The Qualities of a Divinely Inclined Person.....

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Alexis Jacobi
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Re: The Qualities of a Divinely Inclined Person.....

Post by Alexis Jacobi »

And the opinions of that fairly odd bunch on KIR is any measure? I would feel worried if they were comfortable with me. It's really that they were [i]one[/i] batch of loons (them) battling [i]another[/i] batch of loons (you). I don't think one could call KIR 'mainstream' but rather floating [i]DOWN[/i] the stream, but to where Heaven only knows, yet when I use the term 'unconscious', I mean it in the sense of lacking self knowledge, or of being in denial of aspects of self, of having chopped out of oneself vital self, in addition to having no base in 'the world of ideas' except a few of the more dramatic ones: Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, et cetera, but more what I am speaking about (and perhaps I'll be able to develop these thoughts more fully in the dozens, nay hundreds if not [i]THOUSANDS[/i] of posts I'll be obliged to meticulously peck out on my keyboard), is lack of a grasp on the evolution of notions of spirituality in the West as an evolving and very creative reaction against ossified and restrictive religious structures, also state structures, which tend to destroy the ability to [i]reason creatively[/i], but don't force me to state anything with such certainty yet: I am making the most of my time among the dead and try to learn as much as I can, [u]But now[/u], in abrupt reversal! and in attack against my own position! I must say that all I just wrote:is a backassward, contemptable lie! a string of deliberate untruths, just another dramatic ploy which can only lead to being seen as even more ridiculous! Ha ha ha! Alexis Jacobi! As dishonest as the day is long!
I think that I wrote:what I believe is the truth
but what I wrote:should not taken in the spirit in which I wrote it so
now everything that I wrote:has been invalidated
by everything that I wrote:here, now.
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Re: The Qualities of a Divinely Inclined Person.....

Post by Russell Parr »


Since you're always rambling about Christianity and it's link to everything, I was wondering what you're position is regarding Satanists (a la Anton Lavey/Church of Satan)? Reading your passionate, emotionally filled posts reminds me of their "non-denial of the body" philosophy. Aleister Crowley's "Do What Thou Wilt" (Thelema) is a similar message, and I think I read somewhere that Lavey was actually influenced by Crowley.. Do you know much of these men/religions?

I watched a documentary about the Church of Satan some time ago which included a "first time ever recorded" ritual. The closest thing I have seen to it was when I attended my cousin's Catholic wedding in Iowa.. I kind of find the Church of Satan-ers to be a more honest version of Christians, as both groups use their religions as an excuse to pretty much do whatever their body/ego pleases.
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Re: The Qualities of a Divinely Inclined Person.....

Post by Alexis Jacobi »

That is actually a very good question, I'll take a stab at it. I'll use William Blake as a starting point and let us position him in his time-sequence of of right around the American Revolution (he would have been 19 and was writing then). This was a time of dramatic change: intellectually (Enlightenment), politically (American and French Revolutions), and economically (Industrial Revolution). Deism was stalking Europe, which at first blush could be considered a herald of the sort of Corporate Materialism and Scientism (with a weak and transparent pseudo-religious veneer) that is now installed and expresses itself through a seamless 'reality' that is accepted without questioning, the idea that What Is is somehow 'right'.

The rigid, outmoded, Anglican Church, allied with State and aristocratic interests, couldn't have been of much use to any social, artistic or cultural pioneers, and so Blake began to perceive it as, well, an 'evil' force. To embody his own self, to express his own self spirtually and creatively, he had to turn against the sense of a 'divinely ordained' operating in the world of men, and had to take a radical stand, within and from his own person, both positively and in defence of life-affirming values (a herald, certainly, of Nietzsche), and negatively as a stance against those mechanisms in organized religion that turns the Revelation (of God, of communication with angels---Blake had numerous visions of angelic entities when still under 10) into a means to 'intone darkly against the human spirit' (my phrase, and one I use to describe the GF operations).

Like Milton, he began to sense that, in truth, man's best friend and the symbol and fact of human potency, of life, of knowledge and freedom, is secretly Satan himself. Because if you divide up life into artifically contrived poles of light and darkness, good and bad, etc., you end up putting yourself in a straight-jacket, and we all know that these straight-jackets, more often than not, serve vested, corporate, and plutocratic interests. 'Satan' in this sense would be the vitality and drive of man, perhaps an image of a definite sort of predator, or a wolf-like intelligence, or lion-like, as opposed to the docile Lamb. You and me and all of us, basically...

So, it turns out that Blake began and carried out a long-range creative, spiritual, philosophical, ethical and artistic work, that was really a work in and on himself. To do that, he needed to be the owner and the possessor of the totality of himself: from the (so-called) highest manifestations (as in his angelical visions) over to his sexual and emotive selves. Doing all this, which was quite radical for that moment, he basically had to expropriate all the religious symbols, which seemed definitely to mask vibrant psychic potencies within his own person, including the figure of Christ, the Lamb, the Child, etc.

I suppose this all points in the direction of a sort of Life Work that could be interpreted 'alchemically', that is, the mixing and the blending and the cooking and the incubation and the distilling of so many disparate elements (parts-and-parcels of life), and like in some alchemical diagram where there is pictured strange images like a sun & moon, a crucible and a serpent, a star, a woman---he let it all go to work within his person and performed a very original (and 'meaningful') spiritual operation that has echoed through Western culture for the last couple of hundred years, and still echoes.

I know something of Lavey and a little of Crowley, and I am sure that they are part of a similar stream of (rebellious and/or revolutionary) activity (with roots and influences arising in a similar time-frame), and again, against the social-control entities, the established churches, social control systems, mechanization of man and culture, etc.

The American poet Allen Ginsberg was quite influenced by Blake and Blake's vision, and this is certainly true for a wide group of American (and European) artists and poets. I would certainly say that Blake's energy and vision flows into the dynamism and creativity (as well as sexual liberation and romanticism) of Sixties politics and social movements. And certainly, according to some, 'all that' is the Devil's Work. These narratives certainly exist, and they are generally fueled by conservative forces.

My take? Freedom is the hardest burden to bear, and it seems to me that many people cannot bear it. They cannot 'self-regulate' and so they find it simpler to give themselves over to an external authority that 'rules' them, that owns their destiny, their life and their death. My understanding is that the Revelation must always be a new and ever-new process of discovering life. It is simply axiomatic that if it is not life, it cannot really be anything at all (cannot be). So, what we're really talking about is indeed LIFE and what it means. That is, what it means to be alive in a body and present here.

One of the cats that's definitely out of the bag and AIN'T goin' back in, is sex and sexuality. It is now raging round the world through the easily-accessible images and is seeping & infiltrating & invading people's bodies and their minds. I guess it just has to happen: every control will have to be lifted, and people will eventually have to take complete responsibility for themselves on every level. Just in a couple of brief and dramatic seconds (in historical terms) everything is coming to the surface, all potencies and diabolical possibilities.

You may have misread (heh heh) my focus on Christianity as an apologia for it, and in some sense this is so, but I repeat: Christianity is a group of ideas (and 'potencies') that is part of the foundation of the culture we live in and of our very selves. To explain that (how a 'self' has come into existence and been moulded, formed, etc.) requires a pretty lengthy description. Waldo Frank's 'The Rediscovery of America' (1929) very nicely describes this formation of the European 'soul': an amalgam of Judea, Greece and Rome blended together in the melting pot Alexandria, and 'all that' as the genesis of the 'self' we inhabit.

"I must create a system or be enslaved by another man's. I will not reason and compare: my business is to create."

---William Blake
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Re: The Qualities of a Divinely Inclined Person.....

Post by Bob Michael »

Alexis Jacobi wrote:Bob, the Ass of God™ is no 'armchair man of wisdom'. He doesn't have an armchair! And I empahtically insist he is anything but celibate...
Seein' is believin'. But I fail to see, Alexis.
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Alexis Jacobi
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ONE OF THESE DAYS you’re going to have a visitation

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Re: ONE OF THESE DAYS you’re going to have a visitation

Post by Bob Michael »

Alexis Jacobi wrote: Bob, I must sign off, but before I do I'd like to know, if you please, When you 'saw God' (so to speak) what did he look like and WHAT DID HE SAY?
I see him in everything and everyone, Alexis, including when I look in the mirror. And he says lots of things, but most importantly "job well done my good and faithful son." Though there are also times when he's not so complimentary.
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Re: The Qualities of a Divinely Inclined Person.....

Post by Alexis Jacobi »

[quote=" "ONE OF THESE DAYS you’re going to have a visitation. You’re going to be walking down the street and across the street you’re going to see God standing over there on the corner motioning to you saying, ‘Come here, come to me.’ And you will know it’s God, there will be no doubt in your mind — he has slitty little eyes like Buddha, and he’s got a long nice beard and blood on his hands. He’s got a big Charlton Heston jaw like Moses, he’s stacked like Venus, and he has a great jeweled scimitar like Mohammed. And God will tell you to come to him and sing his praises. And he will promise that if you do, all the muses that ever visited Shakespeare will fly in your ear and out of your mouth like golden pennies. It’s the job of the writer in America to say, ‘Fuck you God, fuck you and the Old Testament you rode in on, fuck you.’ The job of the writer is to kiss no ass, no matter how big and holy and white and tempting and powerful. Anytime anybody says come to me and says, ‘Write my advertisement, be my ad manager,’ tell him, ‘Fuck you.’ The job is always to be exposing God as the crook, as the sleaze ball", is what Ken Kesey"]And I really have no good reason to quote this, except that I like it, and it all fits in to this little 'project' I am undertaking but which hasn't exactly gotten off the ground, but I think it will, and for now, Bob, I must sign off, but before I do I'd like to know, if you please, When you 'saw God' (so to speak) what did he look like and WHAT DID HE SAY?[/quote]

[quote=" "AND WHEN I WANDER AMONG the spirits of the half-dead and the barely-alive, and when from out of that ever-gray mist those indistinct spectres approach me, intoning their dreary mantras of deadly meaning with which they hypnotize their companions and their adversaries, I offer them, from out of my colored robe, a little cup of bright red blood, which they lap up with the obscure, ghostly tongues. And I watch the vitality of the blood shimmer through their starved souls, and a flicker of a memory of what once was and what might still be. And against this monotone landscape of grey and grey thoughts, I conjure forth green green fields from the upper world, miles and miles of wind-swept meadows of wheat and the ardent yellow sunlight shining down and of course those fresh springs of cthonic vitality bubbling up out of the ground: sparkling, fresh, life-giving water. Now come closer Bob and drink a little more vital Blood, there there, and taste this Bread made from the golden wheat that will refortify your dead shade-body, that surely must be crying, and I will wrap you in the bright green leaves of a Sunflower, aromatic arms, and everything that is the yellowness of the Sun's Flower, along with furious buzzing of the Bee, will warm your dead self, and the holy cold and fresh water shall envelope you and all you'll hear is the stream's rush; and please don't forget to share the offering and the sacrifice with your similarly dead companions, and let them know there is a little cup of Red Blood to drink, and that with Hope, with this Vital Spark, you'll have the energy to cross back over the the land of the living", THUS ALEX"]Which in a symbolic sense is how I feel about y'all. Your dreary intonings, your vast ego-positions, your utterly boring announcements.[/quote]
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Re: The Qualities of a Divinely Inclined Person.....

Post by Alexis Jacobi »

Bob wrote:I see him in everything and everyone, Alexis, including when I look in the mirror. And he says lots of things, but most importantly "job well done my good and faithful son." Though there are also times when he's not so complimentary.
But Bob, with this declaration, it is only further evidence of the tremendous distance between our self-perception, and even our divinations in the very face of 'God' about ourselves, and the manner in which we are perceived by others---THUS ALEX wrote:And so we seem to battle others to ENFORCE our (ego?) sense of Who We Are along with some grandiose (false?) sense of What We Have Accomplished. And this is what this forum has become? Or was it this from the start?
And so, I wish to ask, when God is not so complimentary---THUS ALEX wrote:What does he say then? 'You Godless arse! Would you please SHUT UP!' ?

You see what I'm getting at, Bob?
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Pam Seeback
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Re: The Qualities of a Divinely Inclined Person.....

Post by Pam Seeback »

Dennis Mahar wrote:
If awareness is a mystery, then how can you say it is empty and meaningless?
You've managed to twist what I said again.
Don't just tell me what I've done, tell me how I did it. Without the latter part of the equation, there is no wisdom being offered, only defensiveness.
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Re: The Qualities of a Divinely Inclined Person.....

Post by Pam Seeback »

David Quinn wrote:Deaf to non-duality!!

David, how do you reconcile non-duality with causality?
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Re: The Qualities of a Divinely Inclined Person.....

Post by Dennis Mahar »

"I must create a system or be enslaved by another man's. I will not reason and compare: my business is to create."

---William Blake
Yeah, so he got sick and died. Anyone can do that.
Which prison was it that he escaped from?
Declarations like that are pissing in the wind.
Signify nothing. Deluded.
It's empty and meaningless.

You probably think there's an up and down, left and right, near and far, in front of and behind without realising you're making it up.
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Alexis Jacobi
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Re: The Qualities of a Divinely Inclined Person.....

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Everyone lives and dies? Is that what you mean? Is it, then, that you object to death? I guess that I don't believe there is any escape from this life, and life in this body, and from [i]now[/i]. I think this may be the crux. Should I? You do a great deal of arguing against, Dennis, but I don't get what you are arguing for, [i]IS WHAT ALEX[/i] wrote:I think that what makes Blake important and considerable is his decision to, essentially, make the most of his existence. I think and feel it is the only 'real' choice we have. I am not adverse to hearing what you have to say, but if it is simply to repeat 'It is empty and meaningless' I don't know if it is serving either of us. And yes, I do tend to believe there is up, down, far, near, left & right. But if you can demonstrate or explain how it is 'made up', I'm all ears...

And also: what it seems to come down to is: a 'battle' against those who perceive and hold to a sense of an Absolute Reality, and who believe that they can define a correct and (absolute) monolithic ethic or practice of living with which to confront and deal with this life here, as against those who see things differently. The reason I use the metaphor of a Voyage in Hell to decribe my experience here is because, were I to adopt your views, it would to me be a defeat, and I'd get stuck in Hell with you, and each time you-plural come at me with all your 'dreary & droned reasonings' I am inclined to search around for alternatives, and when I do, I find them! So many of them in fact! So the question I have for you is: Why do you wish to talk with me? What do you hope to accomplish?
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Re: The Qualities of a Divinely Inclined Person.....

Post by Dennis Mahar »

Is the tickle in the straw?
Is the scent in the rose?

Will you ever experience life as anything other than a meaning hungry, meaning making machine Alex?
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Re: The Qualities of a Divinely Inclined Person.....

Post by Alexis Jacobi »

Alex wrote:Dennis, I'm going to have to stop responding now, sorry. There are so many ways to answer your 'questions' (not only those above but your stance generally), but there is no one on the other end even to be interested in hearing them, and much less to engage in a conversation about difference of viewpoints, why and what that means.
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Re: The Qualities of a Divinely Inclined Person.....

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Running away is your defining characteristic.

You remind me of a kettle on the boil at times, forcing out hot air with insistence and hostility.
Endearing in the sense of comedy.
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Re: The Qualities of a Divinely Inclined Person.....

Post by Trevor Salyzyn »

Wait, I'm confused. How can one believe in objective meaning (up, down, left, right, are qualities actually out there), yet refuse to believe in Absolute Reality?
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Re: The Qualities of a Divinely Inclined Person.....

Post by Alexis Jacobi »

Alex wrote:Is the tickle in the straw, Trevor, or not? I think you have to start there. If you can't locate the tickle, all possible arguments, for and against, fall asunder.
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Re: The Qualities of a Divinely Inclined Person.....

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I disagree immediately with contradictions. So I can say, before zeroing in on the tickle, that the tickle is not simultaneously both present in and absent from the straw.

But we know that's not really relevant to what I said. I'll rephrase my question to get rid of that lazy eroteme. All belief in objective meaning must be accompanied by belief in Absolute Reality; however, belief in Absolute Reality by no means implies belief in objective meaning. (if p, then q)

So anyway, since you did compare this forum to Hell, a place you'd frequent if you were defeated by some grand Internet debate, what are the alternatives to truth that you've found? How do you know they are correct if there are many of them? How do you know they are correct if they don't put truth ahead of all else? Keep in mind, I'd rather have the right answer than the long answers.
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Re: The Qualities of a Divinely Inclined Person.....

Post by cousinbasil »

moving wrote:David, how do you reconcile non-duality with causality?
You're just now getting around to asking him this? Here's my swing at it: since literally everything is causally linked, causality itself is (not a but rather) the way to non-duality. They do not have to be reconciled since they are already one.
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Re: The Qualities of a Divinely Inclined Person.....

Post by cousinbasil »

Dennis Mahar wrote:Running away is your defining characteristic.

You remind me of a kettle on the boil at times, forcing out hot air with insistence and hostility.
Endearing in the sense of comedy.
You really do seem to misunderstand Alexis almost completely. First, you think he is running away from something, when in actuality he is wandering away from nothing - you bore him because you cannot or will not engage him meaningfully or any other way (except to say everything is meaningless over and over.) Then, you compare him to the hostile kettle, which describes yourself far better since Alex may be relentless but he's not relentlessly hostile. Lastly, the "endearing in the sense of comedy" observation - Alex doesn't strike me as particularly endearing, either.

But then, your post seems to indicate that you find a hostile, steaming kettle comedically endearing?
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Re: The Qualities of a Divinely Inclined Person.....

Post by Dennis Mahar »

Piss off Basil.
You're out of your depth as usual.
Stick to the shallows where you belong.

it's empty and meaningless is a Zen style speech act meant to break through a meaning making machine, initially it will annoy and bore.
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Dirumpamus vincula eorum: et proiiciamus a nobis iugum ipsor

Post by Alexis Jacobi »

[quote="Recite with me, Beloveds: Filii hominum usquequo gravi corde؟ ut quid diligitis vanitatem, et quæritis mendacium؟

Dennis: And after it ceases to annoy and bore, what the heck does it do then؟ Get up and do the dishes؟

Trevor: Okay, here's the Short Answer: the term 'absolute' is unnecessary. All you need to say is Reality. 'Absolute' is a term used 'round here as a means to limit conversation, to possess conversation, and also to enforce a hackneyed modus on the nature and quality of the investigation [of reality]. I reject this term, and its use in this manner. I am fairly certain that, in better circumstances (؟), far more honest (doesn't it seem to hinge on that؟) conversations on the theme of the nature of this existence and our presence within it could be had, and I am sure that the result of those conversations, at least for me, would be fuller, more relevant and useful, and inclusive of all of the domains of expression, for example poetry, or visionary experience, or with opening up the conversation to the contributions of philosophers who specialize, as does Berdyaev, in confronting the questions of existence in a rounder manner, and not quite in such an openly 'mathematical' manner as some here.

The use of the symbol of 'Hell' is, for me, rather apt, but I am fairly sure that the irony of the term is not grasped (this is an ironical question mark, is it not؟), because few here read very widely. In one sense, I use it quite ironically and with it riff off of Sartre's Huis Clos (Huis Clos, "the French equivalent of the legal term in camera, referring to a private discussion behind closed doors", but usually translated as No Exit or Dead End), with that classic and quotable phrase: "L'infer, c'est les autres" (Hell is 'the others' or Hell is who we're with, which means Hell is You), but another irony is to describe GF as a kind of Underworld where, for various reasons (karma؟) I am forced to visit, or perhaps it is my Mission to convert y'all؟ and I bring with me the 'blood' of life and all those 'ancient sacrifices' (Wallace Stevens: Sunday Morning) along with the product of the field, the Golden Wheat, and I sit y'all down and call you with my magnetic charms, and forcefeed you the Divine Eucharist, which magically cures you & sets you on a New Path & bit by bit Heaven descends into your body & at long last you do the most extraordinary thing: you SMILE!

It is a ridiculous, over-the-top appropriation of the role of Savior, he who descended to the shadow-realm of the earth to 'free the slaves'. Another level of irony, and use of the symbol 'Hell', is that almost no one here has any intellectual preparation except in the most tendentious and particular sense, and to be here, and to attempt to converse, is like trying to converse with a group of retards (excuse me for putting it that way, in fact I do not at all regard you in this way). Can you imagine being stuck in close quarters with Dennis Mahar؟ I have never contemplated murder, and anyway it's far too messy, but in that situation I would be forced, by Fate؟, to consider eliminating him. :-) That, Trevor, is Hell (!)", AND THAT, AT LEAST FOR NOW, IS WHAT ALEXIS"]'Alternatives to truth' is not how I would put it. I think you are conflating a mathematical or logical presentation with Truth, and to me this is literally childishness, and I quite simply reject it with no other consideration. Existing in this realm is not susceptible to the reduction of a mathematical equation, though for a certain kind of mind there is an attraction to doing just that. I cannot share with you what are my means and methods to understand 'truth' or 'meaning' because 95% of all I would employ to present my sense of it, is not anything you'd consider valid. One of the most interesting performances that is rehearsed on these pages is this drone-like Rehearsal of Agreements (what else to call it؟) such as, for example, is now being enacted by, say, Ryan and Cory. To me, that rehearsal has no meaning or use whatever, but for them it has all the meaning and use in the world! Oh and finally, what begins to interest me more than settling any particular existential issue, or the terms for discussing it, is our need to appear here, to forward our 'divinations' into the public arena.

Why do you do it, Trevor؟[/quote]
2 Why should she give her bounty to the dead? What is divinity if it can come Only in silent shadows and in dreams? Shall she not find in comforts of the sun, In pungent fruit and bright green wings, or else In any balm or beauty of the earth, Things to be cherished like the thought of heaven? Divinity must live within herself: Passions of rain, or moods in falling snow; Grievings in loneliness, or unsubdued Elations when the forest blooms; gusty Emotions on wet roads on autumn nights; All pleasures and all pains, remembering The bough of summer and the winter branch. These are the measure destined for her soul. ---part of Sunday Morning, which is what Wallace Stevens wrote:The rest of which can be found HERE.

[And isn't it interesting: The Power of Questions!]
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Re: The Qualities of a Divinely Inclined Person.....

Post by Alexis Jacobi »

Am I the only one who wants to [i]MATE[/i] with Lisa Hannigan?, who is actually [i]IRISH[/i], is the question I wrote:And this one goes out to Trevor: Waters of March
  • 'Getting your heart broken
    is as much a part of first love
    as moonlight and roses'
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Pam Seeback
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Re: The Qualities of a Divinely Inclined Person.....

Post by Pam Seeback »

cousinbasil wrote:
moving wrote:David, how do you reconcile non-duality with causality?
You're just now getting around to asking him this? Here's my swing at it: since literally everything is causally linked, causality itself is (not a but rather) the way to non-duality. They do not have to be reconciled since they are already one.
One 'sees' causality, invisible and invisible, without defining the cause, which cuts the rope of 'seeing' causality, revealing I am That. One then 'sees' I am That, which cuts the rope of 'seeing' I am That. What 'remains' is the living of I am, non-duality.
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Re: The Qualities of a Divinely Inclined Person.....

Post by cousinbasil »

Dennis Mahar wrote:Piss off Basil.
You're out of your depth as usual.
Stick to the shallows where you belong.

it's empty and meaningless is a Zen style speech act meant to break through a meaning making machine, initially it will annoy and bore.
The shallows? And deprive myself of grokking true Illuminati such as yourself? Perish the thought.