyond thinking, you realize that this is something that can’t be communicated to someone without personal experience. Similarly, a heart surgeon cannot communicate to a telemarketer the sensation of performing a flawless surgery and saving someone’s life, but that does not mean that the sensation did not occur. The sensation of the void, of formlessness, or emptiness is a sensation that must be experienced outside of forms, outside of matter, and outside of the rational mind. The example of an empty room or a cup, or a bellows, is just a vague attempt to describe how something is useful by its emptiness. The best example is the bellows. A bellows utilizes its emptiness by constantly moving and churning its empty space, and therefore pushing substance (air) through it. Similarly the Tao is constantly moving and churning its emptiness (eternal) to push out substance (matter, antimatter, and all the children of duality). The bellows requires energy (output from the person using the bellows) to utilize emptiness (the space that the bellows forms around) to churn substance (the air that the bellows pushes out). But the bellows is only useful because of its emptiness.
Think carefully about this implications of this. Something unmagical exists, therefore something magical exists. Something dead exists, therefore something alive exists. Something not-unicorn-like exists, therefore something unicorn-like exists. Something real exists, therefore something unreal exists... etc ad nauseum.
A famous Taoist quote is “know magic, shun magic”. It means that you should know all things, but shun that which is not useful to a given circumstance. I will repeat, the fundamental difference between you and me is that you think life and existence are rational. Rationality functions on laws, principles, and order. We can ascribe these qualities to various occurrences in nature but not everything abides by these rules. If so, then you could rationally and logically explain to be me when the next natural disaster will occur and why (or when and how you will die). Rationality is a product of the human mind. This is also why I consider you in mirror image to a Christian; a Christian takes something irrational (God) and gives it rational characteristics. An Atheist takes something irrational (God) and tries to understand it with rational characteristics. Humans are capable of rationality but they are not limited by it, there are in fact other ways of thinking (other types of consciousness). A very good argument on your part is that if something un-unicorn exists, then something unicorn also exists. But here we are simply arguing semantics because formlessness cannot be easily defined (is water formless, not on the molecular level). Formlessness is emptiness or the lack of substance? So I will ask you very simply, and think carefully about your response, is non-existence possible?
Existence itself can only be proven by observation; we establish that "existence is not nothing whatsoever", using a combination of both logic and observation. But since we diluted the logic, no particular thing within existence can be established logically.
Yes, but what are the tools that you use to obtain this observation? And why do you only allow yourself one set of tools?
However, I'll give you a free pass on this one, because you did make an error in assuming that something formless could "exist" in the strict sense of the word. Since proof of existence requires some observation, and observation requires some sort of form, nothing formless could ever be proven to exist. Formless things are not things; they do not exist, nor do they manifest themselves in any way. That is why they are so difficult to talk about.

Here you are arguing semantics not concepts. Non-existence is formless. In fact it is impossible for non-existence to have a form. Formlessness is used to describe (or in conjunction with) non-existence. When Mr. Hsuan uses the word formless, he is describing emptiness, the void, or non-existence. I will repeat. Is non-existence possible?
Your proofs cannot involve any observation, including intuitions and emotions. Your proofs will not establish existence. When you speak of formless things, you must be entirely logical.
This is where I wholeheartedly disagree. And that is why I bring up the limitations of science. It took scientists 3000 years to prove psycho-neuro-immunology. Scientists still can’t prove why we need to sleep at night or why a bumblebee can fly. It just depends on what type of proof you are willing to accept. How can you be entirely logical when trying to contemplate the nature of something entirely illogical (life and the nature of existence)? Give me evidence that life and existence function logically and I will accept your reasoning.
A perfect circle does not exist, and its only complete and proper manifestation is mathematically, in the form "(x-a)^2 + (y-b)^2 = r^2" -- now how do you comprehend something that neither exists, nor can manifest itself in even that poor, esoteric fashion? The word "nothingness" does not do it justice. The word "God" could not be further from the truth.
You are absolutely correct. I could not have said it better. And I do not consider myself superior to you. I consider you a teacher and a student, and I respect you, not just because you exist but because of your insights.
The important proof, which I have not seen adequately expressed, is how form can arise from formlessness. I know what formlessness would imply, and it is a far cry from the inside of a cup or the hole of a donut. The only way a formless "Tao" could produce a formed universe is if there was never an event (ie. a moment in time) when Tao created the universe. The reason is simple. An event would imply that the formlessness is manifesting itself in some concrete observable way... that the formlessness has form.

A thing cannot be both formed and formless. This is a far cry from mere oppositeness. This is total contradiction: a complete impossibility.
And that is why the formed and the formless are separate entities. That is why observable nature has form, while the eternal is formless. Think of the bellows, the bellows is not useful because of the wood and leather that constitute its form; it is useful because of the emptiness in between that wood and leather. The formless is that emptiness in between the forms. Energy (from duality) is working with the form (wood and leather) and utilizing emptiness (the formless) to constantly and endlessly circulate substance (push out air). Of all these elements only the emptiness is eternal. When attempting to communicate with something as limited as the written word formlessness/emptiness/non-existence/the void are the best descriptions for describing what is eternal. Everything else (as you said with your reference to the big bang) has a beginning and an end.
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Post by brokenhead »

Everyone should make a mad rush to the Urantia Book, smash into it, then bounce off, and come back here in new a formation.
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Post by sky »

Everyone should make a mad rush to the Urantia Book, bounce off it, and then look at the landscape.
i had totally forgotten the urantia book i read it in my teens section IV about jesus is the most interesting

The existence of God can never be proved by scientific experiment or by the pure reason of logical deduction. God can be realized only in the realms of human experience; nevertheless, the true concept of the reality of God is reasonable to logic, plausible to philosophy, essential to religion, and indispensable to any hope of personality survival. [24:5]
and cosmic consciousnes by burke a contemporary but older of weininger
According to Dr. Richard M. Bucke (1837-1902), a friend of Walt Whitman, some individuals, mostly of the male sex, between 30 and 40, and who are highly developed with good intellect, high morals, a superior physique, and an earnest religious feeling can acquire this consciousness.
though fascinating there was much of the occult in them which was the 'fashion' of the time - i am not at ease with the occult

what is the opinion of the geniuses here re the occult

i prefer the life and teachings of the masters of the far east by baird t spalding written about an expedition to the far east 1894 - 2008

it has connections to vedanta and ramakrishna

Vedas and Masters

on line full texts in pdf

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Post by brokenhead »

Interesting that you read UB in your teens, I have trouble with it now. I wouldn't have had the time or the intellectual basis for appreciating it when I was in my teens. But then this is the Genius Forum.
I also read Martin Gardner's somewhat disjointed critique of the UB and found that even harder to follow.
To me, the UB's picture of God either has to be correct, or else something very much like it is.
Which I find neither comforting nor unsettling, just easier. Does anyone think that in our lifetimes we'll know there is no God but that of him which we have invented? I know I don't expect God's existence to be disproven. On the other hand, it never ceases to amaze me how so many people in the physical sciences seem to find Intelligence behind what they are investigating. In fact, in all walks of life, people seem to find [a] god. If one weren't there to be found, what are all these people actually doing? Becoming ill? Succumbing to mass hysteria?
A well-packed church doesn't suffice for empirical proof of a Creator, of course - tradition has its own momentum. But who needs tradition? Humans find God in new ways every day in a world that is new every day.
To posit a Creator makes life much richer. IMHO, of course.
And as involved as the UB is, it's far easier to swallow than pure old-school Darwinism or decerpit Catholicism.
Hey, that's one thing (some) drugs are good for, they let you explore a spiritual realm. And if there is a spritual realm, then you know at the very least God could exist!
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I don't get it

Post by DHodges »

brokenhead wrote:To posit a Creator makes life much richer. IMHO, of course.
This is something I've never really gotten. Theists say that their god makes their life meaningful, or their lives would be meaningless without it.

In what way is a world with a god richer or meaningful than one without one?

Re: I don't get it

Post by millipodium »

DHodges wrote:
brokenhead wrote:To posit a Creator makes life much richer. IMHO, of course.
This is something I've never really gotten. Theists say that their god makes their life meaningful, or their lives would be meaningless without it.

In what way is a world with a god richer or meaningful than one without one?
The power of religion is the hope it provides. Most religions posit that god loves you and wants you to prosper. It's a message that life is preferable to death. Again. Religions have survival as a goal. To destroy a people, you destroy the feeling that they have a right to live. To destroy this, you destroy their gods. It's all about identity manipulation and psychological warfare.
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Post by AlyOshA »

Millipodium said:
The power of religion is the hope it provides. Most religions posit that god loves you and wants you to prosper. It's a message that life is preferable to death.
Every aspect of the deepening global environmental crisis, including climate change, poisoning of the water and atmosphere, reduction of biodiversity, and topsoil erosion, directly results from the over-abundance of a single species: homo sapiens. The human population is increasing by one million every four days, according the Washington-based Population Reference Bureau. This is a net increase of 95 million per year, the current population of Mexico.
Here is an interesting religion worth thinking about:http://www.churchofeuthanasia.org/snuff ... diver.html

Ha Ha Ha... Or wait, maybe it's not that funny.
lost child

Post by millipodium »

AlyOshA wrote:Millipodium said:
The power of religion is the hope it provides. Most religions posit that god loves you and wants you to prosper. It's a message that life is preferable to death.
Every aspect of the deepening global environmental crisis, including climate change, poisoning of the water and atmosphere, reduction of biodiversity, and topsoil erosion, directly results from the over-abundance of a single species: homo sapiens. The human population is increasing by one million every four days, according the Washington-based Population Reference Bureau. This is a net increase of 95 million per year, the current population of Mexico.
Here is an interesting religion worth thinking about:http://www.churchofeuthanasia.org/snuff ... diver.html

Ha Ha Ha... Or wait, maybe it's not that funny.
Yes. The people who are anti religion are usually anti-human as well.
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Post by AlyOshA »

Yes. The people who are anti religion are usually anti-human as well.
Wow. That’s a very closed minded statement. Are you really prepared to defend the idea that pro-religious people are more humanist than anti-religious people? Think about it? And don’t forget about one of the most charitable and giving countries (per capita means) in the world – Sweden. Beingof1 would even disagree with you on this one.
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Post by AlyOshA »

Very simply -- it's just a flip of the coin. And why I respect Beingof1 is that he destroys the myth that one-way is proven better than another.
lost child

Post by millipodium »

AlyOshA wrote:
Yes. The people who are anti religion are usually anti-human as well.
Wow. That’s a very closed minded statement. Are you really prepared to defend the idea that pro-religious people are more humanist than anti-religious people? Think about it? And don’t forget about one of the most charitable and giving countries (per capita means) in the world – Sweden. Beingof1 would even disagree with you on this one.
It's the truth.

Anti religious people are typically pro abortion, pro euthanasia, and concerned about there being too many people. "Kill them all" is their motto. Being pro-life is continually portrayed as some radical hate movement by the death lovers, in the HUMANIST movement. Which is funny, because it's actually a death cult, and and quite anti-human.
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Post by AlyOshA »

You need an opinion in order to make decisions. Making decisions and competing are crucial to life. I merely provided that link to the Church of Euthanasia to provide a varying perspective, to show a radically different view. It is important to form your own path, but it is also important to keep an open mind to the entire spectrum of life’s (Gods) manifestations and ways. I am afraid that your statements show nothing but a very narrow and limited perspective, I don’t even wish to validate my views or argue with you – we are just too different. It would be impossible for me to change your mind, and unless you display a capability to transcend to a higher vantage point, I doubt that you can help me change mine. Death is natural (just as natural as life). Everyone dies. It is our only guarantee in life. As for Euthanasia, well think about a Jew in a concentration camp. If a Nazi were to ask a Jew, “I can kill you now, or I can put you under unbearable torture and suffering for another 6 months and then kill you”. Would you hate the Jew for choosing death (I didn’t say the Jew had to choose death)? If you have ever watched someone die of Cancer then you would realize that it is the same thing.
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Post by AlyOshA »

Oh and by the way, Nazis Germany was one of the most outwardly religious governments in world history.
lost child

Post by millipodium »

AlyOshA wrote:You need an opinion in order to make decisions. Making decisions and competing are crucial to life. I merely provided that link to the Church of Euthanasia to provide a varying perspective, to show a radically different view.
And among varying perspectives, some are anti-human, like the humanist movement in general, and more pronouncedly, the abortion, euthanasia, and environmental movement.

It is important to form your own path, but it is also important to keep an open mind to the entire spectrum of life’s (Gods) manifestations and ways.
Does an open mind mean never deciding what your own path is?

I am afraid that your statements show nothing but a very narrow and limited perspective,
No. I just value life, and demean those things that demean life. I'm pro human.

I don’t even wish to validate my views or argue with you – we are just too different.
That's why you automatically lose.

It would be impossible for me to change your mind, and unless you display a capability to transcend to a higher vantage point, I doubt that you can help me change mine.
I think perhaps recognizing your actual beliefs, desconced from their nice bed of abstract language will be helpful for you.

Death is natural (just as natural as life). Everyone dies.
Does that mean TRYING to live is wrong?

It is our only guarantee in life. As for Euthanasia, well think about a Jew in a concentration camp. If a Nazi were to ask a Jew, “I can kill you now, or I can put you under unbearable torture and suffering for another 6 months and then kill you”. Would you hate the Jew for choosing death (I didn’t say the Jew had to choose death)? If you have ever watched someone die of Cancer then you would realize that it is the same thing.
You're so uncouth for trying to draw this parallel. Really sad.

Post by millipodium »

AlyOshA wrote:Oh and by the way, Nazis Germany was one of the most outwardly religious governments in world history.
Hitler was not above co-opting the church. His actual beliefs were more new agey. Kind of like you.

The most outwardly anti-religious movements have been the various communist movement, russia and china, for instance. So what in a bucket?
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Post by AlyOshA »

new agey. Kind of like you.
I do believe in changing, adapting, evolving, and bettering oneself on a constant basis. But my beliefs stem from 2,500 years ago (Taoism existed before Christianity) and are hardly new agey.
The most outwardly anti-religious movements have been the various communist movement, russia and china, for instance. So what in a bucket?
And that's why I said that it's just a flip of the coin.
lost child

Post by millipodium »

AlyOshA wrote:
new agey. Kind of like you.
I do believe in changing, adapting, evolving, and bettering oneself on a constant basis. But my beliefs stem from 2,500 years ago (Taoism existed before Christianity) and are hardly new agey.
Is learning to use death as a convenience facilitator making you better?

Many new agey concepts are quite old in reality. It's just a term, as wrong as it may be.
The most outwardly anti-religious movements have been the various communist movement, russia and china, for instance. So what in a bucket?
And that's why I said that it's just a flip of the coin.
However, one could argue genocide is not a christian teaching. Anti-religion IS part of doctrinnaire communism.
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Post by AlyOshA »

Oops. Didn’t see the posting before this. I’m sorry friend but you are wearing your ignorance on your sleeve and arguing with you is not going to benefit either of us. It is plainly in the realm of ego masturbation.
Does an open mind mean never deciding what your own path is?
No. How did you conclude that?
No. I just value life, and demean those things that demean life. I'm pro human.
Wow. You’re unique! (See ego masturbation on both our parts).
That's why you automatically lose.
You’re right. I lose. Do you feel better now?
I think perhaps recognizing your actual beliefs, desconced from their nice bed of abstract language will be helpful for you.
God is a heterosexual, white male from America. How is that for an avoidance of abstract language?
Does that mean TRYING to live is wrong?
This discourse is just plain humorous. How can you possibly draw these conclusions?
You're so uncouth for trying to draw this parallel. Really sad.
Your method of rebuttal is to insult without counterevidence or a means to a solution. Really sad.
lost child

Post by millipodium »

AlyOshA wrote:Oops. Didn’t see the posting before this. I’m sorry friend but you are wearing your ignorance on your sleeve and arguing with you is not going to benefit either of us. It is plainly in the realm of ego masturbation.
Does an open mind mean never deciding what your own path is?
No. How did you conclude that?
No. I just value life, and demean those things that demean life. I'm pro human.
Wow. You’re unique! (See ego masturbation on both our parts).
That's why you automatically lose.
You’re right. I lose. Do you feel better now?
I think perhaps recognizing your actual beliefs, desconced from their nice bed of abstract language will be helpful for you.
God is a heterosexual, white male from America. How is that for an avoidance of abstract language?
Does that mean TRYING to live is wrong?
This discourse is just plain humorous. How can you possibly draw these conclusions?
You're so uncouth for trying to draw this parallel. Really sad.
Your method of rebuttal is to insult without counterevidence or a means to a solution. Really sad.
Do you think you've won?

Post by millipodium »


You seem to think the inevitability of death justifies murder for convenience. Is this what you believe? Or do you just imply this belief and then backtrack when called on it?
Posts: 246
Joined: Wed Aug 23, 2006 5:23 am

Post by AlyOshA »

Really. Unless you say something constructive, then this is my last posting. (And you win!!! Goooo EGO!!!)
However, one could argue genocide is not a christian teaching. Anti-religion IS part of doctrinnaire communism.
And there is just as much evidence to support that genocide is not a humanist teaching. I repeat, It’s just a flip of the coin.
lost child
Posts: 246
Joined: Wed Aug 23, 2006 5:23 am

Post by AlyOshA »

You seem to think the inevitability of death justifies murder for convenience. Is this what you believe? Or do you just imply this belief and then backtrack when called on it?
Absolutely not, and if you were to take a moment and think, learn about someone and something instead of just waiting for your opportunity to flex your warrantless ego, you would plainly see that. I don’t know how a guy like you ended up on this site, but it is really discouraging for those of us on the pursuit of understanding.

Here is an example of how convenient your method is for maintaining ignorance. "You seem to think that God is more important than his children, and therefore you justify murder!"
lost child

Post by millipodium »

AlyOshA wrote:
You seem to think the inevitability of death justifies murder for convenience. Is this what you believe? Or do you just imply this belief and then backtrack when called on it?
Absolutely not, and if you were to take a moment and think, learn about someone and something instead of just waiting for your opportunity to flex your warrantless ego, you would plainly see that. I don’t know how a guy like you ended up on this site, but it is really discouraging for those of us on the pursuit of understanding.

Here is an example of how convenient your method is for maintaining ignorance. "You seem to think that God is more important than his children, and therefore you justify murder!"
So it's option b: Backtrack when called on it. Thanks for playing.