Suicide Culture

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Kelly Jones
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Suicide Culture

Post by Kelly Jones »

Hello Genius (I liked that Ryan started one of his posts that way),

I've noticed a growing subculture among depressed people on Youtube, promoting suicide. It's not euthanasia for the terminally ill, or elderly, but killing yourself because of the mess society is in. I can quite understand that euthanasia is still illegal in most countries, because it is so easily abused by the newest generations. I think it's a sad reflection on us all, that our young ones feel that they have no future, but it's hardly surprising. Their elders have ruined the environment and most economies and yet are still arguing over how to make amends. But the young ones' disgust and anger are ambivalent. They trust their reason enough to recognise a mass of bullshit, but they also feel some kind of pleasure in being so badly off. They've learnt to enjoy dark emotions, like pessimism and cynicism. Drug addiction, being "off your face" and crazy, is their standard of sophistication. So they are enchanted by that disgust, and the dark, bitter side of life, until it becomes for them a sweet romance, a quiet passive whispering finish to a poor job.

I wrote a letter to one person recently, which I would like to share here. Give your critique on it - I'd like to get some feedback. Would you write something else? Don't forget that cynicism is extremely analytical, hard-nosed, and experienced with lies and fantasies.

Thanks for your reply, ________. I understand about the fatigue that depression can bring. I struggled for quite a while, several years, with it. While I don't have ADD/OCD problems, I can relate to the kind of chaos of not being able to make a firm plan and then follow-through on the plan.

Because you've inspired me to express some of my thoughts on depression, suicidalism, and general living difficulties, I thought I'd share them.

My thoughts on suicide, for what they're worth.

Human society is very ugly, there is no doubt. Living with integrity and intelligence can be very difficult, because in such a society, it means being strong enough to be completely alone. Being reliant wholly on one's own self - in a moral sense - is indeed tough.

It is not surprising that so many young people who have a sense of ideals, respect for rationality, and justice, are almost completely overwhelmed by the way almost everyone gives into the mess. They think: why do others not fight, as I want to fight? Why are people so mediocre?

Most people are not really strong enough to say: "I understand what is wrong, and I want to respect my understanding."

Instead, they imagine that perhaps they've got it wrong. Perhaps the others know more than they do. Maybe, they think to themselves, they have more experience with life, and they submit to the chaos because it really is too big for one person. So, inevitably, with such an attitude, they also fall into line. They become demoralised like the others.

Faced with this aloneness, this deep and unrelenting solitude, the thought of suicide can also arise. In fact, even though a person may not kill themselves, they still don't feel like living either.

So they don't "give in" as such, to the mediocrity of everyone else. Instead, they refuse to act. They live as if dead, deeply depressed, and wanting to shut reality out of consciousness. They become paralysed.

Yes, it does require strength to be alone, to be so truly and utterly alone, that one rests in one's own reason without support or help from anyone. And yet, there are others who have made the choice to be strong individuals.

So one is not completely alone.

It is a lifelong battle to be an individual with integrity, a highly rational mind, and the strength to keep loving truth and understanding.

And there are others who have walked the same road.

Suicide really isn't the most rational option. To give in, is not going to overcome the problem. And it is not so hard to reason to a solution.

Many others have shown a good example in using reason to help combat the ills of a demoralised humanity. For example, some of the Buddhist sages have left good writings, like Hakuin Ekaku. There are spiritual rebels to be found in many places, but keep your wits about you. There are also many fakes.

I think there are some excellent teachings to be found on David Quinn's website:

I hope this helps a bit,



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Re: Suicide Culture

Post by Bob Michael »

"Let's Think About Living"

In every other song that I've heard lately
Some fellow gets shot
And his baby and his best friend both die with him
As likely as not
In half of the other songs
Some Cat's crying or ready to die
We've lost most of our happy people
And I'm wondering why

Let's think about living
Let's think about loving
Let's think about the whoopin'
and hoppin and boppin'
and the lovie, lovie dovin'
Let's forget about the whinin' and the cryin'
And the shooting and the dying
And the fellow with a switchblade knife
Let's think about living
Let's think about life

(Bob Luman)
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Re: Suicide Culture

Post by Blair »

Kelly Jones wrote:I've noticed a growing subculture among depressed people on Youtube, promoting suicide. .
They've probably watched too many of your videos.
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Re: Suicide Culture

Post by jupiviv »

^^Good one Prince!

Anyways, did you watch the video of that guy who hanged himself on live webcam? He hinted at the idea of suicide, and a bunch of pricks from 4chan goaded him into doing it. (WARNING - THIS IS FUCKED UP.)

Apparently he wore a Nike "JUST DO IT!" shirt for the performance, which, I must say, was a nice touch.

Actually, the suicide subculture is an aspect of a general subculture which is comprised mainly of attention whoring morons who want to impress people on the internet with sentimental rubbish. That's what the eroticism of this age is - sentimentalism. The ideals in this subculture wouldn't blow up a paper bag. Just look at the kind of music that these people listen to.

The current 15-25 generation(my generation) is probably one of the worst generations in human history. But we are really the effect of our past generations. The same basic things which were wrong in our forefathers' generations are wrong with our generation. The good attributes that they had have died, because our forefathers didn't want those good attributes to carry on. Even though they had some good qualities, they willed evil in their hearts, and so now there is even more evil.
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Re: Suicide Culture

Post by Bobo »

'Wherever you look, there is an end to your troubles. Do you see that precipice ? That way you can drop to freedom. Do you see that sea, that river, that well ? Liberty sits in their depths. Do you see that tree - stunted, blighted and barren ? Release hangs from its branches. Do you see your throat, your gullet, your heart ? They are all escape-routes from servitude. Are the exits I show you too difficult, requiring too much courage and strength ? Do you ask what is the straight road to freedom ? Any vein in your body.' - Seneca

In the trap of luxury,
the greatest luxury
is suicide.
1. I would say that Seneca comitted 'romecide'.
2. How could a X-tian get freed from God? (<-- resentment goes here.)
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Re: Suicide Culture

Post by m4tt_666 »

people create their own individual thought-action. there is no suicide 'culture' per se, just communal thoughts fixated on the idealization of a subject by isolated individuals. every behavior enacted by a being is cognitive, whether they are aware of this, or are not.
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Re: Suicide Culture

Post by Blair »

m4tt_666 wrote:people create their own individual thought-action.
Aha. Ahaha. Ahahahaha. Ahahahahahahaha!