The Qualities of a Divinely Inclined Person.....

Discussion of the nature of Ultimate Reality and the path to Enlightenment.
Dennis Mahar
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Re: The Qualities of a Divinely Inclined Person.....

Post by Dennis Mahar »

Having said this, I do not negate the expansion of man's conciousness into religious beliefs, which leads to his expansion out of religious beliefs. Blueprints of revelations are necessary for the expansion of the infinity of man, every blueprint, no exceptions. Did you not follow some or many blueprints to arrive at this blueprint of "Dennis interpretation?" And, do you not see the possibilities of more 'now' blueprints to move Dennis beyond this 'now' blueprint of Dennis?

Of course, we are up to our necks in blueprints, formulas.
Induced comas, comas brought about by the induction method.
Stories with a separate self or self aggrandisation.
Like your story Pam of 'infinite me and infinite worlds' and 'my' expansion. Of getting rid of finite 'me'. Pure soap opera.

All that Buddhist nonsense you quote was written up 300-400 years after Buddha's death.
Buddha by committee. Interpretation. The bloke himself wrote nothing.
Nor did Jesus.
Attributed to Buddha and attributed to Jesus is the best you can get. Throw it all in the dustbin.
If you see Buddha on the road kill him.
Useless distraction.

Sherlock got rid of all the Stories.
Got to a realisation about stories as 'empty and meaningless'...depend for their existence..
So there's Sherlock realising absence of meaning.
Goes back to the Inquiry and reports:
No crime.
No criminal neglect.
This is it.
It is what it is and isn't what it isn't.
No problem.
Case closed.

It's a mystery.
It's astonishing.
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Re: The Qualities of a Divinely Inclined Person.....

Post by Blair »

jupiviv wrote:I am assuming that by "wisdom" here he means consciousness.
Wisdom is not consciousness, tis' a magnetic agenda to realign disparate consciousness thereby defeating the virus.

(in sight, nature of reality)
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Re: The Qualities of a Divinely Inclined Person.....

Post by Tomas »

David Quinn wrote:What would happen if, say, your wife was brutally raped by an intruder, with you watching on, powerless to do anything? How would your impersonal love of God fare then? Would you love the intruder and the situation at hand as much as you do your wife? Or would you fall into the darkness of rage and the burning urge for revenge, just like any other husband would? Be honest!

If the "intruder" were Absolutely The Rapist .. I'd round up my sons and tell'em what the deal is regarding "the incident" with their Mother. I'd also get together with a couple off-duty police friends and we'd track that scumbag down.

I'd give him 5 minutes to make Peace with his Maker.

He wouldn't live to see the next sun-rise.

Murder, Rape, & Child Molesters are automatic death penalty.

No ifs, ands, or buts.
Don't run to your death
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Re: The Qualities of a Divinely Inclined Person.....

Post by David Quinn »

Welcome to the Ark!

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Re: The Qualities of a Divinely Inclined Person.....

Post by Blair »

With all due respect Tomas, don't you think that drawing such an arbitrary dilineation in fragile sand would result in everyone being the loser..?
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Re: The Qualities of a Divinely Inclined Person.....

Post by jupiviv »

David Quinn wrote:If it was a different kind of society, one in which wisdom played the central role and most people were intimately involved in it, then things would different. I wouldn't be able to justify being on the dole and leaving the practical work to others. I woud have to pitch in and do my share as well, which I would do gladly.
There's plenty of practical things you can do even now, and in fact are doing. Let's face it, being on the dole is as practical as mowing the lawn. It's not a special, sage-like condition. So if you are on the dole to stay away from practical work, then you are deluded.

Besides, a society of sages would not bother to do about 90% of the things that our present society does. All their activities - practical or transcendental - would be manifestations of their wisdom.

Personally, I don't think a wise person would need to justify what he receives from ignorant people. It's like plucking fruit from a tree.
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Re: The Qualities of a Divinely Inclined Person.....

Post by Tomas »

Blair wrote:With all due respect Tomas, don't you think that drawing such an arbitrary dilineation in fragile sand would result in everyone being the loser..?
Folks like David, maybe you, would be tossed off the Ark.

Probably, in my distant past, I would've jumped off the Ark.

Some family members (perhaps old men, women and children), of which I killed in VietNam, were looking for some payback. Guess I was targeted but by the grace of some Army medics, I lived to see another day and my wife, children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.

David (more rather QRS) goes into some serious detail regarding the Masculine thought and Feminine thought.

Regarding pensions, I voted for David and Bob.

Taking (sponging) off the Masculine government, now isn't that akin to being the Feminine partner?

The government is on top = masculine.

The sponger is on bottom = feminine.

Hand pumpers (masturbators) go to Hell. No self-control regarding the human gift called life. Boys and girls who cannot be raised to see the dilineation between bodily morals (playing with their sexual organs) and spiritual morals (playing with their lives) are part animal part divine.

To this day, though I qualify for the government dole regarding 100% disability for losing an eye, hearing in one ear, losing a kidney, and a lung. You know, serving as a prostitute for Uncle Sam in a war zone is like so feminine.

Sure, I could go feminine and accept the masculine government pimp offer of 'financial salvation' by going feminine.

In this (very rare) regard, I quite agree with Alex's assessment that those on government welfare salvation are missing or have a screw loose.

It isn't whether one has physically filled out a (tax compliance) return with the masculine government, it's the spiritual blindness of not seeing one happily pays taxes to avoid the feminine label attached heretofore.

The Ark ain't till I'm dead to the world. You can't have it both ways, Blair, David. You will always hate the one (masculine) go it alone .. and love the other (feminine) government prostitute lover of self.

In the meantime, I'm on kidney dialysis that I pay for. I could 'go feminine' and take the masculine 'on top' government pimp-proffer of being (succumbing as) a hooker, but naw, that would be the easy way out of this one-time thing called Eternal Life. The "flesh and blood", if you will, that INXS wrote and sung about.

Murderers, rapists, child molesters (the feminine) must die. They suck the life blood of the masculine being.
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Re: The Qualities of a Divinely Inclined Person.....

Post by cousinbasil »

Tomas wrote:Taking (sponging) off the Masculine government, now isn't that akin to being the Feminine partner?

The government is on top = masculine.

The sponger is on bottom = feminine.
According to you. The American Indian view is perhaps different. If a person is supported by society, then clearly society regards him as a man of importance. Alpha Dog. The American Indian, of course, has all but become extinct, and this view could be the culprit in large part.
Hand pumpers (masturbators) go to Hell. No self-control regarding the human gift called life. Boys and girls who cannot be raised to see the dilineation between bodily morals (playing with their sexual organs) and spiritual morals (playing with their lives) are part animal part divine
You need to get a grip on yourself.
To this day, though I qualify for the government dole regarding 100% disability for losing an eye, hearing in one ear, losing a kidney, and a lung. You know, serving as a prostitute for Uncle Sam in a war zone is like so feminine.

Sure, I could go feminine and accept the masculine government pimp offer of 'financial salvation' by going feminine.
Tomas, you have gender-identity issues.
In the meantime, I'm on kidney dialysis that I pay for. I could 'go feminine' and take the masculine 'on top' government pimp-proffer of being (succumbing as) a hooker, but naw, that would be the easy way out of this one-time thing called Eternal Life.
To the extent that your misplaced pride makes you refuse aid for which you imply that you qualify, you seem to be the one with the loose screw.
Murderers, rapists, child molesters (the feminine) must die. They suck the life blood of the masculine being.
This is a non-sequitur to the rest of your post. It's almost as if you realized what simplistic nonsense you were spouting and decided to end with an emotional appeal no one would gainsay. How about "America - Love It or Leave It"?

Oh, that's right. You're talking to Aussies...
Dennis Mahar
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Re: The Qualities of a Divinely Inclined Person.....

Post by Dennis Mahar »

You don't understand Australian Society Tomas.
It lives off mining resources.
Not much manufacturing.
An army of paper shufflers.
22 million people, about 8 million jobs.
Not enough jobs to go around.
About 2 million of those jobs are part time and govt supplements those people.
Pays the dole to keep the peace.
Don't worry about it the rich are getting richer.
Couples with kids earning up to 150 thousand per annum get paid family supplements.

Australia needs its dolies.

Taking the dole happily is doing public service.
Providing Wisdom is only too rare.
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Re: The Qualities of a Divinely Inclined Person.....

Post by Bob Michael »

Bob Michael wrote:So David, I do indeed know what impersonal love is. To love all people, places, and things equally and geniunely. I too know what it is to detach (fully detach) from others with love AND understanding. But even if one has the gift of personal love, that love can only be shared with others on a considerably limited basis due to their lacking of the capacity for impersonal love. However, and listen up here, David, if a man and a woman happen to meet who both have the capacity for impersonal love and form an alliance, then you have something which is very rare and totally indescribable.
David Quinn wrote:But nevertheless built on sand.
Forgive me, David, but I made a typing error in the second line above which I corrected on the original post. It should read: "but even if one has the gift of (IM)personal love....." Which eliminates any mention at all by myself of personal love.

And our relationship is most definitely not built on sand. Rather it's built on the solid and unshakeable bedrock of Love.
David Quinn wrote:What would happen if, say, your wife was brutally raped by an intruder, with you watching on, powerless to do anything? How would your impersonal love of God fare then? Would you love the intruder and the situation at hand as much as you do your wife? Or would you fall into the darkness of rage and the burning urge for revenge, just like any other husband would? Be honest!
Our faith and trust in the Power of Love is of such magnitude that there's no possible way that such a scenario could take place, David. So any attempts to answer these questions you pose here would be as foolish as the questions themselves are. Also, I never made mention of "impersonal love of God." It's impersonal love of other human beings. Both friend and foe alike.

It seems like you know not the tremendous Power of Love and the protection it grants to those who are thoroughly immersed in it.
David Quinn wrote:Personal love is fundamentally at odds with impersonal love. The one automatically negates the other. "You cannot serve two masters", as someone once said. To insist that they are compatible is the height of buffoonary - and very, very conventional.
This argument carries absolutely no weight since personal love was never rightly in the picture. So I'll say it again: If a man and a woman happen to meet who both have the capacity for impersonal love and form an alliance, THEN YOU HAVE SOMETHING WHICH IS VERY RARE AND TOTALLY INDESCRIBABLE. And in this line there was never any mention of personal love. Making your claim of my 'serving two masters' totally bogus.
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Re: The Qualities of a Divinely Inclined Person.....

Post by David Quinn »

Bob Michael wrote:
David Quinn wrote:What would happen if, say, your wife was brutally raped by an intruder, with you watching on, powerless to do anything? How would your impersonal love of God fare then? Would you love the intruder and the situation at hand as much as you do your wife? Or would you fall into the darkness of rage and the burning urge for revenge, just like any other husband would? Be honest!
Our faith and trust in the Power of Love is of such magnitude that there's no possible way that such a scenario could take place, David. So any attempts to answer these questions you pose here would be as foolish as the questions themselves are.


Dennis Mahar
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Re: The Qualities of a Divinely Inclined Person.....

Post by Dennis Mahar »

I've been a regular, contributing member of Alanon for decades because of an alcoholic father.
I understand the intricate web of alcoholism pretty well.
How many people do you think I've met, who, being connected to an alcoholic, have told their stories about how their own alcoholic, after getting off the grog, struck out gung-ho in to romance addiction and religious addiction?
Swapping addictions.
Paul Hedderman of San Fransisco, an ex-alcoholic and druggie, has a website called ZenBitchSlap, where he downloads podcasts of his weekly meetings.
I reckon you could become a great fan of Paul's.
He gets me in stitches with his humour and pathos and blindingly straight forward insights.
He tells the truth.
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Re: The Qualities of a Divinely Inclined Person.....

Post by Sphere70 »

yeah, Paul Hedderman is great, good call.
Pam Seeback
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Re: The Qualities of a Divinely Inclined Person.....

Post by Pam Seeback »

This is it.
It is what it is and isn't what it isn't.
No problem.
Case closed.

It's a mystery.
It's astonishing.
Dennis, you cannot see your own double bind. You say IT is empty and IT is meaningless, and then, you fill IT with the thought “mystery” and give IT meaning with the thought “astonishing.” If you know IT is empty and meaningless, why do you not speak from the integrity of this knowledge?
Dennis Mahar
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Re: The Qualities of a Divinely Inclined Person.....

Post by Dennis Mahar »

It is empty because all phenomena depends for its existence.
It is meaningless to attach to a blueprint to get through it.
True nature arrives like a bolt from the blue on that realisation.
Then its empty and astonishing.
Radical transformation.
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Re: The Qualities of a Divinely Inclined Person.....

Post by Blair »

Now you're shoutin', Bob, what happened to the unshakable bedrock of love?
Dennis Mahar
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Re: The Qualities of a Divinely Inclined Person.....

Post by Dennis Mahar »

Blueprints are based on the assumption that existence has inherent meaning.
They are interpretations.
When you are a kid, teachers, parents, priests, monks, politicians, philosophers, peer groups indoctrinate you with their interpretations. You have let existence be interpreted for you.
You fit in, attach.
By fitting in you expect a payoff.

We've got so many blueprints in the World.
Various religions, capitalism, socialism, communism.
They all clash violently, seeking prominence, and render life on Earth relatively miserable.

Attaching to a formula looks very much like a cockie in a cage with its little mirror, food tray, water tray, swinging back and forth on its swing-perch, thinking there's gotta be something better than this and wondering if the grass is greener over there.

Mass hypnosis.

If the human race got their act together in this matter,
human existence would be much more enjoyable.
True nature would abound, calm abiding.
It would be more like a human stroll in the park rather than a human race.
For the time being.

Fact is, we're on death row,
no-one gets out alive,
doing time,
shit happens.
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Bob Michael
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Re: The Qualities of a Divinely Inclined Person.....

Post by Bob Michael »

Blair wrote:Now you're shoutin', Bob, what happened to the unshakable bedrock of love?
"To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven."
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Re: The Qualities of a Divinely Inclined Person.....

Post by Blair »

Fair enough.

They aren't your words though, are they.

Man who understood timeless aspect defends not the feminine or the masculine.

Under heaven, it doesn't rain, it pours.

Random Rottweiller may take a dislike to your wife, decide to take a bite from her precious ass.

Tempt fate.
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Re: The Qualities of a Divinely Inclined Person.....

Post by Bob Michael »

Blair wrote:Fair enough. They aren't your words though, are they.
No, I borrowed them from the Preacher of Ecclesiastes fame.
Blair wrote:Man who understood timeless aspect defends not the feminine or the masculine.

I'd say ideally he defends nothing.
Blair wrote:Under heaven, it doesn't rain, it pours.
Hmmm. I know it takes a little rain to make love grow. And that sometimes it may even take thunderstorms, hurricanes, tornados, and the like.
Blair wrote:Random Rottweiller may take a dislike to your wife, decide to take a bite from her precious ass.
She does a lot of solo walking and has had excellant 'protection' thus far. Though not from my bites.
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Re: The Qualities of a Divinely Inclined Person.....

Post by Bob Michael »

Dennis Mahar wrote:Bob, I've been a regular, contributing member of Alanon for decades because of an alcoholic father. I understand the intricate web of alcoholism pretty well.
How many people do you think I've met, who, being connected to an alcoholic, have told their stories about how their own alcoholic, after getting off the grog, struck out gung-ho in to romance addiction and religious addiction? Swapping addictions.
No argument here, Dennis. A. A. originally began as being a launch pad to a "new freedom and a new happiness", a "fourth dimension of existence", "a new and wonderful world", the "world of the spirit", "utopia - right here and now." But in relatively short order, just like the religions, it went to the dogs and rapidly deteriorated into little more than many numerous support groups whose goals became primarily to stay away from the booze, swap drunk-a-logs, brag about the number of years one is sober, and authoritatively thump the 'Big Book'. All the while giving lots and lots of hollow and second-hand lip-service to God, a Higher Power, spirituality, spiritual growth, etc., with 'dry-drunks' ruling the roosts everywhere. And the rest of the various 12 step fellowships have gone the same route save for them having different wrinkles and lines of jargon.

Yet I still feel that among the ranks of these fellowships is a greater portion of the 'chosen few' than there is among the average public or even among church goers. So I continue to 'hang in there' primarily to seek out these relatively few extraordinarily sensitive souls while trying to develop an approach that will help facilitate their undergoing the necessary death-rebirth experience. Without which there be no radically new and transformed (enlightened) being.

A couple of months ago I was swapping e-mails regularly with an 'old-timer' in the 'program' who had over 40 years of sobriety and once met Bill W. I told him I felt it was my job to save good souls from A. A. I haven't heard from him since.
Dennis Mahar wrote:Paul Hedderman of San Fransisco, an ex-alcoholic and druggie, has a website called ZenBitchSlap, where he downloads podcasts of his weekly meetings.
I reckon you could become a great fan of Paul's. He gets me in stitches with his humour and pathos and blindingly straight forward insights. He tells the truth.
I couldn't possibly be a fan of his or his new age style shenanigans. Telling the truth without having a dead-serious focus and goal of discovering a higher plane of living in a thoroughly insane and godless world is but another game, another addiction. Indeed, how the world loves laughter. Which is but another one of many means of consoling empty lives of quiet desperation.
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Re: The Qualities of a Divinely Inclined Person.....

Post by Blair »

You are going to have to do more than that boy.

RHCP got on it years ago. circed boys, LA vibe, litlle boys running round screaming where's my foreskin

You want a war, you''ll get a war.
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Bob Michael
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Re: The Qualities of a Divinely Inclined Person.....

Post by Bob Michael »

Blair wrote:You are going to have to do more than that boy. RHCP got on it years ago. circed boys, LA vibe, little boys running round screaming where's my foreskin. You want a war, you'll get a war.
What does RHCP stand for?
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Re: The Qualities of a Divinely Inclined Person.....

Post by Sphere70 »

Telling the truth without having a dead-serious focus and goal of discovering a higher plane of living in a thoroughly insane and godless world is but another game, another addiction.
Both goal and focus are activities with a future aim, that is it's an occupation with abstraction.
In my view an Enlightened fella' has neither focus nor goal. He is what is, unidentified with the cloud-castles of the mind.

Revising the above a bit - I believe there is still a focus though, but a focus that is unclenched by the interpreter called self and consequently a focus that is instead a more natural and dynamic interplay with what gives in any specific moment, a Wu-Wei type of focus.